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Dual Dragons

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Posts posted by Dual Dragons

  1. Are you gonna finish the alt run or complete the game in the main run?

    I've been thinking it over and I decided on this (and finished this): I'm going to rush it but I'd do the alternate run for Normal Ending (I'd break a weapon to do this), then go over to main run to show the True Ending.

    After all that, it's finishing the alternate run's True Ending (though not showing this off) to do final statistical comparisons and considerations for any future playthroughs of the game (or, basically, a Character Evaluation, because I had pretty big teams in both files to play with each character).

    By the way...are you going to do a hard mode run of this? Sorry, just curious.

    It's alright! I'd definitely have to think on it after a break. Hard Mode gives me... "vibes" of being intense. Not to mention the big backlog of games I keep getting because of sales (like Okami HD for $4.99). I'm a sucker for a good sale...

    Ah, sprite recolors. FE4 memories.

    Wait, those Druid bosses only had 12 mag? I coulda sworn to god they had at least 20! What with those staff hit rates and all!

    Pamela has like five unknown half-sisters. (At least it's not Anna levels of not giving a crap)

    Yeah! Remember Igrene and the 16x boss? Having 10 Resistance, standing about 20 squares away, and still being very accurate? I'm honestly not surprised anymore, haha. This Roy had like 3 Resistance and Milady slightly above that so that's to be expected. Post-game commentary would probably include staff hit rate calculation and comparing that to FE7's. Trust me, if this staff hit rate was the same in FE7, I'd be even more mad at Night of Farewells which I actually hate more than Battle Before Dawn, but less than Cog of Destiny HHM

    if you mean the range, staves use the magic of the user as its range, rather than mag divided by 2 like in FE7/8. If you mean the actual accuracy, you're implying these units have resistance.

    The range was actually slightly below. The 12 Magic Druids have 11 range.

    Just be glad that status staves were not in FE1. Hey there, Resistance stat! Everyone (except for like one character) has 0? Here you go: instant 100 accuracy. Because fair! I guess they could base it off of Luck (= Magic Dodge).

    *I've got three posts! This one is Normal Ending, the next one is the main run's True Ending, and the third is the missing content and tinkering with the alternate run's ending.

    Technically, the Normal Ending comes first.

    I'll try to make this quick, I promise!

    [spoiler=Alternate 11 - *In our Haste, I fear We missed Something...*]


    As we enter Chapter 21, this time Yoder comes with the Maltet. While I think the Maltet is worse than the Murgleis in terms of what stat it boosts, there's no way I'd go to Sacae to get Murgleis first.

    I mean, you technically get the both of them at the same time. The only difference is that at Chapter 21's prep screen, you can swith the weapon you got from there rather than having to trade from Yoder.

    Such a benefit!


    I manage to have Saul and Yoder talk to each other. Saul approaches Yoder first.


    I know, right? He hasn't touched any girl's butts! Heck, he has never supported in any of the two playthroughs so far!


    That didn't stop you from hitting on girls earlier.


    But fine. You have done good, Saul. Truly.


    Cool. You still won't get that S Light.

    Neither will Niime get S Dark this playthrough.



    This guy eventually gets 30 Speed. 30 Speed! Then you stack the Murgleis' +5 Speed on top of that. He's still restricted to the one- or two-range weaponry, but you would be damned in saying that he was not his own dodgetank.


    This is him on a forest.

    That sweet, sweet 101 Avoid. It's a thing of beauty!


    Thanks to the reinforcements, Clarine gets quite a bit of levels. She even draws in Gale so Shin can get the kill.

    So long, Camus-archetype Gale. You were a truly wonderful man.

    For this Chapter 21, I focused on Allen and Milady getting their weapon ranks. Allen got S's in all three. I don't smell any bias in this, nope.

    At the same time...


    Now what am I going to do at this shop...?

    I sell off the two Knight's Crests and the Membership Card. This was most likely the last Secret Shop anyways. I mean, look at all the stuff in here!

    With that much money and the selling of the other items, I buy 21 pairs of Boots, 2 Speedwings, and 1 Energy Ring.

    Someone's playing with power!




    Roy gets one Seraph Robe, two Energy Rings, two Dragonshields, and two Speedwings.

    Allen gets the Secret Book.

    Lilina gets one Seraph Robe and two Speedwings. I didn't know who else really wanted more HP.



    Roy lands a crit on Zephiel, making the final boss of Normal Ending A HUGE CHUMP.


    Guinivere has to go bawl about Zephiel. It's okay. She kind of needs it right now.


    Roy wanted to go comfort her. This is one of the few moments I agree with you, Merlinus. You better treasure it.


    It was quite admirable, wasn't it? Roy crit'd Zephiel like a champ.


    Roy thanks Elphin for putting in so much work to this campaign despite his homeland being in turmoil.

    Roy, are you referring to the Western Isles or Elphin's true home?

    If it's the latter, when did you learn that? Previous moments had you not know.


    What did you do, Elphin? The augury and cutscene stuff? If anything, Lalum busted her butt for us!


    I still am not satisfied with how this turned out. We establish that dragons aren't really that bad (see: Fae), so why must it be this way?


    Right! We should go look for her!


    No, guys! I'm sure we can find her if we send out multiple search parties.


    Don't say it like as though it's just a daily occurrence. We need to go find her before she destroys the world.


    Nooooooooo! Why won't you listen to me?!


    Agh. This is what I get for breaking the Durandal.


    Indeed... until you just gave up trying to find the demon dragon.







    "Another story"? Were you alluding to a sequel of this game?

    You can't count a "sequel prequel" as a sequel!

    *I'll go over the credits in the True Ending. For now, I'll acknowledge that there are mini CG's in the credits.*


    Chapter 22's slightly higher turn count had to do with breaking the Durandal. Haaaaaa.


