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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well my dream superpower is to have Wolverine's healing ability so I won't have my health problems anymore. I have no idea how I would make money off of that, but if I did have that power I would be saving close to $5,000 a year since I wouldn't have to spend all my money on supplies and health insurance.
  2. My laptop is 11 years old and I upgraded it to windows 10 a couple of years ago. I bought the best laptop I could when I started college and it still works fine for me.
  3. You an me both. Though I maxed Groom Marth out on everything ages ago, so looks like I will be using the TT unit unless I get really lucky with my free pulls.
  4. 1. Elice 2. Melia (Xenoblade) 3. Does Belle count? 4. Feng Yu Heng (I read too many Chinese web novels and Divine Doctor Daughter of the first wife is my favorite) 5. Kate Middleton ( she just seems nice)
  5. Wolverine and Storm are my favs I loved the 90s Xmen cartoon and watched every day it was on. I also really like Kill Raven and Red Sonya since my dad has a bunch of older comic books.
  6. I would like it if she got something like that. My only real problem with Cammy is that her armor doesn't protect her heart from arrows. Your drawing is very nice:)
  7. What I am sure about : Smash DLC fighter reveal and FE Three Houses trailer. What I am really hoping for but I am not so sure will be shown: SMT V release date and new trailer ( really thinking this won't happen) Bayonnetta 3 trailer with some info about the story line, but I am not expecting a release date yet something from Monolith soft, but I don't think it will be Xenoblade Those three if any of them happen would make me happy.
  8. I get it and I don't know how gatchas should be handled so I have mixed feeling on it. As to kids I may not have one, but I have kids who are my "adopted" nephews and niece and after watching them play Fortnite I will never be dumb enough to let my kid have my card number and I thank the lord my friend is smart enough not to give her boys her card number either because the oldest boy would have maxed out her card in 5 minutes.
  9. While I play I am no longer a type one diabetic who hates reality and I can pretend to be able to beat up all that is evil. In my real life the people/things I consider to be bad/evil tend to win so games are one of the things I use to keep going on my bad days.
  10. This. While I don't like loot boxes and stuff like it it is not the companies fault if parents let their kids play the games and use money to buy stuff in game. This reminds me of some dumb arguments I have heard against video games, which is why the rating system is in place and I still get carded for buying M rated games even though I am 27 because I have a baby face and look like I am 16. If parents buy their kids an M rated game/game with loot boxes they can only blame themselves for anything they find bad about it, and why would you let your kid have a way to spend money in games like that anyway? There is no way if I ever have a kid they would be able to spend money in game because there is no way I would let them have my card number.
  11. Used my horse emblem team and Hrid did most of the work. This was nice and easy so I got all maps cleared in 10 minutes. Now to build the only version of Delthea I have ever gotten.
  12. I really want Rafiel and Nailah on the brides banner, but I know that won't happen.
  13. Looks like I can save orbs this month since I don't care about brides, unless they do a groom banner with one of my favorite guys on it which is not gonna happen. Well my plans for this month are save orbs and grind as much HM as I can for my merge projects since my goal is to actually have a 5*+10 unit by my Bday in July even though I am very lazy on grinding feathers.
  14. I used all the tickets and 12 orbs and ended up with another B!Veronica who is a manual for now since I am thinking of who needs wrathful staff and a merge for Kaze. The other 6 pulls were trash, but I will take what I got. Now to save orbs.
  15. Tank you @Kaden and @Tybrosion for the info since I haven't paid much mind to Cipher.
  16. When was Chrom ever taken over by evil, I admit it has been a year or two since I last played Awakening but I think I would remember a Fallen Chrom. Of course with Corrin being on here anything is possible for FH3 next year.
  17. Delthea is the GHB unit? Cool since I have never pulled her regular version. All I have to say is thank Naga this is a skip banner for me, though I will use the tickets on colorless since dragons are cool.
  18. Well all my 11 orbs got me on the legendary banner was a 3* Leon and atk tactics fodder. Oh well it was worth a shot. Here's hoping Friday's banner is a skip banner for me.
  19. That is how I feel as well. I normally don't bother with abyssal content because it is not worth my time. Though I am actually glad that there are no rewards I want tied to those maps since if there was I would have to clear them when I don't feel like it. A 5* GHB unit would be a a fair reward for clearing the map and would be better then locking orbs to it.
  20. Well got up to 20 orbs again and decided to take a chance for L!Alm. No luck on getting him, but I did manage to finally get L!Marth who I have been wanting for a long time. Too bad his IVs had to be -def,+res but I will still use him. I might do a yolo pull for Alm tomorrow with the arena orbs.
  21. I managed to get B!Celica with one of the tickets and I ended up with P!Felicia even though I was trying for Lukas. I give up on trying for P!Lukas since it took to a 4.75% pity rate to get P!Felicia. I might do a YOLO summon for L!Alm on the last day of the banner, but otherwise I am going to try to save orbs now. I really hope the new banner next week is something I can skip.
  22. Everyone on team Kana needs to stop putting up blue leads. Every time I battle I get one if not two blue allies when I am using Kana for the bonus. I had several battles I lost because of that. I'm just venting here a little bit because man is it annoying to have that happen and I don't want to kick people of my FL since Kana will probably lose, but dang. Players should remember to put a lead up that is not the same color as the bonus unit so that they actually help their team.
  23. Well I finally pulled that +atk Kaze I needed for my merge project on my free pull on the legendary banner. With the free pulls and tickets I managed to get my first regular Lucina and a merge for my B!Lyn as well as some fodder. I really hope P!Lukas comes home soon:(
  24. Not really worth it for me since I really don't like building up pity rates without being able to break them and legendary banners are really bad for me in that regard. It is better for me to wait for the rerun so I can set aside orbs for Alm.
  25. P!Lukas still won't come home so I have to skip this banner unless he finally comes home tomorrow. I will try to free pull Alm since I like the looks of this one. I am glad he is colorless because colored bows are not good for my play style, so I don't care about colored bows at all.
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