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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am probably one of the few people who is more interested in who is in the top 50 of each gender over who won, since it will give me an idea of which of my favs have a shot at actually getting into Heroes in the next year.
  2. You are not the only one who gets told that they look like a teenager. I get told I look 16 when I am 27, I suppose I should be happy but I get annoyed at times.
  3. Well the only ones I am missing are Tiki, Marth and Azura and I am hoping to get Tiki this leg banner, so I would go with Azura or Marth. I forgot I don't have Erika either, but I don't really need more sword cavs so she is not on my pick list.
  4. If we are getting a free legendary/mythic hero I guess I would pick L!Azura because of how dang broken she is and I know she would be the pick of F2P guides. I wonder if we might get an FEH channel on Friday? I forget when the one that had the CYL results was last year, but I am kind of thinking there will be one either tomorrow or Friday.
  5. Well I managed to pull Duma in 57 orbs with +hp,-res nature so I am happy. I will be trying for L!Tiki now off and on till this banner ends.
  6. I would love that! More info about people talked about in the games but not actually in those games would be really cool. I really hope IS thinks about doing stuff like that.
  7. Will be pulling for Duma with my TT orbs. I am so glad to see some SoV love and if I get him I can have a color balanced male dragon team which makes me very happy. I will pull blue on the circles without colorless since Tiki would be a nice pity breaker.
  8. Anything in the canine family is the top of my list, since I spent most of my childhood with my dogs avoiding adults and my mom used to read me the jungle books at night. I also really like any type of hawk and ravens, as well as horses and and cats.
  9. I don't have an pics of my ballot since my connection to the voting site has been spotty and I am lucky I got my votes in. Anyway I voted with my heart and voted Elphin x7.
  10. Well I will go Gerome first since he is my fav of these, as to who I will go to after it will be who ever I have that is still in this.
  11. Well 7th vote for Elphin has been cast. Not that he has a shot, but I voted with my heart since most of my favs don't have a shot at a brave. I am just hoping some of my favs actually get in to Heroes at all, but probably not:(
  12. The problem I have with Camilla is that her armor leaves her heart and neck completely exposed to attack. I don't mind "sexy" females I just like it when their outfit makes sense, I don't mind it if thieves and mages have "sexy" outfits because they are either doing sneak attacks or attacking from far away so they don't need as much armor. I only vote for characters not in Heroes on these, even if it means my votes don't have a shot at a brave I hope they get enough votes to make it in the game. If Adrift Camilla was not a thing I would be fine with her getting a brave, but now I am just going to be sad that one character will take up three space in the general pool when one of them could have been a character not in the game. Oh well I just hope some of my favs get added this year and I will just choose a guy for my free brave.
  13. Well seeing those mid results is one reason why I don't vote for females anymore. Just voting for guys is easier and seems to make more of an impact. I might throw a vote for Bruno on the last day, but I want to give as much support to Elphin as possible because I feel like I am the only voting for him.
  14. Free pull was some 3* fodder I don't even remember who. I decided to try for NY!Hrid because why not. I had 15 orbs, circle had 3 red. First pull Ayra my first one, second pull was a merge for Lilina and the 3rd pull was Hrid! I am starting to worry that my luck is getting too good and I will be sad later, but let the good times roll while they last:)
  15. 3rd vote for Elphin, I will be doing this til the end.
  16. Seals are decent and I will finally have hone flyers fodder. I will keep the 5* version because I like to have one one every unit I get just in case I need them, but I like Eir better so Cammy won't see much use. Looks like Leo is my bonus unit again. Team one will be: Leo, Walhart, NY!Laegjarn and Elise.
  17. Thanks. I haven't pulled Ophelia, so Ishtar is my go to for when I need a good blue mage.
  18. Free pull on the new banner was Ishtar! The game must have sensed that I did not want any of these, so it gave me a merge for best blue mage girl. The paralogue orbs finally gave me Tibarn! I Am so happy with my pulls because now I can save orbs for next month.
  19. 2nd vote for Elphin down, 5 to go. I really hope he gets in to Heroes this year.
  20. I am voting Elphin all the way this time because he deserves it. I don;t care that he won't win I just want him to get some votes.
  21. Because I am able to build teams that just have my favorites on them, being able to customize units, the artwork and some other things. I started playing day one and I will keep playing this until it ends probably, since I am someone that has to finish a game once I start it. I am still waiting for Elphin and will continue to wait for him until this game ends.
  22. You and me both:) I am so glad I have been saving every grail I have gotten since they were introduced since now I actually have someone I want to +10 with them.
  23. I really hope the seals are good this time, since unless this Camilla is some super good unit she is getting benched/SIed after I grind all feathers from her.
  24. Well I sent in feedback myself, I also disliked the video. The more backlash IS gets the more likely they are to listen. Sending feedback worked with Ayra and it can work again if enough people say something.
  25. Blue on my free pull then quit. Glad to see I can just focus on Tibarn and skip this banner. All in all this a complete bummer banner to me. Add in the sixth Camilla alt as the freebie and I have to say IS is trying to hurt her fans here because this will make her lose votes. At this point I am starting to feel bad for fans of characters that have alts because it makes the players who don't care for those units mad.
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