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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. The Wonderful 101 is really fun and I love Bayonetta.
  2. I have Fe 7,8,9,10 and 11 in physical form. The only one that I have digital is FE 13 because I bought the FE 3DS bundle and they all work perfectly. I have slow internet and a shared computer so emulated games are not an option for me at this time.
  3. Any day can be awful, this Monday I twisted my ankle really badly but I tend to just have bad days and it can be any day. And I can see that a hard math class could bring your day down and maybe after you're through with the class your Fridays will be better.
  4. I already did my Holiday shopping before the madness so everyone on my list is taken care and I am so happy I can avoid the crowds, because living in a border town means that even more people then you would think are out shopping right now.
  5. In the endings part it states that the Heron king heals Sephian and in his memories in the tower it makes it clear that he is mentally unbalanced. He went insane for years after he lost his powers and had to give up his true love and see her marry someone else and never knows his daughter. When he recovers his sanity and begins to have faith in mankind because of the old Apostle the senators have her killed and frame his clan which leads to them being murdered by humans which causes Sephian to decide that the world should end. Because he could not sing the Galder of release and Sanaki was too young and not the true Apostle the only way for him to wake the Goddess was to create a war that every country was a part of. In Path of Radiance the Laguz did not declare war, while in Radiant Dawn the Laguz declared war and so all of Tellius was involved in the war. I personally think that even though he wants the world to end Sephian could never side with the people who caused the deaths of the Apostle and most of his clan.
  6. The amiibos just came out Friday and I can't find a Marth one anywhere, every store that sells them in my area is sold out and when I went to order on Amazon they were sold out too. Gamestop is out online and in store and every other place I could think of going is out as well. Looks like I am going to have to wait until after Christmas to buy a Marth one and I think I will be preordering Ike as soon as I can.
  7. I really liked Kirby, but all though the Legend of Zelda show is really funny it stinks as a show to get people in to the games. Pokémon used to be good, but how long can Ash stay a kid? He needs to grow up and there should be a new lead on the show. I would love to see more anime based on FE and a Star Fox show would be really cool, but it looks like Nintendo is not that interested in making shows based on their games right now.
  8. Any of the Shin Megami Tensei games are a great buy for the 3DS and I highly recommend Unchained Blades.
  9. Try and see if your class has a study group, I know it takes time, but when I had my chem class we were all failing and then we all got together and studied and I ended up with a B. If that won't work drop the class because it is not worth the stress if you know you will fail. As to friends a lot of kids love to drink during collage and it is best to just not do that and learn from their mistakes, because while it's fine to have fun if it interferes with the rest of your life it is not a good thing and I would just hang out more with the nice people and not the drunks, but I have an alcoholic in my family and have seen and experienced the pain of too much to drink.
  10. I would say Amazon, I lucked out in that when I went to buy my copy of Skyward Sword my local Gamestop happened to have a used copy sitting right where I could see it. The other thing I would recommend is if you sign up for Bing rewards and do searches on Bing you can save up the points for Amazon gift cards which is what I do, and it helps out.
  11. I don't have cable so I can't watch it, but I would check it out if I did. I love fantasy and scifi but I also like Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. I also love Casablanca, but I love to watch the Hobbit as well. Everyone has different tastes and that's a good thing because life would be boring if the people that we talk to had the exact same taste as we do.
  12. I love my Wii U and I really hope IS makes a FE game for it, but I think that if they do it will be after SMTXFE which we still don't when or if it is coming out. Considering how well Awakening has done I think that they will make one, but I think it won't be for a couple of years and it might not even be for this gen of consoles, but I hope that IS does make one for Wii U.
  13. I like it when a game I buy takes me a long time to beat because I have a small budget for video games and so if I am going to be shelling out anywhere from $40 to $60 for a game it better last me awhile because I normally only buy 4 to 5 games a year at max. I like short games like Wonderful 101 and the Bayonetta series because you can go back and try to beat the game on different difficulty levels like Awakening, but my favorite games take me a long time to complete. Radiant Dawn made me so happy when I first played it because it kept going and going with chapters and I felt it was the first game I spent a lot of money (for me) on that was worth it.
  14. Play 9 before 10 and 11 before 12. 8 is great too. You played 7 which is the prequel to 6 and 11 and 12 are DS remakes of the first two FE games. 13 is Awakening for 3DS and it is good for new players, but older players tend to like the older FE games better because 13 is not too hard until you get to lunatic and lunatic+ modes.
  15. I do most of the cooking at my house, so I go to the store with a plan of what I want to cook and buy what I need. The other thing I like to do is make up my own recipe with what I have at home and normally it turns out pretty good.
  16. I would say Record of Lodoss war and in some ways Escaflowne and Record of a fallen vampire.
  17. Wolf race because I used to want to be a wolf when I was little and I love all things canine.
  18. I would suggest stevia I use it all the time and it is 100% natural and does not have any calories, but some people say it tastes metallic but I only have that problem if I use to much. The thing you have to watch is that stevia is much sweeter then sugar so you only need a little of it to make something sweet. As a type one diabetic I avoid sugar when I can, but some man made sweeteners like astpartame gives me secures if I use it a lot, so I look for natural substitutes for sugar that won't raise my blood sugar.
  19. I carry two knives with me at all times, unless I have jury duty. I have a small Swiss army knife on my keychain and I carry a bigger knife that I can open one handed. I have no problem with knives but my whole family carries knives and I was taught at a young age how to handle them and had my first pocket knife by the age of 8.
  20. I like to go to the mall by myself, but I just rent the movie I want to see and make popcorn and iced tea and have a movie night at home because most of my free money goes to video games and books.
  21. So November is Diabetes awareness month and I as a Type 1 Diabetic would like to let this forum know a bit about it because Type one Diabetes does not get much coverage where I live. First I will tell you a bit about it, Type one Diabetes happens when your body decides that the part of the pancreas that makes insulin is bad and attacks the pancreas where insulin is made. A normal person's body makes insulin while some one with Type one's body make zero insulin and has to take shots or be on an insulin pump and check their blood sugar every time they eat. Insulin is what makes it possible for cells to use the sugar that you eat and turn it into energy. the ting about shots or the pump is while they help they are not perfect and when I was a teen even though I took care of myself I still could not control my sugar and almost died a few times because my body ended up having too much insulin and I did not have enough sugar in my body. Diabetes is a big part of my life and I hope that this makes people a little more aware of what it is and that a shot does not make it all better. Type one happens to younger people normally I was diagnosed at the age of 3 most Type ones are diagnosed before they are 30. Type 2 Diabetes is not the same thing and normally happens to older people and the body of a Type 2 still make a little insulin but not enough to be healthy. Anyway thanks for reading this.
  22. I like it a lot and it is a really good game and a really good price too, I bought mine right after it came out for about $25.00 and you can probably get it cheaper now. It was one of the operation Rainfall games that fans begged Nintendo to bring to the U.S.A and it is I would say the worst of the 3, Xenoblade Chronicles and Last Story being the other 2 games. Soledai summed up the game very well and I would recommend it and it is a great Wii game.
  23. I got this too, it is a lot of fun and I may actually buy OR.
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