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Dual Dragons

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Posts posted by Dual Dragons

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 20x-2 - *Druids are Status Devils*]
    Turn 1

    Alright. It's going to be a bit tricky showing off enemies when there's three sections. Trying to show off three sections each turn until my units regroup will rack the pic count on Serenes.
    So I think I'll be editing in these numbers in the pics and writing down what the enemies are.
    If you can't see the numbers, know that I'm going from the northwest, to the northeast, and then the south. Northwest and northeast sections are being numbered from north to south (and then west to east if they are on the same x-axis); south section is getting numbered from west to east (and then north to south if on on the same y-axis).

    Like this.
    1 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    2 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    3 - Level 6 Silver Axe/Hand Axe Warrior
    4 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    5 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    6 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    7 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    8 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior

    I'm not sure what Intelligent Systems was thinking when giving the Warriors Hammers. This map doesn't exactly warrant Knights/Generals.
    Well, any map in FE6 doesn't because lol what are missions NOT seize?

    Milady first attacks the wall with Al's Sword. I know she or Lance will get targeted by Berserk as they both have 6 Res but Niime should be close enough to get either next turn.
    Lance switches Milady to the Javelin and destroys the wall with his own.
    Allen attacks the wall with his Iron Sword.
    Saul switches Allen to the Hand Axe and breaks down the wall.
    Igrene attacks the east wall.
    Shanna breaks it down with her Iron Sword.
    Zeiss attacks the west wall with his Javelin.
    Geese breaks down the wall with his Hand Axe.
    Elphin plays Zeiss so Zeiss can move out of enemy range.

    Lilina, the last unit, moves to the east to end Turn 1.

    Hammer Warrior misses Geese. Geese hits.
    Hammer Warrior will always miss Shanna. Shanna hits twice.
    Steel Bow Archer misses Lance. Lance hits once.
    Hand Axe Fighter misses Geese. Geese counters with a crit-kill.
    Hand Axe Fighter will always miss Shanna.
    Hand Axe Fighter misses Saul. Saul kills him.
    Hand Axe Warrior hits Milady. Milady is able to get both her attacks in.
    Sleep Druid... prioritized healing over status staff. Huh. He heals the west Warrior.
    Berserk Druid does the same thing. Well, that makes things possibly easier on me.

    Turn 2

    1 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    2 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    3 - Level 6 Hand Axe/Silver Axe Warrior
    4 - Level 20 Steel Bow Archer
    5 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    6 - Level 18 Flux Shaman
    7 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    8 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    9 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    10 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    11 - Level 18 Hand Axe/Steel Axe Fighter
    12 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior

    So the enemy strategy was to send in high HP, decent defense Warriors to block the passageways after I break the walls; and, when they got low health, have the two status staff Druids instead heal them with Physic?
    I guess that works but I think it would have been better to berserk and put to sleep my best units--but hey, I'm not the enemy.



    Saul takes out the Archer with no damage. He levels up.

    More Resistance to resist status staves. Good.

    Allen starts breaking down the second wall with his Iron Sword.
    Lance kills off the Archer.
    I'm going to see if they'll keep healing the Warriors. Milady changes targets to the Fighter and hits once.
    Geese crit-kills the Warrior with his Iron Axe. Sure.

    20s Strength any time soon, Geese?

    Lilina heals up Geese's new HP.
    Elphin plays Lilina so she can move back to where she was.

    To know who's who in the northwest.
    I'll end Turn 2 like this.

    Hand Axe Fighter misses Niime. Niime kills him. I knew I forgot something starting this map: giving Niime the Angelic Robe.
    Shanna crit-kills the Warrior on retaliation.

    Four-stat level up. I guess I can accept this.

    Hand Axe Fighter always a-missing Shanna.
    Warrior switches to Silver Axe and hits Milady. Milady hits back. Is that enough for the Druids to heal?
    Niime dodges a Sleep attempt.
    Niime dodges a Berserk attempt. Apparently not with that Warrior.

    Turn 3

    1 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    2 - Level 16 Flux Shaman
    3 - Level 6 Silver Axe/Hand Axe Warrior
    4 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    5 - Level 18 Flux Shaman
    6 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    7 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    8 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    9 - Level 18 Hand Axe/Steel Axe Fighter

    Really trying to put the Druids to silence/sleep this turn or else I may see a sleeping Niime and a batshit insane Milady.
    I don't want to see batshit insane Milady.

    Milady still gets hit by the Silver Axe Warrior when switching to Al's Sword. She's down to 6 HP.


    And now that guy is out of commission for five turns. I better make them count!



    Rutger rescues Saul.
    Allen and Rutger Rescue-Drop Saul.

    Shanna kills the Fighter. Keep building that sword rank, I guess.
    Lilina heals Shanna's new HP.

    I could have sworn that if someone is put to sleep or berserk they can't be rescued. I'd rather not risk it with the south group.
    Ending Turn 3.

    Niime kills an Archer on counter.
    Lance and his Javelin take out the Shaman.
    Sleep Druid misses Niime.

    Turn 4

    1 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    2 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    3 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    4 - Level 18 Flux Shaman
    5 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    6 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    7 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer

    Charge! Charge! Get to the Druids fast!

    Milady attacks the wall with Al's Sword.
    Lance breaks it down with the Javelin.
    Niime physics Milady.
    Rutger breaks down the wall.
    Allen moves in range of the Warrior and (accidentally) uses a Pure Water.
    Fine. I might as well have Saul barrier Rutger.
    Shanna starts on breaking down the wall.

    Igrene and Zeiss who has Roy on his wyvern start moving through the passageway. Lilina is behind Shanna.
    Geese moves to the east, ending Turn 4.

    Hammer Warrior misses Allen and Allen counters twice.
    Hammer Warrior misses Milady. Milady hits back twice.
    Longbow Sniper misses Allen.
    Druid physics the Warrior.

    Turn 5

    1 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    2 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    3 - Level 7 longbow Sniper
    4 - Level 18 Steel Sword Myrmidon
    5 - Level 18 Hammer Warrior
    6 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    7 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    8 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    9 - Level 19 Steel Bow Archer
    10 - Level 7 Brave Axe Warrior
    11 - Level 18 Flux Shaman

    Forgot to take a screenshot at the beginning. Rutger killed off a Shaman.

    Allen finishes off the Warrior and gains a level.

    My game is broken


    Hurry, hurry! Before they can cast again!

    Milady kills the Warrior without more damage. Lots of EXP--but no level! Very close though with 10 EXP to go for Level 14.
    Lance tosses a Javelin at the wall.
    Niime heals Milady safely from the Longbow Sniper.


    Igrene kills the Shaman with her Longbow.
    Elphin plays Igrene.
    Igrene breaks down the wall.
    Shanna kills the Archer.
    Lilina slaughters the Warrior from the southeast, which is in range of the Archer to the east.

    Zeiss will move to Igrene's west.

    Steel Bow Archer misses Lilina. Lilina is so powerful that she can kill the Archer in one Fire. Jeez.
    Longbow Sniper misses Lance.
    Longbow Sniper misses Saul.

    Turn 6

    1 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    2 - Level 18 Steel Sword Myrmidon
    3 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    4 - Level 18 Steel Sword Myrmidon
    5 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    6 - Level 18 Steel Axe/Hand Axe Fighter
    7 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    8 - Level 17 Steel Bow Archer
    9 - Level 16 Flux Shaman
    10 - Level 7 Brave Sword Swordmaster
    11 - Level 7 Light Brand Swordmaster
    12 - Level 19 Poison/Hand Axe Fighter

    Brave Sword Swordmaster is weighed down to 15 Speed. Not much of a threat for Shanna.

    Lilina softens up the Swordmaster.
    Shanna kills the Swordmaster in direct combat with her Javelin.
    Milady breaks down the wall.
    Lance whips out the Killer Lance and kills the Sniper in a crit-kill.
    Rutger weakens the wall.
    Saul breaks the wall.
    Allen kills the Sniper with his Steel Sword.
    Zeiss starts breaking down the east wall and gets B lances.
    Elphin plays Geese.

    Igrene is equipped with the Silver Bow to counter the enemies across the wall. Geese will move to Zeiss' west.

    Rutger dodges a Myrmidon, hits once, and then crit-kills him. He levels up.

    More of theeeeese

    Despite not being able to damage her, Shaman goes for Lilina. One armor clang later, Lilina kills him in one Fire.
    Hand Axe Fighter misses Igrene and dies.
    Light Brand Swordmaster and Igrene hit each other once.

    Turn 7

    1 - Level 18 Steel Sword Myrmidon
    2 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    3 - Level 7 Longbow Sniper
    4 - Level 7 Light Brand Swordmaster

    I probably won't kill everyone. No more Level 18 Warriors to feast on.
    I'm not sure when the status goes away for enemies since I never really used status staves.

    Milady kills the Myrmidon.
    Niime barriers Milady.
    Lance throws his Javelin at the wall.
    Saul barriers Allen.
    Allen tosses his Hand Axe at the wall.
    Zeiss breaks down the wall.
    Elphin plays Shanna.
    Shanna softens the Sniper.
    Geese kills the Sniper.

    Almost regrouped.
    Igrene will finish off the Swordmaster with her Iron Bow to end the turn.

    Druid has his voice back. This may not go well.
    Lance misses killing the Shaman.
    Allen fells the Shaman without taking damage.
    Oh! Druid prioritized Physic on the Shaman Lance failed to kill. Thanks, Lance!

    Turn 8

    Now I don't have to do that listing.
    That Longbow Sniper didn't move to attack Lance or Niime. Interesting.

    Lilina heals Igrene.
    Elphin plays Lilina.
    Lance hits once at the Sniper and then crit-kills thanks to the Killer Lance. He levels up.

    Guys, pleeeeease

    Niime breaks down the wall.

    Ready to die, Berserk Druid?

    It says a lot when Milady doesn't get much EXP from Druids anymore (like five EXP). She still levels up though!


    Rutger breaks down the wall.
    Allen takes out the Shaman.
    Zeiss and Shanna work together to break down a wall.
    I guess now that Rutger leveled up, either Geese or Rutger can take the boss kill.

    Ended the turn accidentally when I moved my last unit, Lilina.

    Killing Edge Swordmaster doesn't capitalize on his 60 crit chance. Milady doesn't kill him.

    Turn 9

    I'm about ready to end this chapter.

    Elphin plays Igrene.
    Lilina kills the Archer.
    Sleeping Druid gives his life for Rutger's free EXP.
    I think Allen should be able to get a level up from killing the Swordmaster. Just exact EXP for a level up!

    I guess I can take more Strength.

    Zeiss gives Milady Roy.
    Milady drops Roy towards the north and returns to her brother's side for hopeful support points.

    Igrene's going to face off against an Archer and Sniper with her Longbow. Lilina might as well get a Druid kill under her belt.
    Ending Turn 9 after Shanna moves.

    Igrene dodges an Archer's Steel Bow bolt and ends him.


    Longbow Sniper and Igrene trade shots. Igrene gets both of hers in.
    Nosferatu Druid misses Lilina. Lilina parries and kills the Druid. She levels up.

    Will she get 20s Speed in her lifetime?

    Turn 10

    Not many enemies left. I think fast-forwarding is in order so Lilina can heal people.

    A whole bunch of staves just became accessible to Lilina.
    Still no Physic though. Sad life.

    Niime is building Dark EXP. Saul might too since he's close to leveling as well. I'll be Rescue-Dropping them. It's also to get Tick's HP down enough for Rutger to kill.

    Except where I accidentally fumbled with the controls and ended the turn when I didn't want to.
    Good job, me.

    Just so he'll switch back to Silver Lance.

    Broke his tome for this.

    I'm getting tired of this.

    Hey! You're not supposed to be able to do that!

    Now finish him.

    I'm gathering the legendary weapons to destroy Bern's true power.

    True power!

    Time to seize on Turn 18.


    I like ice-based things.

    As much as I promote killing enemies, it is not necessary this time, Merlinus. There's was one Level 18 Fighter left.

    I'll agree with the first part. I won't agree on the second part.

    This is very easy for Roy to say.
    He hasn't killed many men since Chapter 15.
    How dare he admonish my other troops when he hasn't even promoted?!

    Skill's not usually a good buff, but I'll accept it. Lances were not that accurate in this game.
    It has decent hit though. Might's really good, especially when effective bonus kicks in.
    Milady's designated weapon

    Alright. Let's make some hot cocoa, sit around the fireplace, and we'll listen to more backstory.

    So I guess if we didn't come here Roy wouldn't have gotten this bit of backstory?

    Why do you think, Roy?

    And his envy messed Zephiel so much that he's a tyrant.
    Thanks, King... Desmond? Was it Desmond?

    I told you! A shit man and a shit father.

    Yeah that didn't help either.

    Because he kills his daddy afterwards, mwahaha!

    Do we have a parallel going on here between Zephiel and Myrddin?


    Yeah, about that
    I guess nobody cared and even cheered when the king died by Zephiel's hand?

    I guess so.

    I thought I was going to have this in a post.

    And thus Fire Emblem: Binding Blade was born.

    Oh hello... cheery-ish Fire Emblem theme.
    I don't think this was the right time to insert this tune at this exact statement.

    This is where I would have placed it. The statements after the previous one.

    You're not taking Iron Swords to the endgame, Roy.

    I wouldn't ask such a thing. You'd be dead.

    Yay we're off to kill Zephiel or something

    Not while you're unpromoted you're not.

    We've been talking again about the Fire Emblem. Is it time we got the Binding Blade?
    Next gaiden requirement chapter is the following one, actually. Why so close together?

