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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well a banner with two cav dagger units on it is good for me since I want one. Fiora being the TT reward is nice. I am liking this banner and I am glad I have been saving orbs and honestly this this the first banner in a long time that I will do full circles on since I really like it.
  2. Well Tibarn losing was a surprise, team Mia it is. I hope my Kaze is helping people out.
  3. By playing other game series and by reading too many fan translated Chinese novels and werewolf stories on Wattpad. Also, figuring out what I am doing for my Bday even though my mom and dad are the only 2 people who will spend time with me on that day, I think I will have a Lupin the 3rd marathon to keep my mind off having my Bday 2 weeks before I can play 3Hs. I will be avoiding news unless it involves what the choice means for story since I am still thinking about which house I will choose first.
  4. Hopefully I can figure out what house I want to pick first soon with hype finally starting. Right now I am thinking Blue Lions and Dimitri since he seems to be the most bland house leader by what I have seen so far. Plus I like his post timeskip art.
  5. Oh cool free unit without any work at all. I have the SE of 3Hs already preordered and with same day shipping so this is a nice little bonus for me. I wish they would have given us a free Alm for Echoes, but I will take the free units I get without complaint.
  6. Seeing this list makes it so I will be saving for August since I really want Naga.
  7. I haven't started reading Finnish myths yet, but I do plan on it since I like several Finnish rock bands that mention some myths in their songs. I will add Kalevala to m list of things to read. Yeah, sadly stories and myths get altered and it is hard to find the original source with the older ones, plus each "clan" had their own version of telling the myths which is why with Celtic myths I try and read several versions of a myths so I have the most information.
  8. Now I am wondering what B!Eliwood will be like after seeing his legendary. Anyway there is no one here I need or want so I am skipping.
  9. @daisy jane Thanks and congrats on your Olivia I know you wanted her as much as I wanted Minerva. @Tree I am just happy the wait is over and now I will have more orbs for Hector and Alm. Congrats on your B!Ephraim he is a really good armor.
  10. Finally after almost 3 years and trying for her every banner she was on with no luck Minerva finally came home on my free pull on one of the VG banners! She is +hp,-res which good to me and I now have my favorite SD character in my barracks! I was almost crying when I saw her on my phone.
  11. Tibarn all the way for me. Now to decide if I should leave Kaze as my lead or change back to V!Lilina.
  12. Spanish is one of the easier languages to learn so taking it might be a way to go, but you would want to make sure you start at the basic level. I used to only speak Spanish until I was 3 then I was taken out of the place I was babysat at and never had a reason to speak it for years and I have forgotten most of it, sadly. Anyway I say that it might be a good option for you.
  13. Yeah most of the Lithuanian myths I have read end like that, but I have only read a few and an overview of their gods and goddesses since I can't read Lithuanian I can only read the few things that have been translated to English. Celtic myths very because they kind of overlap in some areas but are different in other ways since you have stories from the Welsh, Scottish, Irish and a bit from Gaul all lumped together as "Celtic" myths. Anyway, yeah it is sad that some myths get altered because of translation or other factors.
  14. Those are really neat. My mom used to work for my city's local history museum and she was sent to Denmark for work once and she got to go to their national museum and see some of their Viking artifacts. She only got spend a couple of hours at that museum though, and she was sad she didn't get to spend more time there. Lithuanian myths for the most part have pretty sad endings, it has been a while since I read some of them but the one I really remember was about how Baltic amber came to be. The story was about two lovers who ended up not being able to be together and first the man drowned in the sea on his way back to the woman and then the woman drowned herself in the sea when she found out and the amber is her tears. Most of the Lithuanian myths end like that. I got interested reading myths of the people I am descended from, so I started with Celtic myths and branched out from there.
  15. That is cool that you specialized in runestones. No I don't have any conclusive evidence that it is for sure after Frigg, I just read it was on every site I looked at and then once I saw she was Odin's wife I figured it fit better then the others. So I thought it was after her. Celtic and Norse myths are one of my hobbies, so hey having someone to talk about them with is fun. Now Lithuanian myths on the other hand get pretty sad.
  16. The military does not put you where you want to be, my dad got a perfect score on his test for the navy. He was put on a submarine as a sonar man, he requested when asked the be on a surface ship. My dad said subs to be able to serve on you had to have an "Alamo" complex because if it went down you are dead. Anyway from reading your posts I don't think you should join, you don't sound like you really want to and you said you are happy with your job.
  17. Every single thing I have looked into when I was researching the days of the week (which was before I got in to Norse myths) stated that Friday was named for Frigg. Just try googling it. When I started looking up things about Frigg I kept seeing things stating that Friday was named after her. Now, when I was looking at Norse myths themselves Frigg is only really talked about as Odin's wife and not much else.
  18. Thank god OG Laegjarn is a bonus because I can go full flyer team on this TT. I think I will pair her with: Shigure, Michalis and H!Mia.
  19. I have more then enough grails then since I have almost 3k since I have been hoarding which is good, now to grind HM so I have the feathers. 3H comes out 2 weeks after my Bday so it will be a late present to myself.
  20. I need to get feather grinding so I can use my grails to +10 Naesala, I think I have enough saved since I have been saving since they were put in the game it is just the feathers get used for other things. I am with you on summer Hrid for a Bday wish, my Bday is right around when the TT after this one will start so I am hoping since it will be another swim suit unit it will be a guy and not another girl.
  21. Ylgr is meh but more axes in my barracks are always welcome even if they aren't my favs. At least this banner is a skip for me which makes me happy. Now if the next TT which starts very close to my Bday next month has a guy in a swimsuit as the reward unit I will be even happier.
  22. I hope you are right, and you make a lot of sense. I personally think the leaks are true, because they look a bit too good to be fake and with there being a TT banner it makes sense. Plus I will get to save orbs if it is true,
  23. I am going to guess Benny and Severa, at least that is who I think it is but only IS knows.
  24. I beat hard and lunatic with horse emblem team of Hrid, Walhart, B!veronica and L!Ephraim. I used a guide for infernal because I am lazy and I wanted those 2k feathers ASAP. I already 5*ed Cynthia and she will be my firesweep lance flyer since I haven't built one yet, she may not be my favorite flyer but she is decent.
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