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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Honestly I think Jaafers is a troll since this is the first time I have seen them post. As to CYL 2 I voted for Naesala, Kaze, Priam and Cormag. Next is Elphin, then Nailah and Zihark.
  2. Well all I managed to get was a bunch of fodder. I want Myrrh, but I think I am going to stop and save up my orbs for next month since I will get a 40% bonus unit free in the TT. I really hope that this no focus unit for me will stop soon, I have not pulled a focus unit since the last legendary banner and I am a bit bummed about it. I may do a yolo summon when this banner ends.
  3. Well I don't have Hector, I mostly use my B!Ike for quests. I also use Fredrick, Michalis, C!Chrom, Amelia and Anna when I feel like it. But yeah B!Ike is my go to for quests since I have a color balanced infantry team that is my story quest team. Hawkeye is honestly pretty good, since you say you have several look up a good build for him and see if it works for your play style. Brast can also be good I have seen some nice builds for him.
  4. Well I am going to vote for Cormag next, so my voting list is going to change to this: Naesala, Kaze, Priam, Cormag, Zihark, Elphin and Nailah. I was going to vote for Lorenz on the last day, but the new SS banner made me change to voting for Cormag. I have already voted for my first three.
  5. Myrrh had better come home for me, the last on focus 5* I pulled was B!Roy from the legendary banner. At least I get Lyon for free tomorrow, I am still bummed and I sent feedback to Nintendo about how having no guys on the banner was Not cool and that there are woman who play Heroes and that they lost out on getting money from me because there was no guy on this banner. I was going to buy the BK pack this weekend, but after this I am waiting until next month. Marissa as the TT reward is no surprise, but with the banner being all girls it does make me sad. Maybe next time Valter is rerun I can beat him up with Cormag, a girl can dream.
  6. I hope every seasonal banner for Kaze, but IS seems to not want him in Heroes. In all honesty I want someone on the Vday banner that has nothing to with love as a joke character. Shinon is who I would want as a "joke" cupid since he has nothing to do with love at all and his snark about Vday would make my day. If you can't tell I find Vday to be a rather blah holiday and it has nothing to do with the saint it is named after.
  7. Why is there a new Erika and why does she use dark magic? The only unit from this I want from this banner is Myrrh and I am mad that there are no guys on this banner. IS there are woman that play FE and have guys they like and would whale for them, I wanted Cormag or Gerik so much but no all girls and one whose weapon makes zero sense for them. I like Erika and am happy for her fans, but I don't understand the weapon choice and I feel that a guy should have been on the banner in her place.
  8. I only watch them for games on systems I don't have or for Japanese only games that I don't feel like emulating. Other then that I don't watch them, if I want background noise I put on music from Saiyuki.
  9. That is great! I pulled Hinoka when I was pulling for S!Corrin and she has been on my flyer emblem ever since. My flyer team is Hinoka, Elincia, Bunnilla/S!Corrin and Michalis with refined weapon. Michalis is really good and since his sister refuses to come to me he fills her slot very well.
  10. I would love this banner other then Myrrh, Cormag and Gerik are the two units from SS I want most. IS make this banner real, please!
  11. Well second vote went to Kaze, first was Naesala. I am only voting for my favorites not in Heroes already in the hopes that they will be put in the game soon.
  12. I am voting for my favs not yet in the game, so today my vote went to Naesala the same as last time. Tomorrow will be Kaze, then Priam, Zihark, Nailah, Elphin and Lornez. I don't care if they don't have a shot at winning, I just want them in Heroes so I hope my votes will help them get in.
  13. I will be happy with Cormag being in, I am still mad I did not get to use Cormag to beat Valter in his first GHB run. I need Cormag to be in Heroes so I can use him to smash Valter in to little pieces this time, please IS. The units I hope are on the banner are Cormag, Myrrh and The Rachel. I Want Gerik in Heroes as well, but I want Cormag more.
  14. I have most of the SS heroes so I should have a bonus unit, I really hope Innes is one just so I can use him with buffs. I am expecting Joshua to be rerun on this on since it is a mini TT, but I can hope for a new unit. As to the banner who I want on it would be Myrrh, Cormag and Gerik but I don't think they would do a banner with more guys then girls. Honestly I am just glad to get Lyon and if I get Myrrh and a new TT reward unit I will be very happy.
  15. I am voting for Naesala since I need my raven king in Heroes. I will also vote for Nailah since I need the wolf queen in as well. I am going to vote for my favorite characters not in Heroes and one favorite per day so I will see if I can fit Tibarn in as well, but there are others on my list as well so it will be if I have room.
  16. You're welcome:) I forget about those two as well, the only reason I remember them is because I just promoted them last week.
  17. You forgot Clairisse and Legion, both GHB from FE 12. So Marth's games have had 5 GHBs.
  18. My home phone does not have caller id so what my family does is we let the answering machine pick up all calls and only pick up when it is someone we want to talk to. Everyone who we want to talk to knows we do this so it works pretty well. As to my cell I only pick up if it is a number I know, if I don't know the number I don't answer.
  19. I hope he has the same artist as Innes. I am so happy to see Lyon since I have wanted him since SS characters were first added to Heroes. Now if only the new TT would have Glen as the reward and he wields a sword, my draconight flyer team would be complete.
  20. I will be voting for: Kaze, Zihark, Naesala, Priam and Elphin. I am just going to vote for my top 5 who are not in the game that I want, though maybe I should not vote for sword users. They could give Priam an ax like they did with Raven. I want Geese in the game as well, but Elphin is a male refresher who could be added to the regular pool so he gets my vote first.
  21. Maybe, it just seems like the 5* pool is so big now that it is easier to get an off focus unit then a focus one. I will admit that my luck is probably not the best though.
  22. I think they do need to add units to the 4* and 3* pools just so that summoning is not so boring, as to how they should go about it I don't know. My main problem with summoning is that it is very hard to get new units for me, since the pools are so bloated it is very hard to get a focus unit the last two banners I stopped pull because I kept getting off focus 5*s. They need to keep adding new units to keep people playing, if they keep dropping the rate new units are added then their money will dry up. They need to find a balance with adding units, if they have to keep the same pools and just keep putting 5*s in the pool then I think they need to raise the focus unit pull rate to a higher percent then the regular 5^s.
  23. I blew off TT yesterday except for the quests, so I am only at 30k. I plan to finish it off by tomorrow, since I don't play Heroes much on the weekend because of RL. Since I built NY!Corrin I have found that I really like his design and I think I will put him in the rotation of archers on my infantry team. I also trained up Oliver with NY!Corrin and he is doing pretty well for me in this TT, he works for my play style even if he is not the best blue mage.
  24. Well my free pull was 3*Olivia so a merge for her. I was pity broken on the RD banner by regular Roy, someone is getting TA3 and I am calling it quits on the banner since I do want to save some orbs for other banners. At least the RD units will be in the regular pool and hopefully they will show up for me some other time.
  25. I am F2P so I will keep Heroes on my phone. I have played gatchas before so I knew what I was getting in to and decided before I started playing that I would not buy orbs, unless I had a gift card or something like that. I think that Omni got a bit too angry about Heroes and it is a good thing they are not playing anymore, their videos tended to end up as rants.
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