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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I am hoping this new heroes banner is far fetched, since we already had our story chapter for the month this would be a great time for it.
  2. I noticed that too. Every rest phase has been shorter by a day. Now there is only two days and I think next time will be one day and it will stay at that. Once a week is fine, but every other day is going to drag on me. It would be nice if we knew what the divine codes are for so I could know if I need them or if I I can not stress about my rank in this mode.
  3. Well after seeing the trailer I decided to do a yolo summon for NY!Lethe since I would love a complete colors beast cav team. Took 10 orbs but she actually showed up! +def,-res so not the best, but at least she isn't -atk. I am now truly done with the banner and I am happy since beast cav team is a go now. Lethe has always been a favorite so I am glad to have both versions of her.
  4. Nice, I am happy for the Genealogy fans. I will use the tickets then skip since I don't need anyone on here. It is sad that there is no 3/4* this time, but all new units so it is still good.
  5. I love the anime and manga Black Butler, and for a while there was a shirt with the saying "cats are great they do not talk about useless things or do them". Sadly I could never find that shirt in my size and they don't sell it anymore.
  6. Well I give up on the New Year's banner. While I didn't get Lethe I did get my first Gerik (sadly -atk, but I will take him), my first Valbar so I now have all 3*/4* in the game again, a +atk Ross for my merge project, a +spd Shigure for my new base and last but not least a merge for my favorite FE lord Dimitri. While I did not get a green beast cav I am still happy and I know to quit while I am ahead.
  7. Well looks like I will be going team who ever won of Chrom/Ronnie for the final since I don't have Edelgard.
  8. Well, the two I want most are Felix and Ferdinand I don't care how the banners are set up I just hope the new THs banner has one of them on it. Ferdinand would be my top choice though, and I would love it if he was ax cav because we need a new one in the pool big time.
  9. I knew a Matthew in horse back riding class (did not deserve that name because the kid was a spoiled pain), My sister's name is Gail Lynne and my sister in law's name is Miia, my mom knew a Lyon, my friend's little brother is named Joshua, my dad has a friend named Robin, I used to take care of a little boy named Aron, my mom worked with a guy named Sebastian, I knew a Scarlet for awhile, my grandmother's name was Fay, my cousin's name is Fred, my other cousin's name is Jenny and her husband's name is Rafiel, my great uncle's name was Saul, my dog's name is Nanna (though she is after the Norse goddess). The closest to my name is Lorenz.
  10. Team Chrom or team Hardin convince me who I should join because I like both and I like to support the guys in VG.
  11. Yeah I know she is decent, but sadly infantry which is the main reason I don't want to use her because she will mostly be dead weight, but sadly I don't have any green cav beasts so she is the only choice. OG Lucina also pity broke me and I still use M!Marth over her for that reason. Pity breakers can be nice, but when it is a unit you won't use much and they pity break you when going for a fav then it is annoying.
  12. I am hoping for an FE 4 and 5 remake because 3Hs made me hopeful. I wouldn't mind if we revisit a world and explore lore more, Tellius would be interesting if they do Altina's time and make a game about that or any of the lore mentioned in any of the games would be cool.
  13. Well the tickets gave me a NY!Selkie so my team will have both versions of her. Now if only the tickets will will give me NY!!Lethe or a pity breaker Ranulf/Yarne so I am not forced to use Fae (I don't really like Fae since she pity broke me a long time ago when I was going for someone else) I will be very set. Otherwise Fae will be my green so that everyone will be transformed from the start because Reyson has been maxed out on HM for a long time.
  14. Happy New Year, everyone! The tickets for the New Years banner have been really good to me, the highlights are: NY!Azura (this makes up for her never coming home every time I pulled for her), NY!Selkie with perfect IVs +atk,-hp,a 4* Norne and a 4* Tethys. I am very happy and I still have monthly orbs to get and I will keep trying on this year's New Years banner because I would like Lethe and the Duo unit.
  15. Yeah and I have to be very careful with food. I have known 5 year olds that are easier to deal with then my dad when he has his heart set on something. At least I managed to solve my problem for this year since it seems like my mom wants good tamales as well, so I can still eat tamales for New Year's and make my dad happy.
  16. Lethe and Selkie both were pity breakers for me awhile ago, so I will use them. I will pair them with Velouria and Fae (unless Ranulf shows up before then).
  17. Team Dimitri all the way for me, I have to support my favorite lord. Lucky for me there are lots of people I like/have in this one. I will lead with my Kaze.
  18. You don't know my dad. Lucky for me has finally said he won't make me eat the canned ones this time because I told him I won't even if he tries to make me. My dad is a weird person, New Year's is the only holiday my family does stuff for and because he wants it done he gets it because he makes life misery if it isn't. I don't mind the tradition as long as the canned tamales stay away from me, sadly my dad is in his 70s and he is to the point he wants what he want and won't compromise. I had to pull the "if I get sick my blood sugar will go low card" which I don't like to do, but I am glad I was able to do it this time.
  19. New Year's and Halloween are my two favorite holidays so I want to try for one of these but I like them all so I may just do full pulls.
  20. I can't eat canned tamales for some reason they tend to make me sick if I eat them, I think it maybe the salt content. Anyway I hopefully will at least get by the store and get frozen ones for me to eat, though I am really hoping my mom will be nice and get restaurant ones since she doesn't like the canned ones either. My dad for some reason thinks that canned tamales are luckier then regular tamales, but for me they tend not to be because my bad years have all started with canned tamales instead of fresh ones my good years all started with fresh tamales, not that I really believe that they are lucky. New Year's traditions can be annoying because they are traditions you "have to" do them even if you would rather not.
  21. I am forced every New Year's day by my dad to eat tamales and black eyed peas for breakfast. I am just praying that I can get my mom to get real tamales and not the horrid canned ones that make me sick.
  22. Nice art all around. I might pull a bit for the duo unit, but otherwise I am happy with the free Eir.
  23. Well my free pull on the year 1 Christmas banner was a +atk OG!Ike! My second one ever and it fixes that annoying +HP, -res one that I have had. Now I might actually use OG!Ike when I feel like it. The rest of my free pulls were meh and I now have a 4.00% pity rate on this year's Christmas banner since I like everyone on it. Hopefully the LHB orbs will give me a 5* tomorrow. I am looking forward to the tickets since a C!Tharja would be nice.
  24. I will free pull green then skip because I have everyone but L!Roy and the 3 green units and I don't really want any of them. Good luck to those who are pulling on this banner.
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