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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Seteth, but my second choice is Felix. Seteth is cool and his supports are really good. I am doing BL route first and haven't unlocked my S support yet, but I look forward to it. I am choosing Felix when I do the BE route since I figure Seteth won't be an option on that route.
  2. I like Caspar and Felix the best of the students, though I did pick BL and I did not get all the students before the time skip. I am kind of hoping for a mixed banner because I feel like it would be better if they had that.
  3. I am torn between Alm and Miccy. I don't have any Alms at all, but Miccy looks so good. I think I will do some pulls on the banner and see if I can get one of them then pick the other.
  4. Oh, Mae is getting a refine good. She was my first 5* blue mage so she helped me a fair bit in my first year. Now if Jakob would get a refine next month I will be happy.
  5. Velouria's is back and I had 114 orbs waiting. My free pull was bow!Hinoka so I have a merge for her, I also ended up with a merge for Brady, the last merge I need for my Kaze and last and most wanted was a +res,-atk Velouria. I am down to 20 orbs, but it was worth it. Now if Voulg could get in Heroes I could have wolf emblem.
  6. The big question I want to ask is: do you buy a lot of the DLC for the physical games you play? If the answer to that question is yes then I would say get the physical version and save your space for DLC and updates. If the answer is no then go ahead and buy the digital version. It really depends on if you think you will need your storage space or not.
  7. Well I got the tickets and spent 80 of my 140 orbs and I managed to get both DImitri and Claude! Dimitri is +atk,-def and Claude is +res,-hp so they both don't have the best natures but I can live with them and I am just happy I managed to get them both and still have orbs left. Feels really good.
  8. Now I am really happy since I just found out that my SE preorder from Gamestop will come with the pin set as a bonus so I will get 2 bonuses for buying 3Hs.
  9. When I first played Awakening which was blind and got their A support I though they were a cannon couple, but sadly found out later that that was not true. Seeing this makes me want this to have happened that kid would have been my favorite kid of all time.
  10. @Anacybele I am for the most part F2P and I am slow at grinding feathers so my merge levels are low. I recently dropped down to level 16 in AR because it is just getting annoying to me but I still need a bunch of grails so I still do it. In arena I am level 17 or 18 and have been for most of my time playing and I am fine with that. I play Heroes for fun so if I feel modes get annoying I don't do them as much as I used to. I also take breaks from Heroes where I only get the orbs I can get from events and only do that then after a couple of months I play more.
  11. This is just an extra for me since I have had the SE of 3Hs preordered since Valentine's day. I am now going to have to decide if I want to keep my Byleth after I max his HM or fodder him for DC, ah who am I kidding I know I will keep him just in case he is used in F2P guides later on.
  12. This looks good I am going for Dimitri and I am glad he is cav.
  13. I am going Blue Lions. I do plan on playing through all houses at some point, but I like Dimitri most from what I have seen so first pick is easy.
  14. I am glad to see more options this time, Fates was a start but it was not very good in terms of choices. I personally won't use it, but as someone who supports the LGBT+ community I am happy to see this.
  15. This is what I think will happen as well. It makes the most sense and it promotes all the houses.
  16. Well since the new banners will be 3Hs I will save my orbs since I want to play the game and decide my favorites first, but boy am I happy to see new characters being added to the general pool again. All in all I am pretty happy with the way this month looks and two TTs will be nice for me since I use TT to HM grind.
  17. Now I am feeling really good about deciding to pick Blue Lions first, this gonna be interesting. Of course I plan on playing through each house, but Dimitri so far is more interesting to me. I do want to see the Golden Deer video next week before I 100% decide though.
  18. Ooh this will be a good TT for me since the seal are really good and Fiora is nice as well. Already have my first team planned out since I got who I wanted on the new summer banner. Team will be: Xander until he maxes HM, Silas same as Xander, Wolt and Priscilla. S!Lilina might see some work in this too once I max Xander.
  19. Well I went into the new summer banner with 200 orbs with the goal of a cav dagger unit and Wolt. I managed to get S!Lilina and Wolt as well as a horse!Chrom and I have 9 orbs left. IVs are livable Lilina has +res,-hp, Wolt has +atk,-def and horse!Chrom has +hp,-spd. Horse!Chrom was new so it in nice to have him and I am all set for TT. I also got a Kaze merge and I just need 2 more to be able to +10 him when I have the feathers. Now to save orbs up for Naga. All in all not bad pull for my Bday week.
  20. I preordered the SE and I have same day shipping so hopefully I will get it that day. I am waiting until the DLC goes up then I will buy it as well. I am looking forward to a new FE, and the only thing that makes me sad is that I have to wait 2 weeks after my bday to play this but oh well story of my life.
  21. My dream seasonal would be one dancer banner with: Elphin, Nils, Tethys, Larum with Phina as the TT. give me that banner and I will be happy.
  22. Well on the weekly banner I managed to free pull Mist, which is nice since I didn't have her. Her stats are meh, +def,-res but another healer is always nice.
  23. Well a banner with two cav dagger units on it is good for me since I want one. Fiora being the TT reward is nice. I am liking this banner and I am glad I have been saving orbs and honestly this this the first banner in a long time that I will do full circles on since I really like it.
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