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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well I tried for Lector last night in the hopes of getting him with no luck at all and the BHB banner refused to give me any green orbs at all. I now have a bunch of ok fodder. I am taking this as a sign that if I want CYL Hector I had better choose him as my free pick because that is the only way I will get a version of Hector. I have played Heroes since launch and I have yet to pull 1 Hector of any kind. I am really hoping the new banner next week has no one I want or need because it would be nice to save orbs.
  2. I used my CC clearing team of Xander, Camus, Reinhardt and Priscilla to clear all these and it was really easy. Horses really are salvation when it comes to clearing maps.
  3. So I decided to do a YOLO summon on the legendary banner just because and I pulled Leif! I have been wanting Leif for awhile now and I was very happy to get him.
  4. I have the same nature and she does very well she may not be great at taking a hit from a magical foe, but with +def she is able to take a hit from a melee foe and live sometimes which has saved me in arena a few time already. My advice would be to wait until after the trailer for the new banner next week in case there is someone you want/need on it. You have until the 25th to try for merges so waiting a few days won't hurt.
  5. Rank 830 for team Lyon for me I think that is a personal best.
  6. I am surprised Lyon is going to round 2 and sad because it will be against Ike which means Lyon will probably be curb stomped. I ended up getting @SageOfAnys's Catria and @Rafiel's Aria's Leon for most of my matches today and they both did their fair share of the fighting.
  7. This one looks like me when I take care of my friends 3 kids and I worked in a daycare for awhile so I used to have little kids hanging on me all the time. I miss it seeing things like this. I really liked this one because it brought back fond memories.
  8. This so much I love Zihark and Iliyana (I head cannon her as a type one diabetic like me) and I ship them as well:) If they put Jill or Haar on the banner too I would cry because I would not have enough orbs to get all the copies I would want.
  9. Well I ended up feeling sick today so I did some pulls on the legendary banner hoping for someone I don't have to distract myself with and got pity broken by another F!Morgan, but that is ok since I like flying mages and this one had optimal IVs while my first one did not so I now have a +1 F!Morgan. I am really hoping the new banner next week is a skip one for me since I should start saving orbs in case someone I want shows up. Oh well 13 orbs are better then none and I still have some CCs if I need orbs.
  10. Yeah I guess I was making my wishful thinking in to reality in my head since TT is one of my favorite events after GHBs.
  11. Dang I guess I am wrong, I could have sworn that the calendar said one was coming on the 13th. Where on earth did I read that since you are right that the calendar only goes to the 10th. Ugh and I was really looking forward to it:(
  12. No, the calendar goes to the 13th when the TT+ starts so the new one would come out on the 14th. Either way I am hoping for something good in the new calendar for my Bday which is next week.
  13. Those tactic drills sound interesting and I hope that the refine for Titania is really good since I have her just waiting for a weapon better then her regular ax. Titania gives me hope that Seth will get a refine someday as well.
  14. I am kind of hoping for Micaiah and I hope they have her in her Yune given third tier class since that is my favorite of her designs in RD.
  15. You are already on my FL I think your lead is Catria right?
  16. You will get her soon. I was scared of ending up with no S!tana because I kept getting nice pity breakers but I managed to get her today so I know you will get S!Cordelia soon:)
  17. I cleared the flier quest with L!Ryoma, Michalis, Kinoka and flying Nino and I have to say L!Ryoma is my new favorite flying sword because he can counter without having to use DC. The other quests I used F2P guides that used Canas, Narcian, Olivia and Lyon/Sharena with different seals. It was nice having two fairly easy legendary and GHB maps in a row and with the orbs from this one I finally managed to pull S!Tana who I already love.
  18. Free pull was 4*Clair so fodder or a merge whatever comes first. I got enough orbs together to try for S!Tana again and I finally managed to get her! She is +def,-res but I don't care I have been trying to pull her since the banner dropped and now I have her and a flying red mage. I can now finally start saving orbs again.
  19. Well I am going with Lyon since SS was my first FE and Lyon is my favorite bad guy. I think I will just keep my V!Lilina as my lead since she is my best green and green is the color I get the least.
  20. Ares is great and is now one of my most used sword cavs. Saias is a good choice as well, he is basically a blue Arvis so he sees a lot of use in my teams when I need a blue mage because I keep maxing out Arvis the moment HM gets increased. I am a bit biased for Nanna since my dog has the same name, (though she is named after the Norse minor goddess) and she can be a lot of fun. I would say go with who you think would be the most fun and that you would use the most.
  21. I would like this. Other pairs they could do would be: Marth/Hardin or Michalis, Hector or Roy/Zephiel, Innes/Ephraim Arvis/Sigurd
  22. Well my last round of trying for S!Tana gave me another B!Roy. Oh well +1 B!Roy is nice, I just hope the next 5* from this banner is the one I want.
  23. I used a f2p video that used L!Ike, Olivia, B!Lyn and tailtiu for lunatic and infernal, this one was pretty easy next to Ryoma's which took me a couple of days to clear infernal. The orbs gave my B!Roy a merge so he is +1 now. I keep hoping S!Tana will come home every time I pull red.
  24. Seth is really bad with out heavy investment and in SS he was one of the most powerful units. As to not that popular that are now great in Heroes I would say Grima since they were pretty bland and cookie cutter evil dragon in Awakening but in Heroes they are pretty interesting and good units to boot.
  25. Thanks, I am so glad to finally have her since she refused to show up on her debut banner and now I can have two flying dragons since I have F!Grima as well. I just hope S!Tana will decide to come home soon as well.
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