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Lord         20.00    34     15      16      16      16       7      10
    Allen      Paladin       9.00    48     22      19      21      11      13       5
    Lance      Paladin       7.29    45     16      16      25      12       9       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight   9.76    40(+7) 15(+2)  21      28      23       8      11
    Rutger     Swordmaster   7.29    45     18      27      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop        6.19    34     17      19      19       4       5      19
    Lilina     Sage         11.56    34     28      12      19      15       6      19
    Astore     Thief        17.73    32      8      10      17      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       10.32    41     18      19      19       9      11      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker     4.64    51     19      17(+4)  14      12      12       2
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  14.10    54     25      24      21      10      16       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Rider 20.00    37     20      16      12       8      13       3
    Niime      Druid        19.49    26     21      20      16       15      5      19

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 4
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
  2. Wow. It's been over a week since I last posted? Sorry. I was handling some life stuff.
    Response time!


    Yuno sucks. Leave it at that.

    The gaiden requirement was that the 3 peg sisters and Zealot (Jerrot in this patch) are alive and well (and recruited.) In addition, there is a 25 or so time limit. The next gaiden is...

    Ch 21! Good luck!

    Hohoho, THAT chapter is coming up soon! In addition, during the end of THAT chapter, DD will rage so hard! (Unless he doesn't and spoils my hopes like that bet again.)

    Why they do this to me ;-;

    Juno and suckage is a universal truth.

    Turn limits are so very high in this game. Sheesh...

    The end?... You make me think someone is going to take all my legendary weapons and I'm going to have get them back again in a hard as crap map.
    That would be really crappy.

    Juno is intentionally terrible in combat and never gets better, unfortunately. Luckily, she has 8 move and she flies, and we all know that units who can do that are always useful...

    Igrene's main draw is that she comes with good combat stats (which comes in handy against the Pegasus and Wyverns this game loves to throw at you) and requires no real investment. This tends to be the case for most of the good prepromotes in this game...

    I totally forgot about that troll Elysian archer, since normally I'd have bought all my promotion items in the C16 secret shop, and there's no way I'm normally blowing a Warp Staff use on stealing it...

    I'm definitely looking forward to THAT chapter and your reactions to a very certain part of it... :D Are you scared yet?

    Rescue strats. Juno's top tier usefulness!

    The only real flaw I can see with Igrene is not as great growths (compensated by the bases) and the B bows when it's kind of late and not as easier to raise weapon ranks.

    If only I knew about Chapter 16's Secret Shop location...

    All this talk of THAT chapter is making me scurred.

    Congrats on making it to the Gaiden. Better have Restore uses as you will need them there!

    Boy do I...

    @Genghis Khan: scurred4lyfe

    It's a double-feature of some kind! This post features the Cath second and third conversations and a part of Chapter 20x. I was able to squeeze the entirety of the Cath convos and the Chapter 20x set-up and cutscene into this one post.
    As per usual, I have the second part already written.

    [spoiler=Alternate 4 - *Was She worth it?*]
    So I talked to Cath the first appearance she made.
    Her second appearance...

    "Oh baby," indeed.

    I don't find recruiting you fun.

    Hey, HEY. I laid claim on that stuff. No. You back off.

    Tell her to back off for me, will you?


    Then why do we have Chad and Astore with us?

    She and Geese would get along.

    I want no offers from someone who takes THREE chapters to recruit.
    THREE chapters for a LEVEL 5 THIEF.

    Right, Cath. It's called being a lord. Lords own land; they give plots of lands to their peasants; peasants give them food.
    Unless you mean stealing food and money.

    I don't want to be lectured on economics from Cath.

    I protect my units all the time! It's called resetting!
    Shin and Garrett don't count. I never had them on my team.

    For the love of everything...

    Cath and her sweeping generalizations.

    I wasn't there then. There's only been one village that I couldn't save and there was nothing I could do about it.

    Uh yes
    Two wrongs don't make a right
    It's still immoral
    You're not even doing it to the person who did it to you

    Uh no. I'm doing it because I kind of need it. I need stuff to support my troops so we can end this war quicker.
    I'm not getting Silver weapons in early chapters without looting like you kidding

    No, Roy. No. Don't sympathize with her. That's how she steals your loot!

    I hate you.

    You are almost not worth this.

    And then Chapter 12...

    Please no. No musical numbers.

    This may be a true statement but you are a horrid person.

    And Roy once again goes up to this girl...

    Trust me: the feeling is mutual.



    At this moment, Roy, it's not your job to sympathize with her.

    Then please don't care, Roy. If she doesn't care then you shouldn't care.

    He's a noble. YOU'VE got a lot of nerve to oppose him at every corner as an enemy Thief.

    All this for a LEVEL 5 THIEF

    I'm done with this character.

    Why is he?

    I said this before about her, but now I take that back. She's a horrid person to recruit.

    Cath is so self-centerd.
    That's right, Roy. She gets in OUR path to the treasures.


    I don't got to do crap. You should be thanking me for sparing your life this time.
    She joins us for this reason.

    That's okay, Roy.

    Someone else is going to disappoint (and anger) me.

    *This first part ends before Turn 1

    After saving Edessa, we can get into some ruins to retrieve another legenary weapon.

    [spoiler=Chapter 20x-1 - *Breaking down some Walls*]
    Apparently I get this map for having Jerrot, his waifu, and his waifu's sisters surviving.

    It's not just a legendary weapon. Don't forget the enemies.

    So I already think this map is annoying.
    There are walls to block you from getting to the goal point, and this is a pretty sizeable map.
    There are two ways to approach this: 1) Break through at least four walls and, 2) Warp. I don't have one of these options available.
    And you can also see that my units are split into three groups: three in the northwest, seven (including Roy) at the south, three in the northeast.
    You can have them regroup before getting to the center but it will take a while for no real purpose. I'll just have them regroup at the center.

    There is a bit of a saving grace. These walls only have 40 HP. It still means you have to break 120 HP of walls to get to the goal point but... at least it's not 400 HP of walls, right? Right?
    You can save your Eclipse use and have your units attack. Why? For me, it's because I got some units that could build their weapon ranks, like Milady's sword and Niime's dark.
    (Sorry, Saul. You don't get that leisure with your D Light)

    Now by inspecting the enemies first, there is a problem:

    These two Druids have massive ranges. The west one has Berserk and the east one has Sleep.
    If you follow their ranges south to Roy's group, they stop RIGHT at the first wall you can start breaking. You can break them but DO NOT go through the passageway yet.
    I say this to myself because I only have two staff users that can use Restore and/or status staves. More than likely, they will be going to the west and east groups.

    This map was plenty of enemy variety:


    I see something weird here.
    Certain Warriors on the map have Levels 17-18. The south has them in two compartments, which can promote splitting the south group until they get past the second wall.
    Of course they are good EXP but be careful of who's facing them. I don't want to end up with lance-users with cracked skulls.
    There's nothing to steal from the enemies except Vulneraries.

    Our boss is...

    Matthis' non-cowlick brother, now with a hair-dye job.
    He's one point of Attack weaker than Roartz but he's packing more balanced defensive stats. That's 20 total Defense and 18 total Resistance and 64 Avoid like holy shit.
    That's a General with 64 Avoid. I don't even know if FE7 Lloyd on a throne was that bad. He probably was worse--but still. This is a General!
    So Tick has a Spear, right? Spear's have 5 crit on them, so Tick can have between 7-12 crit.
    A Level 12 boss means a Level 5 promoted unit can get 100 EXP off of him. I do have someone who fits that description: Rutger. Perhaps Rutger can get more time in the limelight again?

    Come back on the field, Zeiss and Geese!
    I'm selling off the Red Gems from last map.
    Also, I will replace Saul and Niime's Heals for Sleep and Silence, respectively. I've got plenty of Physic charges on them for this map and I'm getting tired of Druids giving me crap in my life.

    So how do I arrange the units?

    Team Milady has Lance and Niime. If Milady is nice enough, she'll share her EXP with Lance. This area has the furthest wall from where the units start. Niime is over there because she might be able to Silence the Berserk Druid from that side.
    Team Allen has Rutger and Saul. This has a closer wall and I think has the smallest square distance from their starting positions and the boss. Saul can Sleep the Sleep Druid from here and can help break down the wall.
    Team Roy has the leftovers. Nothing too special about where I placed them.

    Smashing our way through for legendary weapons!

    More snow references!

    I can't believe this guy's name is Tick.

    You know, here's a question. How did the enemies get behind the walls in the first place?
    I didn't see a path where the boss is, and the enemies are all compartmentalized.
    Did they build them? How do you build walls like that so quickly?
    It's a mystery!

    I want you to repeat that when you see a red-haired woman and her ferocious wyvern smash through the wall with her sword.

    This guy knows his stuff and is very savvy.
    How do you counter, Tick?


    Buh... wha?
    Look, this is a gaiden. I already got my turn limit requirement completed last chapter. This is not going to work.

    Designated Milady weapon.

    Roy specifically studied Barigan. Interesting.

    Why, yes there is, Roy!

    The hint that walls a breakable--even though I can see them before this conversation.

    Edit: Okay. 20x-1 was not supposed to be in the same spoilers as the Cath convos. Damn it, me. Fixed now.

  3. Anna asks to save the game in FE1. If Jake's recruitment is the same in FE1 as it is in Shadow Dragon, she serves as a way to recruit Jake.

    Hey, hey, tutorials were my jam when I started FE--which was on Path of Radiance. I went through all those tutorials!

    Optional recruit is better than nothing in terms of relevance.

    I'm more or less saying that I think she is the closest to being considered a mascot within games. Outside of games, when it comes to promotional events, that goes to Marth/Eliwood/Lyn/Roy/Ike. But why else would Anna be across multiple games and finally become a recruitable (though optional) character in Awakening? I consider her even less optional than Marth; she gets a Paralogue whereas he needs to be beaten in a SpotPass team or DLC.

  4. I think suspending my game is a significant role. What if I need to go somewhere and Anna's not there to suspend my game? I'm screwed.

    (Bringing in Pokemon is not a good idea: Pikachu, AT BEST, is a poster child for Pokemon. Outside of Yellow, which was including the anime elements, where was Pikachu relevant to a game/story? Here I'm talking the main series because I'm most familiar with them--but heck, Pokemon Conquest doesn't have Pikachu for the main character's initial Pokemon; that goes to Eevee)

    Joking aside, I'd say Narga/Naga. For me, it's not a matter of "who appears in the most" but rather "who has presence and gives a lot of background structure in the games they appear in," and that would be Narga/Naga in my book. Narga/Naga is like top dragon and tells Medeus, Grima, and Loptu to go away and provides weapons to defeat those dragons. Narga/Naga doesn't even need to appear in the game; just the fact that someone says, "Narga/Naga is still around" and we see the artifacts of Narga/Naga's work (the weapons) and how important they are to the plot still shows Narga/Naga's power and importance to the plot.

    That's how I feel anyways.

  5. So I'll never be happy with what I wrote in its conclusion and I've gone over it for editing, so I think I'll drop it here.

    Title: Lenora the Little Knight
    Fandom: None
    Summary: Following the story of a woman whose only dream was to become a royal knight
    Words: 6905

    Hailing from a long lineage of proud knights, Lenora came into this world with conviction in her eyes. Her parents always said that since learning of her ancestors’ stories of valor, she never was seen without her training swords. Her schedule was simple: train, eat, train, eat, sleep. She craved the life her ancestors had in their orally passed-down tales—unlike the way her parents lived.

    They too had been knights in their youthful days and they ofttimes played out their adventures, complete with dramatic voices and acting. Her dad would invite her to play parts as well. But always at the end Lenora would ask, “Why did you give up that life?” and her parents would respond, “It was a dangerous life.”

    Lenora would say, “I know that!”

    After her family got their fill of adventure, they settled down on the country plains to raise their tiny farm and child. Though tiny, her parents held their farm in highest regard because it was something they worked on for years to provide such strong and mighty trees, delicious fruits and vegetables, and herbs for their kind neighbors. Lenora would remember the times that people would come to her parents’ farm to buy their produce in large bulk. They never starved.
    Her parents’ proofs of knighthood hung on the walls of their abode gathering slight dust. Lenora used to brush her fingers over the slash marks, the grooves of their equipment, the residual blood left lazily to dry after many exhausting battles back-to-back. These proofs spelled glory.

    “This is the life I want.”

    A plague wiped out a majority of Lenora’s village fourteen summers in her life. She too had been stricken with the violent chills and feverish sweat. The battle within her was arduous, lasting two weeks. Those young and healthy survived the ordeal. Lenora’s parents died within a week. She buried them with most of their knighthood proofs, sold off their farming equipment, and used the money to support her three-week journey to the town of her king and queen.

    Their blind son, the sole heir to the Haversham throne, strolled in front of a parade the day Lenora arrived. He looked around her age. Despite the disability, the prince walked as though everything was clearly there in front of him. He had little trouble shaking the hands of his subjects and smiling to the small children who tugged on his trousers. The knights behind him would only get an inch of their blades out before he stopped them. Some others were collecting coin and passing out flyers to the commoners who wished to see their prince.

    Lenora shook off the small tension in her tired legs to fast approach the prince. The knights were about ready to turn their blade on her.

    “Please,” the prince said. “I know my life is precious, but you don’t need to show the blade to anyone who approaches. You’ll frighten the children.”

    “My prince, it’s someone we don’t recognize,” said one of his knights.

    The prince shifted in the direction of pounding on cobblestone.

    Lenora stopped in front of them, panting slightly. She took a few moments to compose herself before speaking. “Greetings, my prince.”

    The prince smiled. “Hello. I don’t recognize this voice. Who may you be?”

    “I’m Lenora of Gwendall.”

    “The country village of Gwendall? That is a bit of ways away. What brings you here? Matters with the royal family?”

    “You could say as such--”

    “Prince Myron,” spoke up one of the prince’s guard. “Gwendall recently got struck with the plague. She could be infected. There have been rumors that the other city-states are starting to get infected as well.”

    “Infected, you say? Does she ail?”

    “We see no signs of the sweat, chills, or fever.”

    “I beg your pardon, my prince,” said Lenora, “but most of my village’s people died in the plague three weeks prior. The walk from Gwendall to Haversham takes about three weeks on foot.”

    “Three weeks! I knew Gwendall was far, but not this far.”

