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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Oh good, I get the only one I care about for free. I can save my orbs and be happy with groom!Marth. Out of the brides I only like Tharja and only then because her art appeals to the goth teen that still lurks in my heart and in my dress choices. Now I don't feel so bad about blowing my orbs earlier. Good luck to the people who are pulling on this banner I hope you get who you want.
  2. It made RD much quicker to finish then in the past. It used to take me a couple of days before I finally finished off infernal, but now I am able to do it on the first day. The week before they put the no attack right after warping took me days to get my team and placement perfect, this time it only took a couple of tries to get it down right.
  3. Feh saying there will be a new hero means nothing because she said that on the Bunny banner and there were only heroes already in the game on it. If the one on the left is Ninian I wonder what unit type she will be? I am hoping for armor dancer since that would make my armor team even better, but I don't think it will happen. Flying healer/ armor dancer are the two unit types that would make me pull on this.
  4. Looking at hair length and style I am going to guess the one on the left is Palla/Cecilia (Ninian, Erika and Azura all have longer hair) as to the one on the right I can't guess it just looks like someone with short hair. Since it looks like this will be all brides again I am going to skip except the free pull. I am hoping for a free bride in the TT though.
  5. This so much, training staff units can be a royal pain which is the reason most of my healers are sitting at 4*. I would whale for staff valor and staff exp.
  6. Ike becoming the leader is fine, though he does have Titania to help him out and back him up. I think the main reason why people were OK with Ike being leader was because he listened to Titania and they felt that she would step in if Ike screwed up. I always liked it that at the end of RD Titania ends up being the leader of GMs. Ike is honestly a more realistic leader because he listens to advice from Titania, Sigrun, Tanith and Soren which is what a really good leader does, listen to those who know what is going on and take their advice.
  7. Well I am not very smart today, I decided since I have been feeling sick today to end up blowing my 130 orbs trying to get Lene because I want another dancer. I also used 20 of those orbs on the power banner because why not? All I got was a 5*Camilla who I did plan on making a 5* so I saved 20k feathers and one fury and one vantage fodder and a bunch of useless 3*s. I learned this time, no matter how bad I feel I am not spending my orbs just because. Watch the seasonal be a groom banner with Priam on it just to spite me. Oh well every Heroes player has days like this. This time I finally learned and I think I am to the point of only pulling on legendary banners after today, since I have most of the units I want/need and I have a better shot at seasonal units on the legendary banners then on their debut banners. I guess all the good luck I have had lately on pulling went to my head.
  8. Free pull was 3*Gunther I was hoping for Barst. Oh well back to saving for the banners next week since I am hoping for a chance at Shiro on the stance banner.
  9. Dang it this made me cry because I miss my granddad to this day even though he has be gone for 17 years now. Thanks for sharing this.
  10. I never did get in to card games so this kinda goes over my head, but I understand your point. It does make sense for Julius as a contrast to Seliph though.
  11. Julius: Scion of Darkness Dorcas: Serene Warrior Jakob: Devoted Monster And my personal favorite is Shigure: Dark Sky Singer.
  12. I am trying to keep my hopes low on this one, I would love it if it was a grooms banner but I have a feeling that won't happen. As to brides I hope they would be: Anna, because she was hinted at last year Palla because I love the fan art of her as a bride Elincia could be the flying healer to fully complete flier emblem since we have every thing else Rinkah since her Nohr counterpart was on the brides banner last year I want her on this one That still leaves the TT unit which I have no Idea about and I will take who I get. I am not expecting any grooms at all because there were none last year.
  13. I used Dragon emblem team of the two Kanas, A!Tiki and F!Grima on hard and lunatic but since they are unmerged I knew they would not cut it on infernal so F2P guide ftw. The team was Fjorm with QR ss, Olivia, Donnel with spur atk 3 ss and Arvis. Fjorm took out most of the enemies Donnel healed and took out one enemy Olivia danced and Arvis mopped up anyone Fjorm missed. This GHB was fairly simple, but I have more units now so more options means I can try more things.
