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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. So we are supposed to get NY!Corrin for free? Nice, since him and Azura were the two I wanted. Now if only I can get green when I summon and can actually pull Azura for once. Flying dancer sounds really fun.
  2. I think it depends on the players, I have never played it myself but I did watch the TV show as a kid and it was pretty clear that the bad guys were bad and the good guys were good though there were some episodes where the good guys did not look like good guys. Anything can be twisted if the players want to play that way but most of the time I think players play for fun and to be the hero. So, no I don't think it is "evil" at all, of course that is up to personal judgement and I tend to take what a group of people call evil with grain of salt and judge it for myself. I have been called satanic because my blood sugar went low and I lost control of myself, and I loved my black dog that I had as a teen and I love the black cat I have now. Honestly use your own judgement.
  3. Well went in with 50 orbs and since I have been majorly depressed I used them all, no 5*s at all and I am at 9% pity rate. I will just wait and try again on Sunday since I need to save up more orbs. Man the last one of these I managed to pull a 5* every 5 pulls but this one does not like me at all, and I only managed to get one green while I was pulling.
  4. This so much, I want Kieran and Kaze both in Heroes and red vs. green would allow for them both to be in. As to if it is Christmas vs. New Year's I would go with C!Chrom since I like his design the best, then if he loses I would go with NY!Corrin.
  5. Everyone is going on about how Ryoma and Hinoka are not on the banner and while I wished they were on it too, at least they are in the game even if they are rare 5*s. I wanted Kaze on this banner so much, I just want him in the game and I have been waiting since launch for him. I will pull for the refresher unit and that is that. Looks like I will pull some on the legendary banner after all since no Kaze.
  6. I have yet to get anything but an A in speed and I am using C!Robin and C!Chrom. I guess this TT is for the armor emblem people and the people who don't normally use armor emblem except for the monthly quests are having a hard time. Of course armor march is a big help, I gave up using horse emblem all the time once I pulled two units with armor march. My armor team is so much fun and I finally have 4 armors whose designs I like, even though Effie and Amelia are both solid units and were very good on my armor emblem team I never have like their art so the Christmas boys have taken their places.
  7. I just had a funny thought about what if Ryoma was on the New Year's banner? That would mean I would just go for that one over his regular version, which would be kind of funny. I will wait to pull on the legendary banner until I see who will be on the New Year's banner anyway, but now I almost want that to happen just so I can laugh about it and blow off the legendary banner.
  8. I put a lot indifferent and I said that they need to add more new units from different games and new GHBs, I also said how bad VG is and that it needs to go away. I said they should make a mode like TT but where you use friend's list units. I had to rush the survey since I had something to do, so I did not put everything I wanted in the survey. I did mention that they need to think about what they are doing and stop making decisions that anyone could see would make players mad. I sometimes wonder what the devs smoke because if they thought through some of the things they have done they would not have done them in the first place. I really hope they read these and take the comments seriously, because while Heroes is to me a really good game there are things they need to fix.
  9. well I am skipping blue, if Gunnthra is free I will skip green, looks like I will go red and colorless but I don't plan on pulling much. B!Roy, Ryoma, Elise and BB!Lyn are the 4 units on the banner I don't have and want. I think I will also wait and see if there will be a New Year's banner on Monday before I spend any orbs, because if they put Kaze in Heroes I want every orb I have for him. I really hope that there is new story content tomorrow and that Gunnthra is free since I really don't want to pull for her.
  10. I use TT as a training ground the first couple of days then do it for points. Honestly TT would be one of the fastest ways to level your C!Robin, but if you want rewards fast then use a 20% bonus unit on your regular TT team on a higher level.
  11. Well at least the seals are good, so I now have rewards worth grinding for. I am still bummed that this is a full TT with a rerun unit, but the seals make up for it a bit since I have yet to pull a unit with heavy blade that one will be very useful, Lote's shield will also be useful.
