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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Someone like Sothe would be neat as long as they have several support options.
  2. I tend to forget about Celica because she ended up being my least favorite female lord because of what happens in SoV. But I agree I am really sick of female lords who are supposed to be able to fight but has to be saved like a princess who can't do much in the way of fighting. I can't see why it is so hard for IS to write a strong female lord who can fight and make good decisions in terms of how to lead their army and what side to fight on, let alone not needing a guy to save the day. I am hoping since Edelgard's design is fairly modest and dull her personality will be no nonsense and she will be able to take care of her self, in fact I would find really cool and funny if she has to bail out one of the male lords because they got in trouble for a change:)
  3. This so much, I would love a dagger lord who comes from the dark and dirty streets and ends up saving the world.
  4. Free pull was a merge for regular Jakob so he will be +3 now, I did 2 more pulls on colorless but got nothing but 300 feathers from it. Looks like Shingure used the last of my luck for awhile on pulling so I am going to save now. I am happy about the Jakob merge though since he is the first merged dagger unit I started on and he and Kaze fill different roles so I will +10 both of them as I get the merges.
  5. I figure one version will be on one banner, the other version on the second banner and the 3rd banner will have another plot important character with the 3rd lord.
  6. I figure there will be a banner for each lord and two other units, so there will probably be 3 banners at least and I am sure there will be special maps as well. We probably won't get a GHB for a while unless it is an early boss since that would be a big spoiler.
  7. I like them so far, I just want to have more info before I judge them since two minutes is not enough for me to really judge them on. I am just hoping that Edelgard is a strong female character for a change since IS has a bad habit of making their female protags not as willing to kick butt as the male ones and I want a female lord who is a no nonsense type who does not waffle on things and sticks with what they believe is right. I like Lyn, Erika and Micaiah as characters and as units I found them being lords hard to deal with because they made more mistakes then their male counterparts. Just give me a female lord who is more like Minerva and I will be happy. As to the 3 lords and the avatar being put in Heroes I expect the month the game releases to be full of banners with new characters from the game and I expect some maps like the Warriors maps as well.
  8. I have no problem with clothing options and said that I am the one hoping for the coat. A black duster happens to be my favorite coat in the winter time, so having a coat close to it in game would be great. I am hoping for color choices for cloths and I am hoping for skin tone choices as well.
  9. This is what I am hoping the player being the "teacher" and being involved in the story but not having the story or spotlight be on the would be great. I also hope for a Seth age avatar because I am tiered of the avatar being a teenage, if they are a teacher have them be in their mid 20s. I also have to say I really like the male version and that coat had better be in the female design as well because if it is not I will only play as a guy.
  10. first team will be Linus, L!Ryoma, F!Morgan and Nanna (she is the healer who needs SP most), I will have to think on team 2 with Canas because TT is the perfect place to train him. I normally use TT to grind SP because it gives the most per stamina potion, I need to see who needs SP and who is close to capping HM. That live to serve seal will be Nanna's since she is the healer I have put the most amount of work into, earth dance will probably go to regular Olivia since she is my most used dancer and the highest merged. Honestly this TT the thing I am looking forward to most are the feathers because grinding on the GHB maps is really boring.
  11. This one was easy for me, I used horse emblem team of Finn, B!Roy, Frederick and Olwen on hard and Lunatic and used F2P video for infernal with Nino, G!Marth, Olivia and Fjorm. I am getting Linus ready for TT now.
  12. I hope they don't but it is one of my fears is that Nintendo will get greedy and try it again. Though from what I heard the Japanese hints at it being one game only, though someone who reads Japanese should confirm that.
  13. The only thing worrying me is the title "3 Houses" I will be really peeved if I have to buy three versions one game again just to play the whole story. I really like the music and I holding judgment on the rest until I get to see some more footage because 2 minutes is not much to going. I am hoping they bring the steal skill back because that is one of the skills I miss the most from RD. It is a FE game so it will be a preorder for me, and I know if there is an SE/LE I will be getting that but it will really be great if it plays like RD.
  14. This is my thought since it looks to me like they are trying to get the last breath out of book II before they give us book III with hopefully Fjorm's brother as a free unit. I agree on saving orbs I tried a bit for Ninian but I pulled Shigure instead and I feel like I should save my orbs for Vector and CYL 2, though on CYL 2 I am only going for the guys this time.
  15. Thank Naga, I can spend some more orbs for B!Ninian then save my orbs for the return of Vector. Of course just to mess with me watch IS put Priam and Kaze one on each of the summer banners just so I can't save my orbs. Of course part of me is hoping the new seasonal banners will have a new red tome flier who's design I actually like (hopefully male). I think they will do a TT in July just mid-month like the one coming up and I am hoping for a seasonal TT reward that is a guy (Please be Priam). Any bets on who is going to be rocking a suit this year? I am expecting at least one Camilla, Lucina and Tharja and I have no idea on the guys, though I only expect 1 guy per banner so I am thinking Ike and Reinhardt.
  16. About the only pity breakers I was happy to see were C!Chrom (I only wanted C!Robin on their original banner but got both of them) and Shigure pity broke me yesterday when I was trying for B!Ninian and I have to admit he was one of the few blues at 4/5*s I wanted. I would love to be pity broken by Hector but have yet to get even one copy of him.
  17. Well went in for my free pull all red or colorless, since I have A!Tiki at 5* and don't care about Y!Tiki I pulled colorless. 4* Wrys is what I got (it could not have been Kaze or Sothe). Back to waiting for more F2P orbs so I can try again for B!Ninian.
  18. I like Geitz better then Wallace because while leveling up Bartre is needed in Hector mode if you want Karla, Geitz is the better Warrior. Other then the fact I normally bench any lord not named Hector after they reach level 20. Plus this.
  19. Did SA 11 with F2P guide (I like using the guides so I use units who otherwise just sit in my barracks gathering dust) and I have been working on CCs with mixed results and I have to say the brand new one is a royal pain.
  20. Well since I don't have any flying dancers I decided to take a shot at B!Ninian, but I get pity broken by Shigure instead! I am happy to have him even though he was not the blue flyer I wanted. He is +hp,-def though, so he could be better but since he will be on a flyer team and he will now be the owner of one of my many def SSs I can live with his IVs. I may try again for Ninian since a flying dancer would be nice, but I may just wait until she is on a legendary banner.
  21. Red bow would be good and make him a dracoknight and I will think he is a perfect unit since with that I could complete dracoknight emblem. Just not a sword unit please Naga I don't want more swords for a long time.
  22. Looks like I will be using Linus and Canas since TT is the perfect place to train units, regular Nino might see some use but I really need to 5* her and Linus has first dibs on my feathers so she will wait a bit. My Nana has her eyes on that live to serve SS so that will be the one I level up first and I think Olivia will be getting earth dance.
  23. I am so happy about being able to +10 Kaze since he is a personal favorite unit of mine, and a free Barst makes me happy as well since I have not pulled on in ages and I wanted to build one. I think we will get him at some point he does sound neat, I am hoping he is a powerful dagger unit and I really hope he is free. Finally another male OC who is on the "good guys" side.
  24. Free pull was 4*Lucius so a merge for him. Back to saving orbs for latter.
  25. So I assume this is how we will get Canas which makes me happy. TT means plenty of orbs, feathers and new SSs to play with. I will be looking forward to this one.
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