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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Kids have never worked quite right in FE, but I feel that a timeskip would be the simplest and best way to do a second gen if they have to be in the game. I really don't want a second gen in FE Switch, and I really hope there is not one but I fear there will be one I just don't want babyrealms again.
  2. Well I finally beat SA4, map three was the hardest for me I finally beat that one with armor emblem that dagger user was a pain. I used youtube guides for team ideas, but I had to use more then one guide to come up with teams that worked for me. I will work on SA5 later today since I have time, hopefully I can get it done fairly quickly and not have to take a long time coming up with teams. Edit: beat SA 5. It was pretty easy, I still used a guide but it was the least annoying SA out of all 5. Now to forge my new badges and decide who needs them most.
  3. What I meant by that was that FE 4 has a time skip, if there has to be gen two the only way I want it is with a time skip.
  4. I think it will be this weekend, Saturday would be my bet.
  5. Second gen shoe horned in the game is a big no no for me, if they have to have kids please IS do it like FE4 otherwise leave it out of the game. I also don't want thieves only regulated to opening chests and doors I hated how I could not use my thieves to steal in the 3DS games, in the GBA games you could at least steal lockpicks and potions and in PoR and RD you could steal items as well.
  6. The 12 days of Christmas actually start on Christmas day and end on January 6th, the day that the three wise men met the baby Jesus and gave him his presents. Twelfth night or Three Kings day is a big deal where I live. I can see them doing a full TT easy.
  7. Well I pulled red on my free pull 4*Athena. Wao Dao fodder I guess. I am saving up my orbs until I have enough to do several pulls for C!Robin.
  8. Because the paired endings for Ike are either with Soren or Ranulf and purely (at least to me) platonic. A lot of people like to think of Ike as either gay or asexual. Since IS never gave Ike a straight pairing, some people think that Priam is not related to Ike or is related to Ike's sister Mist instead. I tend to think Priam is related to Mist myself. But Priam is one of my favorite Awakening characters, so I want him in Heroes.
  9. I am waiting for my stamina to recharge, but the Sharena quests are fun. I am using Sharena, B!Cordelia and Naverre since I need SP on those two and it is a rather fun using only 3 units instead of 4. I will finish up the quests this evening.
  10. I just like his character and his design, I don't care about his "parentage" in the least. Plus I feel that the paralogue units would be great TT rewards.
  11. The seal I want the most is distant counter since I have yet to pull Hector and I have several units that want that skill. I know that won't be coming for a long time. As to new unit as TT reward I want Priam so much and I think he would be a good choice for a TT unit.
  12. well I am finally getting around to beating the SAs this week after putting them off for so long. I just beat SA 3 following a youtube walkthrough and I will be working on 4 and 5 later. the extra versions of the def and atk seals are going to be a big help to me, as well as the spd one.
  13. I would be fine with that, more orbs are always good. Honestly the only reason I would want a New Year's banner is if Kaze is on it, otherwise I don't care if they do one since it will most likely be Fates only. I just thought that New Year's maps made a New Year's banner sound more likely.
  14. The datamine had 3 New Year's maps listed so I think a New Year's banner is coming. Now IS give me Kaze in a Kimono and let me be able to pull him.
  15. I know it will most likely be Tobin, I just really don't want MM again. Tobin I can live with since I do use him some, but MM and Clive are the two that I don't want at all.
  16. I really want a new unit, so I am hoping that they are leaving things out on purpose. The only TT unit I want rerun is BK for merge purposes, but I know that won't happen. I am going to be bummed if I end up with more Masked Marth since I rarely use her and she has no skills at all. I wish they would do a trailer for this TT and give us the full info about it, plus I want it to start already.
  17. Oh good it looks like it will be a full TT which means new unit. Now as long as I can pull C!Robin before then so I can train him and C!Chrom together during this TT. Please IS have Priam be the TT reward unit, pleasethat would make me so happy.
  18. @Othin Yes I am sniping blues, the game decided to give me a session with only green and colorless orbs so of course I pulled green and managed to snag C!Chrom.
  19. Managed to get C!Chrom, +hp, -res. The banner gave me the wrong guy, I want C!Robin. I will save orbs and try again for C!robin on Christmas just have something to get me through the week.
  20. I would like to see that Virion, plus that would save me 20k in feathers to promote him. I really don't want Clive or Masked Lucina again, if it has to be a rerun I could live with Tobin since I use him a fair bit. Of course the unit I would want rerun would be BK, a +3 BK on my arena team would be great. Of course knowing my luck it will be Clive again. I never use him since I have several cav lancers that do the job better then him.
  21. I was looking at the datamine and it confirms three New Year's maps, looks like New Year's banner is confirmed. I have a question regarding TT units, have we ever had a datamine before that did not find any info about the TT unit before, or is this a confirmed mini TT? I am just wondering, because while I would be fine with a mini TT, I look forward to the free unit the most out of the TT rewards and a rerun would make me sad. Plus Christmas TT needs to have a new cool free unit since it is Christmas.
  22. Well went in with 130 orbs and I felt like using them all since there is a TT on the way. Went in sniping for C!Robin no luck. I did get my first Tailyiu, C!Chrom and my first Saber as well as a ton of regular Robins, Subakis, Ables and Maes. Not a bad set since I got 3 new units and some good SI fodder. I think I will try one more time for C!Robin on Christmas eve. I will save orbs until then.
  23. I really want Priam to be the TT reward, he would be a perfect TT unit. I think Priam would look great in a Santa hat, plus I would love to get my Awakening husbando for free. I like TT and I need more feathers for all my projects, plus refining stones since I am out of those.
  24. That is the video I used as well. PM's videos tend to be the best for helping me because they use free units that most players have and I can always sub someone else if I need to. I had darting blow 3 instead of g.tomebreaker on my Avis but I used the same team for infernal and lunatic and it was fairly simple.
  25. As a F2P player myself I am to the point I save my orbs for a good banner and only pull then. If new units are added to the summoning pull I don't worry about pulling for them unless it is one of my top favorites, since I know I will pull them eventually . I have 119 orbs right now and I am just going to pull for Robin then stop. As to the legendary banner coming I don't really care I have most everyone I want who is in the game, so unless H!Jakob is on it I probably won't pull. New Year's banner I will only pull from if it has one of my favorites on it or a unit type that I really need, if that doesn't happen then I will skip it. Being F2P just means managing your orbs wisely and I keep CC maps as back up for if they put someone I really want in the game.
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