  14. I used a f2p vdieo and I forget my teams already because since all my GHB units are 5*ed I had to keep trying videos until I found one that worked with 5*s in place of 4*s and even then it took 3 stamina pots to get the placement and seals just right. I am just glad to get SA 10 over with.
  15. I was bummed when I read that VC is going away. I loved being able to play EarthBound 1 and 2 on my Wii U as well as the Game Boy Zelda games and several others on my 3DS. I am really hoping Nintendo has a new version of VC in the works because I was really hoping with the Switch being region free I could get FE 4 and 5 on it and be able to play them legally with out having to pay through the nose for a copy, I don't care if it would be in Japanese I just want a decent priced legal version. I wonder if Switch being region free has anything to do with this? Well maybe E3 will have some good news about digital versions of classic games on the Switch.
  16. As to new weapon refines I want regular Jakob to get Jakob's tray. Since they gave Felicia a personal weapon I have wanted Jakob to get one too, because I really like Jakob.
  17. Seeing those pictures of characters with eye wear makes me really want Canas and Etzel in Heroes. Ax users normally are poorer so of course their clothing shows that, anyone with a mount has money so they have better armor mages also tend to have money because they learn magic by studying.
  18. Why do you have Rolf on your beast/Laguz list? Rolf is a Beorc not a Laguz. As for me now that several of my favorites have been added my list looks like this: Blazing: Pent, Louise and Nils SS: Gerik, Cormag and Tethys Tellius: Nailah, Naesala, Tibarn and Volug Tellius 2: Zihark, Jill and Haar SD: Xane, Bantu and Fray Awakening: Aversa, Priam and Walhart Fates: Flora, Rinkah and Scarlet SOV: Python, Forsyth and Silque
  19. My city has a local park with rides called Western Playland which is fun, but since I live in the desert my favorite as a kid was the water park which is called Wet'n Wild water world. The main reason I like Wet'n Wild is because someone set up a day camp for diabetic kids that I used to go to and local places let the kids in the camp going for free on one day of the camp, Wet'n Wild does it every year since the camp started and any company that is nice to diabetic kids gets top marks in my book.
  20. I am with you on the brides banner, the thought of a grooms banner makes me happy but I keep telling myself it won't happen so I won't care about the banner. I like Ares's castle quotes as well, but I feel bad since I still don't have his dad:(
  21. Oh good a TT+ so I can get more orbs, it is a shame I have to wait two weeks though. I would guess it will be brides related and maybe we will get a free one. I wonder if there is any chance of it being a grooms banner this time? I don't think that will happen since IS seems to hate the thought of a banner with just guys on it even if it would be nice. Well at least it looks like I can start saving orbs again until Vector comes back on a legendary banner. The VG will probably be brides related as well, which means team Bridelia all the way for me.
  22. I kind of agree with you, I really don't like his design and I think it is in very poor taste. His character is alright (I don't expect too much anymore), but the comparisons that can be made between his design and racist artwork is really not a good thing.
  23. This is is about what I thought. I am starting to wonder how this arc is going to end because I really don't think Surtr is going to die just yet, unless they are going to pull evil dragon for the millionth time which is pretty likely.
  24. Well I managed to get Ishtar and Ares in 153 orbs as well as 3 other new to my barracks units. I am quite happy:) With Ares I only need Heroes to get Pent to be able to make a Saiyuki look alike team, which will be so much fun when I can do that.
  25. I went in with 253 orbs and I decided I was going to pull until I got Ares because I really wanted him, it took 153 of those orbs but I did it. This was a good banner for me because other then Ares I also pulled Ishtar, Mia, M!Morgan and Soleil! 5 new units in 153 orbs on a regular banner is great for me. Now I am going to save up my orbs for when NY!Azura and Vector get rerun on a legendary banner unless beast units get added. I just really wanted to pull on this banner because it had no alts on it.
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