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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. So I went in to the legendary thinking I will take my free pull only but there were 2 greens and since I really want Myrrh I pulled them both. First one was Boey which is fine he is good fodder, and the second was Myrrh! I finally have my favorite dragon that is in Heroes in my barracks and she is neutral so at least I did not get any bad nature even if she does not have a boon. I am so happy I pulled the one unit I really wanted from this legendary banner. Now back to trying for S!Tana because I need a fling red mage.
  2. You and me both. While I would like one version of Hector just so I can have him I have lived without him since the start of the game and I can keep doing so. S!Tana is the only flying red mage I like and a flying red mage will help me a lot for clearing GHB maps among other things.
  3. I am going to skip this banner since S!Tana is the unit I need the most on the banners out right now. This Hector looks nice and is my favorite in terms of art, but with the CYL one coming I think I will just hold out for that one. Why on earth did they make him an armor again? He could have had a different movement type at least, but no IS goes lets just give Hector better art but keep him the same movement type and same weapon. I will just do my free pull and hope there is a green orb in the circle because I would love a Myrrh. The legendary heroes are getting worse in terms of the effort they put in to them, even though I love Hector I am now to the point of skipping legendary banners except for the free pull because of how lazy they are getting with these.
  4. I am hoping for an Echoes or FE 4/5 Legendary since those are the two FE worlds not to have legendary heroes. I really have no idea who it is going to be, I am waiting for the trailer.
  5. Well my free pulls yesterday were nothing but fodder. I managed to get 14 orbs together to try again with my 3.50% pity rate for S!Tana and I get pity broken by flying Nino because there were no red orbs. I am happy about Nino since she is +spd,-hp and I really like her art, but I really need a flying red mage. Back to grinding orbs out of the CCs and praying to Naga that Tana comes home.
  6. That's why I had myself size checked at a store a couple of years ago because I don't 100% trust anything online when it comes to sizing. My poor mom had been wearing the wrong cup size for most of her life and hated bras because of it. I made her get size checked with me and she was really shocked because since she has a smaller band size she thought she had a small cup size which was wrong. Now she is a lot happier about wearing a bra and I am happier too for the same reason, thought I am stockier then my mom rib cage wise so I did was only one cup size off, but my my mom was way off. As to bigger girls in media, I don't mind them as long as their outfits are realistic, and the same goes for smaller sized girls. As to the legendary banner I expect NY!Camilla, C!Tharja, C!Lissa and possibly V!Roy and V!Lyn for Seasonal units, L!Ike, L!Ephraim and F!Grima with a new green Legendary who I have no idea who it will be but I am hoping for a guy, and as to the other units I am hoping for Myrrh, Kinoka and Ishtar.
  7. Well I used 20 orbs so far but nothing but fodder. I really need Tana because a flying red mage is the missing piece to my flier team (that and a dancer but flying dancers hate me), so I will keep trying until I get her. Time to grind CCs until I get Tana with those orbs.
  8. I voted Leanne because I like her gameplay wise and storywise. I like how she bosses Tibarn and her brothers around and I like how she is able to refresh more then one person at once if placed right, though I like her brothers for the same reason, plus I like her supports with Naesala.
  9. Bayonetta 1 and 2 are great so I second it, LoZ Breath of the Wilds is also really good, I Love Xenoblade Chronicles 2 so pick that game up when you can, FE Warriors is pretty good and Zelda Warriors (whatever the version for Switch is called) is a fun beat 'em too.
  10. I really love the way Innes looks, but Tana is getting my top priority since I need a red flier for my flying teams. I need more fury fodder anyway so red hell here I come.
  11. I agree with you I think I might send feedback again reminding them that there are plenty of female players who would spend money for fan service catered to them. I think everyone is happy with balanced banners since it pleases everyone and I don't know why they can't stick with that.
