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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well I am ok with this. The best thing for me is the old 5*s getting demoted finally (maybe those 8 copies of Saber I want will have a chance of showing up now) and the forma soul which will be saved for when someone I really want but haven't pulled shows up. The rest is meh or ok since two free 5*s and tickets are always nice and I am glad that a hero rises is still happening and won't use up the free forma soul.
  2. I expect 3Hs, but I really hope it is Thracia since that is the game with the least seasonal units and I would love a Finn alt.
  3. well my votes went like this: Elphin Yashiro Priam Balthus Volug Yuri Yuri I really don't care about braves since the first CYL so I only vote for units not in game that I like. I hope Yuri places highly so the Ashen Wolves get in this year.
  4. I am going with Saber since he loves me (mine is +atk and +2 which is rare) and he is my favorite in this VG.
  5. Well looking at the midterms I will give my two free votes to Yuri since he has a good shot at being added this year with that ranking and I would love an Ashen Wolves banner. I would be fine with the top two of each gender being the winners since I feel about the same about all of them not my favorites but not my least favorites either.
  6. I am probably the only person who ended up liking AbyssKeeper better then GateKeeper, but I do think GateKeeper would be fun if he makes it. Anyway my third vote went to Priam, I will go with Balthus next then Volug and my last two votes will be decided on after mid terms.
  7. They are asking for the one character you want most, the Ashen Wolves are 4 people you need to ask for your favorite.
  8. Well my votes so far are: 1. Elphin 2. Yashiro I think I will vote for Priam next, then Balthus and Volug and my last two votes will either go to Elphin or Ashe if he has a shot at a brave.
  9. I will be giving votes to Elphin, Yashiro, Priam, Balthus and Volug, but if Ashe has a shot at a brave in the second half I will switch my votes to him.
  10. Well I discovered Ville Valo (front man and main song writer for the band HIM) went solo this is my favorite of the new stuff he did:
  11. Well Lene will be my bonus until I get M!Kris who is now at the top of my grail project list. Lene will be on a team with: B!Dimitri, S!A!Tiki and Lissa.
  12. Wow I am in shock I was right about it being Raphael on the right of the silhouette. Anyway I will be trying for the harmonic since RB has become the one event I try to score highly in. Red hell please be kind. I am happy about Chris being an axe cav since I have been wanting another one to build up.
  13. I am hoping for Hubert if this is a dark magic banner. well I will find out soon if anyone I really like is on this. I am hoping that the girl on the left is Poe and not Tharja, since while I like Tharja I feel Poe would be nicer since she would be a new character. The guy on the right looks like Raphael to me and since I am pretty sure the harmonic hero will be half 3Hs I am sure there will be more then one rep from that game.
  14. I don't think I would unless I was really hungry. My dad has had bear meat and told me stories about it a lot as a kid and he kept going on and on about it being greasy and I am not found of greasy meat so I think I will leave it to others.
  15. I went really really low once (I would have died if my dad hadn't checked on me and given me sugar) and I saw angels. since I was dying at the time I tend to think they were real.
  16. Elphin for me and he is where my votes will be going in CYL.
  17. I was thinking just 3Hs in general and not Ferdinand and Lorenz since most of 3Hs cast has some type of tea they like I feel anyone from there would be able to work. I would want Marianne on it, but as for others I don't know since I haven't read every support out there but I am sure there are tea fans in other games that I can't think of right now. I just hope it is something new since I get tiered of the same banners every time so I hope it is something new this time.
  18. I hope that the fluffy fur fest is beasts and we get a free red beast with it (like Kaze was part of quests then put in the normal pool). I honestly kind of hope this new seasonal is a tea drinking banner it would be a good way to have Three Houses characters on it and I have always liked tea.
  19. I would choose green since Harmonic Veronica would be a help for resonant battles, plus that is the color I pulled least on seasonal banners. Blue or colorless would be my second choice, since those two have more units I am missing then red. I wonder if they will do "A Hero Rises" this year? If they do I think I will vote for harmonic and duo heroes since those would be great to get even if I end up foddering them.
  20. Well I am happy for the fans and for the fact I get to save orbs for L!Dimitri's return at the end of the month, since I haven't played Thracia. I need merges from colorless and blue, so that is where my tickets will go. Good luck to the fans of these units may they come home quickly for you.
  21. I loved it, it was really sweet and made me wish there really were fairies giving good dreams on New Year's. As to the banner I managed to get NY!Velouria and NY!Kaden without spending a bunch of orbs so I am happy since I still have all the wolves in FEH.
  22. Well my TT team will be all wolves since Velouria will be my bonus unit. I will be building Keaton since I need a green project and he is my favorite of the grail units that are green.
  23. I am going after the Fates beasts and them color sharing with the units they are is a boon for me, though I know some people are unhappy. I am happy about Keaton, though I agree he should have been something other then green.
  24. Sephiran is my first pick since he is my fav and will also probably be team feathers. If he loses I will go Felix if he is still in, then Altina.
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