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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Finally I get a bit of good news this week, my real life has been on piece of crud after another. Bayo 3 is one of my most wanted games so hearing that it is coming is great, I have the fist two and love them.
  2. Well I like FE because it has strong characters that are of both genders, of course I would like to add that none of the lords are my favorite characters. I have seen an upswing in female players as a whole and when I go to GameStop there is normally at least one female employee, which is nice since I like seeing another female gamer when I buy my games. I think that video games are still marketed to males, but it has lessened a bit since I started gaming 15 years ago. I also think like several posters above have said in terms of dealing with other players online it is sometimes much easier to say you are a guy then deal with guys who will hit on you and think your views are worthless if you don't agree with them.
  3. Well I was in the top 100 players for Catria but I needed sleep so now I am in the 2000s. Oh well I am supporting who I like and I will still get a good amount of feathers, so I can't complain. Shout outs to @Alexmender's Tiki and @ruruo's Seth (I am now going to give my Seth Slaying Edge+ because of how good it works on yours) for being my most common FL units and for really helping out:)
  4. Well free pull was 4*Cordelia so brave lance fodder:) I am saving orbs right now for the next legendary banner, but if they put a Christmas Kaze in the game I will be saying bye bye to all my orbs before then.
  5. I really like it and it ended up being my favorite Wii U game. There is a lot of FE tributes in it but it is it's own game and should be treated as such. The songs are really good as well as the game play. I think it really depends on what you go in expecting, it is more like a Persona x FE game then SMT, if you like Persona you will like TMS other wise you probably won't like it. As a side note I want Yashiro in Heroes the most, but I would love all the TMS mirage masters in the game.
  6. I normally save up 80k and then promote 4 4* units to 5* so I can train them together. 80k is my max I normally end up promoting 3 units at a time because I get bored and want to train units. I have so many 4* units waiting to go to 5* it will be months before I finish my list.
  7. Got it, hope my Innes helps you out. I don't know how the age think started, but seeing everyone post their age and most of them being younger them made me feel like sharing mine.
  8. Way to make me feel old SF, I am 26, but I look way younger I can pass for 17. Anyway I will be team Catria, my lead will be Innes like always but I can change if people need me to. Friend code is 6148672165 user name is Rain for those who want to add me.
  9. This is why I will forever stay F2P, spending a lot of money in a gacha does not appeal to me. I understand buying things in game every once in awhile if you want to support the game, but don't go blowing all the money you have on it.
  10. Well I got S!Camilla, B!Cordelia, a better B!Lyn, a better Fjorm, my first Oscar and my first Lilina. I also ended up with some good SI and merge fodder. I am happy with my luck from this banner, the Halloween banner was hell so being able to get S!Camilla who was my most wanted from the banner was great. I liked this banner because there were no pity breakers and I look forward to the next one that is like this one.
  11. Well I did three pulls yesterday but only got merge and SI fodder and today's free pull was Catria. I guess Catria is reminding me that I said I would support her in the VG this week because that is the second Catria that has shown up for me since the VG line up was shown. I don't mind though since it is merge fodder for the one I am building.
  12. Genjo Sanzo hands down I just love his character and design. Honestly Genjo Sanzo is my favorite fictional character of all of them and I have a lot of favorites.
  13. My free pulls were a 3*Nino and my first Kagero at 4*, so I am very happy about that. I also did some other pulls on the legendary banner and ended up with my first Oscar at 4* and my first Lilina at 4* as well as another B!Cordelia who I merged with my first one. Today was a good day pulling for me, new units are always fun. I hope that Hector will show up now that his daughter has.
  14. Well I will be going Catria since she is my favorite of the units in this VG, if she loses then I will go to Sigurd.
  15. Well the funny thing that happened yesterday when I was training B!Cordelia in the training tower was a group of all fliers talk about easy exp. I laughed when I saw the map because normally when I train archers in the tower I never see fliers.
  16. Well if those are the guys in the VG I think I will go with Robin, since I am not all that fond of any of the units shown so far. I will see who the guys are and choose then.
  17. I am just saving up until I can sit down and do a huge forge run, I will probably just wait until new years to do it so that I have lots of resources. I wish they had done it like sacred coins because I was able to have a bunch saved for when SS forge came out. Right now I could only upgrade one weapon, so I will save items and grind SP until I can do as many of my favorite units as I want.
  18. All right managed to get the pictures, I pulled from the Legendary banner since that is the banner I am pulling from right now.2 colorless and 3 blues Here are the pulls Robin will be fodder since I already trained him, Jakob will be merged, Odin will be fodder, Lyn is +atk,-hp so she may replace my first one, and Catria will be merged. Thank you for the chance to do these pulls I happy with the results:)
  19. OK I will do that. I will do the pulls in about an hour, so I will post the results then.
  20. Wow ok, I really did not think I would win so that was something nice to find out this morning. I am willing to do my pulls, but I don't have a good way to post pictures, I can try and see what I can do if you guys really want pictures though. I will hold off until you let me know.
  21. I already have it so I won't buy it again, but if they come out with a part 2 I will be really happy because the game has a rather cliffhanger ending that I would like to see resolved.
  22. Lately the units I pull have been +atk.-def, this has been going on for at least 2 months. I make my units work if I like them, so even if I don't have the best nature if I like them they are on the team. Before I had been getting units with spd banes, Cecilia is one that I have yet to pull who is not -spd. The nice thing is with seals, skills and the weapons forge I am able to fix the holes in my units stats so they end up being usable.
  23. I don't want it at all, unless it is after every FE character has been added to the game. The limited banners are bad in that other then two units they just use units already in the game, though I understand why they do that since the banners are limited I am happy it is mostly units that I already have in their normal form. I know I will be pretty mad if Kaze is on the Christmas banner because that means I probably won't get him. As much as I love the Legend of Zelda I don't want it in Heroes.
  24. I am saving up my resources so I can do several at once, but I am looking forward to making my Jakob and Lucius powerful, I have a big list but those two are the top of it and I want to give them as many upgrades as I can first. As to legendary weapons my Seliph is just waiting to be upgraded and to see battle again.
  25. I have two since I managed to plus one mine and they are both in my inventory. I don't know what would happen if if you send her home and I don't feel like trying:P
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