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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. @Zangetsu Marth's sister is a staff user, so him getting a staff in an alt form makes some sense. As to who I want Marth 100%. I don't even care what weapon he would wield I just want Marth to get the respect he deserves.
  2. Hipsters and underwire for me, it ends up being the most comfy.
  3. I am currently building my Caeda and I have to say she is really good with her refine. Once I get the SP I need on B!Roy I will be using her as my red unit. Once I finish building Caeda the last flier quests I need to finish should be a cakewalk with video guides that use her:) I am doing lunatic 5 since I am using a 4*Donnel as my bonus unit along with Michalis, B!Roy and regular Jakob. They are doing OK, but I normally need team two to beat Grima, which has M!Marth as the dragon killer. I love TT as a SP grinding place and I really like the final map on this one, it is difficult enough to be interesting unlike some of the final maps in past TTs.
  4. I would love this, I miss getting OCs as legendary heroes and seeing a Manakete from the Heroes world would be really cool. Of course I still want them to be a guy, but if they are an OC I would be fine if it was a girl.
  5. M!Morgan is who I think will drop since he is the least impressive of the three units on his banner and F!Morgan being a flying mage mage makes it highly unlikely she will drop. I hope he does drop so I have a chance of pulling him in the future since I am skipping this banner.
  6. Honestly I feel like there are enough FE reps already in Smash, about the only new FE character I expect is FE 16's Lord who I hope to Naga is Not a sword lord. As to who I would want that would be any non sword user, I don't even care who as long as they don't use sword and have an interesting move set.
  7. Well beat SA 8 thanks to youtube F2P video strat. It was fairly simple thanks to that.
  8. Well no greens on my free pull so I pulled colorless and got 3*Niles, so iceberg fodder. I am to the point of thinking Heroes has decided I will never have Hector since I could not get Vector either. I am just going to keep saving my orbs, Hector and CC fodder is tempting but with H!Jakob coming back either this month or next I would rather have orbs for him.
  9. A female protagonist who is the sole protagonist and does not share the spotlight with a guy, woman can be good leaders without a guy so why not in FE? I would love it if the magic triangle came back, I miss light magic I want the skill Steal back on thieves, Awakening and Fates took away one of the most fun things to do with a thief. I want to be able to walk up to an enemy and swipe their stuff again. A better story with world building would also be great, along with gameplay like Conquest.
  10. Well ever since Felicia got her refine I have wanted Jakob to get one to I thought it could be something like this: Jakob's tray +3 Def to wielder and deals -2 Def and -2 Res to enemy if unit attacks first.
  11. Well I think I have my first team decided by who needs SP most since this a full TT I think I will take my time getting Gerome. Anyway first team will be Cecilia, B!Roy, Jakob and Donnel so I have a blue bonus unit, but once Cecilia gets the SP she needs I will switch her for Michalis. Once I get Gerome I will switch to flier emblem of Gerome, Hinoka, Elincia and S!Corrin/Bunnilla.
  12. Since I don't have anything else to do in Heroes right now I am working on my Jakob I posted his build in the weirdest project thread since hardly anyone uses Jakob. I was just amazed I had most of the SI fodder for him since I am F2P and I have been pulling nothing but green this year. Of course grinding SP is boring but I need red badges anyway and with TT coming I will get plenty on him soon. Sadly I don't have any merges for him right now since I needed renewal fodder a while back. I really hope his Halloween version is on the next legendary banner and hopefully the legendary hero is colorless so I have a really good reason to pull colorless soon.
  13. I am currently building Jakob +atk. -hp I just need to grind SP for the skills the build is: Weapon: Silver dagger+ special: Luna passive: right now he has rally resistance until I get drag back/repo fodder A slot: Def 3 B slot: seal atk 3/seal spd 3 C slot: threaten atk 3/ threaten def 3 SS slot: resistance +3 Once I get extra SP for refinements I will give him +Res and give him a different SS. Jakob is the first unit I promoted SI fodder to 5* for and I don't regret it.
  14. Well free pull was another 4*Beruka who I already have at 5* and now have 4 4*s of her sitting in my barracks. Oh well I have all the focus units anyway.
  15. Well looks like I will use Cherche until I get her son since I don't have a 40%. Flier emblem for this TT it is. Thank goodness that Gerome is a 40% so it will only be a grind until I get him.
  16. I am going to guess that it will be a spring VG as well, the placement of the VG and the banners that are going to be up at the time all point to it. I will have to see the new spring banner before I decide who to go with, but I may end up on team Bunillia since she was the only spring unit I managed to pull last year. VGs are only about the feathers for me now, since the multipliers make everything annoying, plus the having to check my phone every half hour got old after the first VG. I do need feathers though, and the quests that go along with the VG that give coins, orbs and refining stones are nice.
  17. I honestly just want the colorless dragon to be a guy, Grima was such a nice change of pace. Though I am thinking that the people saying it could be legendary Corrin make a lot of sense after the last two legendary heroes. I would like it if it was M!Corrin, but since M!corrin is not as popular I don't think that will happen. I would find it very funny if it did end up being Xane, but he uses swords in his games so him being colorless doesn't make sense. The other thing is that there will be an spring banner coming probably and they could have a colorless dragon on that which means it could be anyone.
  18. Well I finally did infernal thanks to youtube, looks like L!Ike comes in handy for GHBs just like Fjorm does. All I have to say is I love pheonixmaster1's F2P guides because they work very well.
  19. I need to do infernal because I am lazy, but the quests were easy thanks to a team of Fjorm, F!Robin, Olivia and Alfonse/Zephiel and I did the armor quest with my standard team of BK, H!Henry, C!Robin and C!Chrom. I think I will just try armor on Infernal once I have the stamina.
  20. I really want Finn since his art looks great, I just hope he comes home. I am looking forward to this banner and I really hope there is a new GHB to go along with it. I wonder who they will put on the banner with Olwen and Rein if there is a TT with this banner?
  21. Well free pull was 4* Stahl so swap fodder. I am done with this banner since I don't really want anyone that badly and I am saving all my orbs for when H!Jakob comes back.
  22. I agree they have been making me think that is going to happen for a while, it will be interesting to see something like that in Heroes since it has yet to have a really evil and dark moment like that.
  23. @mampfoid I know there are the same amount of lance and ax fliers, it is just there are only 4 sword fliers and and one of them is seasonal. I just want one dracoknight sword user that is not seasonal, but after the last SS banner I don't have much hope of that since they missed a good time to put Cormag in Heroes and he could have been a sword user. The only hope I have left is that they make Ahsnard a GHB. @Vaximillian I don't know if they will let us recruit her or not I hope so, but I am seeing very strong Camus tendencies with her. About the only way I see it happening is if something bad happens to her little sister.
  24. I want to know the 20% bonus units so I can build my team for getting Gerome, I will switch to fliers after I get him. I am still sad he is another ax flier, but poleaxe makes up for it a bit. Sword dracoknight when IS?
  25. Well it figures that this direct would not be that good at least to me since my whole week has been pretty bad. At least I have Smash to look forward to, but dang it I wanted to see FE Switch so badly today:( All I can say is Nintendo had better bring their A game at E3 because right now there are no games that they have shown for this year I want to buy.
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