    “I was stricken with the plague myself. I was bedridden for two weeks. In that time, my parents passed away.”

    “It pains me to hear this.”

    “Thank you for your kindness, my prince.”

    “But you choose not to stay with your village?”

    “The life of a farmer never satisfied me. You see, my family has a history of serving Haversham’s royal family as knights. My parents, their parents, my parents’ grandparents, going as far back as serving your ancestor 500 years ago. My parents served your parents—so I was told.”

    “Do you carry proof of what you say is true?”

    Lenora was about to hand the prince her family’s scroll and knighthood proof but a knight took them from her.

    He scanned over the scroll’s contents and pointed to a corner of the page. “There, my prince. There is a sigil of the royal family. And this here proof carries the same sigil.”

    “And so she speaks truth. But Lenora, you could have visited the lord of Stratbury, which I would think is a two-day’s walk from Gwendall. With this evidence, though it would take some time to confirm with the Haversham royal family, you could have had a position in a place not too far from your village.”

    “With all due respect, my prince, I could not subject myself to any lower position.” Lenora drew on a smile close to a smirk. “Being a knight of the Harversham royal family has been my one sole wish. Nothing else. I’ve raised myself to fulfill my dream because I know it is the one thing that will make me happy.”

    “But so far away from your family?”

    “We’re spread across the lands. The closest to me after my parents, my grandmother, would take months across mountains—and, though I say she is the closest, the number of times I’ve seen her can be counted on one hand.”

    “I see.” Prince Myron scratched his chin. “Unfortunately, you cannot become a knight immediately. The royal family requires that you train under the royal guard for a few years.”

    “But I can become a knight?”

    He smiled. “Indeed you can. With what you have told me, I suspect you would have no qualms about staying here and undergoing rigorous training. The royal guard is rigorous, truly. Brutish at times. They will not hesitate to pin a woman to the ground. If you so clamor for this knighthood…”

    Lenora clapped her hands, startling the prince. “Many thanks to you, my prince! I will do my best! This is all that I ever wished for!” She tried to release all her excitement in her deep breathing but it was nigh impossible. “Though I think it best that you worry not about me but for your knights. Can they handle the wily charms of a woman that has the strength of a blacksmith and the swiftness of a snake? They may look upon me and think me weak, but I come with experience of killing.”

    “Do you?”

    She laughed. “I do. The blood of chickens and cattle are on my hands. I’ve hunted foxes and deer from the forest nearby.”

    Prince Myron chuckled. “If you count the animals then even I have experience of killing—though not on par with your skills. I have such mastery of killing bugs. Perhaps you could train me in your ways.”

    “Certainly, my prince!”

    For four summers since, Lenora trained with the other pages and squires. As expected, they thought her weak not because she was inexperienced but that she was small. Prince Myron was surprised. The day he accidentally bumped into her while both were rushing to their duties, for all the bravado she spouted to the pages and squires, Lenora barely came up to his chest. From the reports from the trainers of her knocking down many a sparring partner, Lenora was competent—so how could she be so short?

    It was then on that Prince Myron referred to her as “Little Knight” in secret. Lenora at first didn’t like this. Without thinking she said, “And you’re the Shadow Prince!”He asked, not sounding hurt, what she meant by that: by the fact he was blind or something else. “I’ve heard from my peers that when you can you sneak into the yards to hear us train. Always in the shadows, Prince Myron is.” She tried to retract this later but Prince Myron said he preferred this rather than the formalities.

    And so came to be their nicknames for each other.

    Lenora stood somber as she received her first mission as a knight.

    For the past two summers, Haversham and its allies had been at war with Nordis and Stratbury, two powerful city-states who got tired of Haversham’s power. It did not help matters when Prince Myron denied Nordis and Stratbury’s noblewomen his hand in marriage for reasons he would not give. The king and queen wouldn’t have allowed it even if he did want to marry a Nordis or Stratbury woman. “They were always jealous of Haversham’s power. Myron marrying either city-state would raise them and lower us. We cannot allow such a thing in their current plotting.”

    The royal tacticians stated that it would be likely that Nordis and Stratbury would kidnap Prince Myron and force him into marriage. It was time that Prince Myron be sent away to a safer location until the war settled.

    Many knights and soldiers died in the war. Lenora and a small group of freshly-knighted people were the last ones the king and queen could send on this dangerous mission. They were debriefed that halfway along the road to one of their ally nations is a group who will lend them support. Until then, last five days on foot and make sure Prince Myron is unharmed.

    With a final nod, Lenora, Prince Myron, and the group departed Haversham. Knights surrounded Prince Myron in a circular barricade. Lenora was not invited, having been asked by a knight to scout for she was too small to provide much to the barricade. It was not exactly the job Lenora wanted but she made no effort to complain. It still contributed to the guarding of Prince Myron—and she was finally now a true knight, just as she wanted. Muffled by sobriety, Lenora was happy deep inside.

    The first night was rolling by in their small camp when a knight went up to Lenora. “Prince Myron requests for your presence.”

    Lenora left the knight only to see the prince shaking where he sat. He turned in her general direction.

    “You asked for me, my prince?”

    He nodded weakly. “Please seat yourself next to me.”

    Lenora did as she was told. “My prince…?”

    “Shadow Prince, Little Knight.” Usually he spoke in a jovial manner, but all humor was drained from him.

    “Shadow Prince, you called for me?”

    “Indeed.” He gulped and did not say a word for a minute. “I’ve pondered over whether what I’m about to say should be said aloud. It would paint Haversham in a dark light. It is strange. In short time, I’ve come to rely on you the most to keep me happy. And yet, you were not a knight until now.”

    “Why would that be?”

    “Perhaps because you sounded strong and proud. Though you are not the strongest—“


    He laughed. “Let me finish. Though you are not the strongest, you could still play yourself off as though you were a strong, independent woman. It is more than I can say for myself.”

    “How do you mean?”

    “The prince is supposed to be the future ruler of a country. Do you agree with this? A prince should be able to control himself and his people. Should he show a strand of weakness, should he be unreliable, the people’s loyalty will waver; and, in due time, revolt and civil war break out. But I… I am blind. I have been blind since my birth. It has presented many problems to my family, to my country, and in foreign affairs.

    “For example: a prince should have some skill in combat. Tutors tried to teach me fighting, yet I couldn’t learn fast enough and the blindness made it much harder. Eventually my parents stopped the practice and had me learn only politics, foreign affairs, history, and the like.”

    “Did you not protest?”

    “I’m sorry?”

    “Did you not protest that you would like to continue practicing in combat? It would have been hard at first, but I’m certain you would have adapted soon enough. You could have been the best blind fighter in history.”

    Prince Myron shook his head. “That is like you, Little Knight. To be so confident. But even you must admit that it would have been impossible for you.”

    “I would keep trying. You know why.”

    “Yes. I know why. Forgive me. I am complaining. I’ve always relied on others.”

    Prince Myron took a deep breath. “It is not just Nordis and Stratbury that want Haversham to collapse. The tension between us and them has been there for a very long time. Perhaps you didn’t know because you were in Gwendall for all your life, but many more city-states and countries want Haversham to fall. We are not a militant country. We pride ourselves in commerce and knowledge. It is only because of our expert knowledge in commerce and trade that we even have colonies. And those colonies could be the other city-states’ reward for defeating us.

    “We survived this long because we were at first amicable to the other states. Haversham had little taxation on their goods, and we were agreeable to a deal. The hike in prices all started with King Jadon, when he felt that Haversham deserved to be just as successful as the other city-states. The others needed our raw goods. Why were we not as powerful as them? They needed us.

    “And so when those prices increased, the other city-states began to resent us. It has only boiled up until now. I will not say that they are right or we are right—only that I think this was inevitable. My denying the hands of two of the most powerful city-states’ noblewomen and royalty only tipped over the boiling pot.”

    “What was your reason to deny their hands? You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you? So why, Shadow Prince?”

    Prince Myron smiled a faint one. “I knew—but I made the wrong judgment. I relied on the king and queen’s feelings towards Nordis and Stratbury, and I relied on my feelings. Let us say that I wished that someone was born a noblewoman or into royalty. I would have married her even if she was from Nordis or Stratbury. But as you can see, even if I make my own choices, I have failed everyone. Haversham will fall. What do you think of that?”

    “Haversham may fall but you still live. You will be the last remnant of a fallen country that I grew to love from my family’s stories. Nothing has changed.”

    “I see. Then you are dismissed. Please get good rest.”

    On the third night, Prince Myron called for Lenora.

    “This may be the information that will turn your love for Haversham into hatred.”

    “My prince?”

    “The day of the parade. Do you remember?”

    “Yes. It was the day that I arrived, after all.”

    “It was a parade that the king and queen formed to gather coin from the people. This money would fund the war that we knew we would be involved in. They had asked me to serve as a way to gather money.”

    “But that day you said I should have gone to Stratbury instead.”

    “I knew Haversham would fall no matter how many knights we had. It would have been best that I keep someone alive even if they ended up being an enemy. I have contributed to the deaths of many of my fellow people.”

    “Is that all, my prince?”

    “No. This is the final piece of information.” Prince Myron placed a hand on his chest, his voice strained. He tried to cough out his anxiety. “The plague was another thing that many hated Haversham for.”

    “It is not Haversham’s fault that the gods frown upon the other city-states.”

    “On the contrary, Little Knight, it is Haversham’s fault for letting others die.”

    “I don’t understand.”

    “The knights were prepared for any assassins and traitors, even the children. After the parade the knights were especially wary of you, you who were from Gwendall. At the time it wasn’t known to the people that those who survive the plague are immune afterwards. Have you not noticed that the plague has not reached Haversham?”

    “I thought it the favor of the gods.”

    “Nay… Once the plague began and Haversham looked into the matter, we had discovered something that would keep Haversham protected from it. And deliberately did not sell it to the other city-states.”

    Lenora widened her eyes.

    “Perhaps you would know.”

    “I don’t.”

    “Very well then. It was not uncommon for Haversham’s royal family to give plots of land for retiring knights. Haversham had no qualms—in exchange for trade on certain produce.”

    “You don’t mean to say…”

    “I do, Little Knight. Your family as well as any retiring knight sold this one fruit to the Haversham royal family, and we made sure the people ate and drank it every day to keep them alive from the plague and attributed our immunity to the gods’ favor. We had a monopoly on the seeds and fruit. Eventually, the other nations caught wind that Haversham had not been stricken by the plague. Spies were sent and the truth came to them. They asked for trade for the fruit, and the Haversham royal family denied them trade. The rest, you know.”

    Lenora frowned.

    “What do you think now?”

    “I think I will keep on protecting the Haversham royal family.”

    “Because it is the one thing that makes you happy?”

    “Yes. I’ve never thought of anything else that could make me happy. Being a Haversham royal knight is the only thing I ever wished for, and I didn’t think it much to ask the gods. I don’t know if anything could change that.”

    “Then I thank you, Lenora of Gwendall, my Little Knight. It is a pleasure to know that I will have a knight who will stay by my side despite tumultuous times.”

    “Yes, my prince.”

    On the fifth day, the day Prince Myron was supposed to meet the allied nation group, a messenger on horse from Haversham came to them. Haversham had fallen. The king and queen were executed on the spot. With no other claimed heirs, Prince Myron was the last of the Haversham royal line.

    When the messenger took his leave, Prince Myron asked for quick council and called Lenora.

    “The Haversham royal family is dead, as you have heard. Despite the fact I am wanted and I would have no title, you would stand by me as my knight?”

    “Yes, my prince. No matter how many times you try to sway my judgment, I will protect you.”

    Prince Myron frowned but did not speak further.

    At noon, Lenora was scouting like the days before. Prince Myron and the knights were far behind.

    She saw a group of people on the road and rushed towards them though kept herself alert.

    Lenora spoke softly to one of them. “Do the winds blow through the pinecones at night?”

    “Aye, and do they rustle like foxes hiding in the bushes.”

    “The foxes, do they speak to you in a woman’s tongue?”

    “She tried to seduce me, she did, but I knew she was a fox when she stuck a foxtail in her hair.”

    “You are the men we are seeking.”

    “Aye. How do you do, Haversham knight?”

    “The prince is exhausted. We have been walking without food and drink since yesterday. We require food and drink, if you would be so kind.”

    “Aye. We have some prepared already.”

    Lenora glanced at each of the men. They sweated, but Lenora watched as a couple of them shook despite there was not a chill in the wind.

    “Here you are, lady-knight,” said one of them presenting her food. Lenora caught a whiff of his breath; he smelled rancid—a dying man.

    Lenora drew her blade and yelled, “My fellow men, halt! These men are no allies of ours. They are infected!”

    She could hear the distant footsteps of her comrades.

    “No! What are you doing? Run!”

    There were six men against Lenora. She dared not take her attention away from them. The clashing of steel against steel rang in the air as she deflected blow after blow. Try as she might, she could not get an attack in safely, even when she had her shield up. She would parry but could not hit. In return, the men were not getting many attacks on her.

    But soon enough her helmet was pulled off by a man who snuck his way around her. Lenora was startled and turned around, only to get met with a blade across the eyes. She screamed as her eyes did in intense pain. Blood squirted out and flowed down her face. Her hands instinctively tried to stop the blood and wipe it away in hopes to see again; but, no matter how much effort they tried, Lenora was not seeing anything.

    A man kicked her to the ground and pinned her with his foot. He raised a blade high in the air, about to plunge it into her neck. Lenora readied herself for the fate. She was somewhat confused as she felt warmth splatter across her face but realized when the man’s weight was off and an arm reached out for hers.

    Haversham knights cut through the men like ribbons—but not without incurring injuries themselves. The men’s blood mingled with their blood.

    “Lenora!” Prince Myron ran his way onto the scene after all the fighting was done. He tripped over a man’s body and fell face first into some blood.

    “My prince!” Lenora screamed at the knights, “Pick him up and clean him! This air is rancid. If he has fallen onto some blood, clean him immediately.”