  12. While I can see being sad that heroes didn't have any big Christmas things, saying that the game should end because of it is a bit extreme. I mean while I am unhappy about the MM rerun, I won't stop playing the game, I just wish some new things would be added like new units and chapters. Though honestly IS really makes dumb mistakes that could be avoided if they thought it through. they should have seen players being peeved about nothing special on Christmas and MM being run as the TT reward for the third time, at least if they had to do a rerun they could have done one of the other TT units. I love Heroes, but sometimes when I see some of the choices IS makes I really wonder what they are doing and if they think about how players will react at all.
  13. Well a normal Christmas for me, I did get the St. Michael medal I asked for (I feel like I need some angelic protection lately), a Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker tea mug and a neat Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wilds Switch collectible lunchbox kit. As to Heroes content today I don't mind no big content today but I do agree that the content this month has been rather lacking. At least I managed to pull C!Robin yesterday so I am happy with my pulls, now I am hoping that Kaze will be on the New Year's banner.
  14. We do it all on the 25th, mostly because my mom used to have to work the 24th and would only be home on the 25th.
  15. Well since I just managed to snag C!Robin I will be running him along side C!Chrom in the TT for armor march. I am so glad I got him today and I can go back to saving orbs.
  16. Just managed to snag C!Robin +def,-res. Now I am done with the banner since I pulled C!Chrom earlier.
  17. Well my saving orbs until today payed off, I finally managed to pull C!Robin! He is +def, -res so he is pretty good I have the two guys and my TT will now work out great. I am happy to have him and I still have 11 orbs saved for New Year's:)
  18. I am so sad that I never pulled H!Jakob, I only manged to get H!Henry and I left the Halloween banner with a 5.75 pity rate. You are so lucky to have him. If I manage to get C!Robin I will run him and my C!Chrom together since C!Robin has armor march, otherwise H!Henry will be C!Chrom's partner in beating up units.
  19. I normally run a healer who can't attack o they stay out of the way. Healing skills with a healer work fine as long as only one unit has a healing skill besides the healer because otherwise the risk of two units with healing skills only healing each other is just too great and messes up the run.
  20. @bottlegnomes I find that as long as only one unit has a healing skill and you don't have a weapon on your healer auto battle works fairly well. The only problem I ever had was the one with BK where I had Elincia and Titania on the same team and they both had healing skills they ended up just sitting there healing each other until I checked what was happening. Never again will I have two units with a healing skill on the same team on my auto battle TT team.
  21. I did the last TT with 20% bonus units because my B!Ike had maxed out hero merit and he was the only 40% bonus unit I had. It is simple to do with auto battle, I still reached over 120k in points by the end. Lunatic 5 with a 20% bonus unit and strong team works very well and at least for me is much less stressful then 7. I personally love my armor emblem team, but that is what I like. If you use your horse emblem team you should still be able to get all rewards just fine without too much hassle.
  22. free pull was 3*Stahl. I am waiting until Christmas eve to try again for C!Robin, but if tomorrow is as bad as the rest of this week has been I may pull then.
  23. Well I am really sad about no new unit from TT, I really wanted Santa Priam or Basilio. MM is the least useful TT unit for me and I guess I will merge the 5* and send the 4* home because I am not wasting barracks space or feathers on MM when Chrom and Marth do her job with less SI cost. Normally I do TT for the new unit, this time I will do it for the orbs and feathers. The seal had better be good to make up for MM as a TT reward for the 3rd time.
  24. Do P!Olivia she will make using your W!Lissa much easier since you can dance her to blue enemies.
  25. MM again, sigh. Well at least I will get free orbs and other useful things, they had better have refining stones in the rewards this time. I really hope that the seals are good since the last thing I need is another MM, at least Clive has skills you can fodder. I am so sad right now, a Christmas TT and they give a "coal" unit, I was really hoping for a new Awakening character:(
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