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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I was lazy and used a guide, it was pretty simple though. I will build Jorge because L!Chrom hates me and refuses to enter my barracks. I agree with above posters saying this looks a bit like the Anna maps in PoR.
  2. Well I did the 40 pulls and was lucky and got Lysithea and Dimitri (both -hp,+res so usable until I get fruit for them) then took Claude and Edelgard as my two free picks. Very happy the banner was kind and this is the first time I managed to get all 4 brave heroes on their debut banner.
  3. As someone who has favorites not in the game yet that are not overly popular (looks at Elphin's placing sadly), bot votes scare me since I fear the hate a character would get if they get bot votes. I really worry about next year's CYL since someone could decide to bot and cause problems to characters I like. I can just see Brigand Boss being bot voted all the way to top 5 with the message IS is sending to people with Jorge being added before actual popular characters.
  4. I will do full pulls with the tickets and free summon circles and may try to do the first spark and get Cluade. Dimitri will be my free pick though since he is the one out the 4 I will use the most. I am also not looking forward to the CC, that Frayja map is a royal pain and I think I will wait for the f2p guide to do it because of that map.
  5. I will take my free Dimitri and try a bit for Claude but CYL 4 is kind of boring for me since it is all end game classes, but Dimitri is the rare infantry lance so he is the best for me. Dragonflowers and changing flaws made my day though. I have several units that have bad stats that will be made useful because of the fruit and that will be my most used item after orbs and feathers. I will be hoarding fruits until New Year's then I will figure out the best boons and fix all my favs who came with bad stats looks at all my wolf emblem team hard.
  6. Xenoblade Future connected and a release year for SMT V as well as the Nocturne remake. Oh also my parents getting a new TV and letting me use the old one just for my gaming systems in my room instead of having to deal with annoying old men (my dad) who watch me me play and make really dumb comments because they don't know how to play and won't learn. Other then that this has been a really crumby year, COVID hit where I live right when I was going to look for a job so all my plans for the year have gone out the window and I don't know when my life will get back on track.
  7. Well I will just take my free Dimitri and not care about CYL after since I only have one favorite this year. I am praying that the dancer banner has Elphin as the TT unit, but I won't get my hopes to high.
  8. Well since real life has been hell the past week Feh decided to take pity on me. I spent 50 orbs on the banner and ended up with 2 Geese one being *5 and + atk so I now have a +1 Geese, a B!Eliwood (swift sparrow fodder) and a +atk P!Tibarn! This cheered me up and I needed that. Now to save some orbs for CYL.
  9. Yeah I think it was different by area. Fox Kids was what it was really early in my memory but I remember it changing to the Fox Box and it had several animes.
  10. What started me on anime was the Fox Box on Saturday mornings and week day afternoons in the 90s. Digimon was my favorite show and is the first anime I was a big fan of. I went a few years without watching anime then I found Vision of EscaFlowne at Best Buy and I had watched it on Fox Box and liked it back then so I bought the set (it was cheap $27). I have been reading manga and watching anime since then. I am picky about my choices though, so while I love anime I don't watch a whole bunch of it and only watch ones that people I know love or that really interest me. My all time favorite is the Saiyuki series and I haven't found one to top that yet, but who knows maybe some day I will.
  11. I am going for Geese I need another infantry lance and I really liked Geese in FE6. Thank Naga he is the 4* so I will have an easier time getting him. I wouldn't mind Tibarn, but I think I will wait until his rerun.
  12. Well I will be trying for Geese so hopefully he comes quickly and I can use him. If he is slow I will just use the TT reward since both B!Veronica and Tibarn maxed HM long ago and I don't have Eyvel.
  13. Well my second favorite Binding blade character is now in the game. I may have to pull some. This banner would have been great if Fargus was on it I want to see how CYL is like before I pull so looks like I will wait a bit. I am actually happy about the year two 5*s being off new banners because I have gotten one to many of the bad ones as pity breakers. I really wish they would do something about the 4* pool since that has been a bug bear in terms of me actually pulling merge project copies, but I am happy that Selkie and Quan are no longer going to pity break me on blue. I am pleased a staff unit is getting a refine and I hope B!Veronica's refine is good because I still use her a lot.
  14. I put on my headphones with my favorite music and read a book in my room. My room is my safe space since it is the only place that is truly mine. Petting my dogs and my cat also help a lot as well.
  15. I will go team Rhys then Mia when Rhys gets crushed. I feel like Lorenz will be the feather merc because I don't see anyone really building him and using him.
  16. I just saw this now. I am really happy about both SMT games. I missed out on III when it first came out and I have been waiting for info on V for years. I will be preordering both of these the moment I can.
  17. Well I will take the free pull and tickets and skip, since the only one I really like on the banner is Julian and he is not a must have for me. I need to save just in case the dancer banner has Yashiro or Elphin are on it.
  18. My body actually tells me I'm hungry when I actually need water sometimes in the afternoons so I normally have some water when I am hungry at weird times and it normally works. I read some article but I can't remember where I read it since it has been a couple of years, but anyway this is a real thing apparently and if you get hungry at weird times you may need to drink water because you are actually thirsty.
  19. So the tickets gave me F!Celica(why on this banner?) who is new, a merge for OG!Ephraim and a merge for Ferdinand. I am happy with those three since I already have Duo!Ephraim and Gerik.
  20. I really think it will be Tellius since last month my guess was either Awakening or Tellius since those were the two worlds that hadn't had a banner in several months. Now the last one left is Tellius so that is my bet. I would have guessed 3Hs, but I really don't think so now that the latest summer banner came out. Of course my personal wish would be TMS, but honestly I see that being the dancer banner over a new heroes banner.
  21. Please let Elphin be the dancer TT unit please IS, I know he isn't popular enough to be on the main banner. I also would love Yashiro on the dancer banner as well. As to the new heroes banner I hope it is Tellius, with Volug on it as a demote which could be possible if it is a Daein banner with Jill as well hopefully as an ax unit.
  22. I am almost 29, but I stopped caring about Bdays and age after I turned 21 and was considered an adult in every legal way in my state. I have been playing FE since Sacred Stones came out and will keep playing FE because it is something I can play when I have time and leave alone for a while if RL is too busy for me to game. I never have liked shooters that much to the sadness of my friend's kids, but that is the way life works. I don't mind talking to kids or adults as long as it is about something we both find interesting, age is just a number.
  23. I already maxed HM on M!Byleth so unless someone shows up on my free pull on the summer banner, Lorenz is my bonus unit. I will pair him with D!Berkut, Raven and Gordin since they are close to capping HM. I will use Larcei until I get the 5* Lorenz.
  24. Well I will free pull green or red and skip. Notice says Lorenz is the TT unit which is nice since at least I get a free male summer hero for the TT closest to my Bday so I am happy with Lorenz.
  25. Sylvain and Ingrid are my guesses like everyone else. If I am really lucky Felix or Ashe will be the TT unit so I get them free for my bday. Were there any in depth interactions in the two FBs that went with the 3Hs banners that scream harmonized hero? I guess it could be with a Heroes OC since I remember 3Hs characters interacting more with them then people from other games.
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