    A knight’s voice shook. “Lenora, we don’t know the nearest water source.”

    “No, no, no.” Lenora tried to think. “The grass is green and there are mosquitoes about. There must be a water source nearby for them to thrive and breed. Someone scout out the area. Hurry! Do not let the prince fall ill!”

    All the knights scattered. Lenora tried to feel her way towards Prince Myron, who kept calling out to her.

    Though her eyes still cried in pain, she tried to remain calm. “I’m right here, my prince. Fear not. I will not leave you. Shush, shush.”

    When she finally reached Prince Myron, he felt for her face. “Lenora, is this your blood?”
    “No, this is one of the men’s.”

    “But this cut…” His fingers went across her face; but, once he was about to touch her eyes, she placed her hand over his. “Lenora, you…”

    Her smile was grim. “Let us talk later. You need to get cleaned up.”
    The knights were tending to Prince Myron. Lenora placed her hand in front of her face. She saw nothing. She heard the birds in the trees, the water splashing, the knights talking amongst themselves, but she could not see where they were.

    “Is this what the prince sees every day? But he is lucky. He never saw the world in front of him. I have eaten the world through my eyes—and now I see naught. And naught does not help a knight.”

    “I will not leave Lenora behind.”

    “Prince Myron, she is now a burden. A knight must never be a burden to the master they serve.”

    “Would you abandon me, despite me being a burden?”

    “But you are who we serve. Lenora is not.”

    “No matter. You are my knights, and knights must follow orders. You will follow mine. Lenora comes. That is my order.”

    By the arm, a knight had Lenora start following the group to the nearby neutral town of Mardook. Around the time Gwendall was stricken with the plague, Mardook was as well. Its population consisted of those who survived.

    It was barely over a day when the knights except Lenora were starting to fall ill. They had run out of their small supply of the fruit days ago, as the ally nation they were supposed to harbor the prince in was one of the city-states that had gotten through the plague. The lack of proper rest hit them harder; and, soon enough, a couple were too weak to carry themselves. While none wanted to be left behind, those that got afflicted forced themselves to stay put for the good of the prince. Gradually the group dwindled in numbers on the road to Mardook.

    Two knights, Lenora, and Prince Myron reached the town. The two knights did the negotiations at the taverns and inns, making sure to withhold information about Haversham and Prince Myron’s identity. If there was anything Lenora could thank them for at this moment was their excellent mastery over words. They snatched a couple rooms and rested for the day.

    Lenora was woken up by the knights who were frantic. “He has fallen ill!”

    The knights led her over to their quarters and was put next to the bed. She could hear the prince’s short, quick breaths. Her hand found its way to his forehead.

    “He’s just starting to get sick,” she said, trying to be calm. “My prince, please, you must be quiet.”

    He grunted and then slowed down his breathing.

    “My prince, would there happen to be those fruits you mentioned growing in this area?”

    His voice was weak. “I remember hearing that there is a farm growing them. It’s about two days on foot from here.”

    Lenora turned towards where she thought the knights were. “How shall we do this?”

    “One of us may need to go alone. You are blind, and we cannot risk an attack while things are unstable regarding the prince.”

    “Whoever is the quickest should go. Let’s pool our coins together. Who is the one quickest here?—Stick out your hand. I’m giving you my purse. There. Now buy as many as you can.”

    “Lenora, that would be all for naught,” Prince Myron said.

    “Why would that be?”

    “They would need authentication to sell those to anyone not of Haversham royalty. As is, we have no authentication without my being there—and I cannot move.”

    “Curses! So we are to sit and wait until you may die?! You cannot ask us that.”

    “Quiet yourself, Lenora. I shall rest as much as I can. That is all I can do for now.”

    “The curs!” Lenora huffed about in the room, hesitant in step before she crashed into more walls. She tried to lower her voice. With each word she spoke, her anger rose until one thought she was about to fulminate from how red she was. “They left overnight. How dare they betray their master. Such cravens!”

    Prince Myron coughed while attempting to smile. “How fortunate for me. I get to have the company of a noble lady. I’m actually quite happy. Now I don’t have to share.”

    “My prince, be serious! Are you not scornful towards them? Do you hold no bitterness? They don’t know what it means to be a knight.”

    “I think them scared and concerned with themselves.”


    “I do not blame them. I reek of death.”

    “Say no such words, my prince. You will not die. I will make certain of that.”


    “I… I’m right here. You will not die because I’m here. And you’re here. So I will be fine. We will be fine.”

    Prince Myron’s smile fell. “Lenora, it does not bode well for me. The illness has only gotten worse. I suspect I will not be living for much longer. What do you plan to do when I go?”

    “There is no ‘when.’ You will be fine.”

    “Let me rephrase then: what do you plan to do if I die? You must have something, Little Knight. You must have planned—“

    “No!” Lenora pounded the bed. “Speak no more! You will live, my prince. You will be alive and healthy and have children. Those children will have children, and they will too, and I will protect them all. That is what I planned for my life: to serve the Haversham royal line until the day I die. You mustn’t cast me out when you haven’t died yet.”

    Prince Myron took a deep breath and released it. There was a moment before he spoke. “Little Knight, you were always a good person—no, a good friend to me. You were about the closest person I had that ever bothered to speak to me so plainly. As one friend to another, I have to prepare you for these things. I feel like I know you enough to say this: you can’t rely on me anymore.”

    Lenora shook. “I don’t understand. Why are you speaking like that? Why do you sound so defeated?”

    “I know my limits. I could never sound tough when I wasn’t. I speak of these things because I realized you would be left alone, and it pains me that you will be left behind despite what I want. The best I can do for you now is preparing you for what may come.”

    “‘What may come’ yes! That’s why I ask why you sound defeated. You can’t give up when it’s not certain.”

    Prince Myron gave a sigh. “If you can’t figure out now, then at least figure out when—if it does happen. Little Knight, please extend your hand. Don’t huff at me so; just do it. Right now, I am not saying I will die but this is coin just in case. Hold onto it for me. It may give you a sizeable plot of land or you can invest in apprenticeship or whatever have you.”

    “I cannot keep this.”

    “Think of it as a bet, then. If I am alive, I keep the money. If I die, you keep the money.”

    “Are you determined to keep your money?”

    He did not answer.

    Two days passed and Prince Myron’s state was not better. His eyes were sunken and his cough fierce. Lenora was fighting a mighty battle dabbing Prince Myron’s sweating forehead and keeping his bed and pillows as clean as possible. Her body told her to flee from the reek but she held herself steadfast.

    “I’ve been thinking, Little Knight.”

    “Of what, my prince?”

    “It is a petty thing but something that has bothered me.”

    Lenora stopped dabbing his forehead.

    “I don’t think I’ve once heard you say my name.”

    She laughed. “But of course. It would be improper for a knight to call her prince by his name.”

    “Even with the title?”



    “I think it best I leave you to rest now. All this energy in talking will only have the illness stay. Good night, my prince!”

    Like the days before, Lenora came into the prince’s room with a plate of food, making the effort to smile despite the offensive odor. “Rise and shine, my prince! A new day to make the sickness go away!”

    No response.

    “I know I said for you to rest, but you have to eat too. Come on. Wake, wake!”

    Lenora set the food on the bed and felt her way for the prince’s forehead. She frowned. A chill went through her hand.

    “My prince?” Lenora threw the sheets off. She frantically felt around for where his heart should be. All she touched was cold. “Wake up, you trickster! This isn’t funny!” When she distinguished what must have been the left chest, she propped the body up and placed her ear hard against him.

    She let the body fall as she dropped to her knees on the floor. Lenora stayed kneeled for a few moments, feeling her heart slow and her stomach drop. Then, out of nowhere, the tears gushed from her eyes. Lenora stifled her cries into the mattress.

    Lenora and the innkeeper stuck their shovels into the ground. A small marker—just a plank of wood—jutted out from a bed of soil. The sun beat down on them. They sweated in its intensity, but Lenora did not seem to register it.

    “It is a small grave for someone like him, but it will have to do.”

    The innkeeper nodded. “It is small, yet at least he had someone to care for him.” He turned to her. “I am very sorry for your loss.”

    “You have my gratitude. I was prepared to dig the grave all by myself.”

    “Let a blind lady dig a grave all by herself? That would be black-hearted of me. Think nothing of it. But now what will you do? It seems all your friends left you.”

    “I don’t know. I would have never thought my life would come to this.”

    “I know it must have been very sudden.” The innkeeper patted her shoulder, then backed off when she responded as though to break his arm. “Hold! Very sorry. It is what my family does to reassure each other.”

    “No. My apologies. It is reactionary, only worsened ten-fold by my recent blindness.”

    “Aye. That must be rough as well. And you said that you had no family nearby?”

    “That is correct. I am not even aware of the state of things with my family.”

    “That is rough, that is rough.” The innkeeper then smiled. “I’m sure you can find a job here, lady-knight. Mardook is still recovering from the plague, and people are still wary to come in the case the plague still thrives. But you, you said you survived the plague. You can work here—even at the inn or the tavern nearby. It would take you some time to adjust, that it would, but you would have something to do. How about it, lady-knight?”

    Lenora stayed still while frowning. “I’m not sure—“

    “Don’t you worry. I will give you all the time in the world to adjust. We’re desperate for working hands.”

    “But my knighthood—“

    “I’ll tell you what: you can still keep training in your knightly ways on your off-time. Come on, lady-knight. I’m practically begging at this rate!”

    Lenora turned towards the source of the innkeeper’s voice. Her head dipped as she thought, and then she straightened it. “It will have to do. Alright. Let’s get to work.”

    At the beginning, Lenora kept stumbling and tripping over the inn’s tables, chairs, and counters. Few people were worried. In whispers, under Lenora’s nose, they would speak to each other: “She’s a blind one, she is. I don’t care a lick for ‘em. They must have incurred wrath from the gods.” “But the prince of Haversham?” “That boy’s descended from a god, ain’t he? Even if you don’t like ‘im, you can’t show much of it. You’d incur the wrath of the gods and be stricken blind yerself!”

    Lenora tried to ignore them. She would have liked to speak her mind to them but she knew it would cause trouble for the kind innkeeper, and she knew how to be grateful to the people she owed. Her body was bruised from the crashes into objects and walls and her pride was bruised from the whispering people.

    After working hours, Lenora would walk out to the back of the inn to practice in the open field. Here she was free to use her sword as her detector of objects—otherwise scaring people at the inn. When she found herself upon a tree, she would start to hack away. Her swings were hesitant at first and would gain confidence over time; but, Lenora oftentimes missed her target and tripped when slashing the air. It was very frustrating. The confidence she used to have in every swing, in every step, in every action she took was now always preceded with hesitance. Without the ability to judge her distance, she could hit too far into the tree, risking the possibility of having her sword stuck. If that happened, another trip.

    All these blunders and thoughts of her prince’s imagined last days of living. Her strength wavered. And when her imagination went rampant about how the prince may have suffered, at the end of training sessions, she sometimes broke down and cried. “My prince, why did you leave me? When you were here, though I was blind, I was able to get through just knowing I was still protecting you. Now you’re gone and I have nothing. Even if I were to become a knight again, I’ll never be a Haversham knight again.”

    Throughout the years, Lenora tried her hand again and again at knight training but she could never reach to the skill she had prior. Her blindness was the first hurdle; what followed were the images of her prince’s dead face and the realization that her dream would never come to be. Some people staying at the inn, wanting a conversation with her, would ask her if she had some aspiration that she was striving for. “After all,” they would say, “you don’t look particularly happy working at the inn. We just assumed that you had something you were working towards while being a working hand at the inn.”

    But the reply always was: “My dream was with another person. They are gone, and so my dream is gone.”

    She drew worried looks from the people she spoke to. True, she was a good working hand at the inn, but her dutifulness and loyalty seemed ill-used. She was such a young woman; though her life’s dream could never come to fruition, surely she could find something else she could be happy with, even if minor. But the response to that was another shake of the head.

    Lenora turned down all of the few suitors that could overcome her blindness. The way she brushed them off, it seemed that it was a gesture of saying that there was nothing wrong with the suitors but that Lenora was either afraid or unwilling to accept anyone else in her life in that way.

    Eventually, the innkeeper passed away from health complications and the inn was shut down. Due to her blindness and her lack of proper skills, Lenora was denied jobs in many places—all except as a farm hand for an older couple. Lenora had gotten better with her navigation skills; with her former knowledge of farming, all that it took now was for them to show her where to go and have some patience. For a while, Lenora still tried to do knight training in her spare time, usually when she was supposed to be sleeping; however, time passed, she grew older, she needed more sleep, and the images of her prince still haunted her in her old age. The armor and the sword now gathered dust.

    The older couple was unable to bear children and they grew to like Lenora. When they passed away, Lenora inherited the farm.

    She grew into a habit of tending to the farm, drinking at the tavern, sleeping, and repeating on the daily. Her social life was at the tavern, where sometimes the people wondered why she never amounted to anything spectacular—or why she did not attempt to.

    One day, Lenora sat on a tree stump after all work was done. A gentle breeze went through her hair with gray strands. Few people came to the farm, so she had a lot of time to think. Most thoughts, however, wandered back to those joyful days of her knighthood training, Prince Myron, and her parents’ knighthood stories that used to fill her with so much wonder and dreams. She frowned—or, perhaps, she still kept frowning; there were brief moments where she smiled, most times forced.

    “My prince,” Lenora said with head tilted towards the sky. “Are you happy with the gods? Do they tell you of how I’m doing without you? Do you hold regrets of leaving me? I think every day of how our lives would have been better if all went according to plan. You would have yourself another devoted knight, and I would have a fulfilled dream. It was all I ever wanted—and once you died, I could never have it. Life isn’t fair, is it? Not much could be changed or done once it happened. Some people say when they think I’m not listening that I seemed to make myself sad for the sake of being sad. I never could understand what that meant. Perhaps you might know. I feel ever closer to death. My bones ache, the people say my hair’s getting gray, and I am sluggish. Despite all the training I did, I never prepared myself for this, did I? I never expected my life to end up this way. Anyways, I think I’ll be seeing you sometime soon. Please wait patiently until then, my prince. If the gods are ever so kind, I may get to be your knight again in the afterlife. You and I could be happy again!”

