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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I love GHBs so I am looking forward to a new one. I wonder what skills he will come with? From the the video it looks like he will be a blue tome, but I wonder if he will have a ploy skill like Arvis, which I am kind of hoping for since I use Arvis a lot.
  2. I don't know about this mode, I am not all that fond of rival domains and this looks to be the same but more annoying and more difficult.
  3. I am mostly happy except the alts that is annoying, but since I was only going to pull for Finn and I get him for free I will skip the banner and save my orbs for H!Jakob. Rarity drop is great, I am very glad about that, less pity breakers is really good.
  4. @XRay No her boss just told her she should not use that term and that since she used it she must be racist. Her boss at that time was Hispanic but I don't know if that makes a difference since I have never heard that term be used in a bad way in Spanish before and I understand a fair bit of Spanish. My mom was pretty upset at that time, not that I blame her being called a racist with no real explanation is not something that anyone would like. I guess it is just people being overly PC and my mom is now very careful what she writes even if she is writing in a historical context.
  5. I auto battled all maps with just my own units since I have so many good infantry units. Auto battle is the best for these maps, it saves me the time it would take to do all the maps, 5 minutes and I am done.
  6. I think that is fairly new, my mom works in a history museum and she was writing something and used that term in a historical context and got called a racist by her boss (my mom is the nicest least judgmental person I know) and when my mom was telling me about it she said she had no idea it now meant something bad and she did not mean to write anything racist.
  7. I went team Kagero and since I keep getting a flood of blues I put my Elincia up for now, but I think I will swap to Michalis later on to give people a green. I wish the this VG was over already because I am burnt out on it and there is still a day to go. At least at the end I will have the feathers to 5* evil Takumi so I have something to show for my efforts.
  8. Well looks like I am going to team Kagero, I think I will put Hinoka back up to give my teammates some flier buffs again. Shout outs to @ruruo"s Jeorge for saving a couple of my runs and being my most seen friend.
  9. The only thing I am kind of hoping for is a way to turn crystals in to shards or another use for crystals because I have almost 300k in just universal crystals alone. Shards I use on fodder I need to promote, but the crystals just end up sitting in my inventory. I am also hoping for a new GHB and TT unit, hoping against hope one of them is a flying sword draco knight, which I know probably won't happen since IS loves to make every droco knight in FEH that is not Valter or seasonal an ax unit. I am trying to keep my hopes pretty low since the last one of these was a big let down.
  10. Free pull was 4*Tharja, so decent fodder. I will just keep saving my orbs for Finn and H!Jakob, plus I think saving my orbs until after the FEH Channel is the best idea.
  11. Well I went team Alphonse since he is my favorite of who is left, I put my Hinoka back as my lead since I could not get any blues for the longest time. If/when he loses I will go with whoever as long as they are not Lucina. All I care about are feathers and I would be happy if VGs were replaced with something fun, I really hate having to check my phone all the time for six days. I wish I could do all my runs for the day at one time, since I have things I have to do and and I like my sleep.
  12. Well team Alfonse is where I am going and I will just keep regular Jakob as my lead.
  13. Well if Camilla loses I think I will go with which ever guy is left since I don't have any other bonus units. The one thing I do know is I won't be on Lucina's team because of one fan of hers on SF who has made me go from kind of liking her to not wanting anything to with her.
  14. I went team Camilla since I have her and she has helped me do many quests, I did have my Hinoka up but since I kept getting blues every match up I put up my regular debuffer Jakob for a while. I think I will put Elincia up tomorrow. If anyone on my FL on team Camilla needs a specific color let me know, my FL is full so I am not adding anyone sorry;/ I really wish they would expand the FL to 100 friends.
  15. An asexual priest Buddhist priest as my dad? While I do have the same color hair as Sanzo and having Goku as a little brother would be cool, the only way Sanzo would be my dad was if he adopted me. Of course if he was my dad that would mean I could become a Sanzo priest as well which would be interesting because I would wield one of the 5 founding scriptures of heaven and earth as a weapon.
  16. I hope the next weapon refines after this one give upgrades to M!Corrin and Jakob.
  17. HIM Poison Heart HIM Don't fear the Reaper Shinedown Simple Man
  18. Free pull was -atk Klein just like every other Klein I have pulled, so either DB3 or brave bow fodder.
  19. @Johann That is why I skipped this legendary banner and am waiting for the next one, I need H!Jakob in my armor team. I am still salty about not getting him when he came out, I even have SI fodder saved just for him. Watching the orbs pile up is rather fun and I am hoping it is worth the wait.
  20. I will just list my top picks here: from FE 7 I just want Pent and Nils anyone else with them is fine FE 6 Geese, Milady, Percival and Elphin FE 8 Cormag, Gerik and Tethys FE 9/10 Kieran, Jill, Zihark, Nailah, Naesala and Tibarn FE 11/12 Lorenz, Wolf and Fray 3DS games Priam, Kaze, Kaden, Keaton, Basilio and Flora Echoes Forsyth and Python
  21. I really like them, my favorites are C!Chrom, H!Henry, H!Jakob, S!Corrin, Inigo and Shigure. I am fine with seasonal alts since they are limited are don't bloat the general pool and they introduce new or rare unit types.
  22. I have a 5* Seth who is actually decent of course you have to build him, he just needs slaying edge + to be good since ruby sword is only really good against mages, I have not finished building mine yet but a new sword makes a big difference . Frederick is also good if you build him, mine is great in AA and saved me in mid game, if you want good builds for talk to @Anacybele.
  23. Flier emblem was fun, did it with Michalis, S!Corrin, Elincia and Hinoka (no Michalis did not kill either of his sisters). Did the other quests with Fjorm, Alphonse, Olivia and Gordin.
  24. @Cute Chao I am pretty sure the Hinoka you are getting is mine I know you are on my FL, if you want a red I can put Elincia or if you need more greens I could put Michalis if needed. I can swap Hinoka's seal from Guidance if you think another seal would help you out more then that one, just let me know:)
  25. I would love it if we get Laegjarn for free because I want to have a full draco knight team and I missed NY!Camilla. I also would love some more male OCs because Alphonse as the only good male OC is just sad, free Bruno would be great.
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