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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. SMT V news would be great, but I am starting to think it got canceled. Bayonetta 3 news would also be nice. I am not really hoping for much so I can be happy with what I get.
  2. I thought when I first saw it that it was m!Robin and Codelia, but Cordelia is taller then the girl in the picture. I really hope somehow someway Elphin is on this banner, even though I am low on orbs I would be so happy. I know that won't happen, but I can hope until I see the trailer.
  3. Well I saw the weekly banner had Hector and Tana both of whom I don't have so I decided to pull. Got Hector then wasted another 30 orbs trying for Tana, no go and I have a pity rate. I will wait until the trailer to try again if I try again. Some day I will get DC fodder for my Seliph, but this is my first OG Hector and I will at least keep him until I max his HM. So my poor Seliph is still waiting for his day to come.
  4. I plan on buy it, but I need to wait until mid month when I will have the money.
  5. I swear Alm and Berkut have been in same hell for most of the day and if there were any multipliers I missed them. I think Alm will lose unless everyone was like me and dumps a bunch of flags right now.
  6. Walmart sells Zelda themed ones that are less then the pro controller but are just as good. My Mom bought me one and I have had zero problems with it. I think they are around $40 instead of the $70 for a pro one. I just remember my mom said they were a lot less and it had Epona on it and since my mom has a thing for the goddess Epona that is the one she bought me.
  7. Yeah. Congrats on Ayra she is fun if you don't have her already.
  8. Well all the Micaiah hate in the VG thread made me want o pull for her because I like her and the more hate something gets when I feel it doesn't deserve it make me support it more then normal. First I was pity broken by Helbindi my third one so fodder since I already have a decent IV one, then I was pity broken by Fallen!Corrin who was new but of course is -atk and finally I was rewarded with a +atk,-hp B!Micaiah! I am down to 25 orbs but I have everyone I wanted to pull who is on a banner right now so I am happy. Now I can save orbs for a while.
  9. I married Seteth on my BL run, Hubert on BE run and Ferdinand on my GD run and he will be my Husbando in TH from that round on because for some reason I really love him. I like Felix, but after I read his A support I just did not feel like seeing his S support, plus I like his supports with others better. So Ferdinand wins the game for me.
  10. Top favorite is FE Three Houses even though the support system is long it really does a decent job of letting us get to know the characters and I really like almost all the cast. I also really like Tellius and Sacred Stones, but TH wins it for me. Least favorite is Shadow Dragon because I never was able to get attached to 90% of the cast and forget who most of them are.
  11. I used flyer team of Tibarn, Naesala, Rayson and F!Grima up to lunatic and then used PM1's video to get the rest of the orbs because I had almost zero sleep yesterday because we are in a heat wave and I was feeling lazy. I don't care about abysmal so I don't do those maps.
  12. 255 orbs and I wanted all blue units. Free pull was L!Tiki with +def,-res so now I have all Tikis, after that I managed to pull L!Julia with +res,-def and finally my main goal Naga with +def,-atk of course. took 130 orbs, but I am happy with my pulls and I can live with the IVs even if they are not perfect.
  13. Honey bees are having issues right now, so if possible please find a bee keeper to get the hive if they can, killing a hive when it can be saved is bad. Honey bees are for the most part gentle, but they do like anything that smells sweet. I like honey bees and I am still mourning the hive my family had that was killed by wax moths this past month. Moths are evil.
  14. I have been waiting for this banner because I want Naga, but if I get a Julia I will also be happy. Blue is stacked for me, but the other colors are meh. I really hope blues show up and are kind this time. My 230 orbs are ready.
  15. Super glue might work, but that won't last that long. M advice is see if you can find a new pair.
  16. Free pull on the solo skills banner gave me my first Lethe with a +spd,-res nature to boot! I am always happy to see new units when I pull.
  17. Yeah I find the whole month thing annoying and dumb, I feel like they should have had it so that you walk around one day a month and set what you want people to learn then the rest of the month is devoted to battles and you can pick which ones you want to tackle first. It would have made more sense.
  18. Well I used some of my 248 0rbs on the brave banner because I have no self control. I pulled B!Eliwood who had to be -atk,+spd and a random myrrh merge and have 128 orbs left for Naga. I free picked Alm so I have the boys and hope I get the girls later. Now back to saving until Naga at the end of the month and I hope she comes home quickly.
  19. Well this was nice to see, even if I do like Tanith batter. Lance flier is over saturated, but I do like Sigrun so I will build her, though +10 will have to wait until my other grail projects are done. Looking forward to that atk tactics seal. I will decide my teams tomorrow after I pull on the brave banner, but B!Alm is my free choice so I will probably use him first then switch to someone else.
  20. I sent Hardin and Merric on the second one and on the third one I sent Catria and Ogma again since they seem to get along.
  21. Free Karla today and since this one was also -atk I merged and now have a +def Karla.
  22. Sent Ogma and Catria. They were the first two that came up.
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