    This has undergone quite a few changes. The ending changed from what I originally planned where it probably was going to end halfway in. And even this ending I'm not satisfied with but I would take months to refine it. I'm that particular about word choice and execution.

    With this story, I wanted to show Lenora as a romanticized, ideal knight that one might hear in fairy tales. Despite what the text may say at times, I hoped to get across that what she does isn't exactly healthy. Definitely not something I would condone.

    With that in mind, I'll wait to explain anything until someone asks. It might prove that I messed up somewhere and can keep it in mind for other writings.

    Edit: I thought I fixed all the tabs that were originally in this text. That's all I did with this edit.

  6. Shinon has pretty high growth rates but pretty low bases. You're going to need to rig levels or get really lucky with him. Out of his 19 levels, he needs to hit 16 levels in Strength and Defense to cap, for example. That's naturally (without stat boosters). He needs 15 levels in Skill and Speed to cap those. Not to say that you want to cap those stats but just to show how little wiggle room you're going to have with him.

    No-transfers Shinon in RD Hard Mode is serviceable. I don't play with Shinon much in either game but I would think he doesn't need that much extra help.

  7. Love me some Star Fox. I hope the Wii U one is good too. It would give me more incentive to buy the Wii U.

    Oswin just says nope to the river.

    Weren't inventories randomized too? Guy getting the Killer Lance is both fitting and laugh-worthy.

  8. I sadly never got to own a mainstream title until I picked up Diamond and Pearl.

    Funnily (or sadly?) enough, I skipped over Gen 4 except HGSS. There was that little period where my cousins (who were into Pokemon initially) made comments that playing Pokemon was being a baby. I was still impressionable enough to stop playing for that period.

  9. It was before I was seven. I don't recall ever asking for it (or even knowing it existed), but I remember being at my grandparents' house for Christmas and getting the Blue version while my brother got the Red version.

    We got pretty obsessed with it. Haha. I still got the Player's Guides for Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3.

    I still continue to play them but I think Pokemon changed quite a bit for me to continue loving them in the same way I did (talking more Gen VI here).

  10. I definitely would want to read this.

    As for the promotion item vs. Master Seal, uh, maybe you could hold some restriction based on what your party looks like at each chapter. If say you end up having three Wyvern Riders at the beginning, then only have one of them promoted and wait a long while for another promotion. Because yeah, I wouldn't want you to be stuck with Pirates and none of them can promote until Chapter 22.

    Either way you do it, I'm sure it's going to be a good read.

  11. [spoiler=Chapter 20-2 - *Jerrot*s Waifu*]
    Turn 5

    I have to get that Berserk status off of Milady before she attacks my units!
    Even though Berserk is supposed to have her attack anyone close, I can't guarantee she will keep going after the Sniper.

    Saul uses Rescue on Milady. I guess I'm going to have to bring Hammerne next map if I want Rescue to stay with me.

    Sure. Magic.

    Niime restores Milady.
    Elphin plays Saul.
    Saul barriers Lance.
    Lilina heals Lance.
    Allen trades Elphin his Steel Lance for a Pure Water, uses it, and moves southwest.
    Lance with his Javelin and the Killer Bow Sniper have themselves a dodge party.

    Trying to get rid of the ballistae shots.
    Shanna will move to the indicated spot.

    Killer Bow Sniper dies by Lance's Javelin.
    Killer Ballista Archer misses Lance.
    Long Ballista Archer misses Milady.
    Berserk Druid berserks Lance. Argh.

    Turn 6

    What is with their stupid accurate staves. Really.

    Saul restores Lance.
    Elphin plays Astore.
    Astore unlocks the door towards the boss room.
    Allen takes out the Horseslayer Knight at the door.
    Shanna rescues Elphin and moves out of the way of the Killer Ballista Archer.
    Lilina heals Shanna.
    Milady drops Elphin out of range of ballistae and moves back to where she was.
    Niime physics Igrene.
    Igrene fails to take out the Bishop but hits him once.

    I'll end Turn 6 like this.

    Killer Ballista Archer hits Astore.
    Long Ballista Archer hits Milady. Now they're on their last shots.
    Berserk Druid misses Lance! Good! You can go away this following turn.

    Turn 7

    Sniper moved from the east side to the west. It's whatever.

    Astore unlocks the door to the chests.
    Lilina heals Astore.
    Elphin plays Astore.


    Allen gives support bonuses to Lance as Lance attacks the Druid. Lance crit-kills and levels up.


    Igrene finishes off the Bishop.
    Shanna and Milady do the same thing as they did last turn so Elphin is safe and Milady can have the Long Ballista Archer use his last shot.

    Turn 7 results

    I'll get to you in a second.
    Allen dodges Roartz's Spear.

    Astore dodges the last Killer Ballista shot.
    Milady tanks the last Long Ballista shot.

    Turn 8

    I'm thinking not much else is going to go on until reinforcements come or I get to all chests and the boss.

    Speed for Zeiss if I can promote him...

    Lance softens up the Sniper.
    Saul kills the Knight.
    Allen finishes the Sniper.

    Fast-forwarding to more important matters...



    Hey wifey

    Tenth trapped woman!

    Good early prepromote!

    "If any of them laid a finger on my waifu--"

    Says the woman that got locked up.

    "My waifu is safe."

    I didn't like the arrangement either, Juno. They kind of just changed the name without telling me.

    Turned on by military uniform, Jerrot?
    It's that or the short mini-skirt like sheesh that thing is tiny

    Guys, please, you can do it after the battle. This is not the kind of tension I need right now.

    Juno, please.

    I can't even tell anymore if that was me reading too much into that.

    It shows in the stats.

    Show me the way to the gaiden chapter, Juno, and all will be forgiven about your stats.
    You also would be contributing to protecting this land.

    She joins us. I've already went over her stats.

    During Turn 10's enemy phase, two Thief units appear.
    I could have Astore take their Lockpicks and kill them. I'll see what I can do.

    Still fast-forwarding


    On Turn 11's enemy phase, three Fighters appear.

    Two things with this screenshot:
    One, I didn't want Lilina to crit-kill him.
    Two, there was a weird audio glitch where Roartz was still moving back to original position and Lilina starts to do the crit animation at the same time, resulting in Lilina having no sound for her little crystal thingies.

    What crimes?
    Anyways, Lilina levels up.

    She regains the Speed!

    Civilians are heading towards where the Thief units and Fighters are. I probably will need to intercept them before they get to the Civilians.

    Shanna and Juno can talk. Tate would probably have one too if I brought her.
    Let's have the sisters talk.

    Being a better Falcoknight.

    I wouldn't say I knew Juno would be alright. Have you not heard what would have happened to Clarine and Cecilia if we didn't come?

    That is not funny, Shanna.

    The counterargument.

    Hold the phone. I just saw something. Let me reset this convo...

    Sneaky programming errors

    In Normal Mode, sure...

    Seriously, Shanna.

    You're not going to be fighting with your sister unless you're getting benched with her.
    After all that I invested in you, Shanna, that's not going to happen.


    More Fighters on Turn 12's enemy phase.


    I can end this chapter next turn. Hopefully I got the gaiden.

    Even more Fighters on Turn 13's enemy phase.


    Dang it, Milady. What happened to the other stats? I want my Wyvern Lords to be overpowered!


    I finally can show off the pages I said I would do for gaiden requirement chapters.

    Let's seize.

    Don't be so hasty, Roy! What if we got ourselves a gaiden?


    Yay gaiden

    Posthaste, Roy my boy!

    I must have gotten this cutscene for keeping all the villagers alive.

    What could this be?

    Guinivere is not pleased since they probably don't know she's Bern's princess.

    Cool! Don't know who to give this to (Niime?), but I'll accept this!

    Confirmation of the gaiden!

    I'm thinking Niime can get an Angelic Robe. I have two now!
    Zeiss, will you be promoted? I'm so sorry you were teased this chapter with that ballista Archer.
    I think a small part on Cath will be released next time. I don't think it should take up the entire post but we'll see.

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Lord         20.00    34     15      16      16      16       7      10
    Allen      Paladin       7.47    47     21      19      21      11      13       5
    Lance      Paladin       6.34    44     16      16      25      12       9       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight   8.42    39(+7) 15(+2)  21      27      22       8      10
    Rutger     Swordmaster   5.84    44     16      25      23       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop        4.69    33     16      18      19       4       5      18
    Lilina     Sage         10.30    33     28      11      18      14       6      19
    Astore     Thief        17.73    32      8      10      17      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper        9.52    40     18      19      19       9      11      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker     3.16    50     19      17(+4)  14      12      12       2
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  13.02    53     25      23      20       9      16       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Rider 20.00    37     20      16      12       8      13       3
    Niime      Druid        18.61    25     21      20      16       15      5      18

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 4
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
  12. I guess that it doesn't happen since peggies don't wear goggles.

    Normally, you couldn't buy these in the other 2 GBA games without the secret shops and knowing the locations of where they are.

    To make up for it's better power over other weapons is why that the acc is nerfed.

    C'mon, Shanna.

    Bless like you did for meeeeeee.

    Other than Shin/Sin, Igrene beats them all anyway.

    If it weren't for him, he'd be like what we see in the Rogues and Redeemers DLC's.

    Bold: Niime only gets these good weapon ranks as weapon EXP is slow in this game and that hardly, if not, no one else can use the Physic/status staves.

    I wish Shanna and Tate got goggles...

    Yep. I was surprised they appeared in a normal shop. I was starting to suspect I wouldn't get another one after Niime.

    But I mean don't nerf axes until they're almost unusable. I can be at least grateful that this isn't the earlier FE games with Speed - Weight and 20 Weight Iron Axes like you kidding me

    Shanna is falling and falling

    Nah, it's just out of curiosity of how Igrene's growths are. Her bases are great. I made a mistake on an earlier part where I thought she came as Level 2 Sniper. The only thing I can see as an issue is that she starts with B bows and comes later than Klain who comes with A bows.

    Right? Unfortunately, it was not to be for Zephiel.

    I suspected that with Niime. That just makes her that more badass!

    Niime's awesome definitely because of the lack of investment needed. A-staves is virtually impossible for any of your capable combat mages (except Saul) to get, and the investment of turns needed to get both A-staves and A-dark is astronomical. Combine that with her excellent bases (except HP, but many players like to throw her an Angelic Robe and let her get to work) means that you have a guaranteed capable combat unit or staffbot (depending on your needs) even if the rest of your units got RNG screwed. Also, she saves you a Guiding Ring in a very Guiding Ring starved game.

    Sigune is one of my favorite bosses, I actually really like her personality and flavor (and dying quote!). Unfortunately, she's rather non-threatening at this point in the game (even in HM), and an average Miledy will absolutely crush her (especially since Sigune's decent speed is severely diminished by the weight of the Spear and her low-ish Con).

    Overall, 19I is honestly in my opinion one of the least threatening chapters in the late-game (minimal troll reinforcements, no berzerks, no siege tomes, easy boss, no wyverns) and the main challenge is just making sure your thieves/(bard/dancer)/healers don't get whacked by random enemies through the fog.

    This is very true. I'm thinking of giving her an Angelic Robe. Not like I can think who's desperate for one and Niime's HP comes pretty low for a Level 18 Druid.

    Sigune's not that bad on Hard either? Interesting. I guess it helps that she doesn't get the Def and Avoid boost from the castle.

    So far the Ilia route isn't that hard but I'll hold off on judgment until I finish the Sacae route.

    Make Durandal!Miledy a thing!

    Also, Rutger lost his spotlight after Miledy came in. He's still one of, if not THE best Durandal options you have right now(unless Allen has S swords. Or you could give it to Miledy to boost her strength beyond its cap.

    I've been trying!

    I think that was bound to happen when Rutger is a six-movement, sword-locked unit. He's still a very good unit--but I can't help myself when Milady is right there and able to get enemies across mountains and peaks among just making my life easier, haha.

    I've been trying to work on Allen and Milady towards S swords but if they don't, no stress. Rutger can benefit from the 21 Strength.

    *First part ends before Turn 5 begins

    What's next on our list of things to do?

    [spoiler=Chapter 20-1 - *Elysian Whip out-of-reach*]


    Down goes one of the few Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight bosses in Fire Emblem history.


    The Bern headquarters in Ilia, right?


    So... This I know is a gaiden requirement chapter. And all of them have been about keeping someone alive.

    Is it Jerrot's turn? Or is this just backstory for a character that hasn't been mentioned since, like, Chapter 8?

    They did the same thing with Saul and it confuses me.


    I guess they got too scared by Jerrot's prepromote-ness before.


    Oh yeah. It's time to punch Roartz's nose in.


    gg Roartz


    Welcome to Chapter 20, another gaiden requirement chapter!

    Getting to the goal point doesn't look that bad, but there are a few things going on.


    Look who's locked up in this room. It's Shanna and Tate's sister--who's also apparently Jerrot's wife from her description. Huh.

    Yes. Juno. Here she comes as a Level 9 Falcoknight and... uh... not really that good, in my opinion.

    She better come with a good Strength growth because that 11 Strength is not going to be doing her anything.

    Tate as a Level 8 Pegasus Knight from Chapter 10B/11A starts with 6 Strength, +2 from promotion, so she would need just three more Strength to get to Juno's Strength. As a Level 1 Falcoknight.

    And Tate would likely get more of every other stat besides Defense so... Yeah.

    Since she's here, maybe I should keep her alive for gaiden requirement? After all, this used to be the base for Pegasus Knights too. Maybe her survival nets me the gaiden.


    Here are some shops. I'll just send one mount to take care of this.


    There's an Arena.


    Plenty of chests here. I think this would be a Cath chapter.

