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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I think I will do a team with Y!Tiki and Xane, I will pair them with Geese and adult S!Tiki. I will switch to Ena once I get her at 5*.
  2. Very nice, Xane and Dheginsea are both great and I might try for the others as well. Ena is the TT which is nice. Halloween banners tend to be my favorites and this is still the case this time.
  3. Why do I see 3 characters? Anyway I have no idea at all here, but to me it looks like a child in the middle and an adult on the left and on the right.
  4. I am 29 and still live with my parents. The main reason is I have type 1 diabetes and have very hard to control blood sugar and my mom is the only person I trust to help me if I go really low.
  5. Finally I can save orbs, Duo!Sigurd took all my orbs to get but I am happy I did. Anyway I will free pull red and skip. Freyr is the only one of the fairies I like so I kind of hope he is put in like Mirabilis so I can have a chance at him with tickets.
  6. My mom does when I wear my hair in two braids (I do still wear my hair like that when I feel like it even though I am 29) so I always thought it meant when your hair was braided and pony tails are when the hair is tied up but not braided. Anyway I think I will go with Mikoto first since she was a free pull today and see where it goes from there.
  7. On the OCs I like most of them. Are they my top favs? No, but the top out some units. I want frayr from the book IV cast but that is it since I am not a big fan of the fairy theme.
  8. This has bothered me as well, it seem like mages are allowed in there with no problems (looks at Lysithea's FBs as proof) and it seems like Innes at least was allowed to read Askr history books, but only Siegbert talks about the library and is told by the summoner he can't be there. It does make me wonder if Siegbert was in a restricted part of the library (say where the history of other FE worlds are kept) and summoner kicked him out, but that was left out of the translation.
  9. Try a new series is the best advice, I personally trade Fire Emblem, Zelda, Xenoblade and Shin Megami Tensei so I don't get sick one series.
  10. I can finally make snarky archer emblem once I get a Shinon hopefully he shows up with the tickets since Duo!Sigurd still hasn't come home. Was it @Gregster101 that has been waiting for Jill? I hope Jill comes home quickly for them.
  11. I haven't decided who I am going to use my trait fruit on yet. My plan right now is to hoard them until New Year's and decide then, since that will give me a few months of saving and I can pick more then one unit to fix.
  12. I really hope it is Tellius. My three main wants are Shinon, Volug and Sephiran, but I will be happy with any new to FEH Tellius units.
  13. Kougaji from Saiyuki. He may be on the wrong side but he isn't an evil person and he has good reasons for doing the things he does.
  14. Armor march is great as a seal it will help me during armor quests. Eldigan looks good and I will be building him for my draco emblem team which needs a dancer. As to teams Deirdre is the only one of the three non dancers that needs HM so she is my backup until Duo!Sigurd comes home.
  15. First cav dancer in the game, I could use one so I am pulling. Eldigan is free so I am happy since I really like him. I am glad FE4 finally get a seasonal banner it deserved some alts.
  16. I am getting M!Robin vibes from the guy and the girl makes me think Celica, but she doesn't make sense. I could see Sigurd and Deirdre though. I really don't see Ike because the guy's hair seems too long to be him.
  17. I am praying to Naga the banner is TMS with Yashiro as the demote or TT reward because he is my favorite from TMS. My other hope would be that Elphin is on the banner instead I feel like the dancer banner is my only hope of him getting in. My view on seasonals is only pull if they are a new unit type (armor healer for instance) or a personal favorite like B!Nailah. Rafiel and Geese are two favorites of mine so I am just happy they got in and was even happier they were the demotes.
  18. since 2007 when I bought Sacred Stones because I liked the box art, I have been a fan ever since.
  19. Nothing says they can't break the rule. With people working from home now things like weekends don't matter as much since the person in charge of posting trailers will have everything ready to go at home.
  20. I am going with Dimitri all the way, if he falls I will go with whatever male unit is left.
  21. Any animal in the canine family and I also like felines especially black cats.
  22. I only have 7 characters I truly like the rest I am neutral on so I will only list my top 7. 7) Ashe 6) Shamir 5) Marrianne 4) Felix 3) Ferdinand 2) Balthus 1) Dimitri
  23. Do you have a link? I am really stuck myself since my Awakening units aren't my best built units.
  24. This sounds fun let me see. Men: !st: Elphin my favorite FE character out of all of them so he will be first. He would wield Aurreola as a blue mage and have a sing skill as good as L!Azura he would be armor since he is blind. He would be dressed in royal grab since he would be the Elphin after Binding Blade's story finished. 2nd: Balthus He would have his heroes relic as his weapon and his war monk class and he would be colorless infantry. Women: 1st: Vika she would be a green raven Laguz and I am not sure what her outfit would look like, but it would be after the end of Radiant Dawn so maybe she would wear a nice dress. 2nd: Orochi would be red mage and in the Basara class.
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