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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Hector free pick all the way for me and I will be snipping green for Ephraim. Looks like my armor teams are getting better then ever. Looks like the GHB remains a ? for now. I will do my pulls on the banner before I take my free pick just in case I get lucky.
  2. I agree that axe cav Ephraim would be great, I have just been trying to come up with a good "theme" that makes sense and a mentor one is hard to do since neither girl really has one. I am trying to keep my hopes low since I would rather be surprised then have my hopes dashed.
  3. Siblings as the "theme" makes a lot of sense and just because Ephraim has a sister and not a brother like the other three does not matter. They could change the color of Ephraim's clothes and change up his armor to look like Erika's and they could do the same thing with Marth if he is getting a brave alt. I have been betting on a sibling theme since the winners were announced, but I will be happy with anything.
  4. Good this means I will finally have a Hector in my barracks after a year and a half of trying to get him.
  5. Free pull was 4*Saizo and since there were 2 colorless I pulled the other one and got 5*Sothe which saves me 20k in feathers and lets me play with one of my favorite dagger users at 5*. Now hopefully the banner tomorrow will be good to me.
  6. I used PM1's f2p video to cheese this and it went smoothly even with my units having merges and different IVs. I will have 40 orbs for the CYL banner tomorrow which is good, I just hope I am able to get both guys.
  7. Hector had better be good and I really hope I can get him for free because the odds of me being able to pull any Hector ever is zero. I will have about 35 orbs on the 21st and hopefully that will be enough to get both the boys.
  8. I really hope Hector is good and that I am able to get him for free. At least this gives me something to get me through tomorrow now, I have the feeling I am going to need anything I can to get me through it. The GHB had better be regular Veronica or Bruno because if they have a brave be the GHB that means they won't do a free choice and I really want to be able to choose who I get.
  9. As long as they have the rewards be only eccessories I am OK with this. If they lock orbs or dew behind this then I will be annoyed because I don't think I will be able to do this unless there are F2P guides. I agree with others that they should give us LHBs for the 4 heroes that don't have them first and I would rather have infernal story and paralogue chapters first as well.
  10. I always headcannoned that she is type one diabetic like myself and that her magic keeps her alive. Extremely high blood sugar for a really long time causes ketones which make you skinny but if allowed to run wild can cause major problems. Ilyana being hungry all the time does not mean she has low blood sugar, when I have low blood sugar I rarely want to eat anything and have to force myself to eat so I don't die and that is the case with most type ones. She has a lot of the signs of someone with type one, like hunger, being skinny and feeling faint at times.
  11. Being an adult means summer is rather blah and since I live in the desert it is too dang hot to enjoy. Sadly my bday is in the hottest month where I live and it is too hot to want to do anything but stay inside with the AC and pray to anything that listens for rain to cool down the air temp. Fall is my favorite time of year because there is no wind like spring and it is comfy instead of boiling hot.
  12. As long as there is a new LHB with the orb rewards I don't have any problems with them adding a higher difficulty it seems fair. It would be nice if they do maps for the first 4 legendary heroes since if I remember right F!Grima was the first to have a LHB.
  13. Normal/seasonal banners have the trailer with a day in between it and when the banner drops so even if the banner on the 21st is the Braves I don't expect a trailer until tomorrow or Sunday. I think because the coming banner comes with a GHB it won't be CYL 2. I think September is when CYL 2 will come.
  14. I takes me around 20 hours to do a full playthrough of an FE game the first time around but once I have played a game once I can breeze through after. I honestly would say you should start with Awakening since it is really good for a first game. FE 8 might be a good place to start for you since it is a shorter game, it was the FE game I started with. The nice thing about FE is you can just play a chapter and then take a break which means while it may take you awhile to beat the game you can do it in small steps so you don't take up too much time a day since it seems you don't have time for a several chapters at once. If you have a Wii U (i know most people don't) you can buy FE 7, 8 and Shadow Dragon on the Eshop so you don't have to mess with bootleg carts. My advice would be just emulate the games you want to play that you can't find legal copies of, because bootleg carts tend to have major problems with them.
  15. Well I forgot to post here but I managed to get both Xander and Ryoma so I am done with this banner. I have to say I am enjoying using Ryoma in arena this week.
  16. I noticed that too, I see him in arena every once in awhile but I have yet to pull him or see him as an enemy in any map other then the one story map. I thought it was just my game being weird.
  17. Well my plan is to max HM on the units that are really close to capping and then throw all the 5*s I have pulled over the past month that need SP at this TT. Even though I sped through the rewards for dancer Xander who was so worth it, I really like this TT and I will keep grinding for now. I am going to shoot for top 5k this time.
  18. Well of course my last shot at free Minerva or Eldigan had no reds free 4*Gordin but the draconic aura banner gave me a free Karla so I am happy. None of the 15 day banners gave me any 5*s but I did get some OK fodder. I am happy with Karla since she is a new unit, she won't be replacing any of my sword boys but since I don't have Ayra she might come in handy.
  19. The only thing with that is I want free Hector so I want to choose my free brave hero and if I have to pull for another Hector and never get him just like every other version of him in Heroes I will cry. I was just thinking that she makes sense as GHB with the brave heroes is all, since I gave up on Marth getting anything relating to brave heroes until next year.
  20. You know I was just thinking about how the GHB coming could be regular Veronica if they are doing the Braves next week. That would make sense to have her be a GHB since she has yet to be made playable and that way we could have original and brave versions. I am really hoping there is story chapter next week.
  21. Original Jakob is one I have built and I am working on merges, but other projects are taking my feathers right now. I fully built Seth I just need to give him a slaying edge and some merges and I will put him back in my horse rotation since my other built horses are HM capped. I fully built and 5*ed a +atk Gordin since Klein took over a year to show up as not -atk. I fully built F!Robin as an anti horse mage but she will forever be +1 since I used most of her copies as fodder. I fully built Kaze and when he finally decides to show up when I summon he will become +10 because I love him and will not fodder him he is at +2 right now and he blows anything magic to pieces and and hurts other units as well. Any male dancer is on this list as well I guess since most people ton't use them that much.
  22. Well it took most of the TT orbs to get Xander but I managed to get both guys and I love them both:) This Ryoma has IMO the best art, I like Ryoma but his head gear has always seemed over the top so having him with out it makes me happy. I love Xander's mask and I like seeing him being silly, plus I now have a CC dagger unit.
  23. Man I had to speed through earning the TT rewards but I finally got dancer Xander. Now that I have both guys I can save orbs.
  24. Well it took grinding TT for almost all the orbs and being pity broken by Innes, but I finally pulled dancer Xander! I also pulled my first Sothe which I was happy about. I can finally start saving orbs now and this banner was much kinder then the Awakening banner. I have better luck with seasonal and legendary banners then any other banners and after the last few I will only use orbs on those banners from now on.
  25. This TT is fun and since I am greedy I am grinding for all rewards today so I can do as many pulls for dancing Xander as possible and I have stuff happening latter in the week so I might as well. My team right now is Alphonse, Fjorm, Priscilla and Cecilia which is doing better on lunatic 5 then I thought they would, I already maxed HM on Amelia and several other units are close. I don't do HM farming so TT is when I max HM on my units.
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