    By the way, I do have Cath on my alternate run now. I thought someone said four talks gets me Cath but it's actually three. She joined us on her third appearance, which I think is the one with Raigh.

    I'll show that off after getting the gaiden here.

    There's a couple ballistae and---









    Other than that... Elysian Whip ballista Archer screw you

    This Druid has a Red Gem. The boss also has a Red Gem.


    Time to bash this guy's teeth in.

    31 Strength, 11 crit, 23 Defense, and 14 Resistance with a Spear. I'll be a bit wary taking him down. That 11 crit is evil.

    Still not that good of a boss for leveling but Lilina could easily take the kill with a Roy support to back up more dodging and crit-canceling.


    I'm taking out Geese and Zeiss. I feel Jerrot may be necessary for Juno and Niime because there's a few Sleep and Berserk Druids and I can't risk someone like Saul going to sleep or berserk.

    I'm running out of room for Merlinus' convoy so I'll be doing some selling and filling unused characters' slots.

    Of importance, I'm selling off all my promotion items (Orion's Bolt, Hero's Crest, and Knight's Crest) because--outside of Zeiss--I think I'm done promoting. There shouldn't be any more recruitable unpromoted units at this point of the game...


    With this formation, I hope to take out the east ballista Archer and have Allen and Lance in position to counter. Saul and Niime will be used on first turn to ensure safety if all goes according to plan.

    From north to south, the Paladins are: Jerrot, Lance, Allen.

    Let's liberate Ilia!


    We are heroes!


    It looks deathly today, doesn't it?


    Murdock wasn't kidding when he said that those incompetent deserved to be left behind.


    You guys, is this the ninth or tenth instance of a woman getting locked or trapped somewhere?

    Like holy shit. At worst I expected five times, not ten!


    I still find it weird how Jerrot suddenly became of importance again.

    This scene only makes me think bringing Jerrot was a good choice.


    If all the Ilia units were like Sigune, I could see why. She was haughty and rightly got smacked down by us.


    Look who's talking.


    Yes he will.

    Over at the cell...


    Kind Juno is kind.


    She should be used to cold weather because, if her official art is any indication, she suffers from immense cold thighs ALL the time.


    Jerrot's going to save his hunnies. That whole jail cell is full of women.


    I may have been just right to take Jerrot with me.

    Thank you, Juno's description!


    Indeed, Juno. Jerrot can tell you how he was my prepromote before getting benched by the superior Allen. Good times.

    Husband and wife catch-up!


    Pro strats, Roy.

    Except no FE9/10 base mechanics. 0/10.


    Can we finally get filled in on this? By "we" I mean "Roy"?


    No new information because power of being in the past with Zephiel, the little shit in Battle Before Dawn.

    Save him in Battle Before Dawn, get rewarded with him being a tyrant in the future.

    Thank you, Intelligent Systems!


    If there's anything Intelligent Systems has taught us over multiple games: "Don't marry or screw people if it's forced."

    This is: Nyna/Hardin, Deirdre (brainwashed)/Alvis, Zephiel's father (I forget his name)/Helen(a?).


    I'll accept the brilliant scholar part but a prodigy in combat?

    Battle Before Dawn, Battle Before Dawn, Battle Before Dawn


    Grah! Stop interrupting the backstory before it's too late!


    Damned interruptions.

    Turn 1 enemy positions


    Let's get to it.

    I thought Igrene could take out the Mercenary with her Longbow but she is one point shy. Darn, Igrene. I'll just have to improvise.

    Elphin plays Milady.

    Milady gets up to the ballista Archer and uses Al's Sword to fell him.

    Saul uses Rescue on Milady. Because of that Sleep Druid, I don't want her stuck there.

    Igrene and Rutger Rescue-Drop Elphin out of the Mercenary's range.

    Niime barriers Allen.

    Lance goes down to the east Fighter with his Swordreaver.


    Lance builds up momentum for a crit-kill. Go away!

    The Knight has a Horseslayer but Allen goes at him with his Iron Axe. Horseslayer Knight doesn't hit Allen at 19 hit. Allen kills him.

    Shanna visits the Armory.


    Lots of available weapons. Does this mark the first access of Silvers too?

    I'll go buy the following: 3 Iron Swords, 3 Silver Swords, 2 Silver Lances.


    Jerrot has rescued Roy and will move to the indicated space.

    Allen is the southwest Paladin. Shanna is two spaces north and one space west from the Mercenary.

    Turn 1 ends.

    Armorslayer Mercenary misses speedy Lance. Lance slaughters him.

    Armorslayer Mercenary hits Lance. Lance hits him once.

    Lancereaver Mercenary has a 8 crit chance on Saul. He only hits Saul. Saul kills him with exact damage and levels up.


    I like Magic.

    Steel Sword Mercenary hits Shanna. Shanna kills in retaliation.

    Steel Sword Mercenary misses Shanna. Shanna doesn't have enough Attack to finish him.

    Swordreaver Fighter misses Saul. Saul leaves the Fighter barely dead.

    Steel Axe Fighter doesn't get Niime. Niime shows off why she's a badass old lady and kills him.

    Hand Axe Fighter hits Saul, bringing Saul down to 3 HP. Crap! Saul hits and then crit-kills.

    Light Brand Hero misses Lance.

    Longbow Sniper misses Lance.

    Nosferatu Druid misses Lance. Everybody wants a piece of Lance.

    Sleep Druid... tries to put Niime to sleep? Why? Niime dodges.

    Other Sleep Druid tries to put Niime to sleep. What is with this? Niime dodges.

    Physic Bishop heals a Mercenary.

    Lightning Bishop misses Allen.

    Turn 2


    I just realized I didn't bring people with Door Keys. It's a good thing I brought Astore with another set of Lockpicks but still. I'm stupid.

    Allen switches to the Iron Sword and attacks the Bishop. Bishop is able to hit Allen before he dies.

    Lance switches Allen to the Hand Axe and then attacks the Sniper with his Killer Lance. Lance crit-kills.


    After the last two chapters of disappointing level ups, this is a nice present.

    Rutger takes out the Fighter.


    Not really feeling this.

    Igrene shoots at the Mercenary until he dies.

    The west side is going to need more manpower. Elphin plays Milady.

    Milady kills the Hero with her Killer Lance while taking minor damage.

    Lilina goes for the Nosferatu Druid. I was hoping she would dodge a 58 but she doesn't. Druid lives.

    Astore has just enough Attack to kill the Druid. He kills and gets lots of EXP for a level up.


    I'm not that surprised anymore.

    Niime kills the Mercenary to prevent Elphin getting attacked.

    Shanna visits the Vendor.


    The only thing I can see myself buying is another Fire. Saul and Niime have their weapons with a back-up stored. Lilina's got access to two Aircaliburs.

    I'll buy a Fire and then have Shanna move towards the group.


    Allen is southwest Paladin. Lance is southeast Paladin.

    Saul to indicated space to end Turn 2.

    Steel Sword Mercenary dies from Shanna.


    OH NO

    Rutger suffers major damage. Rutger doesn't kill. OW.

    Sleep Druid puts Niime to sleep. Blargh.

    Sleep Druid puts Jerrot to sleep.

    Purge Bishop hits Astore. Crap.

    Turn 3


    So. Reason why Saul was placed as he was: it was in case either Rutger or Igrene were put to sleep. Not the case anymore.

    But the movement also allowed me to get anyone on the west side who got put to sleep.


    Give me that.

    Allen throws his Hand Axe at the Bishop in a crit-kill.


    Good show, Allen!

    Lilina dodges the Druid and ends him.


    Micaiah stats

    Saul restores Niime.

    Niime heals Astore.

    Elphin plays Saul.

    Saul physics Rutger.

    Rutger finishes the Killing Edge Mercenary.


    Shanna is moving towards us. Lance is the southwest Paladin. Milady is going to move to Allen's west.

    Killer Ballista Archer has a 8 hit chance and no crit on Lance. He misses.

    Long Ballista Archer goes for Milady. He misses.

    Axereaver Knight misses Rutger. Rutger crits twice to end the Knight.

    Killing Edge Mercenary doesn't hit Lance. Lance kills.

    Iron Blade Hero has a 1 crit chance to kill Rutger. He misses. Rutger crits once and then hits, not ending the Hero.

    Sleep Druid tries to put Niime to sleep. He misses.

    Turn 4


    That's no more Sleep for that Druid.

    I'm not sure where the Civilians will go so I better wait before I release them.

    Rutger kills the Hero.

    Igrene suffers from the Druid's Flux but she manages to kill him.

    Saul restores Jerrot.

    Lilina heals Saul.

    Elphin plays Lilina.

    Lilina heals Milady.

    Niime heals Lilina.


    Milady is going to attack the Killer Bow Sniper across the wall with her Javelin.

    Paladin highlighted is Allen. Allen's movement will end Turn 4.

    Killer Ballista Archer hits Milady.

    Long Ballista misses Lilina.

    Killer Bow Sniper hits Milady. Milady misses one of her attacks.

    Welp, I got in the Berserk Druid's range. Berserk Druid berserks Milady with guaranteed accuracy. Crap...

  13. My parents aren't gamers--but they probably have memories from when they played in the arcades. They remember things from when my brother and I played and got into our obsessions. They bought the consoles and handhelds despite I not remembering that I asked for them at first, so yeah they're the reason I'm a gamer.

    My mom, being the "don't honk at people even if they are bad drivers" person she is, trying to be non-violent despite watching violent stuff all the time, got a little offended when I said that even if we talked about things (we have difficulties carrying out a five-minute conversation keep in mind), they are things she is not into and things I'm not into (example: she is shopping and I'm games). "I know some games--just not modern games! I'm not up-to-date." she says to me. Fast-forward and she's flipping the channels to the first Mortal Kombat movie.

    That's not the surprising bit. She likes action movies. I've seen her watch it before.

    The surprising bit is that she was saying the names of characters. They're were a lot of characters in that movie and I don't even think they all said their names--and if they did, probably not enough times to remember them. She watches movies while she's working so she tends to watch movies multiple times so there's that as well. "There's Kano. There's that... Mi... Mileena person. She's a bad person. And that green thing I think is Chameleon--no, Reptile." Those she didn't catch I said and she says, "Oh yeah!"

    So my follow-up: "I'm kind of surprised you know those people. Mortal Kombat wouldn't be your type of game."

    "Well, I've seen the movie and I did play Mortal Kombat II in the arcade."

    I stared.

    "See, I know some things!"

    Well played, Mom.

  14. [spoiler=Chapter 19-2 - *Astore and Milady Tag-Team with Elphin*]
    Turn 3

    I'll need to wake Astore up. Also, I have plans for Igrene to get both flier kills.
    The Falcoknight has an Elixir but I don't care. I got plenty now.

    Igrene kills the Pegasus Knight easy.
    Elphin plays Igrene.
    Saul restores Astore.
    Astore moves ahead to scout in the darkness.

    There is that pesky Sleep Druid. I can get him with Milady.

    There's a higher chance Milady will miss the Druid with her Steel Sword. I attempt for her to get the Druid. She does miss one attack!
    And thus it was a good thing I didn't use Igrene's action yet. Igrene finishes off the Druid.
    Lilina heals Lance with Tina's Staff.
    Lance goes with Steel Axe in hand to attack the Falcoknight. Lance manages to kill her without damage.
    Allen and Shanna Rescue-Drop Elphin away from ballista range. Before she drops, though, she trades Lilina the Heal staff.

    Zeiss lands on the spot the arrow stops. He should be safe here for the Turn 3 enemy phase.

    Paladin is now in sight, as well as a new Pegasus Knight.
    Ballista Archer misses Rutger.

    Turn 4

    It's probably best I don't counter the Paladin this turn.

    Astore relights a Torch so we can now see that ballista Archer. I also can see another Pegasus Knight, Troubadour, and Cavalier.
    Milady backtracks and gets healed by Lilina.
    Igrene takes out a Pegasus Knight. She's less than a quarter away from S bows.
    I said I wouldn't try to counter the Paladin if I could but I think Lance and his 1 crit chance won't kill the Paladin.
    Elphin plays Milady.
    Milady kills off the ballista Archer.
    Zeiss visits the last house which is to the northeast.

    Thank you for this information, helpful citizen. I will end Bern's tyranny on Ilia soon!

    East Paladin is Lance. I made sure not to have Allen get within three squares of Lance. Milady is seven squares north of Lilina.
    Ending the turn with Niime moving to space indicated.

    For some strange reason, the Pegasus Knight goes for Shanna, despite there is a completely defenseless Igrene right there. Steel Lance Pegasus Knight misses Shanna. Shanna cuts her down with an Iron Sword.
    Silver Lance Paladin takes the fight with Lance into the forests. He misses Lance. Lance whacks him twice.
    Javelin Cavalier can't hit Lance.
    Physic Druid heals Paladin.

    Turn 5

    I turned off Terrain data for this screenshot. Also: time to steal a Knight's Crest from the Paladin.
    Astore's full on items so...

    Shanna trades Roy Tina's Staff for the Silver Card.
    Roy trades the Tina's Staff over to Rutger.
    Astore trades Roy the Elixirs and then...

    Promotion items!
    I reveal a new Cavalier.

    Igrene kills off the Troubadour because I think there's still the x2 weapon EXP for a kill in FE6.
    Allen rides forward so Lance gets support bonuses.
    Lance lodges his Iron Axe into the Cavalier for another kill. That's also a level for Lance!

    Oh my god

    Geese equips the Hand Axe and has Lance switch to his Javelin for the oncoming Cavalier.
    Elphin plays Astore.
    Zeiss rescues Roy.
    Saul softens up the Paladin.
    It's been a long time since Rutger saw kills. Rutger and the Paladin miss once. Rutger then shows Swordmasters are crit-happy.

    I feel like there is a Secret Shop in the area around the northwest ballista, so Shanna will check that area out.
    Milady is going eastward towards a ballista.
    Niime will move to Lilina's west to end Turn 5.

