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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well I managed to get 5*NY!Corrin and I slapped bowbreaker and moonbow on him and he is doing very well for me in TT and should help me get the QR seal today. I am really liking NY!Corrin and I may start using him on my regular infantry team. Now if these TT orbs would give me Zelgius I would be happy.
  2. I played RD first and I did not like Ike very much, his game is PoR and he should have been a minor character in RD. My first play through I went out of my way to use the dawn brigade because Ike and his crew made me mad while I was playing. I did not kill them off because I have to have everyone alive, but the moment I could stop using them I did and I refused to use Ike in the tower except for the places where you have to. I like Iked Ike in PoR when I played it, but he was not good in RD and the way he was shoved in and stole the spotlight never has sat well with me. I like Micky, she is not my top favorite but she is in the top 5.
  3. Free pull was a 4* Hinata, so fury fodder. My search for Zelgius and Sothe goes on, at least TT will bring more orbs for more tries.
  4. Well I know I will be running Hinoka. I think I will just go with a team of Hinoka, Michalis, Elincia and Bunilla/S!Corrin until I get NY!Corrin then I will switch to my infantry team.
  5. I would inform your boss and coworkers about your health issues and ask politely if they would not smoke near you because it can cause you to get sick. Do Not tell them it is gross because that will make them mad and might make them blow their smoke in your face if they are feeling mean. Also like stated above a face mask would be a good idea and tell your boss why you are wearing it.
  6. I will be using Hinoka and Sakura until I get NY!Corrin since they are the only two bonus units I have. At least I can get HM on those two and I am glad they decided to give everyone a 40% unit for TT since for me TT is the perfect place to train units.
  7. I have done several TT with 20% bonus units and have done very well, top 10k players most of the time. Just use your Ryoma and do lunatic 5. I don't have a 40% for this TT either, and that is what I will do until I get 5*NY!Corrin. I normally just do lunatic 5 anyway lunatic 7 gets stressful for me.
  8. Well I beat SA 6 with help of youtube again since I am really lazy when it comes to these things. I also started on the CCs because I decided to start on them, I am still going to leave some of them for when Kaze gets in to Heroes but I figure I can do a couple of them so I can do some more pulls.
  9. I am F2P and I don't have a +10 of anyone and I have been playing since launch. The closest I have is a +5 4* Est because she kept stalking me. Don't feel bad, I am just glad I have most of the units I wanted to pull some still elude me but I can live with it.
  10. Well no 5*s yet, I ended up with a lot of fodder. I am not giving up until I get one focus unit though. I ran out of stamina so I still have 10 orbs to grab, so I will be pulling again once I grab them. As to legendary banners, after my luck on the last one I am convinced that they are the "bait" banners of heroes and I won't be pulling much on them until H!Jakob shows up on one. At least the mini TT is coming so I know I will have orbs going in to next month.
  11. They will probably give Volke Baselard , since that is the most powerful knife in RD.
  12. Ok that is good, new seals are always fun to play around with.
  13. I wonder how long that game will stay up, it looks like a hack of FE Warriors and from the reviews it has viruses in it.
  14. Well looks like my cash is safe for now, I might get Ys and Dark Souls if I get bored but they are not top priority. I am sad that there was no Fire Emblem news at all, I am hoping for a Fire Emblem direct at the end of the month/start of next month.
  15. I know most people are mad about Zelgius's art being the black armor, but I honestly love it. I understand some people being mad about him being a spoiler as well, but I gave up on no major spoilers in Heroes a long time ago, when Matthew started talking about how he wondered if he could see Leila again, he makes it pretty clear she is dead in his world. After I read that I figured that spoilers would abound and that I should learn to live with them.
  16. Well I don't have any of the NY units or Ryoma so I will have to hope that the 20% bonus units have regular Camilla, Hinoka or regular Sakura among them so I will have a bonus unit. I am looking forward to this TT just for the free unit and the orbs. At least this one comes with a new unit, I am still a little salty about MM being the Christmas TT reward. Since it is a mini will it have new seals? The last one had reruns on seals, so I am not expecting any new seals.
  17. I just noticed we have a new SA, looks like I will have something to do in Heroes tomorrow while I wait for the new story chapters on Friday.
  18. Sothe is my top wanted since I only have PA!Olivia as 5* dagger user and I have always liked Zelgius in black armor best even if he is a bit slower then BK if I get him I will use him. I want Micky too, but I will pull for her the least since blues tend to come the easiest for me.
  19. I know I was being silly. Seasonal TT was a given, especially since I don't have any of them.
  20. I am so glad I started saving orbs last week. I want them all, the only thing that would make this better is if Sephiran is revealed to be a TT reward:) Red and colorless hell here I come.
  21. The music and gameplay are great. I decided to buy TMS because I watched the trailers and the gameplay looked good, I was right. TMS is my top Wii U game and in my top 10 all time favorites.
  22. Man talk about trolling. They should just confirm when the Direct will be already, these tweets are a bit on the strange side.
  23. That is why I want him. VD is always just another day to me, so having a "joke" character who has nothing to do with love at all would make me very happy.
  24. I would love Cupid Innes, that would be really funny. Of Course if they put Shinon on a V day banner I would be so happy, I need more of my snarky archers in Heroes.
  25. Honestly I am keeping my hopes down so that I will be happy with what is shown and not be mad. FE Switch is hopefully going be shown. Though that image makes me think it is something about a TMS#FE port for Switch. I am hoping for info on the paid service because that is supposed to start soon at least from what they said before. VC news would be great. Bayonetta 3 trailer would be cool since that and SMT V are the two 3rd party games I want the most.
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