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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I think I am giving up on the LA banner. Lilina is cool and having her at +4 is nice and I did get a Takumi. I really want Vector but after pulling for him for almost a week I know when to quit. Hopefully I can get him from a legendary banner. Of course if the next regular banner is not one I want to pull on I might try one more time.
  2. Well nothing fodder today I just want one Vector game, please? I am sick of seeing Bartre and Beruka.
  3. Well my +4 +atk - res Lilina on horse emblem is really good and she is doing fairly well in arena too. I can't wait to get the armor boots seal it will be so good to use it on armor emblem and will help me train Eliwood. I loved the intro it was so cute! Now if only these orbs will give me Hector, this will be a perfect TT.
  4. I voted for the PA and LA banners as my favorites. As someone that likes to read about saints for fun sometimes I found the LA banner closer to the story of St. Valentine then the way it is marketed in the west. PA banner was cool because I always want male refreshers and I am hoping for a second one with Nils and Elffin.
  5. He will be taking the place of my C!Robin so I will probably make him more player phase then enemy phase, but I want to use him in TT a bit before I decide what skills that I have would work best on him. Probably wings of mercy, either bonfire or glacies and I will see how fire boost works before I worry about A slot and he will be keeping goad armor.
  6. I really really want an armor march seal, as well as a DC or CC one. I figure I will be surprised and I hope happy with what I get. I am really looking forward to building V!Eliwood since he looks great I have a good fodder waiting for him.
  7. Do them like the dragon units and have them different colors by type like stated above me. Most of the units I want in game are Laguz, so yes I really want Laguz in Heroes especially Naesala.
  8. Well my try for Vector today gave me my very first Takumi with a +atk -res nature to boot. I can't be too mad but Vector better show up soon.
  9. @Anacybele Have you looked at the TMS subforum on SF and read what people who played the game say about it? For the most part people who have played it liked it a lot myself included, so saying that it is not liked by the people who played it is false. As to the OCs not fitting as others have pointed out the summoner themselves is from the "modern" world as well. I don't see how the characters would clash that much, plus they have more then one outfit in the game that Heroes designers could chose from for in game art to make them fit if needed. Just because you have not played the game/ don't like the characters is no reason to say they can not be added to Heroes at some point.
  10. Well I voted once for Eldigan and the rest went to H!Jakob because I need bow armor badly. I was mostly voting in the hopes of getting H!Jakob on a new legendary banner. I wonder who the top 4 will be since people tend to stop voting after the mid way results come out. I am probably one of the few people who does not want L!Ike since I already have his other two versions and from looking at the stats he is about the same as vanilla Ike. I know my 4 votes will go to someone other the L!Ike I can live with it if he is the free one, but honestly I would rather get a bunch of other 5*s who are not red since I have several good reds.
  11. I want Yashiro so much, I don't care if he would be red I want him. My hope is they will port TMS to the Switch and TMS will get a full 4 person banner with Yashiro as a TT or GHB reward. Of course they did not put the OCs from Warriors so I honestly gave up hope after that. Plus like stated above me shared property with another company.
  12. Well I know my team will have my +4 V!Lilina unless her dad shows up. I think the others for now will be Xander, Camus and B!Lyn until they max HM then I will sub armor emblem when I get 5*V!Eliwood. Cries in corner because Vector won't come home.
  13. Free pull was F!Corrin and I now have a +4V!Lilina. I went in to the Vday banner and had 3 green orbs every one of them was V!Lilina! I just want one of her dad. Sigh maybe tomorrow Vector will show up.
  14. Well I I did a few more pulls today and managed to get another V!Lilina. I just want V!Hector to come home he has my favorite art in the game I really want him. At least TT is near so I know more orbs are on the way. The good thing is I have a 40% bonus unit for TT, just not the one I really want.
  15. Oh you mean the day I completely ignore, since I am alone and will probably die alone? Kidding aside, I did take my mom out for ice cream today as an early Vday present since she has to work late all week this week. I will bake something for my dad so he can have sweets too. The only person who remembers me on Vday is my mom so I just ignore it and see if I can get some of the good stuff on sale after it is over.
  16. Well I made a "purple" ranged team for the ranged training maps that did very well and I may use it as a regular team. It consists of Lyon, Sonya, Leon and Tailtiu(my next 20k will go to make her 5*). I have not really finished their skills yet since I don't have fodder but they did way better then I thought with their base kits.
  17. I can see Nino on a spring banner, I would pull for that since I think they could do a very cute design for her as well as Fae. Ninian, Nils, Tethys and Elffin on a new PA banner I am hoping they do a Groom banner instead of a bridal banner this year, so I would hope for Sigurd and Pent. Halloween I would hope for headless horseman Eldigan since every one kept asking for it last year. Summer Ewan could be fun I could picture him with a "splash" tome that drowns enemies. Santa Duessel I would pay money for since that could work well and have him ride a reindeer.
  18. Well I broke down and bought a $25 google play card since I wanted to buy the BK pack and that was the smallest amount I could get. My Bk is now +1 and I am saving those 12 orbs until I get some more from quest then I will try again for V!Hector. I will save the rest of my card for if Kaze is added or if they do another free unit pack like the BK one. It feels weird not being F2P anymore but BK is one of my most used units and I think Heroes deserves some of my money since I really like the game.
  19. This mode is fun and I am glad that earning all rewards is easy. I am not very good at games like this so easy is about all I can do well. I am using my infantry team right now which is B!Ike, Leon, Joshua and Lukas. I may switch to my armor team tomorrow.
  20. Well I went in with 158 orbs and managed to get V!Lilina and another 5*Cordelia for my orbs. I will keep trying for V!Hector because he is a must have for me, hopefully his little girl being in my barracks will make him more willing to show up. I wonder what I should do with the Cordelia brave lance or galeforce fodder?
  21. Is there any chance the new banner could be FE 5 and this VG be FE 4 vs. FE 5? I am hoping for that since Leif needs to be in Heroes. What I expect is that it will be V units vs. Spring units. Well I can always use the coins and feathers, but dang it I wish they would replace this mode with something that does not require me to check my phone every hour for a multiplier. If they could change that part of it and make so you could do all your runs in a half hour I would be OK with this mode. I am going to be a feather merc, since I am tiered of getting invested in characters only to have them lose due to the multiplier. If I go in only for feathers I will win no matter what.
  22. My free pull yesterday was a 5* Clair. My second free 5* and a savings of 20k in feathers since I only had a 4* of her. If I V!Hector right away I may come back to this banner and try for armor march.
  23. I S supported him in my first BR run and he ended up being my favorite guy in Fates so S support every time. Just an FYI you can grind supports in my castle battles which is how I managed to get all the kids in my runs. Kaze is my favorite Fates character (in Heroes when?) so that scene had a big impact story wise for me, it is my favorite part of BR.
  24. Well the only legendary hero I have is Fjorm so I really hope they are going to give out several blessings so I can make more then one team. I will have to carefully plan out who gets what blessing. I just hope I am not forced to pull on legendary banners just to play this mode.
  25. Conception 2 Children of the seven stars I have a weird sense of humor sometimes and I find this game very funny and I really like the dungeons. The "God's gift" thing with the main character and the whole "class mating" stuff is really bad and I will state that. For some reason I found those parts funny and I end up laughing a lot when I play it.
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