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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well looks like my orbs will be going towards Olivia because I Need a flying dancer since I have none. Thank goodness this banner is running for a good while because I have had no luck so far. I wanted to pull for Leo and I will a little, but flying dancer has the highest rank on my pull list right now. The nice thing is I will be pulling red an hopefully get some fury fodder along with the units I want.
  2. BK and Joshua merges make me very happy. In a way I don't want new SSs so I get a chance to forge more up with the coins, but I also like getting new ones. I am really hoping all the TT units are taking the place of crystal rewards because other then the crystals I use all the rewards from TT.
  3. I want Hrid in my barracks I don't care how and I don't care what weapon he has, I want him because not teenage boy makes me very happy and if the kill him off I will cry and be pretty mad. I still think the traitor is the little sis because it is right there and Heroes plot is pretty in your face with what will happen.
  4. Can I say I am happy that there is a flying dancer in the general pool now, because I have yet to get a single one so the chance of finally getting one makes me happy. Thank Naga Askr finally gets weapon refines I might use Alphonse more now. I am so happy about the TT units coming back because this means I can make BK +3 and Joshua +2. I am happy about the orbs as well and the chance I will have at Minerva and Eldigan since I have yet to pull them. OK channel but not great, but after them saying that they weren't showing CYL2 I was not hoping for much so I will take all the orbs they give me and be OK with it.
  5. Too bad that there will be no news on CYL2, but they hopefully are coming end of next month. I really wonder what Feh is going to talk about for 18 minutes then? Well, this leaves the door open for anything. I figure they are going to show another new mode off to have a video that long. I really hope if it is a new mode it is the town building one because it sounded fun.
  6. OK now this is making me wonder if the banner on the 20th is CYL2, either way the trailer for the new banner will be part of the channel. I don't think the banner on the 20th will CYL2 though because there is a GHB for the coming banner. Honestly all I am hoping for is them showing off the CYL2 designs and saying when they are coming. I am not holding my breath for anything major like adding a bunch of units to the 3-4* pool or adding beast units.
  7. Well free pull on the new banner was a 4*Barst which is fine since reposition is one of the best passives and I went months without pulling any.
  8. Thanks. SA!Tiki is my green unit on my TT team right now for leveling up and is doing very well and having more green units is always a good idea:)
  9. Well being at home by myself all weekend is bad for my self control. I used some TT orbs to try one last time on the Awakening summer banner and I finally pulled SA!Tiki so I have a summer unit from all the summer banners now. Thankfully I still have TT orbs to get so I will have orbs for regular Leo on the 22nd.
  10. It would be nice if they did this and since the number of 5* exclusive units is getting very large they may have to do something like this when they start book three. Of course pity breakers make them a lot of money and since that is what they want having the pool packed with 5*s that block people is great for IS. Honestly my hope is they demote the 5*s from book one who are not good as fodder to 3 and 4* and clean up the 5* pool. I know they did a bit of this put they need to do more of it.
  11. I think Leif and Kaze will share this seal since I don't have Karla. I might use it on Ishtar if I need to for a map. Kaze will probably use flashing blade most since he is on my main infantry team.
  12. I know what you were saying and if I could eat the burger without problems I would. I can eat carbs I just have to count how many I eat and give a shot for it which is a big pain when eating out, with a salad I can get by without a shot. I am just saying that fast food menus having lower carb options is nice and makes me happy.
  13. I love the salads at Wendy's they are really good and being a type one diabetic salads are a better choice for me. I know most people go to fast food places for a burger, but I am very happy there are options I can eat that don't have a ton of carbs now. When I was a kid and a teen it was really hard because I couldn't go to fast food places with my friends since there was nothing I could eat without having to give myself a huge shot, now with most place having salads or wraps I can go with my friends and not be the only one not eating or end up with out of control blood sugar latter.
  14. I bought a Pikachu in a Charizard costume plush a few years ago because it is really cute. I have a few figures but I forget who I have since I haven't done anything with them for a couple of years. I have some cards but I only really remember that I kept the ones that I liked and that there was one that looked like the dog I had as a kid so it was my favorite card. I also have a few collector tins.
  15. @mampfoid thank you for the well wishes it worked for me I ended up pulling Tak-Tak he is -spd,+res but I will live with it since I am happy to have him at all. I am giving up on pulling an Awakening summer unit and with Tak-Tak I will save my orbs for regular Leo.
  16. Well it was my Bday today so I decided to do a couple of pulls for an Awakening summer unit since I have none, ended up with another B!Lyn and another Lucius and I merged both of them so not bad. I am giving myself until the TT starts to pull one more summer unit and if not the TT orbs are going to be saved for the new banner/Leo whichever I decide is more useful.
  17. I used Alphonse, Fjorm, Sonya and B!Cordelia to do all the quests in one shot. It went quick and easy and I had fun using Sonya again since I had not used her in awhile.
  18. Lehran from RD could be a staff user and for dagger they could do Kotaro from Fates. There are not many bosses in the main games who can use staves or Daggers, let alone ones that are popular enough to have a chance at a GHB.
  19. I really think the next two legendary units will be girls since that has been the pattern since the start of legendary banners. I am hoping for Legendary Micaiah and a blue tome would be a safe bet for her since her weapon of choice is a light tome. Res boosting seems like good choice for mage legendary heroes, so Micaiah might be the legendary hero. IS could also go with Fjorm's little sister for a blue mage since she could either be a mage or healer with that pouch at her side.
  20. If you do go for it I highly recommend a shampoo and conditioner with coconut oil in it. My hair which has decided to stop growing at my mid back gets really dry and split ends and the thing that works best for it is coconut oil. And be ready to have to put your hair back when it it is windy, my go to hair style in the spring where I live is braids because of wind. I had short hair for a couple of years, but I missed being able to style it the way I could when it was long, so I grew it back out.
  21. Yeah Cherche is great for regular fliers. Like I said above Myrrh works best with another dragon flier to have both dragon and flier buffs to shine.
  22. Hopefully you can get Grima at the end of the month:) Tiki is fun and since she is the fastest red dragon she doubles most of the time and survives a lot of times on enemy phase for me so if you do pull for her I hope you get her:) Myrrh is really good, but yeah she is better if she has another dragon with her.
  23. It was more a case of I was ignoring my fliers for other units until I pulled Myrrh and I started using her with other fliers. Myrrh+F!Grima and two other fliers curb stomp so much content for me. I maxed SP and HM on my horses, so being able to have a new strong team to do content with that is not maxed out on everything is a lot of fun. Edit: I managed to snag F!grima when I was going for H!Jakob and I find her better then an archer for most things and she is a better flier then dragon for me.
  24. I was running my TT flier team in CC yesterday as well, I think I will slap goad fliers on my YS!Tiki so she can buff as well but I am now becoming a flier team fan thanks to my pulling most of the really good fliers in the past two months. My team is going to be the dragon fliers plus S!Corrin. Fliers are really growing on me, now if only I could pull a flying dancer the next time one is on a banner.
  25. Sign me up for wanting an Idunn GHB. She is one of my most wanted GHBs honestly and a red dragon who is not Tiki would be a nice change. As for an FE 6 banner if it is the new banner I expect Lugh as the boy with Milady and alt Lilina to round it out, even though I really want Elphin or Percival to be on the banner instead of an alt. Elphin is my favorite FE 6 character so if he is put in Heroes I will be so happy, but IS seems to think male singers/dancers should be limited and not in the general pool.
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