  12. I want Innes and Tana since I love Innes (and I don't care about the people who don't like his art I do) and Tana being a red mage flier who is not a Loli makes me very happy. I am bummed that there is only one guy, is it much to ask to have two guys on the banner IS? The next summer banner I hope will have more guys since I am sulking in a corner because Cordy has two alts but they can't give me shirtless Priam:(
  13. I really have no idea who these are I will have to wait and see the trailer. Since I am guessing the girl looks a lot Azura or Ninian because of that veil but I am really hoping it is not either of them, and I am going to guess Alm for the guy since the hair makes me think of him more then Sigurd, Ephraim or Innes.
  14. Well I just got pity broken by Ephraim trying again for B!Ninian and I was happy to see him since he is my first one and I just wanted my pity rate broken.
  15. I used some orbs to try for B!Ninian because a flying dancer would be really nice. I get my first regular Ephraim instead and I am quitting on trying to get B!Ninian, the good thing is I got 2 5* blues from her banner I did not have but not her. Oh well I can try again when she is on a legendary banner. Now I am hoping that the summer banner has no one I want.
  16. That might be fun and would mean I could focus on one banner and save orbs on the other. Plus it would mean they could put several different games on the 2 summer banners which I like. As for never going to happen summer units I would love to see: I want Arvis with a grill weapon because memes, I would like to see Ike borrow Elincia's mount and use a red tome, Cormag with a shish kebab weapon and Elphin as an armor dancer (since he is blind he moves slowly in water) with a floaty weapon. As to who I want on the girl's side I don't really care.
  17. That Earth map was a pain I beat it with L!Ike with QR SS, F!Grima with drive def SS, V!Eliwood with spur atk SS and H!Henrry with armor boots SS. it a few tries and was a pain but I did it, too bad the orbs did not get me B!Ninian.
  18. When I watched the E3 direct he looked pretty depressed to me, like OK people I gave you a new improved Smash now let me work on something I want to work on this time. I really hope he gets to take a vacation and when he goes back to work he gets to work on something other then Smash.
  19. Well my team of L!Ryoma, F!Morgan, Linus and Nanna is doing pretty well and I am almost at 20k. I may grind up to 50k today because I am stuck at home because of rain with nothing better to do. I need to figure out a build for Canas, I think I will run him with M!Kana, Klein and F!Kana once my current team has max HM. This TT is actually for me pretty fun this time and I am hoping to manage to pull B!Ninian with the orbs.
  20. That's why the same type of thing would work for Zel, his brand is on his back so they could go all out on the abs but keep his brand covered:)
  21. I just want to see what guys are going to be on the summer banners, I would like Voulg and Zihark on a Tellius one and Kliff on a SoV one.
  22. I check websites I am willing to order from once a day and when I see the SE/LE up for preorder I try to order at my local GameStop first because I can talk to a real person. The last time I ordered a game online it came with a messed up disc that would not play (lucky for me it was from GameStop and my local store which I have been going to for 15 years now was kind enough to exchange it but still). Honestly my advice is get to know the employees at a store that you want to buy games the manager at my GameStop has seen me grow up and since I am the only white girl who goes in there he tends to keep a preorder open for me since I have yet to be told I can't preorder at that GameStop, the other thing is I pay the preorder in full right away so they have a harder time canceling on me since I am payed up (from what I have heard GS tends to cancel on the people who have not paid in full over those who have paid up). I have had bad luck preordering things online so at least for me in store is the way to go if I can, and I refuse to preorder anything from Amazon after my bad luck with trying to get a figure of my favorite anime character from them where they strung me along for 11 months saying they would ship to me before they finally canceled on me and now I will never have that figure. But anyway my advice is stick with a local store where you can talk to real people and pay in full when you preorder.
  23. Well if they want to take from Scottish folklore in terms of shifters they could add seals and horses ( Selkies and Kelpies), but I have a hard time seeing IS using those. Of course Awakening had rabbits so anything is fair game. Other then the have to have in game little girl dragon, I hope wolves come back.
  24. Gritty Rogue who can smooth talk people when they need to would be my ideal.
  25. That would be fine I just want to see a girl doing the bailing out for a change. Claude seems to be the self assured knows he looks good type, of course have darker skin, dark hair and smug grin does not hurt him.
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