    The ballista Milady was heading towards turns out to be a Long Ballista. He misses.
    Cavalier that has a Javelin switches to a spare Steel Sword to attack Allen. He misses and Allen kills him with his Hand Axe.

    Turn 6

    The only problem is that Milady can't attack that Long Ballista this turn unless I can somehow have Astore stand in a place he can see the ballista.
    There are no other enemies in the current sight.

    Astore moves to reveal...

    The ballista Archer and a Druid with Physic and Silence. No weapon on the Druid. Free EXP, anyone?

    Milady gives up on the Long Ballista for the one revealed. Elphin plays Milady.
    Milady kills the ballista Archer.
    Lilina heals Geese.
    Allen and Geese Rescue-Drop Astore more southeast. I discover a Pegasus Knight down south.
    Saul, Rutger, and Igrene do a Rescue-Drop so Elphin is more southeast.

    I'm not too worried about Silence because I have Niime and Saul. Shanna didn't discover any secret shops.
    Zeiss moves to end Turn 6.

    Hidden Steel Lance Pegasus Knight hits Milady. Milady one-hit kills her.
    Steel Lance Pegasus Knight misses Lance. Lance kills her with his Javelin blows.
    Cavaliers in sight! One goes for Milady with his Steel Sword and hits her. Milady slaughters him.
    Hidden Silver Lance Falcoknight hits Milady for 12 damage. Milady kills her. That's a level up!

    Not more Skill...
    Milady is now I think at A swords.

    Silver Lance Paladin doesn't get a hit on Milady. Milady crit-kills him. I hope he didn't have a Knight's Crest to steal too.
    North Long Ballista Archer misses Milady. Did I say north? Yes. Because I realize that this ballista has the same design as the one southeastern.
    So the southeastern Long Ballista Archer can attack Milady as well. He misses.
    Hidden Steel Lance Pegasus Knight hits Milady. Milady ends her life in one swoop.
    Hidden Steel Lance Cavalier misses Milady. That's another kill for my Wyvern Mistress.
    Javelin Cavalier misses Milady.
    Silence Druid successfully silences Lilina. Hey! I need her to staffbot!

    Turn 7

    Milady top tier. And yep, she's at A swords. Her Steel Sword's about to break though.

    Astore moves slightly to the east and uses another Torch. He reveals a Pegasus Knight.
    With Allen's support, Lance is able to kill the Druid on the fort with his Javelin. It was pretty unlikely too with two 54 hit chances.
    Elphin plays Astore.
    Astore moves to the southeast to reveal the Long Ballista Archer.
    Milady charges in with Javelin in hand to attack the Long Ballista Archer. She gets damaged further but she is able to kill that ballista Archer. One more to go!
    Rutger, Igrene, and Geese Rescue-Drop Elphin so he doesn't have to cross the forest.
    Saul restores Lilina. And here I thought Restore was not that good. Turns out FE6 really hiked up the status staff accuracy to not bad levels so the Restore staff has actual use.

    Go, Astore! I believe in you to be a dodgetank.
    Zeiss moves to Saul's west.

    Astore dodges the Steel Lance Pegasus Knight and counters twice. I only gave him a 2-use Iron Sword so that now breaks. I wasn't expecting him to be in combat.
    But that's all good. Now he won't have WTD against the lance Cavaliers, like the one with the Steel Lance. He dodges this one too.
    Astore moves out of the way of a Long Ballista shot.
    Javelin Cavalier takes up the fort and misses Astore.

    Turn 8

    My goal now is to reveal the north Long Ballista Archer so Milady can kill that guy. Cavaliers got to go first.

    Let's show off Niime against the west Cavalier.

    I think it kind of looks weird in terms of proportion and posture. But now it's badass old lady time.
    How did I not notice this before. Was Flux slightly slower in FE6?
    Niime kills off the Cavalier easy. I got to build up that Dark rank somehow.

    Igrene finishes off the Pegasus Knight.
    Allen whips out the Iron Axe and kills off the fort Cavalier.
    I move Astore just in sight of the Long Ballista Archer.
    Elphin plays Milady.
    Milady tells the Long Ballista Archer to die. No more ballista Archers! With this, the close to victory theme plays. I guess there's only three or so enemies left?
    Lance rescues Astore and waits on the fort. I won't be able to see for a bit but I do want that Pegasus Knight to die. Lance will be just in range of her.
    I think it's safe to let Shanna go towards the village. Hopefully there's no other Archers to take up ballistae...

    You can see Milady's sight up there. She is two spaces south from where the ballista Archer was.
    Zeiss is still carrying Roy and he moves to Geese's north.

    Steel Lance Pegasus Knight misses Shanna. Shanna cuts her down.
    Oh hi! There are Knights in the dark. Good thing this Javelin Knight is facing Javelin Milady. He misses and falls to Milady's superiority.

    Turn 9

    Time to start wrapping this chapter up.

    Elphin plays Lance.
    Lance drops Astore onto the fort north.

    Hi how's it going
    I guess Torch decreases don't happen if the unit is rescued when the turn rolls over. I shall note this for future playthroughs.

    Oh hey, there's the boss.

    Would Sigune have a talk with Shanna and Tate? I mean, I don't think she's related to them as family; but, at the same time, I haven't met their third sister.
    All she's got is a Spear. I guess I can risk having Shanna talk to her if at all possible.
    But a Level 9 Falcoknight boss at this point in the game? Really? A Level 1 promoted unit wouldn't get 100 EXP. Close but no cigar.
    I bet Saul would. He got quite a bit of EXP from last map's Cavaliers. More than the average promoted unit. I would guess Bishops in FE6 are based on some different value. What value though I have not a clue.

    Shanna visits the village.

    Don't do it, old man!

    Good choice.

    Energy Ring...?

    Don't know who to give this to since Shanna got the last one. I think I'll hold onto this until I have an idea.
    Or someone could recommend a unit since I would like to use it as soon as I can for maximum usage.

    That Troubadour is free EXP and weapon EXP. I think I'll give her to Igrene once Igrene can reach her.

    Milady gets damaged taking out the Steel Lance Knight with her Steel Sword. More HP for Lilina to heal--except I think one Heal should top Milady's HP. Lilina and her awesome Magic stat don't give fucks.
    Rutger and Saul Rescue-Drop Lilina so she's not on the fort.
    Then it's Saul's turn to get Rescue-Dropped by Allen and Geese so he's not on the fort anymore.

    Milady is to the south of where the Knight was. The Knight was to the boss's southeast.
    Niime moves as east as she can to end Turn 9.

    Turn 10

    No beginning turn screenshot because now there's no more movable enemies. So...

    Igrene kills the Troubadour just as planned. She's very close to S bows.
    Shanna's still not finding secret shops. I guess she'll head towards the boss.
    Milady goes back to get a well-deserved healing from Lilina.
    Zeiss finally drops Roy in range of the throne.

    I think I'll give the boss kill to the unit that can benefit from weapon EXP and will level up from her. That looks to be Igrene.

    Lance rescues Niime.
    Elphin plays Niime.
    Lance drops Niime near the boss. Niime may get some weapon EXP and chip EXP next turn.
    Allen and Astore Rescue-Drop Igrene near the boss.

    When do reinforcements come out?
    Rutger moves towards the group to end this turn.

    Turn 11

    I guess I can finish this up now.
    Then I realize the boss has a pretty high crit chance. And actually a decent Attack stat.
    Oh man.

    Niime has enough Luck to not have a crit chance from Sigune.

    If you crit-kill my other units, then yes.
    Niime hits Sigune and dodges the counter.

    Oh yeah. I am supposed to see if Shanna and Sigune have a conversation. Do they?


    That's right. In Shanna's death quote, she says Juno. Sigune's not related to Shanna at all.
    Regardless: special boss quote with Shanna. Tate would likely have one as well.
    Shanna gets to cuts into Sigune. Shanna suffers no damage.

    Please don't miss and get crit-killed.

    Down goes Sigune.

    You had potential to kill me with your crits. I think you have the highest crit chance from a boss so far.

    Igrene levels up to get...

    Okay, okay. I know her stat gains haven't been that great but her bases were awesome. I will take this.

    That's also HP Lilina can heal.

    I think I'll wait a few turns before seizing to see if I can find the secret shop. I have Elphin and Astore on the forts and Roy on the castle so---

    Wait. On Turn 11 enemy phase, the camera shifted towards the southwest. einforcements. That's great. I'm going to guess Pegasus Knight or Brigand reinforcements.
    Yeah, sure. I can investigate while keeping an eye out for potential secret shops.

    More reinforcements on Turn 12 enemy phase. I think Shanna's sight should have seen Pegasus Knights if they came towards her. Are these Brigands?

    I'm not that incompetent at guessing these things.
    Shanna's close to leveling up, I think. Sure. While I build support points, I can have her kill Brigands.
    There may be something else I do as well.

    On Turn 13 enemy phase, music that sounded like a cutscene? Which music is that? I guess I can search it up real quick.
    It's "Polar Enemy." This didn't play in the other reinforcement turns. What's up with that?

    Darn it, Shanna. Seven levels of no Strength. What happened to my unpromoted Shanna of godly Strength?

    Let the free bow EXP and EXP fun commence.
    Archer/Sniper x Ballista. I ship this.

    I will not accept this, Igrene.

    By Turn 18, Igrene now has S bows, Shanna has C swords, Lilina got a little bit of staff EXP, and Lance got one axe EXP kill.
    Now Roy seizes the castle.

    More letters!

    We did promise Yoder, after all.

    Good, Roy. You kept Merlinus out because Merlinus is a horrible person.
    A horrible person to me, the tactician, that is.

    Dammit Roy

    Hi Guinivere

    Ulp. Time for the juicy details. Lay it on me, Guinivere.

    This will be news to Roy.
    Can we start when your fox got murdered?


    Here's where things get more sympathetic for Zephiel.

    His dad was a shit man.


    Now look what you did, Merlinus.
    Thanks a lot. Now Roy doesn't know the full story until later. Way to go, old man.


    I could tell you if you would listen to me outside of the battlefield.

    Milady is the perfect ballista Archer killer. Niime is badass.
    No secret shops I could find. Mm...
    This chapter wasn't that bad, but I could see things going downhill real fast in Hard Mode.

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Lord         20.00    34     15      16      16      16       7      10
    Allen      Paladin       6.68    46     20      19      20      11      13       5
    Lance      Paladin       4.56    42     15      15      24      11       9       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight   8.21    39(+7) 15(+2)  21      27      22       8      10
    Rutger     Swordmaster   4.95    43     16      24      23       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop        2.68    32     14      17      19       4       5      18
    Lilina     Sage          8.74    32     26      11      17      13       6      18
    Astore     Thief        16.64    31      8      10      17      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper        9.01    40     18      19      19       9      11      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker     3.16    50     19      17(+4)  14      12      12       2
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  12.64    52     25      23      20       9      16       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Rider 20.00    37     20      16      12       8      13       3

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 4
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen

  15. You missed the shop. The ch 16 one had all promo items and angelic robes.
    Welp. If Zeiss misses promotion this run, it's no big deal. Not like he took anything away from me or my units.
    It can be easily fixed in the alternate run~

    Got Elen S rank in Light once, but had her combat in the arena while doing Chapter 17A which helped that along with her hitting the broken walls in those chapters. Not knowing why Int Sys made this tome anyway when almost, if not no one can use it! It's possible with the Ch14's Guiding Ring that Sophia robbed from him, it would take severe overuse in order for it to happen.
    If not for the sake of being a LP and not breaking the game, I probably would arena-abuse Saul not even for S Light but because the man needs to catch up. While the sparse promotion item issue wasn't as bad as I was thinking, it's still bad enough for me. The slower weapon EXP gain thing doesn't help either.
    Eclipse might have been useful for 10B's wall to the boss or Zeiss' wall--especially Zeiss' wall. Too bad I don't think Raigh comes with a high enough Dark level to use Eclipse.

