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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well looks like the trend of my favs being meh keeps on going. Well Haar is still going to be a merge project for me since of the ax fliers now in the game he is my fav.
  2. Groom Priam would make my day, since Awakening husbando and I want him in the game as something other then infantry sword. Ring bearer Nils would be great anyway to get him in the game is fine with me. Bride Nailah and Groom Rafiel, since dang it I want my favorite heron in the game and this would be a good way to do it and it would be cute to have him on a couples banner with his wife.
  3. While I love Laguz I won't be pulling too much on this banner, since I was never that fond of the cats. Best thing about this for me is free Haar since he and Cormag are my favorite dracoknights in the series. Haar will be made +10 after Naesala. I do love the fact that there are zero alts so this banner is a good one to me.
  4. This one is going to be fun. Hopefully I can get something good with the tickets since I need to start saving orbs for when Bruno is on the brave redux banner(if he is on that). At least I will get plenty of feathers for Haar since he is going to be made +2 asap.
  5. The are only removed from new hero and seasonal banners, if the banner is not either of those they will still be there, So, you can still get pity broken by them on any banner without "new" heroes on them.
  6. I just hope the new mode is doable without L!Roy or a new legendary since I don't have him and I don't really need anymore legendary units since I can just use some blessings if I need to. AR may be annoying if you don't use mythic heroes, but it is still doable even if I don't score really highly I still get some grails which is better then having to use my orbs on heroes I don't really need (I don't need or want another green flier so I skipped Yune).
  7. Life on Mars: this was one of the best I've seen, it starts out with a modern detective somehow time traveling to the 1970s and being a detective there. I don't want to give away anymore of the plot, but the ending of the series is the best I have ever seen. Have gun will travel: I love black and white westerns, but this one is my favorite. The main character is a "gun fighter" but not your typical one and is very highly educated so if you have read some classics the quotes can be fun. Saiyuki every one of the several seasons/sub series: I love kick butt main characters that live by their own rules but still fight the "good" fight. Saiyuki is an anime series with MCs that do just that and they are written with flaws so they are not perfect which is nice.
  8. I am just going to hope for a good amount of orbs for golden week and maybe some more ways to get grails.
  9. Well since I decided to skip the mythic banner this time because I didn't want to be pity broken by H!Kagaro, I decided to try for S!Alphonse. Got up to a 4.25% pity rate and ended up with his sister, but at least she is new. I am now going to limit my orb usage and try to save orbs until my birthday in July.
  10. You really should have told us what systems you nave the ability to use so we could give better advice. As to which I would recommend I started with Sacred Stones so it to me is a good starting point. I do think Awakening is the most new player friendly and that is the one I would recommend first to new players.
  11. I haven't played much Persona so if 5 does get a Switch release I will buy it if true.
  12. I have 4 dogs 2 of them are mutts, one of them is a German shepherd and my girl is a pit bull the other three are boys. Anyway I have to sleep with the 2 mutts in my room because my mom's shepherd doesn't like our oldest mutt. This causes problems because my older dog has started a new habit of waking up in the middle of the night waking up my other dog then going over to the door and slapping his ears in to the door so I wake up and he does this just to be annoying. My oldest dog is really sweet, but he has been driving me and my other dog crazy for the past couple of weeks.
  13. Yune was a surprise for me, but I am happy to see her. I will pull a little for her, hopefully she comes home.
  14. Team Idunn all the way for me, if she loses I will go Grima then whoever I have that is still in. I think I will put my V!Lilina as my lead this time. I need all the feathers I can get for my merge projects.
  15. Elphin,Geese, Nils and Rafiel TT reward: Cormag GHb: Sephiran
  16. Rafiel has nothing to do with Crimea, so why is he on your list for that banner?
  17. I think it will be Awakening because its been a while for that game to have a banner. TMS would be a dream com true for me, but I know it won't happen.
  18. This one was easy I used horse emblem team of Hrid, Walhart, B!Veronica and L!Ephraim. No retries.
  19. That I would be happy with. I just don't want a crossover to take over a new heroes banner, but if it takes over a seasonal that would be fine.
  20. I have been slightly bored with Heroes lately my self. Honestly since Heroes is a mobile game it is not supposed to be played for long stretches. Right now I have decided to just hoard orbs and focus on gathering feathers and grails until I can finish my merge projects. I took a break like that for 2 month last year and I think breaks can be good. Autobattle is my friend since I don't like taking a long time playing.
  21. Why do I have the feeling that the boys I babysit would do something like that? Of course they as far as I know don't own Smash so they couldn't have done that. Honestly I am just going to say that the 2 players who did that are either little kids causing trouble or adults who like being jerks.
  22. My fail safe is delete the app and redownload it. I had problems with the app loading awhile back and that fixed it.
  23. Tried using som TT orbs for S!Alphonse and was pity broken by B!Ike. "sigh" oh well, looks like the game is telling me to save orbs so that is what I am going to do.
  24. Bruno is really good at taking hits and taking on physical units, but magic destroys him. I am happy with mine. I like new units, but since I am a day one player I only focus on new unit types or favs.
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