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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. @Jotari and @DefyingFates I know I am being bad hoping that, but I think her refine can still be really good without it. I just get a bit worried when they give refines to units I have built up with expensive fodder because if their weapon is really good, but it can't use my original build I feel like I wasted that fodder since I am for the most part F2P.
  2. Well Myrrh will get hers right away, I just hope it doesn't have DC built in since I gave her DC and I will be mad if that ends up being a waste of rare (for me) fodder.
  3. Yes I would like that very much. It would be great to have more options.
  4. Well, I live in the desert so it is hot and dry right now and some plants are blooming so I am sneezing a lot. In another two months we will start our rainy season, which means wet humid days for days and that gets to me since the sky will stay gray for days
  5. Well these new reruns are very nice, though the 4 banners on the list don't interest me much, I do hope Nil's banner gets rerun with tickets at some point since I still don't have him. I don't use twitter, so I just hope people vote for a good banner like the FE 8 one.
  6. I read to escape so I don't read nonfiction unless I have to, an I read a lot. Anyway my personal favorites are a really long list so I will narrow it to my to 5. In fantasy my top two favs are Hexwood (by the same author as Howl's moving castle) and Sunshine by Robin Mckinley. As to classics my top two are To kill a Mockingbird and Persuasion (by Jane Austin). As to sifi my favorite series is Vampire Hunter D, but I can't pick which one in the series is top of the list.
  7. Black Knight for sure, I always go with my favs.
  8. I made the choice of deciding I wanted F!Lyon so I did the 40 pulls so I could get him as the free choice, only 5* in the pulling was my first Ranulf and I am leaving the banner with a 4.00% pity rate because I have who I wanted and Brides is calling me. On the Brides banner the only notables so far are: G!Rafiel at 4* who I already 5*ed and was very happy to pull and my first Forrest. I am going to keep trying for B!Nailah and Duo!Miccy and Sothe, I am more likely to get Miccy since I have had a total of two green orbs show up so far in my pulling.
  9. This one I found really funny. I am the cook in my house and my dad is a major complainer about whatever I cook. I sometimes think about giving him a lump of charcoal for his meat with the hottest peppers I can find just because he complains endlessly and with no really reason other then to be a pain in the neck, everyone else who has eaten my cooking has liked it. I would so be like P!Leo and throw cyanide sandwiches at the enemy.
  10. Video games, fantasy books, manga, anime, type one diabetes, music that I like, my animals, mythology and history.
  11. Yeah I like them both a lot, I just happen to like Elffin more. Rafiel and Nailah are my favorites from Tellius so seeing Rafiel added to FEH made me really happy. I am to the piont of any version of one of my favorites in FEH is better then none and I don't care as long as I get a version of them in the game.
  12. I will use OG!Nailah, Keaton, Velouria and Ranulf for the first team. I hope I can get B!Nailah and G!Rafiel from the banner but I probably won't get them til after TT starts. G!Hinata looks like fun so I will build him at some point. Seals are OK, but nothing I will use a lot which is nice since I have a few seals I need to finish forging.
  13. Well rip my orbs, Nailah and Rafiel are a really really want for me. Rafiel is my favorite heron so I hope good luck this time since the last two times I have gone for units I haven't managed to get them.
  14. I would love it if they do "eastern" theme this year since I have wanted a around the world bridal banner for a while. When I saw the sword I thought Ayra, but the hair is wrong for her to be here. I really have no idea here as to who to guess, but I am looking forward to the trailer for the art work.
  15. This one seemed pretty easy to me, like a lot easier then normal. Used my cav team like normal.
  16. I really keep thinking that the next new heroes banner will be Awakening and all I want is Priam in Heroes somehow, I would be really happy with him being a GHB because I could merge him easy. I want Tellius and the unit I want most is Volug and I am sad to see every single DB banner ideas banner without him on it. Personally for Tellius I would want: Jill(ax flyer), Aran(infantry lance), Volug(red beast infantry) Laura (staff infantry) and Sephiran GHB.
  17. Seasonal banners for the next few months will be a skip for me unless one of my favs not in game get in which is not likely since they aren't that popular. I am in save mode for braves with the hope that one of them will be a colorless tome.
  18. The dancer banner is my last hope of Elphin getting in to FEH this year since I don't think a Binding Blade banner will happen again for a really long time. I really don't want the dancer banner to be all from one game because that would bore me. I like the seasonal banners that cover two or three games better then ones that only cover one game.
  19. My Ashnard will get DC once I am able to get the V!Hector manual since the only DC fodder I have is going to Seliph. I think I am going to give him Aether, QR 3 for B slot and I need to think about the rest. I will wait to use grails on him until his rerun so I can save a few grails for other projects.
  20. I am going to pretend that since they have magic in FE there are water mages in the army whose jobs are to give everyone hot water and keep things washed. Anyway I think cav units would smell like leather and horses which combined has always been a comforting smell to me since I have been around horses all my life.
  21. This one was pretty easy, used my cav team of: Hrid, B!Veronica, Dimitri and Walhart. I was having fun using one crazy king to smash another crazy king. Now to figure out how to build one of my top 5 favorite villains.
  22. This one made me sad and yeah I agree that it being all Black Eagles is very annoying since if it had to be 3Hs it should instead have the three lords so all houses are there. If my dreams are major like the time I dreamed my diabetes was cured, man I cried a lot after I woke up and saw my pump I remember them.
  23. This what I think as well. my favorite character in the series maybe Elphin, but I want an FE 4 and 5 remake before 6 and I will be very peeved if 7 gets remade first. Not to mention FEH has made FE 4 and 5 characters more known then before and I think that Jugdral would end up selling fairly well if they promoted it in FEH.
  24. Siegbert will be getting his refine. I will think about Wendy, but I don't have good fodder for her so she is way down the line. the other two look OK, but not anything I really need or want right now so they stay with the sets they have for now.
  25. I will use the tickets for green and skip. This is a meh banner for me, but then I don't really like fallen heroes with Hardin being the exception. GHB Ashnard makes up for the banner, he had better be a flying sword if he has any other weapon I will be very unhappy because they had better not screw up one of my favorite villains.
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