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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I know this is a silly question, but have you tried uninstalling then reinstalling Heroes on your device? I know when I kept getting errors that fixed my problem, but I figure you have probably tried it already.
  2. Minerva is a must grail project for me, since she is a personal favorite and I only ever managed to pull one of her OG version. OG!Marth will be my bonus unit since I am not pulling on the new banner and everyone else has max HM. I will pair him with: Oboro, Raven and PA!Olivia.
  3. OK thanks for the info I wasn't sure if this one was a new heroes or a special heroes.
  4. Well I am happy Minerva is the TT since her and Navarre are my favorite SD characters and it means I can finally have a +10 Minerva, but dang it I wanted her on a Pegasus. While these are all cute, I will pull green or blue on the free pull on the off chance of a free 5* and skip since duo!Hector is my pulling priority right now. Do we know if this banner will be like the TMS and fallen banners where they are are added to the general pool after (I know the whitewings are out just like duo!Ephraim)?
  5. Beauty and the Beast is the first movie I actually remember watching over and over again as a kid (though any kids movies I had were given to me by a grandaunt so I didn't have a bunch of movies). Aladdin was also one I loved.
  6. Well my favorites tend to be action anime for the most part and I tend to like older anime better as well. My all time favorite series is Saiyuki, the anime is good the manga is better though. Trigun is nice. Escaflowne is really good and the anime that got me in to anime. Lupin the 3rd is what I am watching right now because I need a laugh and it is about the only anime I can get my mom to watch she really likes it. Black Butler is another favorite. Galaxy Railways and Trinity Blood are also in my collection. As to newer anime the last one I watched was School Babysitters and it is just a cute fluffy anime so I don't know if you would like it or not.
  7. You have to do all that then at the end Maiko asks you to be in charge of Fourtuna and you have to agree.
  8. At the end of your first playthrough Itsuki ended up getting a suit and the Marth costume, you can buy them in Anzu in your second playthrough. The DLC is part of the game and you don't have to do anything special to get it. Things like the Arena and the training areas in the Bloom Palace were part of the DLC originally.
  9. My votes went like this: teacher: Berry dancers: Yashiro and Freyr Villain: Zelgius detectives: Tsubasa and enlightened F!Byleth sibling: Ashe I just picked people I liked without thinking too much about it. I picked Ashe because I always wanted a little brother and Ashe is what I would want if I had one.
  10. I didn't think Duo!Hector would be on this, dang forget about saving this month I am pulling until he comes home (I hope). So far I have spent around 40 orbs and got a neutral Dancer!Berkut when there were no reds, but he was my second most wanted on this rerun banner so I am happy, now for Hector to come home soon please Naga. At least TT is happening during this one so I hope I can get him this time since there are not as many red pity breakers in this banner.
  11. Juvenile diabetes is the old name for type one because it used to be mostly children that were found to have it, but adults have been ending up with it more then before. I keep up with the research being done and there are many things that may help, the problem researchers face is that they have to find the trigger that causes the immune system to attack the Beta cells and stop it. Researchers have said that if they can stop or reverse the trigger that they can restart the Beta cells with adult stem cells. I keep hoping and I have seen research make big strides in cures in the past 10 years. I just hope I can see many life threatening illnesses cured in my life time, not just diabetes but all the other illnesses that cause people so many issues.
  12. My team for this one was L!Tiki, F!Hardin, Nagi and F!Tiki. Hardin was there for armor march and did nothing else, map was mostly cleared by F!Tiki and Nagi.
  13. Being a type one diabetic is really hard for me at times especially when I have to explain to new people that type one is not caused by sugar and it isn't my fault I am diabetic and I didn't do anything and just have the bad luck of my immune system attacking and killing my Beta cells and making it so I have to take insulin to stay alive. This song is saying how I feel about my diabetes, and yes on my bad days when nothing works out right with my meds it does feel like death is in love with me. I have had more then once where my diabetes has almost killed me when I did everything possible to keep myself healthy.
