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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I had a bunch of RL shit happen to me that destroyed my plans and my dreams so I am not working right now and I only have an associate's degree. I plan on getting my motorcycle licence and applying for jobs near my house this summer, because of my health issues I have not learned how to drive and I have to fix that first. Honestly I don't want a degree anymore, after seeing what my mom goes through every day with her job, I just want a job that covers the bills with a little left over I can save for fun stuff.
  2. I did them all in one go with Sharena, Olivia, Fjorm and Anna. I used a f2p video but had to improvise since my Askr units are 5* so I only used the video for unit and seal ideas. Fjorm with QR3 ss went to the left and took out the mage and Takumi on enemy turn, Olivia baited and took care of the axe cav while Anna took care of Hinoka and Sharena took out the sword peg. Pretty easy quests and I did this yesterday but forgot to post.
  3. It looks really nice, I like it a lot and my profile pic of Sanzo looks even better then before. Thanks for all the hard work!
  4. Fall out boy's just one yesterday is the song I keep having going through my head. I have also been listening to a lot of Simple Plan, Black veil Brides and H.I.M lately.
  5. Well I reached 50k last night since I had a bunch of RL stuff come up it took me longer then normal. I built Finn with pivot, galeforce, his brave lance, death blow 3, lance breaker 3 and his goad cav, I have him on my second horse team with B!Roy, Frederick and Ursula. Watching two galeforce horses rip through enemies is a thing to behold.
  6. I have the feathers waiting for M!Kana right now and my Saiyuki look alike team will finally have a new member, now if only IS would add Pent and I could pull Eldigan it would be complete. I will use M!Kana over Nowi because I don't like lolis all that much. I am actually looking forward to M!Kana now that I have seen his Heroes artwork.
  7. I am looking forward to M!Kana and he looks good, plus I will finally have a dragon skill since The game refuses to give me any of the dragon units with buff skills. Kaze looks pretty good as well, I want him so much and I will have to think about builds.
  8. I gave up on hating alts once I figured out they are here to stay, but I don't like them when they are the 3rd or 4th version of a unit. I will live with alts, but I still wish that IS would add more new characters. I hope IS can find a balance between every banner having alts and adding new units and yes I feel like two alts on a banner is a bit much especially when they share a color with a new unit.
  9. OK thanks, I kind of hope he is a TT reward since I really want him and getting him for free would be great, but only one merge would be sad.
  10. Has Kaze been confirmed as a TT unit? I can't find any info about him being put in Heroes other then his sprite in the trailer. I think I will skip the banner though, since I want to pull on the legendary banner and if they pull an Ayra with Kaze I want orbs ready for him.
  11. I am happy about this because I want more male dragons, but fighting a cute little boy is going to make me sad.
  12. I would be OK with that as long as they do put him on a banner or give him to players for free soon and don't lock him behind an orb pack or something like that.
  13. I had better be able to get Kaze some how because he is my Fates husbando and in my top ten favorite FE characters. Hinoka looks great, but I won't be pulling for her unless Kaze is some how on the same banner. I am calling Takumi Legendary hero now, unless they decide to be nice and make it Ryoma which I would love but I won't hold my breath for.
  14. Free pull was 3*Chrom so decent fodder. I am counting the days until I get another shot at H!Jakob on the legendary banner.
  15. They put that there because they now recommend a level based on your team.
  16. Floren from Xenoblade 2 and Libra from Awakening were the two I had trouble with. With Libra it was more his name then anything and once I unlocked a couple of his c supports I figured out I was wrong. Floren I only figured out after wondering why I could not use him on a girls only mission.
  17. I was sad when I saw that Finn was not getting a personal weapon or a personal skill. I thought he was going to be like Joshua in that he would not BK great but still good and he would have a personal weapon. Sadly he just comes with regular brave lance and his skill set is meh, but his stats are decent at least. I am still going to build him and use him since he is a personal favorite of mine, I just wish he had gotten more love. The one half hope I have is that IS will give Finn a personal weapon in an update down the road, like some of the units they have given personal weapons in past updates. Maybe if enough of Finn's fans send feedback wanting Finn to have a personal weapon IS will do it, but it would have to be a lot of people.
  18. Ax users I want in Heroes would be: Geese, Geitz, Boyd, Kieran, Vaike and Basilio. Of Course I also want one dracoknight sword flier that is not seasonal as well. Ashnard GHB when?
  19. Kliff could be a colored archer since they mentioned colored bows in the game. Silque would probably be a save bet for an SoV banner, and either a Sonya or Faye alt would be my bet. We will have to see this weekend. I am kind of hoping for FE 6 with Elphin on the banner, but I just want a male refresher in the general pool.
  20. Replace Chrom with Frederick, Robin would not have been trusted so much and the whole revival of Grima probably would not have happened and if it did there would not have been that whole fight about if Robin should sacrifice themselves to stop Grima (I always thought that choice was dumb because after talking to all the kids who in their right mind would leave Grima with a chance of being able to come back to life?).
  21. I expect a trailer at E3 with a release date of March/April next year because I have never thought it will come out this year. I am just hoping that it does not turn in to the 5 year wait that happened with Zelda BotW.
  22. @bottlegnomes I personally like brave users, so I will keep his brave lance. I think I will go with galeforce, DB3, lancebreaker 3 and I will keep his c slot since he will be on a horse emblem team. I also wish he had gotten a prf brave lance, but I will take my favorite units anyway I can get them, even if they aren't top tier.
  23. I love being able to play a game more then once and with different units, the first play through I pick my favorites then when I play again I use a different team. I also like that I have to think about who I should train first and what units should attack where.
  24. I already her with good IVs fully built at 5*. She was my most used lance armor before C!Robin with his armor march showed up, I still use her some, but not enough for me to merge her.
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