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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am going with Nailah, but I have everyone on this VG and like everyone too.
  2. Well the TMS banner gave me Mordecai at 5* so I will quit with that since I have shown some support for TMS. As to the VG banner I pull the lone blue as my free pull and I get Sirius! My first one so I am happy.
  3. How on earth did a VG happen where I have everyone in it and there are several units I really like? Let's see who should I support first? I think I will go with Nailah since I love her and if she pulls out a win maybe Volug will have a better shot at getting in.
  4. Maybe Cormag or Glen, since the card makes me think of dracoknights.
  5. I read them for laughs. I prefer the Celtic zodiac if I want to follow one since it is trees which I have always liked. I am a Cancer. Chinese zodiac I am year of the sheep.
  6. All I have to say about Itsuki is that he will now be the Falchion user I +10 first since I have been undecided on who to +10 since I like them all about the same. I like Ituski better then the rest simple. I do get mad that most of my favorite units end up as grail units since they tend to get meh skills to start with and take a lot of investment to shine (looks at Haar and others sadly). I mean I am happy to have a copy of them for free and I am glad they are in the game at all since IS tends to be really slow on adding the units I really like (glares at last FE 6 banner with no Elffin in sight), but once in a while I would like to see a personal favorite added to the general pool. I am also a little mad at the TMS banner since there was no Touma and Yashiro since the guys are my favorites from TMS and my main team ends up being those three every playthough, and now the likely hood of those 2 getting in is pretty low so I have to content myself with just Itsuki.
  7. Having played both Wii U and Switch versions ( I was that one weirdo who bought the SE Wii U version) I have to say the Switch version is great. I like the new side stories and the new song is fun. Of course this game being in my top three favorite games list helps, but this is a really fun good game and I hope more people play it on the Switch and enjoy it as much as I do.
  8. Day 5 vote went to Yashiro and the last 2 will go to him as well because dang it I feel like showing my TMS bias and doing it proudly. This means 6 of my votes will go to Yashiro while one went to Elffin.
  9. The Catholic church had crusades against cats and if the black plague had not happened cats would have been completely wiped out in Europe. They started this Crusade again right before the new world was discovered and that finally put an end to the cat crusades since the church focused on the new world instead.
  10. My first 3 votes went Yashiro x2, and Elffin 1. Seeing this makes me want to throw my last votes at Felix and Ferdinand since they after Dimitri are my favorite students. Either that or throw them all at Yashiro so he has a higher chance of getting in. I am really happy to see Itsuki in the top 20, TMS is a great game and seeing the love is wonderful. Elffin doen't really have much hope so even though he is my top favorite FE character I will vote for people who have a chance of getting in.
  11. My votes will be split between elphin and Yashiro with the odd 7th vote will go to Dimitri. Fist vote went to Elphin.
  12. It runs a lot smoother and the graphics seem a bit better. The new side stories are also really fun. It depends what you want. I bought the Encore version because this one of my favorite games and I want to support it, but if you don't really like this game/don't care about the extras then it is your choice.
  13. I only vote for characters not in the game yet. Last year all my votes went to Elphin and I will probably vote the same way again since he is my last top 5 favorite still not in the game.
  14. Ashe, Felix, Ferdinand, Lindhardt, Caspar and Shamir go where Byleth goes in my play throughs. I normally do recruit everyone just because I can, but those people are my top favorites in the game so they will always be on my teams.
  15. @Dandy Druid Let me see if I can find links since some are out of stock online it is harder. Black Eagles: https://www.hottopic.com/product/fire-emblem-three-houses-black-eagles-t-shirt/1256849 that is the only link I can find on my laptop right now. I was able to find the link for the other two houses a couple of days ago, but like I said online they are out of stock. this person has a picture of the Blue Lions one: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/922015 let me see what I can find for Golden Deer. Same person with a picture: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/922017 edit: now it looks like the Black Eagles one is not working let me try a different one and I can't seem to find any other pictures. let me try this and see. https://www.hottopic.com/product/fire-emblem-three-houses-black-eagles-t-shirt/12568496.html ok that one works so check the second link for BE.
  16. So I went to Hot Topic today and they had T-shirts for Three Houses. I bought Blue Lions because that is my favorite house, but they had Golden Deer and Black Eagles as well. They are in guys sizes so keep that in mind if you want one and are a girl/need a small size. They are out of the shirts online right now so you have to go to a brick and mortar store if you want one right now, but the sales people did say the site might restock in a week or two. The nice thing about Hot Topic is they only sell licensed stuff so these are OKed by Nintendo and IS. I just thought Three Houses fans might like to know about these since I only found out by seeing them online when I was looking for something else but saw they were out of stock, so I tried the store and lucked out.
  17. I really don't know what team I am going to use this time. I could finally 5* Chrom/Virion since Caeda has max HM already, or hope I get a TMS unit before I start TT since I will be pulling for them. I will have to decide on the day it starts it looks like. I will build Itsuki since I do like him a fair bit.
  18. @Interdimensional Observer Feel and Dream Catcher so far, Mamori is next then Kiria.
  19. It sounds to me like you had low blood sugar, since you said you felt a lot better after eating plus you said you missed a meal. My advice would be to have a light snack about an hour before you go to the gym next time just to be safe. And yes FYI you can have low blood sugar and not feel hungry at all, this is one of the biggest things that happens in my life because when I get low blood sugar I have to force the food down because I really don't want to eat.
  20. I find it a bit silly, but then I am in a weird place in that I am the late child of late children so both my parents are baby boomers while I am a millennial. I don't use the term since all my parents friends are the same age as them. All generations have annoying people who do and say things the shouldn't (looks at my generation's hate of type one diabetics and uncaring about how type ones need to have insulin to stay alive and that they did not cause their life and death struggle hard), but there are also good people in each generation.
  21. All I have to say is I have been waiting to do another run of THs until this DLC comes out. At least I now know what I will be doing on the 14th, playing this and getting a new husbando.
  22. Yeah I don't trust these that much. I kind of want to do one if I could believe it would be accurate. I know I am an eighth Lithuanian and my great grand mother was Mexican, but who knows on the rest of me. I always call myself a mutt since I don't know for sure what peoples I am related to.
  23. OK I wake up to see this. I was screaming because it made my week. I love TMS it was my favorite Wii U game hands down and is in my top 5 of all time. Anyway I love this, but I wish Yashiro was here because he is my favorite and not seeing him made me sad. I really hope they do another banner with Yashiro some day.
  24. I have to say Cormag he just hit home with me on my first play through and he ended up being my best flying unit since peg knights hate me every single time I use them. I also liked Seth and Joshua, but Cormag won out. He is still in my top 5 favorites, but not number 1.
  25. My dad gave me my great uncle's cone incense burner and I use it some times, but it took me forever to find cone incense for it then even longer to find some that stayed lit long enough to work right. Walmart has the best I can find, my favorite they carry is the myrrh one. My favorite stick incense is green tea because it smells clean and it relaxes me.
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