  14. I kind of hope the next new heroes banner is Awakening with a Priam GHB. I feel it has been a good amount of time since the last Awakening banner and I would be fine with a new one. I know I know Gangrel is the last big bad not in the game and should be the GHB, but I don't really want another dagger GHB unless they make him as good as Kronya which I don't see happening. I was re-looking at all the Awakening playable characters and there are enough for two more banners and TT/GHBs of units with no versions in the game with two odd units (three if you count Severa). Severa seems to be to be a likely special heroes unit, but I am not sure about any of the rest being popular enough for them to get a special version.
  15. Well free 5* was Ninian which was nice I like her and she is now +3. I got nothing with the tickets except a 4*Hinata for fury fodder. I was dumb and tried again on the mythic banner but am now out of orbs and have nothing worth talking about. Starting tomorrow I am really going to save orbs because my luck hasn't been that good. I am now really going to save for the brave banner and pray to Naga that one of them is a colorless tome unit because I want a colorless tome at some point.
  16. I kind of want her to have a colorless tome and to be able to have a full color team of armor and cav destroying Micaiahs but that is just me. I would also be fine if they made her a staff unit since she is one of the few units who make sense as one.
  17. Welll I got a free OG!Lyn yesterday so my old one finally lost that -atk bane (now +def). Today I finally pulled a 5* on the mythic banner but sadly it was my 3rd F!Grima. At least I do use her a fair bit. I feel this is the game telling me to save for the brave banner and I am going to listen since I am to the point of other then a colorless tome user I have the other unit types covered fairly well.
  18. This event is interesting I kind of hope we do end up with a banner out of this. I voted for Barry from TMS because I always wanted to learn to dance and he seems like a fun teacher.
  19. I really hope the kiddie banner has Navarre on it, but I don't think they will put my favorite SD character on it. I would also be fine with Minerva. I think I will go green or blue if I can on the free 5* since I don't want anyone in red and colorless is 4*s. After this Mythic banner ends I am going to start saving for the braves since the thought of getting two of them for free makes me very happy (Dimitri and Claude if I don't pull them first).
  20. Well I joined team Narcian after he beat Idunn because he is the only one left who I have. I gave up really caring who wins these things long ago, since multipliers tend to mess up the most popular characters.
  21. I think I will like that new free 5* after 40 summons (it would have been great when I was pulling on the TMS banner). Thank Naga, Mordecai won't be able to pity break me anymore. I like the new VA better the old one, who was at just the wrong pitch for me and hurt my ears, this one is nice on my ears. The Fates banner is fine, I am glad Rinkah is in the game now and I am glad it is a banner I can skip and finally save orbs. I wonder if there will be a TT with the kiddie units since that will be the mid month banner I think? Oh well I will have to wait and see if the calendar has a TT on it when it comes out next week. All in all a decent Feh channel.
  22. If you max out a character's level in PoR then you get stat bonuses in RD on that unit, you also get to transfer all the coin items from PoR to RD the coins have no use in PoR, but in RD they are used when forging weapons and increase stats on said weapons. It is up to you if you want to use it or not, but I do recommend it because RD is harder then PoR and the stat bonuses do help.
  23. I went with Idunn+Fae, but man am I getting sick of people with red leads. New to the mode players need to remember that putting the character you are supporting as your lead doesn't help increase the score of the players who get your lead and putting a lead the same color as your team's character up is also a big no no because players are trying to complete the flag quests and are if possible using the bonus unit so other colored units are a big help as a lead.
  24. This Mythic makes me happy I have been meaning to pull colorless for Nanna merges and now I have a good reason. I love the way that they did this character justice, it is nice to see the best (IMO) non-binary character in the series be put in the game.
  25. Leave my house and go to a store. With me being an at risk person I have been stuck at home for 3 weeks already and I only have more at home time to look forward to since my city was put in lock down last week.
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