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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well the only one I don't have is Annette, sadly. I think I will go with Mareeta since I like her the best of the ones I have.
  2. I have had to learn to zone out a lot of stuff because my dad (since before I was born) has to have either talk radio or the tv on all the time, and he has to complain about everything. I will either tell myself very involved stories or plan out things I am going to do such as cook play video games or other things for after I am done with dealing with my dad when I can't have headphones on. I have gotten really good at zoning out after 20+ years of doing it. at least you only have 5 weeks to go so you have an end point to look forward to.
  3. My phone moved all of it it, 1.00GB so I don't know what to tell you. I also run the light version since I don't care about the music or battle animations being perfect.
  4. I was having some problems with my game, but once I found my micro SD card and moved my game data to it I don't have problems. My phone is right at the limit, but the micro SD card did the trick.
  5. I want a Elphin/ Rafiel harmonic hero, Elphin could play his harp while Rafiel sings and Rafiel can be Elphin's eyes since he can't fly anyway. Jakob/Frederick would be interesting because of the Fates DLC where they meet.
  6. So I haven't posted in a while. the highlights since last time are: free Owain on his banner, free Leanne on the original brides banner, free harmonic!Mia on the new summer banner (this makes every Lucy I have pulled other then her brave and legendary versions free pulls) and I finally pulled B!Nailah today so full color wolf emblem team is a go. I am going to save until the trailer for the next summer banner since while I would like S!Joshua since I don't have a red bow unit, I want to what and see if one of my favs is on the next banner. I don't care as much about CYL now since I have duo!Miccy as my colorless tome. Oh, free summer unit was a merge for s!Corrin which was nice.
  7. Well my free pull was harmonic!Mia so I may end up going with a cav team so I can get SP.
  8. This has to be the easiest BHB they have done. I beat all maps in one try with my cav team of : Hrid, Dimitri, B!Veronica and Walhart. Dimitri almost soloed the lower levels, but since I am lazy I didn't try for solo runs. Normally I have to try a couple of times on infernal to get my placement right, but to clear it in one go was a surprise.
  9. I am going to build Rhys for sure and I have the fodder for it, I love his art and I am very happy to get him for free. OG!Lucina will be my bonus unit I will pair her with: Raven, D!Berkut and Virion then swap Rhys for Virion.
  10. Well I am happy about Rhys, I even have wrathful staff fodder for him. I won't be pulling on this unless I actually get B!Nailah before the TT starts. Joshua would be who I would pull for, if I do pull.
  11. I am really hoping the TT unit is a guy because I don't really want another swimsuit girl for free. I really don't think that Selena is here because her pony tails are way longer then the girl in the picture, same with Hilda. Sera has pony tails that are the closest in length, Rebecca as well. As to the short haired girl I am going to guess Priscilla. Though I still don't have a great feeling with my guesses.
  12. Maybe this is the duo hero? I really have no idea other then the one on the right has a bow, and I agree it looks like two girls.
  13. I have an old horse (32, which equals about 90 in horse years) and an old dog (13) who both hate firework noise. I am not looking forward to 4th of July because my mom and I both won't get much sleep because we will be having to keep animals clam til people quit setting fireworks off. I understand what you and your cat go through I hope those people quit so that your cat can have peace.
  14. I am working towards DC since that is a really rare skill for me, and I need it for Flame Emperor. CC will be my target after that. I am not all that good at the modes that give divine codes so any free ones make me happy. Right now I have 2700 divine codes, I have spent some but I still need more to get DC.
  15. So, no one has mentioned the twitter quiz yet? There is a Feh quiz on twitter and if 5 of the questions are answered right everyone gets 10 orbs and 150 divine codes. I don't use twitter, but I hope enough people get questions right since I really need those divine codes.
  16. Well with two summer banners I hope this means I can save. The only units in my top favs left not in the game are: Volug, Elffin, Priam and Yashiro. The only one I think might have a chance at summer is Yashiro. I can hope he is the freebie in July so I can pretend that he is a birthday present. I don't think any of my favs will make the cut though, so I hope I can save for CYL, though I am not as stressed about that one since I managed to pull Duo!Micaiah so I have a colorless mage.
  17. Hector and time skip Dimitri would be my top two. There might be a slim chance of someone making a Dimitri figure, but Hector is unlikely.
  18. My screen looked like that too. I was able to get the rewards even though AB looked like that, but still it is weird.
  19. I breath a sigh of relief when I see that my DC build Myrrh can use her refine. I am happy.
  20. I think they should have their own banner and then be in the general pool. I have yet to see anything that makes the Heroes OCs legendary or mythic so them being there has always annoyed me a bit.
  21. No Priam so this is a skip for me, I will use the tickets on red. good luck to the Anna fans.
  22. Multiplier caused BK to be knocked out. Not surprising since it happens a lot to popular characters. I gave up caring who wins these things long ago.
  23. I think the trailer will be Wednesday since last several end days for VG have had the trailer on the same day, plus Thursday the game will be updating.
  24. Mila is cool and I will free pull colorless but I have to skip the banner since I still want B!Nailah. Too bad they made Mila an infantry dragon, I was hoping she would be a flying dragon since her artwork always has her with wings.
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