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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Most of my friends have blue and red leads, but sure I can add you if you want my lead is a +4V!Lilina and the username is Rain. I will send the request right now.
  2. Could everyone on team Veronica please stop putting up colorless leads, please! Every time I play it seems like someone has either Veronica or another colorless up, at least most of my friends have other colors but I am sick of getting half built Veronicas as the random allies. At the very least fully build who you put up.
  3. I was searching for the Direct on Youtube yesterday because I had missed the news that it was canceled and I saw several videos stating that it was going to be on the 13th. I don't have the link since I did not save any and who know if what they were saying was true, but I hope they were.
  4. For me it means I won't send home any fodder now and I have a place to store merge fodder for units that I am thinking about +10ing but aren't top priority. This is a really good thing and I am so happy to be able to turn all the Faes I have pulled in the past month there and not have them clog my barracks when I am trying to find someone else.
  5. Well after finally pulling Eldigan from the Fury banner he will be my bonus unit and the team will be: Eldigan, B!Veronica, L!Ephraim and G!Marth. Using cav teams in TT is so much fun, I will switch B!Veronica for Ethlyn once I get her 5* version.
  6. I did a few pulls for Lewyn and Quan but no luck so far. I did finally get my first Eldigan on the Fury banner and that made my day because I have been trying to get him since he came out of course he has to be -def but with horse buffs he should be ok.
  7. You know because of the last story chapter I am hoping that the next two legendary heroes will be Bruno and Hrid. They are the two I want the most, but I am really hoping that at least one of them is like Fjorm in that we get one free copy at the start of book 3.
  8. I think I will go with Veronica since Hector lost. I like Ephraim but I want a break from battling Ike. I really hope that after this VG Ike is not in another one for a long time. Ike is Ok but 3 VGs in a row is 2 too many for me.
  9. I love this I probably will never have to spend orbs on barracks space again and I can still save all those 3* and 4* fodder that I pull. I went from 320 to 279 in my barracks which feels good since I can pull without worrying. Sadly I leveled to 20 a lot of merges for units so I have to keep getting feathers to reduce my barracks further.
  10. Man I feel really bad for Japan right now and I hope that everyone there who has been injured can recover:( From what I saw online the Direct will be a week from now at the same time on September 13th (at least in America).
  11. Well looking at the stats, art and listening to the voices I will be trying some for Lewyn since I could use another green mage and of the 4 I like him the best. I just pulled Lene on the legendary banner so I will skip red and while Quan looks good I will only pull blue if there are no greens since I have enough lance cavs for now.
  12. I forgot about him. Figures since that TT and banner was pretty nasty to me.
  13. Goody a TT is coming:) We get our first colorless TT reward unit and I am always happy to see more cav healers. Looks like my TT team will have to center around Jamke since the only other bonus unit I have is Sigurd and he maxed HM months ago. Maybe if I am lucky Eldigan will finally come home on the TT banner since he didn't on the fury banner.
  14. What I am hoping for: SMT V trailer and release date Bayonetta 3 trailer Three Houses info If I get any or all of that I will be happy.
  15. I think I will go green or blue for my free pull and then skip since I don't need anyone on this banner. Everyone looks good and I agree these are plot important characters who should be in Heroes. Now that theses guys have been added I really hope the next regular banner is FE 6 with Elphin since IS seems to like adding dancers/singers right now. Edit: the thing I really like about this banner is that it has zero alts which makes it a great banner.
  16. This was nice I gave up on abysmal difficulty because I don't care about gold headgear and those were just too annoying for me. So, anyway this was a nice change. I used armor emblem team of B!Hector, B!Ephraim, BK and H!Henry for hard and lunatic and for infernal I used a F2P guide with Olivia, Fjorm, Arvis and Narcian. I have no idea what I am going to do with Jamke, but I will 5* him like I do with every GHB unit.
  17. I am really jealous of all those merges:P My Kaze is stuck with neutral nature and at +2 since I have only gotten the free ones:(
  18. Well I managed to scrape together 5 orbs for one last Yolo summon for L!Marth and I pulled Lene instead. I am happy it was Lene since I don't need sword Rein and I did not have her. At least I broke my pity rate and got a dancer which is always good, Now I can hope for L!Marth to come home next time.
  19. For merges I normally promote at level 20 since I only merge favorites who end up with a ton of SP anyway. It saves me time when I do that since grinding can get very annoying.
  20. Well since my very sweet but dumb dog decided to be sick and wake me up two hours early i used all the orbs from the monthly quests to try and get L!Marth, no luck and no 5*s at all. I am OK with my pulls since I pulled my first Libra who has an OK nature, some repo fodder and some Firs which I needed so I could give spd+3 to Veronica. So my orbs weren't completely wasted. Too bad I have to leave that pity rate but I can live with it. I just hope I can save orbs for when a B!Ninian comes back on a legendary banner.
  21. My thought exactly. VG is my least favorite game mode because I have to check my phone every hour, the only reason I still do VG is for the rewards. I will still support who I like but after they put multipliers in I gave up on it being fun or fair. Just give me my rewards so I can forget this mode.
  22. I am going team Hector because he is my favorite of the bunch then if he loses Ephraim or Veronica then Roy if it comes to that. I will be leading with V!Lilina like always but I could put Kaze up if needed.
  23. What I do is play Heroes to relax and this is a mobile game so it should really only take up about ten minutes every time you play. I only play Heroes for about 10 minutes at a time and if there is an annoying map that I can't beat I use a guide so I don't spend all my time playing. What I am trying to say is only play the game for at max 15 minutes then go do something else, unless you are HM grinding then I recommend doing that when you are watching a show/movie at home since you do that with auto battle and just need to tap your phone every once in awhile.
  24. I would ship those two, but Cecilia and Elphin's supports have better chemistry:)
  25. Elphin because I need more male dancers and Cecilia needs her man in Heroes.
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