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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I finally pulled B!Ephraim! He is +def,-hp so he is perfect for what I want which is a wall. I was so happy to see him after trying to get him for over a week I almost cried:)
  2. This will make my Heroes playing so much better because all these dang Faes, Hawkeyes and Sheenas that are taking up space can be turned in to books until I need their skills. This update can't come soon enough for me.
  3. I have to say I am looking forward to Odin and Cherche's refines and I am hoping this will make me want to promote Odin since I have a +atk 4* version just waiting for a reason. Cherche I have at 5*, but I rarely use her since I have other ax fliers that have refinements so hopefully this will make me use her more.
  4. The basics I am good at, but I have to be since I have to count out exactly how many carbs I eat so that I can give just the right amount of insulin. I do math every time I eat and I can do up to algebra but after that I have trouble since I haven't used it since math class.
  5. I pushed to tier 17 in GC as well trying of B!Ephraim. All I have to show for it is a 4.25% pity rate and a barrack full of 4*Faes and Hawkeyes. I am to the point of taking any 5* at all and calling it quits. I don't want to see Fae again for a couple of months because most of my builds needs reposition not drawback.
  6. I did not know it was that bad. I have been having trouble with not having dew mostly since most of the units that I want to refine need dew. I can maybe upgrade one unit a month since I am not that interested in arena and AA since I am f2p. I pick and choose what seals I upgrade so I don't feel the crush about seals because I focus on the "good" ones, but more coins would be nice as well.
  7. Not everyone picks for arena. Veronica's weapon has the same effect as Sothe's and she can attack on player phase and not be countered. Veronica has helped me clear several maps already, she fills 2 roles on a team as a healer and as a decent ranged unit.
  8. Sigh, my free pull on the legendary banner had no reds so I got another 4*Hawkeye. I am up to 4% pity rate on the CYL 2 banner and I am starting to think green orbs only have Hawkeye and Fae in them:( Well more orbs tomorrow for another chance at Ephraim.
  9. Well now that I know Lector is coming back next month I will try and save some orbs for him once I break my pity rate on the CYL 2 banner. I really hope Hrid is the red in October since I want him, but I also kind of hope that we get a free copy of him too. As to a blue legendary hero, I am hoping for a mage because we have yet to get a "legendary" one.
  10. Used bookstore would be my number one choice since the only bookstore in my area is Barnes & Nobles and they only carry new books and then only for about two months and they don't have it after that. I would also sell used video games and anime. Sadly I don't have the ability to do this now, but I would love to do this someday.
  11. Well I finally beat all the paraloge CCs last week and I have all the SAs beat as well. I am just lacking book 1: 11 and 12 and most of book 2's CCs. I ended up burning out on CCs so I will probably leave them alone for awhile, I am just happy to have made good head way in to finishing them.
  12. Unless I pull B!Ephraim before the legendary banner ends (things aren't looking good) I will have to just do my free pull and then skip:( Even though this legendary banner has a lot of units I am missing, the only two I want are L!Marth and Vector. Here is hoping I get red or green to show up when I do my free pull and I get lucky. I hope that I will have orbs to spend on him when L!Marth comes back, since I do want him at some point. I am just glad that Hirid was not the legendary this month because I really want him when he becomes playable.
  13. I am really glad to see Marth he deserves this! Sadly the brave banner is taking my orbs right now so I will probably only take my free summons and back out.
  14. The tech to control it has gotten a lot better along with the insulin. As a kid it was really hard to live with and my teen years were living hell, but since I went on the pump and got a doctor who keeps up with new treatments it is a lot better. As a little kid it was the worst because a little kid does not understand stuff like "if you don't take the shot you will get really sick", I can laugh a little now at some of the things I thought about my diabetes as a kid, some of what I thought is a bit silly now that I have had things like bio and chem classes.
  15. I thought that if I lost blood I would die and this was really scary for me because I was going through this as a 3/4 year old and at 3 I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. I was really scared all the time that I would die because of the blood sugar checks I have to do before I eat and back then the meter to a lot of blood. I remember that my parents ended up making me believe that band-aids put the blood back and so every time I had my sugar tested I had to have a band-aid put on that finger. I wore band-aids on my fingers until I was 7.
  16. Now I am really worried. Looks like I won't change any skills or SI anything until this is fixed so I don't trigger the glitch.
  17. I just checked all my SI'ed units and they are fine for now thank Naga. I have not used the skill set option at all and now that I have read the posts above me I won't until it is fixed. I am going to send feedback about this anyway because it needs to be fixed now and I feel bad for the players it has happened to and I don't want it to happen to me. I think everyone should send feedback about to IS about this so they know that players want this fixed.
  18. It can be annoying sometimes, someone I used to know would say "you look like you lost weight!" every time they would see me and they did it loudly and in public. If you say it when you are just hanging out and everyone knows each other well, it is less annoying then if you do it loudly and in public.
  19. This will be fun but I wish the stamina cost was not so dang high. 15 stamina for one map is a bit much I really wish they would cut the amount in half. Even with a bonus for one unit every hour it will take a while for me to get all the rewards since I need the stamina pots I have for finishing off the last 5 CCs I have left to do. Last time the reward for each maxed out support was 1 orb and it will probably be the same again this time. So in total we should get around 18 orbs, since we will get 2 per day and another 4 from maxing out all supports.
  20. Well today's orbs brought me to a 3.50% pity rate on the brave banner and several Hawheyes and Faes and I am to the point of hating Fae because she shows up way to much and I don't need renewal fodder at all. I am hoping Ephraim shows up soon and I am praying the legendary hero this month is a girl since I won't have any orbs if it is Hirid.
  21. I pick my favorites for weapon and unit types and stick with them unless they get RNG cursed then I go with whoever has better stats. Favoritism always wins out with me, I always end up using Renning in my end team for RD even though I have other cavs who are a lot better. Of course I am a strange person who has to have one of every weapon type user maxed out and on my end team even if axes and dark magic are not as good as other weapons in some of the games.
  22. Honestly I think Veronica is the best of the bunch. I managed to pull her and she has become my favorite healer in heroes by far. I chose Hector as my freebie just so I could have one version of him and he is good, but Veronica for me anyway is the best. I am trying to pull Ephraim, but there are other good green armors so he is not the top of the list. Poor Celica has so many units wanting her spot that she is only really good for people who like her and want to use her because of that or for people wanting death blow 4 on someone else (I am not looking forward to that in arena). Honestly I think you should just pick your favorite unit even if they aren't the best of the bunch for your free pick since in the end you are going to use units you like for most things anyway.
  23. So next week probably. Oh well, at least this banner lasts awhile.
  24. Did IS say when they will hand out the quiz orbs? I need those orbs to try and get B!Ephraim. Also B!Veronica is great and has become my favorite staff unit in Heroes by far I love her!
  25. Well went in with 59 orbs and pulled 2 5*s, Legault and Veronica. I chose Hector for my free pick and I will be snipping for Ephraim until I get him. I am really happy about Legault since I have wanted him since he came out and him being 5* saves me 20k feathers. Veronica will be fun and she was the girl I wanted most. Now I have a 3.25% pity rate and I want Ephraim. Looks like grinding CCs for me.
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