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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Raigh is the only one I have, so I guess it is time to get some HM on him. I will team him up with: Helbindi, Donnel and Wrys since they are all the infantry units closest to maxing HM.
  2. Everyone does know that Brunnya is the TT reward, because it says so in the notifications. The main page and everyone seems to think she GHB, but we don't get a new one of those til next month. I am starting to get annoyed by this mistake.
  3. Brunnya was one of Zephiel's loyal generals she is a dracoknight if I recall. This banner is a Binding Blade banner (roy's game). Edit: I got her confused with someone else.
  4. All I wanted was Elphin IS! Why can't I have my cool blind guy in the game? Every time there is a BB banner I get my hopes up only to make it to the end of the trailer and have my hopes let down again.
  5. I am mad at the timing of this banner myself. This going to bring hate to Binding Blade which I don't want because I am still waiting for Elphin. Sigh IS seems dead set on making me sad every time there is a BB banner. I guess a male infantry dancer in the general pool is too much to as for.
  6. my thoughts are that they will not count the alts and Lif will end up on it. I hope I am wrong because I really want the banner to have Shinon and Nils, but I am preparing myself for the worst. Anyway I look forward to seeing who the TT unit is since I need to save orbs and will be skipping the banner.
  7. Minerva hands down. She is one of my favorite characters in the series.
  8. Even the manga is saying Jakob needs a refine now! Please make it happen for Christmas IS!
  9. I don't expect much from the story so nothing I really want there. About the only thing I want is the new OC to be a Duo hero so everyone get one of those to play with, or a green wolf beast unit. Either of those and I will be OK with what comes.
  10. I don't really care about this part of the mode so I just threw A!Tiki and Donnel at the first part. I might do a round where I send A!Tiki and summer A!Tiki later on for laughs. Oh! I can send multiple teams of Lucina since I ended up with all her versions without trying. The Grimas will be sent out tomorrow, because I am like that.
  11. I just cheesed it with a guide since today has not been a good day and getting Cormag was the only nice thing in it. Now to figure out how to build my favorite dracoknight so that he shines.
  12. I live in an area where people dump their unwanted dogs and cats (i have seen it happen more then once). My cat showed up as a half grown kitten and was starving, so she decided to just try walking up to me in hopes of food, all my dogs are strays as well. I have had her two years now. Anyway I have fed several stray cats, but cats tend to be less likely to trust people so getting it so you can even see this kitty may take a couple of weeks. Leave food at a set time and wait close by after leaving the food in hopes of seeing it, but it will take a long time to get the cat to trust you. Dogs for me take a couple of days. The cat I was feeding before my cat showed up took two months before he would eat in front of me and even then I couldn't get very close the whole time I was giving it food. You may have better luck since you think it is a kitten, but like I said it will take some time.
  13. My all time favorite is at the end of Saiyuki Reload Blast (the anime) where Sanzo and co. tell the Sanbushin that they are still going to take on the Demon King despite being fired and told to go back home. I also love the part in Noblesse (the webtoon) where M-21 get caught and held captive, but instead of giving the bad guys what they want he makes the most annoying bad guy make him ramen.
  14. like I said it is also called 12th night and that is popular in Europe. I call it Three king's day because of where I live. Honestly the US and Canada are the only two places where Christmas is a National Holiday where not that many people know about 12th night. Plus what Xray said. So yeah, I think IS could take that into account when they decided when the Christmas banner should be.
  15. I like to think it is IS taking in to account for Three Kings Day (or 12th night) which is on January 6th and is when the three wise men gave Jesus presents. In most Spanish speaking countries this is when you get presents, not the 25th of December. Three kings day is a big deal where I live since I live next to Mexico, and personally I have always liked it better then Christmas.
  16. They always start books with a regular new heroes banner, so looks like book 4 starts Dec 5th. the banner on the 18th should be Far Fetched. At least it looks like I can save orbs for now.
  17. So Jeritza is BE route only right? I need to know this because I am planning my 5th playthrough and I wanted to do a path where I get him. I just want to make sure he isn't playable on BL route.
  18. Well tickets gave me nothing, while I took the story orbs to try again for Celica. No dice instead I got a +def,-spd Zelgius who is new and I did kind of want a copy of. I am now going to give up on Celica she is just to hard for me to pull. I am going to save orbs now since I don't really care about far fetched and I want to build up a stockpile in case something interesting comes next month.
  19. All the feathers are going to Cormag. Looking forward to capping HM on several units during this. I hope I get lucky with the tickets. I always look forward to the character interaction during these, though I kind of hope Marisa, Joshua and Eirika make cameos in this one.
  20. Seeing this makes me wonder if IS did put TMS characters in FEH they could make them all Duo heroes so everyone could get in in one banner. I guess January will tell if TMS has any chance.
  21. I am both sad and happy Cormag is the GHB, happy because I will be able to get him and +10 him without too much trouble, sad because he probably will be skill screwed and take a bunch of SI to make good. I really hope he isn't another lance flyer because I tended to use him as a sword wielder in my SS playthroughs and there are a bunch of lance flyers already. I will use the tickets on blue, but the story orbs are going to be used trying for Celica and then I am finally going to start saving. Also, I agree that Glen would have been a great choice for GHB, but I also love his bro so I won't complain.
  22. Well I have Mia, so I will be going with her for the final. Plus she has helped me clear many maps, so she deserves my support.
  23. Well I still don't have Celica even after 35 orbs, I did get my 3rd Saber and a bunch of 3*s. I may give this Saber to my B!Ike for shield pulse since that skill can be good on him, but I will have to see. Now to save up some more orbs to try again for Celica later this week.
  24. I am assuming you are trolling, because I am sorry but this the exact opposite of how Heroes base is. The majority of Heroes player base is straight male, because most girls don't like over the top fan service girl characters. If this game was trying to market to woman there would be a lot more guys added to the game then there have been and the seasonal banners would be all male. VGs are just a feather mode and judging how much the player base like a character by it is not wise because of the multipliers which have made it so that the most popular/biggest team loses most of the time. In VG I go with the smallest team that is a unit I have, even if my favorite unit is in the VG. Feather merc for life!
  25. And I am still waiting for Jakob ever since they gave Felicia her refine. I may see about Subaki since I like him well enough to think about him being a +10 at some time.
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