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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. OK that makes sense. Too bad. I have not pulled anyone yet and I am out of tickets and orbs. I will save orbs until Monday's arena orbs and try again, I really hope Idunn comes home.
  2. As a F2P I have spend my orbs wisely so yeah I go for rare types or my favs if they make a banner. I personally would rather get my favs in the game over anything so I don't really like seasonal or legendary heroes and I will only pull for them if it means I am getting a rare unit type. @Interdimensional Observer Isn't Ninian the only transformed ice dragon we see in game? I know I am having wishful thinking, but they could always claim male ice dragons can fly short distances or something. I just really want Nils in Heroes and him being the exact same as his sister would really hurt him, which would make me sad.
  3. Make Nils a flying blue dragon and all my orbs will go to that banner. Though if they made Rath as good as B!Lyn or better that would get my orbs as well.
  4. Your plan is about like mine. I am going to pull on the BB banner because I asked for it, but other then that I will focus only on new unit types unless my favs get on a banner. The new unit type I want the most is a blue flying dragon if they give me that I will be set on the teams I want to build.
  5. @NegativeExponents- With Niles it is his design and and quotes that make him fanservice to me and that is just my opinion. If he only had his design without him being flirty then I wouldn't say he was fanservice.
  6. As a straight woman about the only guy's art in Heroes that feel like is for people who like guys fanservice besides Niles is Keaton's damaged art (I saw that and I had to have him). Hawkeye comes across as a bad ass in design and quotes, as to seasonal ones that depends on personal likes I have not really liked the summer ones but I have liked C!Chrom and some of the other ones.
  7. I am sad to see not many people are happy with this banner, since I feel in my heart that if this banner does bad FE6 will never get another one:( While I was praying for Elphin to get in, this banner is about who I thought would be on it. I am going to spend my orbs on this banner to show support for FE6 since I was one of the people who wanted FE6 units in Heroes I just get sad when I find out the likely hood of my favorites getting in are slim to none and players bad mouth banners for the games that my favs are from, making the odds even worse:(
  8. I am looking forward to this one and I am glad about the tickets since I really want Idunn. I will also be happy about the feathers since I have so many merge projects that every feather counts.
  9. Well no Elphin, but Idunn is a pull for me and I hope she comes home. I take it Rutger is the GHB, or is there a TT? Either way I am happy he is free.
  10. I am a kid at heart so Goldfish all the way:P
  11. Well it is looking like Morgan has this in the bag, unless they over shoot big time this hour. Even though I am team Lewyn I don't care who wins this I am just in it for the feathers and orbs so I am glad we finally got out of same hell so I can spend some flags.
  12. It is fairly easy, it was my first FE and was good place to start for me. Seth is the prepromote and is very good and is great for end game. There is a route split so you should play SS twice to get the full story. If you like using dragons you should look up the way to restore Myrrh's dragon stone because otherwise she only has one stone. There are two optional towers that you can use to train units, so don't worry to much if your units need levels. Mind the hints at the start of chapters as to who you should have talk to certain units to recruit them.
  13. I remember I baited him with a weaponless Rutger who just kept him in the bottom right corner while I used my other units to beat the map.
  14. I will be happy if I get Elphin that is the person I want most, but I know he probably won't be on this. I am expecting the top placers from CYL to be the banner picks. If I can't have Elphin I am hoping for Jahn to be the GHB unit because I want more male dragons.
  15. Lewyn has final multiplier so looks like we will pull out a win.
  16. They were the voice actors who did the US release of saiyuki and Saiyuki Gaiden. David Matranga voiced Genjo Sanzo and Konzen Doji. Braden Hunt voiced Hakkai and field marshal Tenpou. Saiyuki is my favorite my favorite anime so I would love to see the voice actors from there voice some of my favorite FE characters.
  17. I want David Matranga to do Elphin, and I would like Braden Hunt to do sephiran.
  18. I sent feedback about them taking away orb quests, I hope everyone who is worried about this will too. I know this is a gatcha, but this is still a bad thing. If they really want players to spend money they should do more packs like the BK one, not take away orbs from quests and tap battle. I am really sad about this because I have a lot of fun with Heroes, but if they drive players away and make the game die early it will be bad.
  19. Yeah if I remember right it was less orbs, I think it was 2 less then before. Well it is looking to me like I will just have to be very picky on my banners from now on and I may go to only pulling on one banner a month.
  20. That is going to be bad for me as a F2P and makes me start to worry about what they will do next.
  21. 1. LGBT+ characters who are not stereotypes IE the gay guy doesn't care about clothes the lesbian doesn't constantly hit on girls. I want these characters to be treated like normal people that have the same likes and dislikes as straight people and not have the really annoying stereotypes. 2. No avatar worship to the extent of like in Fates, have the avatar be treated like other characters and hopefully have some type of rival who while fighting on the same side are able to call out the avatar and don't get along with them. 3. No kids. Really this has been done enough for awhile and just shoving kids in like in Fates when there is no reason needs to go away.
  22. Eleanora because she does not die or do any dumb things like taking her baby on the battle field.
  23. I went Team Lewyn because I felt like it. Yes I know I have Innes as my lead, he is my second choice but Lewyn is the best even if mine is -atk.
  24. Well free pull from the legendary banner was Hrid so I finally have DC fodder for Myrrh. I broke my pity rate on the find and vote banner with H!Myrrh so I finally have armor march fodder. While I would have loved a L!Azura or a L!Roy, I got some really good fodder and I can save my orbs for the FE 6 banner without any pity rates built up, since I told myself I will start saving my orbs tomorrow for the FE 6 banner. I just hope that some how IS decided to put Elphin on the banner.
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