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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Yeah that makes sense, still makes me sad though since we had them in August last year. I will choose Hector even if he is the worst of the lot because he flat out refuses to come to me no matter how many orbs I spend and I want one version of him just so I have a Hector.
  2. Oh good I get another chance at Leo since I have yet to pull any red horse mages. New heroes I am kind of hoping for FE 6 since it has yet to have a banner this year at all while every other FE world has. Sees "special Heroes" banner and groans it is too early for PA 2 and we should be getting CYL 2 next month if we go by last year, but they were hyped as CYL. A third month of swimsuits will annoy me greatly unless by some miracle it has Zihark and Priam on it which won't happen. I want CYL 2 to happen next month so I can have a shot at a free Hector.
  3. I am waiting for +atk but +spd is also really good, if only Kaze would show up when I pull. Flashing blade is going to be fun on several units I have and it will be on my forge list.
  4. @Anacybele Congrats on both the 5*s and at least you have a good reason to do TT now. Kaze is pretty good with a neutral base I only have him at +3 because the free ones are all I have right now, but he is still fun and since he is my favorite husbando he gets every merge I can give him:)
  5. These maps are pretty easy to figure out and I had a lot of fun clearing them. Did they say how often these would update?
  6. I merge units I like or that I use a lot and since I am not one who does optimal builds since I don't have a ton of fodder because I am mostly F2P I might as well merge units I like that I get a lot of. Plus merges help me cheese content when I want too, I have done most of the CCs thanks to merges. Plus what else am I going to do with all the feathers they hand out every month? Of course I only use feathers on units I like so 4* Masked Marths get sent home because I am not wasting feathers on them when I have a perfectly good regular Chrom who does the job way better and has IVs.
  7. Looks like my team will be flier since I just pulled YS!Tiki. Sadly I have zero dancer fliers so I think I will do a dragon flier team of YS!Tiki, F!Grima, Myrrh and S!Corrin (she is still a dragon).
  8. Yeah I am saving orbs after this since I have who I want. Good luck on the legendary banner.
  9. I am in shock I went in for my free pull on the summer banner and pulled young S!Tiki who was the one I wanted most! I am so happy and this is an early birthday present for me:)
  10. Axes and green units as a whole are under populated in Heroes. Getting a green stone to come up when I summon is hard and then for some reason they have more 3 and 4* ratio per amount pulled then the other colors for me if I get one at all. Every time they add a green unit to the general pool I am happy because it gives me more of a chance at units I want to pull since most of them are green. Most of the units I want added to Heroes are green, like Haar, Ross, Basilio and Bastian to name a few.
  11. It is OK it is just diabetes jokes that use stereotypes are my pet peeve and I try to let people know the difference so they don't say something like that to a type one diabetic child because when people would say jokes like that to me when I was a kid it made me really upset.
  12. That joke is insulting to type one diabetics and is a horrid stereotype which has been proven by several studies to be not as true as healthy people who think it is funny think it is. Just an FYI I have been a type one diabetic since I was a 3 year old and it happened because my immune system attacked the part of my pancreas that made insulin and caused that part to stop working at all. I have been forced since the age of 3 to take shots to stay alive without them I would be dead. As to the TT I am happy Tana will be a bonus unit but I really detest MM and while I will merge the 5* one I will send the 4* home. If they have to rerun a TT unit could it please be someone who has not been rerun yet, like Tobin or Clive who at least if I don't want to merge them I can use for fodder.
  13. Jeans or overalls I will wear overalls until the day I die because I love them, a t-shirt normally a Zelda one or an anime one and either sandals, Converse or Vans it depends on the weather. Add a hoodie if the weather is cold.
  14. I really want Linde and I have say that this Tiki is the cutest and I would really like her as well. Here's hoping they come home. It would be nice to have a speedy red dragon since my A!Tiki is my only red dragon and slow as a snail.
  15. About the only way I see myself pulling on this banner is if it has a flying healer or a dancer who is not infantry. I am starting to get used to the female heavy banners, but it is the regular banners that annoy me since they reduced them to three units and now have to have an alt on every one if not 2 alts and it is 2 females one every banner if not all three. The seasonal banners I can live with being waifu banners, but the regular banners not even having all new units is what drives me crazy. As to what season I prefer I would have to say fall. I live in the desert so summer is really tough we have had 30 days strait of over 100F degrees and it is taking its toll on every one I know (it does not help that my birthday happens to be in the hottest month and I have to be too hot to enjoy it at all). Winter here weather wise is decent, but for some reason anything bad that can happen will happen to me in December so I don't like winter either.
  16. Well this VG gave me the feathers to finish merging regular Xander so I am very happy, now to start on Camus. I really am surprised Lyon managed to win, but with the multiplier you never know who will win.
  17. my guesses are Linde on the left and I am going to say Palla on the right. I really hope that they have a male TT reward I like (I have been dreaming of Priam) and I am a bit sad this looks like another all girls banner.
  18. That is rather interesting, they went to all the trouble of giving the expensive skills but kept her a 1*. Really strange.
  19. I think they will do the trailer tomorrow because tomorrow is when the big update happens and the dataminers will leak everything if they wait. I am rather surprised that they aren't doing a FEH channel tomorrow because of the new mode they are putting in.
  20. I decided to try again for regular Hector because I have never had a Hector. No luck just fodder and a 3.25 pity rate. I am giving up, that pity rate is not that high so I don't feel too bad. I really hope we get a free choice on CYL 2 because otherwise I have the feeling I will never have any Hectors at all:(
  21. Sorry I would if I could. I merged him so hopefully he will come in handy for AA or something else where I need a unit with his stats. If it is any comfort I have yet to get a Grey, Leo or Hector. The gacha seems to sense who I want to pity break me and gives me something else.
  22. True I think I will do that since I never have been someone who cares much about optimal SI for units.
  23. Free pull was a 5* Saber. This the second off focus Saber I have pulled and I already trained the first one, who should I give his skills to?
  24. I think it has to do in part with movement type since Alphonse is sword infantry and a not very good one now since he can't have merges and his weapon really needs a refine (all the Askr units need refines) to make him worth using for things other then quests. While Gunnthra is a horse unit, can be a ploy goddess and has natures and can be merged. A unit's usefulness can go a long way to making them popular in VG.
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