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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Oh, she looks really nice. By far my favorite of the new units added. I already have feathers to 5* her the moment I get her and I will make her +2 after I finish some other projects.
  2. Free pull was 4*Lucius so merge fodder. I am holding off on pulling on this banner until after the legendary next week. Edit: I decided to try for regular Tana but instead of Tana I pulled Elise! I am really happy to have pulled my favorite little sister and the last Fates royal I was missing. Now back to saving for B!Ninian.
  3. That makes sense. Of course Loki in Heroes is pretty close to the Norse god Loki who was known for changing into different people and genders. But yeah, her being like Xane and that she is a dragon who lost her stone is probably what will happen.
  4. I am looking forward to this one. While I do have S!Tana I like it when I have options for my teams.
  5. Aversa is GHB!? I never thought they would give players a free flying mage. So anyway far fetched heroes 2 is good. I will skip this banner since I want B!Ninian if she is on the legendary. I am so happy to see Kliff and am glad they made him a mage, I was scared they would make him another sword unit.
  6. Laguz are my biggest want since shifters other then dragons are the unit type that is still missing in Heroes. I also want a bunch of units to drop from the 5* pool.
  7. I love bacon, my favorite thing to make in the winter is quiche Lorraine which has lots of bacon in it, as well as mushrooms and potatoes.
  8. Wow I managed to get mage Erica as my free pull! Now I have all mage cavs in the game!
  9. My free pull was 4*Mae so decent fodder. I would love Tana, but with the new heroes coming next week I better wait. @daisy jane Innes is pretty good and his refine is fun.
  10. Vaike, Miriel and Kellam are the the ones I feel should be in the most. Of course two guys on the banner is probably asking to much so it won't happen. As to GHB Gangrel would be my top choice and for TT I hope for Priam.
  11. I gave her WoM as her b slot then gave her the live to serve SS. It works very well in TT.
  12. Elphin is top of my list give me my FE 6 character IS. Geese, and Milady with Iddun GHB and Gonzalez TT reward.
  13. I caved since I have no self control and used most of the TT orbs to try for H!Myrrh and I actually pulled her! I am in shock that I manged to pull every focus unit I wanted on this Halloween banner. I guess the game is making up for the bad luck I had last year and the bad luck I had on the last legendary banner. I am almost scared to pull on the next banner with the good luck I just had.
  14. Well I reached 21k points and am going to call it about quits there for today. I already made H!Dorcas +1 I just need to finish leveling him up after my flyer team maxes HM. The orbs from TT managed to get me H!Niles so I am going to quit on that banner and save the rest of the orbs. This TT is fun with flyer emblem, but I have the feeling that once I switch to armor emblem it will be a pain.
  15. well some of the TT orbs have given me H!Niles so I am happy. Now I need to decide if I want to go for H!Myrrh or blow it off. I love Myrrh, but since I already pulled 2 focus units with good natures I think I will quit while I am ahead. Plus I better save just in case the next banner has someone I really love on it. Yeah I am stopping there are just too many red pity breakers that I am better off waiting for H!Myrrh to be on a legendary banner then risking getting someone I already have.
  16. Well I managed to pull H!Mia today so looks like flyer emblem will be my first team of this TT. Team will be H!Mia, original Myrrh, Hinoka and Laegjarn. Here's hoping the TT orbs will give me H!Niles since I really want him.
  17. Well relay defense is now meh instead of "this mode should go to hell". I stopped after getting all the dew, I don't need dueling crests at all. I still don't really like this mode, but at least IS made it playable now instead of the garbage it was last month.
  18. Well I am happy I scrapped together 20 orbs for the Halloween banner and managed to get a pity breaker Hinoka and H!Mia! I am still going to try for Niles and Myrrh a bit with the TT orbs, but at least I manged to get Mia who will be very helpful.
  19. Sacred stones had one in this year it was the one with Myrrh. But yeah, Archanea and FE 6 deserve banners the most. FE 6 is the game I want to have a banner the most because it has not had one at all.
  20. Well since it is October I wanted to listen to the Nightmare before Christmas's soundtrack and ended up finding out about the "Nightmare revisited" album by accident. It has a lot of bands and singers I like do the songs and now I keep playing it over and over again on Youtube.
  21. My dream would be a FE 6 banner with Elphin and the GHB is Idunn, but I expect the new heroes banner to be either far fetched 2 or another OC banner with Hrid, Ylgr, regular Veronica and Bruno. At least I can get merges for my baby boy Kana he deserves it for being really good on my dragon team.
  22. Well 40 orbs in and no 5*s, this is the first banner am doing full pulls on in forever. At least TT is soon so I have more chances at getting someone I want.
  23. I want Zelgius in an aloha shirt. I also want Santa Basilio because of all the characters in FE I can picture him really getting in to the spirit of giving gifts and being jolly.
  24. No! I want all new characters with no old ones and no "clones" (such as Rhajat). Every FE has it's own Anna so I always consider them their own person, but yeah Anna would be the only character I would be OK with. DLC return characters would be fine because I don't have to buy it, but keep reruns and clones out of the main game unless it is a prequel/sequel to another FE.
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