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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I want Tiki and Hector, so I will pull blue and green a bit. I personally love armor emblem so new armors are always fun for me.
  2. My 2 most wanted units for Heroes are these 2. Blue tome in place of the harp makes sense, I don't care how IS does it I just want Elffin in the game even if he ends up being seasonal as long as I get the chance to summon him and use him with my other favorites I will be happy.
  3. Well I managed to get Silas from the Fates banner which is nice and I will build him up soon once I figure out who will be on the same team as him. I also managed to pull Laegjarn who I really wanted so I can have a dracoknight flyer team and now I finally have a red unit for it so it is now complete.
  4. the year I turned 18 I ended up going through living hell in every way and I found out how evil adults can be to decent people. After that I have never felt like a kid again and sadly I still carry this pain with me and it makes me wary of trusting anyone ever again. There is this saying that "childhood is the kingdom where nothing dies" I think that if you go through something that makes a part of you die you can't go back to being a kid.
  5. I have been playing since day one. My first pulled 5* was Roy who I still have and use sometimes, the first unit I 5*ed was Cherche. I am mostly F2P and will stay F2P since buying orbs is to pricey for me right now.
  6. Yes I use them on most of my infantry units, especially hone atk and spd most of my dancers and dagger users have some type of hone skill on them. Edit: I have no Idea why I all of a sudden have a big white space after my post if the mods can fix be my guest because I really don't know what happened.
  7. Hrid hands down for me. As someone in their mid-20s I like it when there are characters that are closer to my age and I have a soft spot for the big sibling arch type. Plus, I love his artwork.
  8. Now that I have the glasses I wish Karel would show up when I pull red so I could have someone that looks like Tenpou from Saiyuki Gaiden. This FB is my least favorite honestly because I really hate the way Nina acts. Pretending "real" people are gay is pretty bad, you should never try make someone's sexual orientation be what you want and seeing Nina's supports are really annoying to me. Everyone else's supports are decent and I like Silas and Flora's a lot.
  9. I agree the level 40 convos are getting pretty bad on a lot of the new units.
  10. Me too, it is already mid September and where I live we are breaking heat records. I would rather be cold because I can just put on my hoodie and be comfy. My dad and I are both saying we want it to be fall so we won't be so uncomfortable.
  11. I find it really funny that all three are already listed in the herodex since the banner is the end of next week. If they make Bruno the legendary I will cry because I will not have orbs for him. Hrid being October's legendary makes sense, since he is a sword unit and the season will be water which suits him element wise.
  12. They are herons so that is why they have bird wings anything else is a spoiler so I won't say. Just keep playing and you will find out what you want to know:)
  13. Man that is sad. I hope you are able to get good money for your accounts since you are selling them to help someone else.
  14. I LOVE Addam so much! I was expecting him to be a really reserved person, but he is a bit like Zeke who is my favorite character in the main game. This also explains why Niall kept saying Morag should have been the ruler and not him, since she was the one who was a good fighter. And of course, even with all those crystals I am sill missing 2 of the "Torna" Blades in my main game, I guess I will have to grind cores again. Anyway this is going to be fun.
  15. Well I know Loki is going to cause more problems and we are probably going to fight Bruno and Veronica at least once more before they convert. As to what I would like in book 3: Beast units added since they are the last unit type that is missing an increase of the 3 and 4* pools with units who aren't super popular but still have a decent amount of fans like they did with Kaze so that it makes getting a non 5* interesting again dropping some of the units from book 1 to 3 and 4*s, such as Eldigan, saber, regular Olwen and Minerva More ways to get merges for GHB and TT units with combat manuals they should put quests in to get combat manuals of limited characters infernal story chapter modes since most things in game have infernal it seem silly that these don't These are just the things I want that have a small chance of happening.
  16. This is what I am expecting as well. IS likes doing FE directs in January and I am hoping that Three Houses is coming in the spring, so January sounds like the earliest to hope. I don't think we will get any info until Smash and the Pokemon games are out, since those are the games Nintendo is focusing on promoting right now.
  17. This banner is annoying I pulled a 5* Ares as my free pull so I kept going and now have a pity rate. Sigh, I will try to break it since I do like flora but I am mad at myself for wasting orbs.
  18. My BK took care of Surtr for me I love smashing enemies to pieces with my favorite villain. My armor team smashes everything to pieces. Of course this was lunatic Eldigan had the honor on normal and hard but I needed armor to have all 4 units survive on lunatic since I was being lazy.
  19. OK now I might actually use Garon since he will be a red dragon who is not Tiki, plus his grin makes me want to use him because it is so creepy.
  20. Well that was a rather sad ending but I am just glad it is over because it was dragging out too long. Am I the only one that ships Alphonse and Anna? I mean Fjorm is OK but I like her better with Sharena then Alphonse.
  21. Cool I finally have a chance at a red dracoknight for dracoknight emblem after waiting for a year and a half. I don't care if her little sis is there I will be trying for Laegjarn since she has one of my favorite female designs in the game. It would be really cool if the "3 heroes" quests involved these guys but that seems like IS would be too nice with that.
  22. There is no way IS would give players 3 free sources of DC sadly. My Myrrh is waiting for DC and will probably wait forever. Garon's weapon will likely have DC built in if we are lucky. I really hope they do something different and have Garon be an ax cav because I already have really good ax armors. Of course if they give him armor march that for me would be an ok sub for DC since my H!Jakob needs that skill.
  23. Well I caved and tried again for either Lewyn or Quan and managed to get Quan! Now I am really through with this banner I will wait until Lewyn is on a legendary banner to try again for him.
  24. Well I will pull red on my free pull then quit since while I like Silas he is going to drop which for me is a good thing since I will be able to get him much easier then if he stayed at 5* only. The next banner really should be FE 9,10 or 6 other wise I may send feedback asking for those games to get banners because I am getting really sick of Fates/Awakening banners every month this year it seems like. The only thing that makes me happy about this banner is it is a 4 person banner and it has no alts which makes me very happy.
  25. A friend for me is someone I trust and who knows me very well, in other words they can tell if my sugar is going low and will give me food or tell me "check your sugar". An acquaintance is someone I will say hi to and I remember their name and maybe I will eat with them if is lunch time at work stuff like that but we don't hang out on off time or anything.
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