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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. For me a lot of my favorites have been TT/GHB units so every grail I get is going for merges and will be for a long time to come. My list to +10 from the grail shop is: Michalis, Navarre, Xander, Camus, BK, Arvis, Joshua, Lyon, Finn, Canas, H!Dorcas, C!Cecilia, Naesala, V!Titania, Haar and H!Rolf. I have used extra copies of GHB units who I don't want to merge as fodder, but every grail is for merges and I have more then enough to complete one project I just need to grind the feathers which is what I find hard since it is boring. I have started grinding feathers really hard this past week and I hope to get heavy into merges soon. Resources are up to the player to use so while my favs are mostly grail units, other players don't have any favs as grail units and so see fodder. The whole point of the game is to build your favs in to map sweeping machines, so everyone does it the way they want to.
  2. @Zeo I would trade you all my Chroms for that Shiro. It always seems like other players get all the merges for your projects while the game seems to just know who you want and won't give it to you. I hope all the Chroms waiting to show up in my barracks end up getting redirected to yours since I have more Aether fodder then I know what to do with.
  3. Yeah, Big Pharma and the insurance companies are really bad right now. My insurance always tries to short change me on my insulin, lucky for me I have a good doctor who says my dosage is higher then it really is so I have not run out yet. I may end up having to get a passport and going to Mexico for my meds next year when my insurance runs out, unless I am able to get a job with benefits before July next year.
  4. Well my pulling for H!Hector and Lilina have netted me: Bantu and Mercedes both new, +atk versions for my new bases of Ares, Roy, Marth, Brady and Seliph, and my sole 5* so far has been Tibarn who is +spd which was better the my old +hp one so new base. I am sick of seeing Stahl, Chrom and Solieil over half my pulls have been them. I have already used all the TT orbs. I just want 1 H!Hector and Lilina and then I am going to save. I hope that they come home soon so I can stop seeing the same 3 4* red units over and over again.
  5. Thank you for your words, they mean a lot! I can eat some sweets I just have to know the amount of sugar in it so I can give insulin for it. Type one is my cause I guess, so every time I have to deal with uncaring people it can make me mad. Especially when diabetes jokes are fair game and those jokes spread misinformation that make type ones be in a jam because of it. I personally believe that every health issue deserves support and understanding and should not be made a joke.
  6. @Light Strategist I was being a bit sarcastic, because IRL I am a pretty easy going person. I would never really punch somebody in the nose for saying stuff, but yes I have had the rest of the things I have said happen to me IRL. It is just really hard being a type one diabetic right now, because no one cares about how if something happens to screw up the calculations I make with my meds I can die and anyone that doesn't know me very well would not call the paramedics until it was too late.
  7. The thing is I explain until I am out of breath, but no one cares. I have never gotten an apology for the stuff people have said even after explaining. I have tried non aggressive means for most of my life to no affect. I have had it with being the "nice" and"bigger" person, I want to be able to use my fists to do something since people Hate type ones so much it drives me crazy because the uncaring has been causing people like me to die.
  8. Some times. Other times people will say dumb stuff like "a shot makes it all better and you don't need a cure" among other things. I just get very frustrated because of it and want to teach those people a lesson.
  9. I want the legal right to punch people who make fun of type one diabetics in the face, and after that they have to take a class that teaches them what type one is an why it is a life threatening illness that deserves support from healthy people. Either that or they have to donate $10K to finding a cure. The amount of hate I have gotten for my immune system attacking my pancreas when I was 3 years old could fill a library, so anyone that makes fun of the thing that has almost killed me more times then I can count needs a punch to the nose.
  10. Well I will be using OG!Hector on an armor team until I get H!Hector and Lilina. I might do horse emblem later to SP grind Rolf who is probably going to be my bow cav merge project down the road. Need to decide who is going to be on the teams, since I started HM grinding recently it will be interesting to use my lesser used units.
  11. Well now I can use the app without problems, but it went directly to the game without the update screen. Edit:now it updated. Looks like it fixed the field quests now for me they are changed to defeat an enemy and plant a crop. I will be able to plant dragon flowers after the reset so I will get the orb then.
  12. Me too. I am going to wait half an hour and then try opening the app then.
  13. Brave Redux has been at the start of November in the past.
  14. My phone is almost out of memory so no pics, but I finally have 2 5*+10s. My first is +atk Kaze who has: spd refine barb shuriken, drawback, iceberg, fury 3, cancel affinity 3, atk smoke 3 and his SS is def ploy 3. My second 5*+10 is +atk Lukas with personal weapon refine, swap, bonfire, steady breath, quick riposte 3, spur def 3 and the fierce stance 3 SS. My third will be Ares who is at +5 with a neutral nature right now, I am hoping I get a +atk one soon and I just need 100k feathers and he will be ready to go.
  15. I don't have twitter so I won't do the quiz, but I hope that we well get the rewards.
  16. You are you and I support you for having the will to be able to live your life and to come out as who you truly are. Life is hard enough without having to hide who you are, I hope you can now move forward and just be you without the stress of hiding a part of yourself.
  17. I love Hector so I'm pulling for him, have yet to decide who will be my back up if there are no reds.
  18. I always loved the intro to Liberty's Kids:
  19. I am not very competitive in PvP, but I will be trying for Hector and Lilina because I LOVE the art work, I now regret spending those 20 orbs trying and failing to get Yune but oh well at least there will be tickets as well as orbs for me to try with. Being able to farm dragon flowers is great! I will never pay the orb tax, but the thought of being able to farm the flowers I need for my +10 units is great, even if it takes a while. New mode sounds interesting and I look forward to trying it.
  20. they are probably using the extra copies for fodder. I know any extra Hrids I get are DC fodder.
  21. Well I finally pulled Nagi with the help of VG+some monthly orbs. +spd,-hp so I am happy and I already love her. I am hoping Halloween is a skip for me, but knowing my luck they will put Elffin on it since I will be low on orbs. Now I am in save mode (hopefully).
  22. I am going team Reinhardt because why not I will lead with my finally 5*+10 Kaze.
  23. I would pick OG!Celica since I have yet to pull her once and she is a powerhouse withe her refine.
  24. I am still waiting for Jakob to get a refine, maybe November will be the month. I will have to see how Freddy's refine works since I have him set up as an armor counter for AA right now.
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