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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am going with Kana because I love him because he is cute (Fates horrid writing aside). I would go Tiki or Nino after that when he loses.
  2. Saber likes Likes sweet and calm girls and not slightly bratty (yes I think Celica was a bit bratty at the start of the game) girls. I can just picture Saber turning her down flat, because Celica just doesn't seem like his type.
  3. I recently bought one of those "My Pillow" brand pillows and now I can't sleep as well without it. I also have to use my Legend of Zelda pillow case which is very soft. Sadly sleep can be very fleeting since between my dogs who sleep on the bottom bunk of my bunk bed (I sleep on top) waking me up and my blood sugar sometimes doing funky things which causes me to have really bad nightmares I don't get a good night's sleep most of the time. When I was a little kid I had a teddy bear ( I named her Baby Bear) that I had to have with me all the time and of course that also meant when I slept as well, I still have her and she is still in good shape believe it or not, though even as a little kid I took good care of my favorite stuff.
  4. I really wanted it to be true because it would have given me something to appeal to my goth side and be playing my favorite series at the same time. I really would have loved it if the loli dragon had an immortal vampire keeper just to have a bit of a change.
  5. Finally we will start getting news. I am probably one of the few people who like F!Byleth's design, but me being goth probably plays in to that. I just want more info on how each of the three houses effect the story so I can plan my playthroughs and know who I will pick first.
  6. Marth was the one after Lucina, then Tiki, then Erika and Eir was before Azura. The rest of your list is right. I think they did those 4 that way so Hrid would be the legendary hero when they did the OC banners. I still would say a female legendary is likely, but like I said I am only guessing.
  7. I have the feeling this legendary is going to be female since 2 female then 2 male legendary/mythic has been the pattern. Since it will be colorless this time I will guess Micaiah, but this only a guess and I am fine with being wrong.
  8. I am at the point that I have capped all my favs and I am just going down my list of my units who need to cap HM. If I need to use someone who has capped their HM to clear something I do, but otherwise I focus on clearing my list.
  9. Congarts, I hope your luck will rub off on me so I can get Lukas too:) Lukas has a vest on under his armor in his regular version art, so this version looks to me like he just took off his armor an is kicking back.
  10. Well so far I only have Faye as a bonus unit and I maxed her HM a long time ago. Looks like I will just use Leo unless Lukas comes home before then. Leo's team will be: Leo, Seth, Ethlyn and Quan since I use TT for HM grinding and those three cavs are the closest to capping.
  11. Well I try to pull Lukas with my 30 orbs, but I get pity broken by the best pity breaker Nailah! The game must not have known how much I wanted Nailah since I missed her on her banner. Now if I can snag Lukas with some of the TT orbs this will be a great banner for me:)
  12. Because IS heard I like Lukas:P Kidding aside yeah this bugs me because unless he is a favorite not that many people will pull for him with that skill set up. If I do manage to pull him I am going to have to use a lot of SI to get him what I want him to have.
  13. There are 3 rounds that last 2 days each just like Voting Gauntlet. You can battle whenever you have lances, but it is best to save some for the end of the round to help your team more.
  14. Preforming Arts and Halloween are the two that I have really liked and are the two I voted for. I did like the Vday banners, but I don't like the holiday so I didn't vote for it. Picnic may grow on me since the art is nice. As for the rest they have been mixed for me.
  15. I want to see who is on the TT banner before I decide my team, since I don't know if I can snag Lucas before TT. Anyway TT is always fun and I am happy about Leo and I hope the SSs are good.
  16. Well since I found this Sanzo image I won't change it. Anyway, Sanzo is from the anima/manga series Saiyuki He is my favorite fictional character, he is a Buddhist high priest but not your zen type he is rather annoying when he has to do his duties and may or may not actually believe in a god, but to me he is what a priest should be like. I went through some really bad things several years ago that made me hate the world and anyone that claimed to work for their faith. I found the Saiyuki anime awhile after that and Sanzo's character really hit me hard and it helped me deal with my dislike of people who claimed to be "faithful" to their beliefs but are actually two faced liars.
  17. Dang it they had to put Lukas on this (cries tears over not being able to save orbs). Was that Leo at the end there? If Leo is the TT reward I will be very happy.
  18. If this does involve cooking Peri should be on this. I agree about the left being Genny but the right is harder, my secret dread/hope is Elphin but I am going to guess Sonya. I am just hoping there are no blue flying dragon on this banner, since that is the unit type I want the most and I am low on orbs.
  19. My free pull on the NP banner was some 4* I don't remember who since it wasn't merge or SI fodder. I finally pulled Caineghis with some of the GC orbs he is -hp,+res so I can use him with no problems:) I am really hoping that Friday's banner is something I can skip since I really should start saving orbs, I will find out tonight.
  20. If it is Nils I will cry because I probably won't have enough orbs to get him, but on the other hand it would mean he would be in the game.
  21. "sigh" I mixed up my dang seals again:( Thanks for reminding me about that. I hate wearing my glasses when I can get by without them, but this makes it clear I need to use them when I use seal otherwise I make mistakes like this:(
  22. No my Tibarn runs heavy blade. I use Naesala as a spd nuke during PP so I have him with every thing to max his spd so he doesn't get doubled. I am kind of weird in my build/SS usage, so I don't do the norm. I find I very rarely do things the way other players do, so my builds probably don't make sense to others but they work well for me. Just like my brave lance galeforce Finn.
  23. Naesala and Reyson work great together they and Tibarn and F!Grima make up my favorite flier team. I use the darting stance seal on Naesala to make him have more speed since Naesala is the speedy one out of the bird Laguz.
  24. Well that was the easiest GHB I have done. Cleared all maps with my F!Grima and the fly boys team of: Naesala, Reyson, Tibarn and F!Grima. This map having zero archers and no reinforcements made it a cake walk, infernal only took me 2 tries which says a lot since I tend to suck at infernal maps.
  25. "Sigh" why does every month have to have seasonal banners when I am getting very sick of them? Oh well, maybe I can finally save orbs. Really hoping the next new heroes banner is something I don't care about since Laguz make me spend orbs when I want to save.
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