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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well I am going back to trying for Nagi, since I don't really care for this mythic banner.
  2. I don't care about the rewards that aren't orbs, feathers or flowers. I am not even trying to get those extra rewards since they are useless to me, since I have 1k arena swords, over 100 potions and I care about the FB accessories because of the bonus points otherwise they are completely useless to me.
  3. In old times marriages were decided at birth or shortly after for nobles. Marth probably knew about Caeda since he was old enough to understand what adults were talking about. As to the first question, I think it was partly because of not wanting to trust a stranger and partly because of enemy ships.
  4. Well I am probably the only person who actually wants to pull Karal since I like him and don't have him. Took 14 orbs to get him. He is -def,+res but I don't care since it took 2 and a half years to finally get one copy am just happy to have him.
  5. OG Reinhardt with two dancers and Xander with hone cav made this a easy clear. I may make Astram a merge project for arena since he has good BST, but after I finish the projects I have now.
  6. Mosquitoes. Where I live anything that eats them eats other things too, so if they went no other animals would be harmed. Plus they carry a bunch of illness where I live. Heart worms are the biggest on my list though, I have lost 3 dogs to them and they are carried by mosquitoes so that's the reason I want them gone as well.
  7. Mine is +def,-atk, and sadly that is what 90% of my mages end up with. It seems like all my pulled mages are +def with the most common bane -atk, so I have yet to do a +10 mage of any color because I have not gotten a good boon. I don't mind having +def as a boon for the most part, but mages don't need +def, they need atk so they can kill the enemy in one round.
  8. Honestly I think it will be 3Hs but I would love a BB banner with Elphin. I think the theory needs more proof before I will believe it. I won't take it as fact until it has happened 3 times in a row. Once is not enough to prove it.
  9. I would like the emboss one if the crest was a different color then the background because it would be hard to tell what the crest is if I saw someone wear it. The filigrane one is nicer to me because you can tell clearly what it is.
  10. Did they find the black hole were half my socks and all my working pens go yet? Oh, and maybe my great grandma's book is there, I am gonna have go check for myself.
  11. think I will do an S support with Jeritza on some playthrough, but I hope he is playable on BL route since that on is my fav. I am looking forward to playing with that little black cat since my cat looks like that one. I wish my dog was in the game too, but everyone tends to dislike pit bulls even though they are fine if raised like other dog breeds.
  12. Well I managed to keep 5 of my 52 orbs and with that and the tickets I was pity broken by Siegbert who was +atk, so my new base. Too bad that no Ban-Ban came but I am back to saving.
  13. Yeah, I remembered that. I won't hold much hope because of that.
  14. Well Elphin is mentioned by name in the latest Lost Lore, I wonder if this means he has any chance of getting to the game? Elphin is my favorite Binding Blade character, so I would love it if he was added, but IS loves mentioning people but not adding them, or adds them years later.
  15. Looking forward to the feathers and tickets. Sirius's mask will be fun.
  16. Alright! 5 new characters in and one of the few "cannon" alts this banner makes me happy. I will build Ban-Ban for sure. Sirius and Nagi both I would like, hopefully I get lucky with the tickets. I really hope they start doing more adding people to the 3* and 4* pool since it would be a good way to add not super popular characters in faster.
  17. I have played all routes and BLs is by far my favorite because I really enjoy Dimitri's development and and he has become my favorite lord in the series.
  18. Saturday because I get to watch black and white westerns on the TV (my dog likes them too), and it is the most relaxed day of the week for me.
  19. Free pulls were both Beruka. Had 36 orbs and I really wanted Deirdre because I am only 3 units away from completing the FE 4 and 5 part of the unit list and I like her. took only 19 orbs and I got her, +hp,-spd so she is usable. I am really happy. Now I only lack Mareeta and D!Ishtar to complete the set.
  20. Reinhardt and Eir made this easy for me. I was lazy and uses PM1's guide, because of RL problems. I still love Reinhardt he has saved my bacon on more then one map.
  21. I sent out Sophia and Florina since they were the first two to come up and I feel like they would get along well together and be friends if they met.
  22. This last GC map was annoying and kept tripping me up so I missed out on getting to tier 25 this time. I guess I was just careless playing this time. This is the first time I didn't make tier 25 and I am just mad at myself because I normally do it without problems. I guess I was just having an off day.
  23. It is just filler for the most part it fills in some questions, but it won't effect your enjoyment if you do your first playthrough without it. If you don't want to replay the game then download a save file and use a guide for unlocking everything because there are certain requirements other then just a second playthrough to unlock everything. If you do plan on playing the game more then once just do your first playthrough as a first playthrough.
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