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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I think there is a 50/50 chance they will and I think that it will happen since they would get a lot of players mad if they don't do the same thing they did with first one. I will go with one of the guys if they do since the girls don't interest me this time.
  2. My DSi, GBA and my Wii are all just kind of sitting there gathering dust. I use them every once in a while, but not for months in between times.
  3. Well free pull had no greens so pulled red 4* M!Corrin. I will quit while I am ahead, vanilla Ike is good enough for me.
  4. I will only pull a bit on green, but I am not going to pull much. PA!Azura and Gunthra are the two units from this banner I want but I can live without them. Myrrh is who I want most right now, and I want to save orbs for the Vday banner in case there is someone I really want on it. I may just skip it since I can live without the units on it. Honestly the legendary banner I look forward to is the one with H!Jakob on it, otherwise I think I will skip them for the most part.
  5. I will vote for Hector or H!Jakob. I will probably go with Hector since he has a good shot and DC is a skill I want very much, plus I have yet to get him and he is my favorite lord.
  6. Free orbs yes! Voting for a free 5* is really cool I will vote for Hector since I don't have him and free DC would be great. RD Ike as the legendary hero? I don't really care, that means I can save orbs for the seasonal and for Myrrh, I am glad about PA!Azura though. I can save some orbs for H!Jakob when he comes back in a couple of months. I wonder what the rewards for the new mini game will be? I have everyone on the hero fest banner so I am skipping that one. More Xanders is great as well, merges for my DC horseman. I am kind of let down about no CYL 2 results. Orbs were the best thing from this, I am not displeased since I did not expect too much after the Christmas let down but I am not all that happy ether.
  7. I use an insulin pump which mimics the way a pancreas gives insulin in that it gives me little bits of insulin every hour and I give a bigger dose when I eat. I can eat some sugar, I just have to count how much sugar is in the in the food I eat and give insulin for it. As to the difference between the types yes you have it right, type ones have to take insulin to stay alive, while types twos make some insulin but not enough to stay healthy, and can control it with pills most of the time.
  8. I buy lemons and put a slice in the water with the tea bags. It works very well. @Dragoncat High fructose corn syrup does a number on blood sugar, as a type one diabetic I know because I used to eat food with it in it and then my sugars would do a roller coaster. Once I cut that out of my diet my sugars became easier to handle.
  9. That is why I make my own, all you need is a warm sunny day a quart jar water and tea bags. Once you fill the the jar with tea bags and water just leave it in the sun for a couple of hours and there you go, iced tea, sweeten with you favorite sweet stuff.
  10. The nice thing is it will be at 8:30pm for me, I love mountain time. I really hope the Askr trio are getting some type of upgrade because they deserve it, it would be a good place to show the CYL 2 results, I hope for some type of free unit for the 1 year, the reveal for the legendary banner, and I am hoping for many new units to be added to the general summoning pool but that is a pipe dream. Anyway this will give me something to look forward to while I have to sit through the state of the union with my dad.
  11. The only things I am hoping for is that Kaze placed high enough that they will add him to the general pool and that beast units placed high enough for them to be added as well. I don't care much about the top CYL winners, the only thing I want from that is to be able to get one of the guys for free. I will be happy if all those things happen.
  12. @Hawk King If they don't come at lower rarity I probably don't have them, if they can be pulled at 4* I have them. As to 5*s in the game that are not seasonal that I still want that would be: Minerva, Eldigan, Hector, Y!Tiki, Alm, Ninian, Azura, Ryoma, Ephraim, Azura and dorcas. As to seasonal units I tried for but did not pull that would be: H!Jakob (my most wanted unit in game), PA!Azura and NY!Azura.
  13. I am a bit weird in that I like playing as guys even though I am a girl, and yes it annoys me that my favorite guys that are in Heroes are mostly outclassed by girls. I still use my favorites, but it is sad when they get out classed by someone I don't care about. I was so happy with RD banner and then the SS banner had to ruin it with alt Erika when there could have been a new guy added as well as the two new characters. I can dream of a groom banner, but I won't hold my breath for it since doing fan service for people who like guys seems to be a no no for IS. I even sent feed back about adding more guys when they revealed the SS banner, not that it will do much good unless a bunch of people request that they add more guys to the summoning pool.
  14. I voted once a day because I am lazy and did not feel like cheating. I just hope that the characters I voted place high enough to get in Heroes. My votes went to Naesala, Kaze, Priam, Cormag, Elffin, Naesala and my last vote is going to Kaze. I really don't care that much about who wins, I am more interested in getting new characters in the game then in getting another version of someone already in the game
  15. Yes! Hinoka is getting an upgrade! In the words of Odin "So Excited!" Hinoka is the only unit on my flyer team that I need to give a bit better weapon, so her getting a new weapon is great. I will also finally promote my 4*Marth and Chrom since they are getting upgrades as well. I also now have a reason to upgrade and finish building Raven.
  16. That is good:) Just keep him in mind next time you have trouble.
  17. Have you tried Pheonixmaster1 videos? He always say what units you can use in place of who he uses. His video for this infernal uses Arvis and Fjorm with speed 3 seal as the heavy hitters a healer with less then 25 def and Olivia with hone speed one seal. His videos are what I use and they work like a charm for me. This GHB was giving me problems as well but that video made it a cakewalk. You should look Pheonixmaster1 up on youtube and see if it works for you.
  18. Good for you my family has never paid for TV service, and I am to the point I only watch Crunchyroll if I watch stuff. TV shows have really gone down hill and there aren't any shows that I want to watch. Anime on the other hand is a must for me, and Crunchyroll lets me watch most of my favs for free.
  19. Well I beat hard with horse emblem, but I need to regroup and figure out the best team for lunatic and infernal. I will probably just wait for a F2P guide since I am feeling lazy. I am going to train up the 3* Lyon so that I get plenty of SP.
  20. My last 2 votes are going to Naesala and Kaze again so that I can try to get them higher in the poll so that they will be put in Heroes. I am to the point I don't care about alt costumes, I just want them in the game. As to the poll results they sound pretty good right now, though I don't want characters with more then one version to win, so I hope that Celica and Nino end up winning the girls side and I want Hector and Marth to win on the guys side. I don't hate Cammy she was really good in my Conquest runs, but I feel like 3 different versions of her is enough, same with Azura and Erika. Let someone who doesn't have an alt win.
  21. Well my 5th vote went to Elffin because male refresher. Honestly with only two votes left I may just vote for Naesala and Kaze again since I am to the point I voted for my top 5 and those two are the ones I want most.
  22. Well I will run Lyon, since none of the 3 focus units from the new banner want to show up for me. After Lyon I will use Marisa just to get her fully maxed out, Joshua is my favorite sword user from SS so he stays on my infantry team. I would love it if Innes is a bonus unit so I can use him with TT buffs even if it is only 20% buffs.
  23. I was, but I was not wearing my glasses when I read it so I thought it said the 25th instead of the 26th, I really have to start wearing my glasses. On the plus side my jury duty was canceled so I can get Lyon in the morning. I am really glad I don't have to go to a crowded public place tomorrow since the flu is going around my city right now, hopefully when they call me again it will be after the germs have died.
  24. Man I thought he was coming today, I have jury duty tomorrow so I will have to wait until after that to get him:( I can't wait to mess around with him and figure out a good build, hopefully I get out quickly.
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