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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Alfonse is kind of middle ground to me. But, like I said that is me.
  2. I meant fanservice guys with bunny ears:P Sadly none of the bunny guys design count for that.
  3. Not at all. If you have a really big problem with it you should do it. Of course me, I am just laughing my head off once I realized that with Loki I can have a playboy bunny flying team, while a playgirl one will never exist:P
  4. Well I think I will use some of the TT orbs to try for Alphonse since I need more green cavs. Hopefully he comes home on Saturday. Anyway I am looking forward to TT.
  5. The TT log in starts tomorrow and last year's spring banner is going to count as the TT banner, so I would say that reruns start tomorrow.
  6. Well since I just pulled Bruno my first team is looking to be: S!Catria, Hrid, Gunther(my only green cav without maxed HM) and Bruno.
  7. Well I got Bruno with 5 orbs so I am happy, his IVs are meh +hp-res but I will take that over having to drop lots of orbs for him. Now I can save orbs.
  8. Cav emblem for the first team it is, but I need to see who I have that will work well with S!Catria and is not maxed out on HM. I must be one of the weird ones that actually like Loki's art here, must be my inner goth coming out again. I love TT+ so I don't mind the bonus units since I sometimes need reasons to use the TT units. TT and FB are my main HM grinding places since I don't really like grinding in RD that much.
  9. Free pull was Maria. I finally after getting to a 4% pity rate pulled Idunn on the FE6 banner! She is +spd-res so she is usable and I have my favorite dark dragon:) I will be trying for Bruno later on, once I grind the CC for its orbs.
  10. I got Micaiah's team all three rounds which seems very odd. I am happy with that though, since I like Miccy as a character.
  11. I use Secret vanilla scented deodorant. Lotion tends to make me sneeze, so I don't use it unless my skin is so dry I would have problems if I don't use it. I have some perfume that is called Flawless that I like and I wear it some times, but not too often since it is kind of pricey. If I go swimming I have to use sunscreen, but otherwise I don't because it makes me sneeze just like lotion. I use hand sanitizers during flu season so I won't get sick as easy, but other then that I don't use t that much.
  12. Oh yeah, I tend to forget the Fates kids since I never really used them. I probably should next time I play Fates.
  13. I just double checked something Bruno is only our 4th male healer, which is kind of sad. He will probably be our only male cav healer there are no cannon ones that I know of, (unless they make Leif a legendary one). Anyway, yeah I will pull some for him.
  14. Well looks like my streak of having all flying bow users will continue which is nice. I do wonder who the other bonus units will be since I need to know so I can plan my team. If they go all bunny units I hope S!Catria is one of them since I have her an she could stand a TT run.
  15. Well I will do a few colorless pulls since I would love to have Bruno so I could have full color coverage full male cav team. I am just glad that I can skip this banner for the most part, since I am still trying to break my pity rate on FE 6 banner and I never have liked the bunnies that much.
  16. When I first saw this my guess was Ayra and Reinhardt and I would be fine with that since neither FE 4 or 5 has had any seasonal units. My cynical side says it will be rehashes of units who already have seasonal alts, but I hope I am wrong.
  17. Regular cabbage I am fine with Asian cabbage because it does not taste as strong but regular cabbage is something I don't like at all. Sadly my dad Loves regular cabbage and since I live with my parents, even though I do the cooking I am forced to cook and eat regular cabbage even though it makes me sick.
  18. This 100%. I may not like certain characters, but I would never be mad if they make in to Heroes because any new faces to me are better then the 7th version of certain characters. I want as many new units in Heroes as possible and I want to support all fans so that people won't be mad if my favs get in.
  19. Sword: Priam gotta say my Awakening husbando. Lance: Cormag my favorite dracoknight in the series. Axes: Geese other then Elphin he is my favorite FE 6 character. Bow: Shinnon give me my snarky archer emblem team already IS! Dagger: Heather since I always liked her. Staff: Sephiran since I want him in game and this could avoid some big spoilers. Red tome: Pelleas my favorite dark mage. Blue tome: Elphin since that is the weapon type I picture him with. Green tome: Bastian give me my courtly mage. Dragon: Nils because little boys are just as cute as girls. Beast: Rafael his wife and siblings are in the game so he should be too.
  20. I don't know right now, I will be playing the game at least once per house so I will probably roll a pair of dice for my first playthrough and go from there. If they show more of the story at E3 I will probable go with the house that gets painted as the"'goody goodies" first since I tend to dislike those types more then others.
  21. In part 3 Sanaki stops Zelgius from being offed by Valtome.
  22. I don't mind FB not having the 4 orbs since we get 4 free pulls in the form of tickets and 40 grails which are so annoying to get. If they want to replace some rewards with those items I am fine with that, but just taking away orb rewards without a decent replacement is bad. As to this FB I enjoyed it a lot. Lugh and Idunn were my favs even though I would have like them to interact with Zephiel and Raigh.
  23. If they move the orbs to other modes that would be fine, since I only played tap battle for the orbs anyway. I am just hoping that they aren't removing orbs from GC and TT because otherwise I will be one unhappy player.
  24. Well looks like once I pull Idunn (if I pull her) I can save orbs until the 10th, since I am trying to skip seasonal banners as much as I can. I am hoping the new mythic doesn't interest me since I don't really want to pull on this legendary/mythic banner since I have most of the units who might be on it. The spring banners have been my least favorite seasonal banners because the designs are to me meh, so every year I skip that banner. Now watch as IS puts a blue flying dragon on one of the coming banners so that I will cry because I won't be able to pull them.
  25. Beat all the maps Eir was great on this map. I am in the process of training up Rutger and will be 5*ing him since he deserves it.
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