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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Well I am going Camilla since I have her, I will have Hinoka as my lead. I am just in this for the feathers since I gave up on voting for my favs a long time ago.
  2. Well I only managed to pull this one off thanks to my FL flier units since I only have one and a half decent flier teams. I auto battled though the maps but it still took a few tries. I put my Hinoka as my lead so I hope she helps.
  3. Free pull was 4* Subaki so QR fodder. I was kind of hoping for S!Xander but since I already have Bunillia I am skipping this one.
  4. Well two stamina pots and much nail biting later I finally managed to clear F!Grima's infernal map with a team of B!Lyn with desperation 2 and the atk 3 SS, 4*Olivia with the spur atk 3 SS, L!Ike with QR 2 and the distant def 3 SS and Inigo with the spur spd 2 SS. I started by using a video but the AI refused to move the same so I had to play around with placement for a long time before I was able to do it. Honestly I had a harder time with this one then with Takumi's GHB on infernal for some reason.
  5. I have said it before, but dang it I want thieves to be able to steal stuff again I was so sad when the 3DS games took that away. The really fun part about using thieves in the earlier games was once you trained them you could walk up to an enemy and steal their unequipped items. I was so peeved when I found out that special thing was taken away from thieves, it made my use of them decline from fully training one up per game to only using them on maps with chests.
  6. Yes! Roy finally gets an upgrade, he was my first 5* as well and I will be happy to refine his weapon so I can use him again. This update means I will finally promote Lilina and Fir since they have been waiting for their turn to be 5*ed. Poor Lloyd might finally be useful again, I 5*ed him for that mini TT where he was a bonus unit but I have not used him since. As to the others I don't have them so I can't do them, but it is always fun to have options.
  7. Sanzo as a final boss, boy that would be a hard fight sine his weapons are a pistol, a sacred scripture that binds his enemies and he know martial arts, he would have really high HP and the angrier you make him the stronger his attack would get. Of course Sanzo would also have Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai with him and you would have to beat all 4 of them to win. Highly impossible to beat them since they can hold their own against gods and demons alike. Sanzo as a final boss is hard to picture because he would think it was a pain and not want to do it. You would have to be fighting for the resurrection of the demon king Gyumaoh for him to be a final boss in the first place.
  8. Luckiest banner for me was S!Corrin's debut banner, I pulled my first Rein with a perfect nature, Olwen, Hinoka and S!Corrin. Unluckiest would have to be the Halloween one I spent over 300 orbs on that banner trying for H!Jakob, but no luck I only managed to get 1 H!Henry as the only 5* out of all those orbs.
  9. Well I will be going Bunillia since she is the only one I have. I will have to see who she is up against before I decide my lead, but it will either Elincia or Hinoka. My FL is full so I won't be adding anyone this time.
  10. Well free pull was 4*Azama so I merged him with my other one. I know when to quit when I am ahead. April will be the month I spend my orbs.
  11. Even more powerful Rein? That would be scary to run into in Arena, I wonder how they would even do him? Honestly I would rather it be Olwen, then her big bro because she could use the upgrade.
  12. Honestly I am just hoping that beast units and Kaze get added this year, if I get those two things I will be happy. Of course I would love TMS characters to be added but I think they are going with a no spin off characters in Heroes policy. I would like Priam since he is one of my favorite Awakening units, but I don't really want another sword infantry unit maybe if I am lucky if they add him he will be a TT or GHB unit instead of having to pull for him.
  13. Thanks, and I hope you get who you want when you pull as well.
  14. I am looking forward to next month's legendary banner since I will get another shot at H!Jakob since he refused to come last time. I am skipping this legendary, but at least I am getting a nice orb stockpile, for Finn and H!Jakob. It feels good to have orbs saved again.
  15. Well I have Sigurd and I don't want the other two (sorry but I really don't like Delthea) so I pulled the one green orb. 3*Cherche so decent fodder, but I was hoping for Barst. Back to saving orbs for H!Jakob's return next month.
  16. Well my orbs are safe since while I would like flying Robin, I want H!Jakob more so I will keep saving until he returns. Good luck to the people who are pulling.
  17. Well my orbs are safe since no H!Jakob. Hopefully I can pull F!Grima next month when H!Jakob is on the legendary banner. Oh well more orbs saved for when he does come back.
  18. @SoulWeaver At this point of time I just remember the results video and that sated she won second in America (it did not state who won in America) and she won in Europe. I honestly don't care who won the ballot, but I feel the winner should stay because they did win the ballot. I get that there are some people who don't like Bayonetta, I personally voted for Issac from Golden Sun.
  19. The only time I use stamina potions is TT, so I end up with a bigger and bigger stash every month since they give me more pots then I use every month. Plus I get more from My Nintendo rewards for platinum coins every couple of weeks. I went in to this TT with 105 pots but I will end it with 110 even though I used several pots.
  20. I don't think Bayonetta will be cut since she won the fan ballot, if they cut her a lot of people will be mad all over the world since she won world wide. I think all the clones should be skins and not take up a character slot. Honestly the only FE characters I think will stay are Marth (hopefully with a Lucina skin to make fans happy), Ike and Robin, Corrin may or may not stay and I do not expect Roy to stay. I figure that the main lord of FE 16 will be in to show them off. I think most characters are staying, but I don't think Snake or Cloud will be coming back.
  21. Well I am at 120k and I think I will just be happy with the feathers I get and not grind for a higher level since I am finally burned out on this TT.
  22. I think it depends how long the seller has had the item up for sale. I was lucky on making an offer once on a DVD of an older anime that I needed to complete my set and the seller had had it up for over a month so they took my offer of $10 less then what they were trying to get. I only shop on Ebay if I can't find what I want somewhere else since bidding and making offers annoys me.
  23. Looking at this I am calling fake, but there is stuff on this list I would like. Anytime I see something about an Earthbound collection I smell dead fish. I would buy TMS again for Switch if it does happen, but this list is probably fake.
  24. Yeah I do wonder how the Awakening kids had food, though none of them mention going hungry in any of their supports. I guess Naga was able to give them food maybe? I agree with people saying Finn suffered more then Leif and Nanna, but I still think Leif had a harder childhood then anyone else. Like I said before, while Grima does destroy Lucina's world it sounds like from her supports that her childhood was fairly good ( a fair bit better then some of the other kids whose parents were commoners), she had a loving father who was able to teach her how to fight, which takes time so she had Chrom in her life for a fair bit of time, unlike Leif who never knew his parents. Don't get me wrong I think Lucina's backstory is very bad and she had her share of pain. I just feel like dealing with bad things as a child is worse then dealing with them when you can take care of yourself, because as a child you can't take care of yourself and are helpless.
  25. I voted Leif because while he went through those hardships as a young child he still went through them and things that happen to young children scare them for life. Having people hunting for you, not have enough food to eat and losing most of the people you care about tops Lucy's backstory for me. Lucina lives in the worst world but at least she knew her parents and she never said she starved.
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