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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Gerik whenever I play Sacred Stones he is one of my go to guys who I know will level up nicely.
  2. When I do I normally listen to Dropkick Murphys, I just love listening to bagpipes while I'm exercising.
  3. Just got it this morning Link is better then the last game.
  4. Welcome and nice to see another Kipling fan.
  5. Books are relatively cheap compared to music, the last H.I.M. CD I bought was $15 while the last book I bought was $7, and ITunes sells songs for $1 and up so it cost a lot of money to buy music, so I can see people ripping off songs and not wanting to spend a lot of money on one song you really like vs. a book which has a good amount of entertainment for a lower price.
  6. I'll think about Facebook but I still don't know about it, because most of the people at school would not even talk to anyone unless it was for class or through Facebook. I mean I've seen people sit right next to each other and they are talking to each other on Facebook when they are right there together. I am planning on going to see my sis some time but my mom is the one who would go with me and she has a hard time getting off work. We are related though our Dad but he is hard to deal with and will not leave our house except to go to the store. I will keep trying but it is hard when she can't be bothered to just say hi every once in awhile which is why I'm asking for advice.
  7. I have a half sis who is 11 years older then me and I'm trying to start a relationship with her after she sent my family her address. The last time I saw her was 9 years ago and then she moved and my type one diabetes got really bad and I lost touch with her. My family did not have internet for a long time until I started college and needed it for class. I used to spend my free time at school looking her up but I could not find her at all. She sent my family an invite to her wedding last year but my mom had to work and I could not go, I don't have facebook and don't want one and I have written letters emails and texts but I normally get no response. If anyone has some advice for how to get it so I can talk to her please tell me. Thanks.
  8. This is cool, but I think I will just use default for them both. I think I will actually buy the Wii u version of this one, because I have never owned a Smash game before but loved playing them with my friends, plus my mom likes the idea of her and me ganging up on my dad as the duck hunt dog so I might get my family to play it with me for once.
  9. Sunday night I dreamed I was part of a team that had to save earth from an alien invasion by taking mechs in to space and fighting them there. I think I was combining Record of a Fallen Vampire and Xenoblade, but I still can't figure out why some of it took place in Greece and why the aliens destroyed the Parthenon. Another dream I had was Merlin was in my house chasing me but I woke up before I could figure out why.
  10. I don't think there are laguz in FE13 I think FE13 is more in the lines of FE8 when it comes to animal powers. I love the wolf and bird tribe laguz but I think that laguz are only native to Tellius and that any laguz that explored probably ended up staying where they ended up and married someone there, so the laguz could be the forefathers/mothers of the heroes of the land that they ended up in or they just don't like to leave Tellius and are still there, or they just died out but I think that IS will bring back laguz someday and make them even better.
  11. I'm not sure why but one series where there are good and bad cats is the Redwall Abby series which is really good, in redwall there is a good cat and in mossflower there is one bad cat and one good cat. The Warriors series has good cats in it as well, maybe it is more the older stories while the newer ones tend to be more balanced.
  12. Buy all the FE collectables you can find and make your own FE shirts.
  13. I really think a lot of the problems are coming from people not paying attention in history class because it looks like the cold war is coming back, plus if the UN had listened to T. E. Lawrence about how the Arab world wanted to be separated in to countries and not done it the way that they did there would not be so many problems in the middle east. I think the U.S. needs to stay out of most of the things going on right now, but I do think that we should support our allies if and when they need help to keep their countries safe from harm.
  14. Cool and it makes sense because the FE series takes a lot from European history and mythology, like in Awakening where they have the two dragons fighting each other forever is like the red and the white dragons of Welsh mythology and there are many other examples if you look for them as well. The game I had the most fun studying about was the tales of Symphony games because I was reading Norse myths at the time I started playing them and it was cool seeing all the Norse myths in a video game.
  15. I agree with you on Radiant Dawn's being the best, I hope they bring it back in the next game.
  16. Gannon probably will be in SSB4 it is almost certain because he has been in every SSB game. I am looking forward to playing as Shulk and kicking the Duck Hunt dog's butt as pay back for all the times my dad made me play Duck Hunt as a 4 year old and me losing and that dog making fun of me. I still hate Duck Hunt to this day. I love dogs I have four, but the Duck Hunt dog is going to pay.
  17. I like snakes, I live where snakes still have some of their natural living space. when I was a kid I used to see king snakes and gopher snakes all the time but I have not seen too many snakes this year. King snakes are actually kind of cute and they are great to have around barns because they take care of mice and rats which would eat all the grain for your livestock if the snakes did not take care of the problem.
  18. I don't know on the age thing with Uther but most people with power have people who they trust and can order to do missions for them which is probably what Matthew is to Uther and Hector. Uther was heir to the throne so I'm sure he had loyal retainers even before he took the throne.
  19. Welcome and have fun on the site.
  20. welcome have fun on the site.
  21. I think that we will see the marriage system again, but the child factor may not happen for awhile. The main reason I think it will happen again is because supports play such a big role in Fire Emblem and the marriage system makes it much more interesting then in earlier games, plus like you said it makes replaying the game more fun.
  22. I know what you mean I had people I trusted stab me in the back and just treat me bad and now I don't trust anyone I did not know before that happened to me. The only thing I can say is be wary of strangers and be carful I do go out I am just not out going and tend to avoid people and I avoid crowds like the plague, lucky for me the stores I like to go to don't get crowded and I can order stuff online as well. It is hard when you turn in to an adult and you see how people really act because kids tend to see the better side of people while adults tend to see how other adults actually act. There are good people out there but they are hard to find, be nice to people who reach out to you and don't push yourself in to doing things where you might freak out, take it slow like go to a park or the library or somewhere there are people but not a big crowd and see how you feel about that and go from there. hope this helps.
  23. EricaofRenais


    Hi I'm a new member and I guess I need to introduce myself here goes, I live in Texas My favorite band is H.I.M but I love all sorts of music My favorite game series is Fire Emblem but I play a lot of RPGs as well I like horse back riding if I have to pick a sport I am a dog person I guess this is about all I want to say, I just wanted to introduce myself.
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