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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I hope it is FE 6 and they finally give me my favorite FE character Elffin, as long as I get him in FEH I will be happy. I have been waiting 4 years I really hope my wait will finally be rewarded.
  2. I am hoping Binding Blade and I really hope Elphin is the demote. Gale GHB would make me very happy as well.
  3. @Othin and @NSSKG151 You guys have a point, I was just guessing but you both could be right since FE 1 has had 2 banners + Xane added to the game already this year. I was just making a lazy guess, but I won't be surprised if I am wrong.
  4. All this talk about new heroes banners reminds me of my thought that the early December new heroes banner has a good chance to be an FE 1 banner since the FE 1 remaster release comes out on December 4th and they will probably do something to promote it. I do agree with people saying that the next one could be FE 8, though.
  5. Well legendary Dimitri was a bust the only notables from the banner are F!M!Corrin, Thrasir and Ilyana all new. I will quit while I am ahead and hope Dimitri shows up next time he is on a banner.
  6. Well I finally get to dust off that +1 OG!Lyn I never use for this, I will team her up with Virion, Geese and Darros since they are closest to capping HM. Hopefully I get lucky on the banner, Navarre and Zihark are characters I really like. Seals are nice and I am glad they don't take a bunch of coins to upgrade since I still have a backlog.
  7. I really don't know what all would make this a great FEH channel for me, but some things I would like are: barracks increase HM increase increase on dragonflowers earned (I don't care how they do it but players need more) increase on weapon refines per month, we have a lot of staves to get through and it will take forever at this rate The other thing I would like is if they gave us Frayr for free at the end of book 4 since I don't see him selling all that well, plus there are 3 OCs not counting book 5 OCs that are coming. I know this is a pipe dream, but I wish it would happen.
  8. Russell Stover sugar free sweetened with stevia raspberry dark chocolate is my absolute fav. I really like Russell Stover sugar free dark chocolate to begin with, but the raspberry filled ones are the best.
  9. He is one of my mom's favorite actors and every movie I saw him in I at least liked, it is sad to find out he won't be in any new movies.
  10. Blue here I come I hope he comes home. Green will be my backup, the other two colors don't interest me.
  11. I am going with Velouria since she is a wolf, I will go with Robin fall vessel if she loses. I do like Rutger (he has saved my playthruoghs many times in FE 6), but being on a red team is painful because of all the reds so he is my third choice.
  12. Thanks everyone for telling me when Gamestop had the preorder up (this is sarcasm since no one told me and I missed the preorder)! My life sucks and I figure I will be forced to only get the download. Don't even try to tell me anything I just want people to know I am MAD and no I will NOT be be buying this on ebay. I should have known not to get my hopes up for any collector's edition coming in December. Edit: I was so mad about this my mom ended up staying up until 12 to see if she could get it for me, without telling me. She even talked to Best Buy who said as of 6am this morning that they weren't taking preorders yet. My mom then went to the closest Gamestop store this afternoon and was able to preorder it in the store for me. I have the best mom and I wanted to put this info here for people that want to get the special edition, but like me missed the online preorders. I am still a bit mad at the people here, though. Next time someone askes for an @ when something comes out please be nice and @ them.
  13. I really hope this does lead to more releases like this, but if this sells badly it could cause them to stop. There are several games I want to see done this way the highest on the list would be Mother 3 and FE 4, so of course I am buying this one. I just hope this doesn't flop so that FE 4, 5 and 6 can have this happen to them as well.
  14. Yeah my only problem is this is only FE 1, but I am still going to buy it. Can someone @ me when the limited edition is up for sale? This has to be a test the waters to see if people would actually buy things like this and I have to buy it to support the idea of them doing this with the other Japan only games. IMO this would be the best way to do Binding Blade, so I really hope this doesn't flop.
  15. Cool I will be getting this and I will probably get the collectors edition. This is why I always save up money just for video games. If this sells well I hope they do this with Binding Blade. I was thinking about replaying Shadow Dragon and now I will just wait for this.
  16. Well I did 11 pulls on the Chruch banner which gave me a Velouria and a Fiora(my first) and nothing else good, but at least I don't have a pity rate which is better then some of the new heroes banners this year. I decided to give it one last try for Duo!Hector since I missed him last year and I got them in 24 orbs which is great!
  17. Oops, I forget about her since she has never once shown up for me.
  18. Well they finally put a flying healer in the general pool which is great! I am happy Seteth is the demote and I probably will +10 him. I will do only the free pulls though, since I am low on orbs. Nemesis will be nice though I don't know what I will do with him. I hope he has good fodder.
  19. Well Halloween banner has been pretty good, I pulled 2 Xanes sadly both +def but I am happy to have him, 1 Tiki+Ninian which proves Tiki still loves me since the came in the first circle and 1 H!Grima. I wanted the king of Goldloa as well, but my orbs need a rest and I have plenty of red armor dragons. Special spiral banner gave me the +atk Lewyn I have been waiting for my free pull so I am happy.
  20. Ok I got mixed up and thought you were talking about only pairings without DLC units.
  21. 18 Blue Lions for me. I did one run just to pair everyone up
  22. My big goal is grinding HM and finishing my merge projects which depend on how lucky I get when pulling 3 and 4* units and the amount of feathers I have. Other goals are hoard trait fruit until I can get enough to fix several units at once and get enough divine codes for CC and maybe special spiral if divine codes part 1 last that long. I don't think I am going to reach my goals by the end of this year, but I am making decent progress on getting merge fodder. Reyson, Python and Bantu are just waiting on feathers and I only need 4 more Ferdinands so there is that.
  23. I am to the point of I would take bunny Elphin over no Elphin (and I really don't like the bunny alts), so that I have a version of him in the game. As to what the new banner will be I think 3Hs is the best bet, but I would like it to be either Sacred Stones or Binding Blade.
  24. I think I will do a team with Y!Tiki and Xane, I will pair them with Geese and adult S!Tiki. I will switch to Ena once I get her at 5*.
  25. Very nice, Xane and Dheginsea are both great and I might try for the others as well. Ena is the TT which is nice. Halloween banners tend to be my favorites and this is still the case this time.
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