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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Losing weight slowly is the best way because it stays off better then if you drop a lot of water weight. I needed to lose weight and I have. What I did was I cut out a lot of the crabs I was eating and I started working out on the areas I want to look better sit ups work very well on stomachs, at least for me. Just make changes to what you eat, like nuts instead of chips and fruit and veggies instead of other junk food.
  2. Well, from my brief research, while there are winged horses in Asian myths they are all depicted with male riders, and the unicorns in Asian myths do not have riders and are the keepers of law. I guess it goes back to IS using the European unicorn myths as a base. I think they mixed up unicorns and Pegasi and kept that up until Fates.
  3. I know, it is just that is where women being paired with unicorns comes from, since "purity" was a "woman's" trait when the myths were written down on paper, and because of that the unicorn became a symbol of the virgin Mary. I don't remember any myths I have read with winged horses in them where the rider was a woman, all the ones I remember had male riders. I think I am going to look up Japanese mythical horses right now and see what their myths say since I have the time, I will post again if I find anything interesting.
  4. The myth I remember is that the rider has to be a virgin to ride a unicorn. Now the pegasi myths I remember have men riding them, not women. I wonder if the myths were combined in Japan? I guess I need to look up Japanese mythical horses to find out what their views on the subject are.
  5. Well my hunt for NY!Azura goes on, I was pity broken by Fae. Looks like Fae is back and stalking me again and she must have been mad that I had not promoted her so she promoted herself and broke my pity rate. Oh well that saves me 20k in feathers. I also ended up with another 5* Priscilla who was merged with my first one.
  6. That is really cool, I wish Ryoma and Hinoka both were on the NY banner. I don't have a Ryoma so I am not on his team right now, but I wish him luck and hope he wins.
  7. Well I finally pulled a 5* from this banner B!Roy. At least I managed to get one and one I did not have to boot. I wish I could have had better luck but one out of the four units I wanted from this banner is not horrible.
  8. Well since everyone in my area decided to light fireworks at midnight last night and I had to stay up and comfort the dog, I was able to do a midnight pull on the Legendary banner and finally managed to pull a 5*. B!Roy is now a part of the team, now I have all the CYL units. Now if NY!Azura would show up so I can save orbs.
  9. I wish you could of had him show up for you instead of me, you want him and while I do like him and use him a lot I don't need three of him.
  10. OK so I finished the TT rewards and did a few more pulls for green. @Anacybele I ended up with three green orbs in the summon session and they were all 3 or 4* Fredricks! Your husband should leave me be, I don't really need three extras of him right now since I already have him fully trained and I am a long ways off from having feathers for merges. I guess when I need space someone will get Luna.
  11. GBA: the Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, this was my first Zelda game and it makes me sad when I run into a Zelda fan who won't play this game, yes there are Zelda fans that refuse to play MC. DS: Nostalgia, it is a fun RPG that is a bit steampunk and has a pretty good story.
  12. They could have had Rinka and Charlotte. I would have been happy if they had put Barst in. I am just pointing out how the devs could have done better with the roster and had less swords if they had tried harder. They don't have any dagger users either and as I recall Kaze is fairly popular.
  13. Which is why I was upset that Lyn and Celica were put in the game at all, they should have stuck with the three games they chose to use and had those two as part of the DLC.
  14. Vaike, Barst Arthur or Charlotte. I am probably in the minority in that I like ax users and I always train one up in every FE game I play. It is just they complained about too many swords, but they really did not make much effort in having several class types in the base game who use weapons other then swords.
  15. what made me upset was Lyn and Celica being added in at the last second, the devs said that the characters were only going to be from three games they should have stuck with that. Don't get me wrong I like Lyn and Celica, but isince the shoved Lyn in the base game Ike should have been with her instead of Celica who was shoved in the game because one of the head devs is a big fan of hers. I can live with the three game limit fine, but don't tell me that and then go wait Lyn and Celica are in but Ike is not. The game play is great, but I have problems with the roster because they went on and on about too many sword users but don't have certain unit types in the base game as player units at all. You have to buy the DLC to have a non flying lance user and while Lissa uses an ax they could have put a fighter class unit in the game.
  16. I have so many 4*s waiting to promote, not to mention once I get done with all the SI I want to do. Feather merc is the way to go with VG, that way I just care about feathers and don't have nearly as much salt as I would have.
  17. NY vs. WE VG starts tomorrow. Can't say I am happy about it, but I do need the feathers.
  18. Well no 5*s yet for me, 4* Arthur is stalking me on the NY banner right now he was my free pull and has shown up on every green I have gotten on this banner. I also ended up with some red SI fodder. I am going to polish of the rewards in TT since I have the time today and try again latter. At least I have a month to pull Azura.
  19. Well I will be supporting C!Chrom since I have him and he is my fav out of the bunch. I will be running my Innes like always. For those that want to add me my id is 6148672165, user name is Rain.
  20. Everyone I know had something bad happen to them this year, myself included in that. I am counting the hours until this year is over. May 2018 bring at least peace in my life and those I care about. I really hope I can be happy in 2018 instead of depressed like I was all 2017. I pray to anything that listens that cures for cancer, type one diabetes and other horrid diseases will be found really soon.
  21. Well I cleared them all with ease. I used armor emblem on hard with BK, H!Henry, C!Robin and C!Chrom. I used Baka Jam's youtube video of infernal to clear infernal and lunatic. This BHB was pretty easy.
  22. You're not the only one who has not gotten greens on the legendary banner. I have only had one in all my pulls on it and I have yet to get a single 5* and am at about a 9% pity rate 55 orbs and nothing yet:( My free pull was 3* Selena which was merged with the +atk one I am training up.
  23. Well I managed to get a few orbs together for one pull but no luck. I think I will just blow off this banner now, I seem to not have any luck with it. If I pull NY!Azura right away I might try one more time, other wise I will be sad that I spent 55 orbs with no 5* but I can live with it.
  24. I want Priam in Heroes. I know I know another sword user, but I want at least one of my FE husbands in Heroes. Other then Lukas, Seth and Jakob none of my top favorites are in Heroes yet. Come on IS where are the Laguz, the Wolfskin, the Kitsune, Kaze, Zihark and Lorenz(yes I like him and he was great in my fist SD run)?
  25. Well since I only have to buy one console this gen I think the price is fair. Whenever I had to buy two new consoles to play the games I love I would groan, since I only had to shell out $300 this gen vs. the $500 I had to shell out last gen for the 3DS and the Wii U I am pretty happy that I don't have to spend that $200 for a new hand held system. I was pretty sad when I found out that I can't play my Wii U games on it at first, but I figure that they will be kind of rare someday and I keep my old consoles so I can live with it. I had to buy a new console for FE Warriors anyway and since Xenoblade 2 was coming as well I went and bought a Switch, I really like it and even if the specs are not top of the line they are good enough for me. Plus for me since I live with other people and there is only one TV it is nice to be able to pick up my Switch and take it in to another room if my dad wants to watch TV but I want to keep playing my game in peace in another room.
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