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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Looks like I will use horse emblem for my first team since I need SP on Leo anyway, probably will end up being Leo, Silas, Walhart and Elise. Second team will be infantry so I can train LoliAzura who is now my favorite Azura because the cuteness level is too high to not like her. team will have: Saber, LoliAzura, Genny and regular Ephraim.
  2. OK this made me happy since I now have a way to +10 BK and others, we finally have the castle battles they teased earlier in the year and book three will be here next month. TT and GHB merges take the cake on making me happy I already have a list of who gets +10 first. Of course having the way to get the merges be arena 2.0 annoys me since arena for me is boring since I am F2P but I will just save up for a long time.
  3. What on earth was IS smoking when they came up with idea of a 3 alt banner!? At least my orbs are safe since I want no one from this banner. Is there any chance the Azura TT unit is a flying dancer, please? I am really sad with this and I will be send feedback about this, because this is too much and they should have known this will not go over very well.
  4. That is my guess as well. I am figuring if they do it they will have Hrid, Ylgr and regular Veronica with Bruno as the TT reward. I am assuming that there will be a TT with this banner since we have had one mid month all year.
  5. I am going to guess we will either start getting two L!Heroes per color now or no new L!Hero this time. I kind of hope there is no new one this time so I can skip the banner for the most part. If S!Innes is on the banner I will pull green, but otherwise I will skip.
  6. "Sigh" I get back home after doing my 5K and it is same hell. Oh well, I will have plenty of flags for the final round so hopefully my over all rank will be OK.
  7. What I want : anyone from a non Fates/Awakening game What I think we will get: Fates only since last year was Awakening only. I think we will get a TT one since the backlash last year was big about not having one. I don't think IS will make that mistake again considering how big the backlash was last year. I think we will get the last 2 masked Marths in November's TT to finish off that and make the way clear for a Holiday TT next month.
  8. I went team Olwen after Odin lost since I like her the best out of who is left. I am just doing this for the rewards and since I am doing the local 5k to cure type one diabetes tomorrow my score is going to suck.
  9. I am looking forward to Saber's refine since he somehow decided to show up for me twice he has been waiting for a refine. The other three I will have to see how good they are first before I decide if I will refine their weapons.
  10. Yeah a dancer focus banner would be great. I just want one flying dancer and I don't care who since I like all of them. Maybe we will both get lucky and have YT!Olivia pity break us when we pull red.
  11. Well monthly orbs got me another S!Tana and a bunch of fodder. I give up it has been decided by the Gatca that I will not have a single flying dancer in my barracks:( I will stop while I am ahead and wait for the NY rerun in the hopes I have better luck then since I am sick of this banner.
  12. Well looks like I will be getting a fair bit of feathers since I went Odin. Sigh, constant multipliers can be just as annoying as no multipliers for me because I hate having to check my phone every hour.
  13. Well so far in my hunt for a flying dancer I have pulled two Sumrias and one M!Grima which is great, but I want my flying dancer. M!Grima was my free pull. Now I have to wait until tomorrow for more orbs to try again for a flying dancer:(
  14. Cool, too bad I only have an American 3DS and have to wait for a US release. This will probably be my last 3DS game. The first one was a lot of fun so I hope this one is just as good.
  15. @Geenoble Your cat looks a lot like my Cleo, but my cat is smaller and like to glare at everything:P I have been depressed on and off for most of my life and I get worse at this time of year, so I know it sucks. Some things that help me are: going for a walk outside exercise plus the sunshine seems to put me in a better mood, and the other things I do are try to keep as busy as possible so my brain does not have time to deal with all the bad stuff. Getting help can work, but you have to find the right kind and it can be very hard (I have yet to find it for myself).
  16. I have to wait until March for Elphin? Boo, but at least I will have the chance to save orbs. If these banners have Naesala or Volug, and Elphin respectively I will be willing to wait a few months. I wonder what the banners will be in November then?
  17. Well that is depressing, while I like Erika I was really hoping for Hrid. Well at least this means I have 2 color choices to snip in the hopes of a flying dancer since I have yet to pull one, this will be my best chance. Red and blue hell here I come.
  18. Well I manged to snag a free 5*Odin as one of my free pulls. I am really happy since I had wanted to 5* him, but my merge projects take up all my feathers. Other free pull was 4*Tailtiu which is fine since she tends to like me once I finish my other merge projects she will become 5*+10 at some point.
  19. Well since the game decided to give me a 5*Odin on my free pull and save me 20k feathers Odin will be my team for the first round. If he loses I will go Olwen, Ishtar then Rein. I am going to swap my lead to my +1 Innes with his refine since I guess a lot of people will put green leads.
  20. They give players a few really good free units so players will want more of them. Just look at BK, so far it looks like Aversa will be be the BK of this year.
  21. This was rather fun. I used PM1's infernal guide to cheese because I have been sick, but it was still fun. I am now training Aversa up but I am not sure what I want to do with her yet. I think I will wait and see what other players come up with for ideas.
  22. I live with it. I keep hoping that someday I can do some fun stuff, but that will probably have to wait until I am able to move out.
  23. It is a long story as to why, but yes things involving Christmas are part of the reason I don't like December. My dad used to make Christmas pure pain and would go on and on about how "evil" it was when I was a kid, I can count the number of times I have had a Christmas tree in my house on one hand. He has lightened up, but him combined with everything makes me not like it at all. I still give presents to people and I am nice to people when I go out, but I try to avoid as much stuff and people as I can at that time.
  24. Halloween I like mostly because since I am goth and I have Celtic blood in my veins so I like it. Thanksgiving is just a day where I end up eating to much and missing my granddad because he would always visit on that Holiday. Christmas is the most depressing hated Holiday for me, if something bad is going to happen to me it is going to happen in December, every year is the same and the only thing I want every year is to make it through without crying. Every year I think about becoming a Buddhist after Thanksgiving.
  25. I guess I do have a lot of options, but I end up wearing guys ts and boys pants 90% of the time because women's jeans cost twice as much and they wear out and rip to the point I won't wear them three times as fast. The hard part I have is when I need to dress up because I wear an insulin pump dresses are hard to wear because I have to figure out where I can put my pump, and skirts can be just as bad because they don't look good with a pump hanging from the waist. But yeah girls do have more options since it is fine for girls to wear guys stuff but guys have a hard time wearing girls stuff.
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