    Getting S-Rank on your light magic users (or healers in general) is nigh unto impossible sadly. Saul's the best in terms of combat stats, but chances are, unless you're arena abusing or deliberately involving him in an absurd amount of combat, you're simply not going to get to S-Rank fast enough (for reference, one run I promoted Clarine with the C14 Guiding Ring, and got her to level 18 with a decent amount of combat, and she only barely hit B-Anima, and in general my promoted light magic users rarely even reach C-Light)
    Zeiss...might struggle a little with his promotion, unless you find a secret shop...
    Niime is awesome and one of the most useful characters in the game, and you'll be getting her for free at the start of next chapter :)
    Clarine would start at E Anima, right? And C Light users? Sheesh. Well, I guess Intelligent Systems learned how to work the weapon EXP after having weapons levels and class-based weapon ranks.
    An opportunity for Zeiss to promote?! There is a god?!
    I have seen. I have learned. My god, Niime...
    @Genghis Khan: This chapter wasn't too bad, but, I mean, this isn't Hard Mode. Who knows what this is like on Hard Mode.
    *First part ends before Turn 3 player phase
    *My Internet also seems to be having a little issue right now. Hang tight. Part 2 is written up but I need Internet.
    We got through the frost-covered forests of Ilia. If fliers reigned supreme in that chapter, how about this one too?
    [spoiler=Chapter 19-1 - *Snow in our Eyes*]
    If I see this face again, there will be words.
    It's a cold life in Ilia.
    Just like the desert. Which had Fog of War and limited movement--
    Noooooo! You can't say there's going to be these in this map too!
    Doesn't she look delightfully evil? The crooked eyebrow and blue lipstick says it.
    Does this mean a Falcoknight boss?
    More Fog of War.
    It shouldn't be that bad since I got Torch staff uses and a Thief/Torch should I so deploy that person. I may want to deploy a Thief in case of stealables.
    You can see the outline of a village in this screenshot; however, for a foot unit to get to this village...
    You have to go around first. I say nope to that noise. I'm using a flier.
    Here's another village on the way towards the boss.
    There's quite a bit of ballistae on this map which are represented by brown anvil-like structures on the mini-map.
    I'm going to field Astore and Chad on the map to see if there's any nearby enemies.
    Negatory. I guess I can assume there are Archers because of ballistae.
    Picking my units:
    Despite the fact there are ballistae and this shouldn't be a time for a flier to move about, ballistae have a max 15 range. As long as Zeiss stays out of max range, I should be fine.
    Astore's going to have Torch. I'm giving Geese the other Secret Book because terrible accuracy axes. I'm thinking he needs it the most despite Lance and Lilina having worse Skill.
    I still have an Angelic Robe. I would like to give this to Zeiss--but only if I find him an Elysian Whip. I thought someone said that there is a last chance to see Zeiss promoted if I can find a secret shop. Until I'm guaranteed that I can't have Zeiss promoted, it'll remain unused.
    I'm having difficulties on who should have the Dragonshield. Maybe Zeiss? Lance actually has single-digit Defense but he's the speedy Paladin; he's supposed to be a dodgetank. I don't know...
    Of course I have Turn 1 plans involving Astore and Rescue-ferrying. The northwest Paladin is Lance.
    Can I drive through this snowy terrain while blind?
    More like "blinding cold."
    Yep. If the boss turns out to be a Falcoknight, I won't be surprised.
    However, she wouldn't get the castle bonus so I must say: good job thinking of that one, lady!
    She says as I will pelt her with Igrene's arrows and/or Lilina's Aircalibur.
    Oh, that's right. Ilia was invaded by Bern. How could I have forgotten this?
    So... you would still rather be occupied by Bern? Am I understanding this correctly?
    Why fight for Bern then? Expend your energy and life elsewhere like, I don't know, playing some Nine Man's Morris or whatever games Fire Emblem continents have.
    But if we defeated Bern, wouldn't we be better at warfare than Bern?
    Sense this makes not.
    Generics: being the more sensible people than named people.
    Delphi Shield powers: activate!
    I must be very careful of Shanna and Zeiss. I don't think even with Elphin's assistance Shanna can reach the first... Archer or Sniper.
    If the ballistae units are Snipers, I don't think she'll be able to take them down.
    I got Astore with a Torch. I think I'll be okay against nature's wrath.
    Oh right. I did get Niime, didn't I? I didn't check if she was in the roster to deploy.
    Damn, old woman. Rude.
    We've gone through worse things like Fog of War desert or a forest full of forests. I'm sure we can handle just Fog of War.
    We can progress further with collecting the weapons next chapter. We will defeat the demon dragon eventually.
    It's Idunn. Most likely it's Idunn.
    Sophia is a result of this. Fae I guess counts as a dragon living among humans.
    Dammit, Roy! Your monologuing almost revealed Arcardia to the world!
    New theme. It's pretty subtle. I think I could grow to like it.
    Anyways, this is entirely new to me. What is the Ending Winter?
    Do go on.
    If that were true, why would they do that?
    I scarce think these incidents were mere coincidence either.
    Onwards to Bern!
    Turn 1
    I'm going to have Astore use the Torch from Allen's south. I'm pretty sure I can discover the east ballista Archer this way. Let's see...
    There we go!
    And look who we have here from the north.
    FE6 is stepping up its game. FE7 semi-final chapter had Level 15 unpromoted mooks for Eliwood's Hard Mode. We haven't hit the 20s of FE6's chapters and we're getting enemies above FE7's semi-final chapter!
    I do plan on moving Astore but before doing that...
    Milady kills off the ballista Archer with her Steel Sword. She doesn't discover any new enemies; but, by attacking from the north, if there is an Archer nearby who could have boarded that ballista, now I prevented them from doing that.
    I don't know how I missed Niime while moving but yes Niime.
    And wow. WOW. Those stats. And I didn't even need to invest a single thing in her.
    A rank staves and dark magic. She comes with Flux, Eclipse, Heal, and Physic.
    Well screw raising Raigh! When you get this badass old lady right here, why would you want to use Raigh?!
    If I have room for you, you definitely are my dark magic user!
    Igrene's halfway to S bows. I'll have her draw out the Pegasus Knight that has a Javelin. If the north ballista is a 15 range, she should be within that one's range as well.
    Lance visits the northwest house.
    Already taken care of but do go on.
    Ah. So a warning that if I left a foot unit on the Vendor that they would get attacked by the ballista. Thanks for the late hint.
    Shanna and Allen Rescue-Drop Astore so he's two spaces north. Every space counts. Those two extra spaces reveal two Pegasus Knights to the east of the one before. Now how about that!
    Over at the Vendor...
    Did someone say buyable Physics and cheaper Heals?
    I won't buy them right now since Roy didn't come in with the Silver Card but I do plan on buying plenty of Physics and Heals. Maybe... let's see... five Physics and five Heals? Maybe less on the Heals. I'll come back to it.
    Instead, I'll have Roy visit the southeast house.
    I would think she is at the castle, not out in the open.
    Geese rescues Roy from the north.
    Elphin plays Geese.
    Geese moves onto the north peak, equips the Hand Axe for the oncoming Pegasus Knight, and drops Roy.
    Zeiss visits the southwest house.
    Interesting nickname.
    So how come Shanna and--most likely--Tate can't see through this darkness? You're lying to me, woman!
    This is Normal Mode. You know what I say to that?
    Not very likely.
    (Ugh, and I read that "You're already dead" line in Tharja's voice. Ugh. UGH.)
    Niime's move will end Turn 1.
    Hidden Steel Sword Cavalier comes out to play with Milady. He squanders his opportunity to hit and gets killed by Milady's sword strokes.
    Another hidden Steel Sword Cavalier hits this time. Milady still finishes him just as quickly.
    There's hidden Falcoknights as well.
    Hidden Silver Lance Paladin misses Milady. Milady doesn't quite kill him because WTD.
    Javelin Pegasus Knight hits Igrene.
    Take 93 damage and get out of my sight!
    The power of peaks, ladies and gents!
    Geese hits her once before crit-killing her. Should have crit-killed her first but oh well. He at least hit her. Geese levels up.
    Strength. I'll accept this.
    Javelin Cavalier hits Milady for 3 damage.
    There's a Physic Druid in the dark who's there to heal the Paladin. That's okay. He can't heal 42 points of damage.
    And there's apparently a Sleep Druid who has 100 accuracy on Geese. Sure. I got my Restore Saul nearby.
    Turn 2 enemy positions
    We've got some enemies to cover.
    There's actually a good reason why I didn't want Milady to kill the Paladin in the end. It turns out the promoted enemies do have stealables.
    The Falcoknight is carrying an Elixir. The Paladin is carrying a Knight's Crest. And I remember that FE6 doesn't have droppables. If I killed that Paladin, good bye third/fourth Knight's Crest!
    While I don't necessarily need the Knight's Crest, I could use it for selling. I'll still try to get it. But how to avoid the possibility that Milady will kill the Paladin?
    And I swear there was a Druid that put Geese to sleep around this area...
    Nope but there are more Pegasus Knights now in range to attack Astore. Since the staff Druids move last, I could have Saul restore Geese and Geese move to protect Astore. We'll see, though.
    Igrene kills the Falcoknight easily by Iron Bow.
    Saul has Geese wake up.
    Lilina heals Igrene by Tina's staff.
    Stupid inaccurate axes.
    Elphin plays Geese so Geese can put himself on the peak to Astore's east. He equips his Iron Axe for the Steel Lance-only Pegasus Knights.
    Shanna trades the Silver Card to Niime in exchange for Niime's Heal.
    Niime goes to the Vendor. In order: four Heals, five Physics, one Restore. I think I should have enough Door Keys. This brings me down to 14815G.
    Roy trades Niime for the Silver Card.
    Zeiss and Allen Rescue-Drop Roy further north.
    Milady visits the village.
    Free items are free items!
    Milady's Dark affinity. Which part of the prophecy does she count as?
    The wind he talks of is an Aircalibur tome he randomly gives us. The last screenshot is what he says last. I go, "Okay."
    Milady will then move west, out of range of that Paladin.
    Lance is the north Paladin. This ends Turn 2.
    Steel Lance Pegasus Knight manages to land a 13 hit, 9 damage attack on Lance. Lance's Iron Axe says she dies.
    The other Steel Lance Pegasus Knight misses Lance. Lances tells her to die and she does.
    Sleep Druid puts Astore to sleep guaranteed. Hey! I actually need this one!

  16. Not sure what you need specifics on but...

    In the past games, the caps (max stat) anyone could have in any stat was based on class and pretty much solely on class. Yes, there were cases like Paladin (F) and Paladin (M) for genders; those were considered classes. Gender classes for stat differences was removed for Awakening.
    In Awakening, there is still this principle of class caps but now each character has exclusive modifiers to these stats. The class caps for a character are unique to each character.

    Let's go into an example. Chrom/Sully as Paladins.
    Here are the default caps for a Paladin:

    80 HP, 42 Strength, 30 Magic, 40 Skill, 40 Speed, 45 Luck, 42 Defense, 42 Resistance.

    Modifiers are listed on this page. Chrom and Sully's modifiers are:

    Chrom: +1 Strength, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Luck, -1 Defense, -1 Resistance

    Sully: -1 Strength, -1 Magic, +2 Skill, +2 Speed, -1 Defense

    When applying modifiers, these affect the caps. So...

    Chrom (Paladin): 80+0 HP, 42+1 Strength, 30+0 Magic, 40+1 Skill, 40+1 Speed, 45+1 Luck, 42-1 Defense, 42-1 Resistance

    Sully (Paladin): 80+0 HP, 42-1 Strength, 30-1 Magic, 40+2 Skill, 40+2 Speed, 45+0 Luck, 42-1 Defense, 42+0 Resistance

    Their caps as Paladins:

    Chrom (Paladin): 80 HP, 43 Strength, 30 Magic, 41 Skill, 41 Speed, 46 Luck, 41 Defense, 41 Resistance

    Sully (Paladin): 80 HP, 41 Strength, 29 Magic, 42 Skill, 42 Speed, 45 Luck, 41 Defense, 42 Resistance

    So even though these two are Paladins, they are unique.

    Modifiers are also considered for children, hence, when paired correctly, they can end up much more powerful than their parents. A child's modifiers are the sum of their parents' modifiers + 1 to all. Exception is Avatar if s/he marries a child character, where it is just the sum of the modifiers.

    Let's go back to Chrom/Sully and have them be the parents of Lucina (Kjelle will end up the same so no example for her) and then a Male Avatar with +Speed Asset and -Luck Flaw marries Lucina to make Morgan.

    Lucina's modifiers (Sully): 1-1 Strength, 0-1 Magic, 1+2 Skill, 1+2 Speed, -1-1 Defense, 0-1 Resistance, so...

    Lucina's modifiers (Sully): -1 Magic, +3 Skill, +3 Speed, -2 Defense, -1 Resistance, and then add one to all stats except HP

    Lucina's modifiers (Sully): +1 Strength, +4 Skill, +4 Speed, -1 Defense

    While Lucina suffers from -1 Defense, just look at that Speed difference. That means an enemy with 39 Speed will get doubled by Lucina.

    Now Lucina and Avatar marry to get Morgan.

    Avatar's modifiers (+Spd, -Lck): -1 Strength, -1 Magic, +2 Skill, +4 Speed, -1 Luck

    Morgan's modifiers: 1-1 Strength, 0-1 Magic, 4+2 Skill, 4+4 Speed, 0-1 Luck, 0-1 Defense

    Morgan's modifiers: -1 Magic, +6 Skill, +8 Speed, -1 Luck, -1 Defense, and remember that since Avatar married a child character the +1 to all stats doesn't apply.

    Morgan can get powerful very quickly because of Veteran and cap modifiers. +8 Speed as a Paladin means a 43 Speed enemy is getting doubled.

    Hope that explained better about modifiers. I'm not sure what else you want to know but this can be the start.

  17. I laughed. In-trailer context, I don't take it that seriously. Who knows how I'll think when the game comes out. That's for me to find out.

    I don't know. Having played the Persona games (3 and 4, but I have remake 1, remake Innocent Sin, and PSP PSX-version Eternal Punishment), Catherine, and Devil Survivors 1 and 2 as well as owning/playing a few other Atlus titles (Atlus does A LOT of games not just SMT or Persona; they are a developer and publisher), it's either pretty tame for Atlus or not. I categorize them as "they have range."
    From an outsider's perspective, yeah, that does look awful, especially when it's going to be associated with Fire Emblem.

    I just wonder who was doing the art for SMT X FE.

    I assure you that, it's a first in SMT games, even though they love zippers. Probably a first for Atlus games too.

    Still, the mindscrew I had, like, they did weirder than a giant penis-with-ball demon on a golden chariot.

    As far as I played Atlus' actual games, yeah, this is a first.

    You dare bring up that monstrosity...
    See. This is partially why the zipper panties don't surprise me.

  18. BUT DON'T YOU WANT HP??!??!??!?!??!

    There were no Secret Shops in that Chapter.

    See you wouldn't have to worry about Saul promoting so late if you used Sophia

    Niime is cool. I want more badass old women in FE.

    Zeiss doesn't need two +HP levels. He needs all other stats! He's the underdog!

    Oh phew.

    Hey, she died when she WAS on that part of Chapter 14 the first time!

    I'll have to wait till next chapter, haha.

    Wait a sec, shouldn't you have 3 whips? There's one in 8, 10 for saving all of Tate's goons, and one in 12.

    Don't bother with Sauls light rank, he's never reaching s.

    Niime is alright. She comes with Eclipse. You've seen its horrible accuracy. In this game it's used to break walls.

    I didn't keep the missing content run where I showed saving Tate's unit in 10B. So yep, I already used both Elysian Whips I got. I'm praying for another free one or a secret shop I can somehow find that has them.

    I wasn't planning to use Saul for Light rank but, yeah, he's doomed from S Light. Poor Saul.

    Haha, yep. Niime is the ultimate wall-smasher!

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