    The playtime is almost half than the main run's!

    That's almost an accomplishment!


    And these are such generic endings. Pretty much all single-line endings.

    But I could have sworn there were extended endings in the game, especially regarding Roy's marriage choice. I'm going to look in the True Ending first before I do anything about these generic ones.

  2. So the same can be said for Fiona, Meg, Leonardo - aren't bad, just rng screwed?

    Soul~ you just said Nolan is the Est of RD: entirely dependent on RNG growths in order to not suck; only that this Est can't even fly.

    Soul said that for Nolan, people bring up RNG-screwed Nolans. Fiona and Meg are undeniably bad just from bases; Leo's got... some use (mainly the Lughnasadh if, you know, he's usable when he gets it).

    Out of the initial DB growth members, Edward and Nolan can handle themselves better from the get-go. Nolan isn't an Est because he starts off the best of the Tier 1 units (except maybe Jill) and has the potential to get better.

    Really, just use Jill and forget Nolan if Nolan is being that much of a bother. Put a Seraph Robe and maybe an Energy Drop and/or Dracoshield on her. Give her a forge to up the accuracy and power boost.

  3. The ら and the る... Even the す has such a sharp curve...

    I've read very little Japanese in real world application, but this is so far the weirdest font I've come across.

    I'm willing to provide names if wanted and perhaps Kanji, provided I can distinguish the tiny stroke differences between very similar Kanji.

  4. As for the data transfers, are the only things that change stats? or does it give anything else?

    - if Ike and Soren have A support in PoR and you transfer, there's an additional Info convo that can be seen if they ALSO have an A support in RD, it's the second playthrough+, and other conditions are fulfilled

    - an A support between characters in PoR becomes an additional Bond support in RD (gives +10 Crit and Crit Dodge bonus)

    - an A support between Jill and Mist in PoR transferred enables Mist to recruit Jill; a similar case is between if Ilyana or Brom have A support with Zihark in PoR

    - supports in PoR are the only ones that are stored in RD's support library

  5. This was the most frustating chapter besides chapter 7 for me, when I played the Sacae Route blindly on hard mode.

    FoW and lots of nasty enemies. The bolting sages could oneshot Chad and the ballista could oneshot Niime.

    I let even Niime die. Only felt sry for the physic stave.

    I could only imagine...

    Were you going for ranking? Like in my part, I just like to camp out until they're done Bolting/shooting their ballista shots. I would probably do something else for ranking.

    No! Not Badass Old Lady!

    ...And she is getting screwed in Mag by 4.25 points upon average.

    Yep. Screwed by 2.8 in Str upon average.


    Ch 20A had one.

    2.2 above her average.

    You may get the best Clarine that I've ever seen. :D


    That must explain why that this happens. lol

    (It does make Sacae alot easier)

    Biggest pain of all that you cannot kill them without Long Ranged magic/Warp Staffing a unit.

    I figured something was up with Lilina--but eh. She still has higher Magic than Saul and Niime. I would just be worried about her non-maxed staff accuracy/range and Speed right now.

    Lance pls

    Ah, okay!

    Interesting. I guess she's just supposed to be a dodgetank healer than a fighter. Despite that, she did pretty well against Kel!

    That's until you do things like I do to try to spread the EXP evenly...

    Not to mention the area you're "supposed" to warp to with a Thief to get the Elysian Whip and Red Gem. No thanks. I'd rather just camp, haha.

    Murgleis will be mine! Shin will get over 30 Speed!

    [spoiler=Alternate 10 - *Inside Base #______ is...*]


    We will, Roy. I kind of don't have a choice.


    Intelligent Systems couldn't make another Djute sprite.

    This wouldn't be so bad if they didn't use this guy three chapters ago.


    We've got split forces again.



    ... oh.

    No. You can't...


    You can't!



    Okay. So, my guesses on this: either I have to find the right base to seize or I have to seize ALL of them.

    My first guess is because they are all using the same sprite (same recolor) but named differently. A few games use a "you got to find the right one!" gimmick and have the "right one" be mixed in illusions that look alike.

    The second guess is, well, because the game hates me.

    Given that each of the gaiden maps have a "gimmick" of some type, I'm leaning towards the previous than the latter.

    Now if the first guess is true, what kind of punishment will I get for getting the "wrong" base?

    Commenting on the overall map before we get to the enemy composition:

    It has rivers to block off units that can't cross them. Those that can't have to take the long way over bridges.

    Roy, who can cross rivers, has to take his whole movement; however, it's pretty easy to manipulate this by a rescue-drop if you can't bring him on land yet.

    I'm not that knowledgeable on river terrain. I know Lord and Nomad Trooper can, and I think Swordmaster could. I don't think Sage and Bishop can. Paladin I'm unsure of.

    I'll need to know this in order to keep my sanity in check. All these bases to seize...

    So now the enemy make-up:



    There's only one Shaman and he's to the north. It's the standard fare of the previous maps. I just got to be extra cautious with my fliers.

    And where are the Druids?




    Mixed in with the bosses. Great! They even got status staves!

    Intelligent Systems knows how I love Druids. FE7 Luna ones and now FE6 status staff ones!

    Not to mention their "different" descriptions, am I right?

    I took these in a clockwise manner, starting with the northeast section.


    Chapter 21 has that nice Secret Shop that I want to exploit. I'll be selling stuff when I enter that chapter.

    I've restocked everyone.


    My first goal should be defending against the status staves. If I can move while defending, that would be good. Once those wear out, I can plow on through.

    I might need to be defensive on the first few turns anyways because of the huge horde of Nomads and Nomad Troopers.


    The heart wants to beat faster with this bow.


    I really just want to bow. If you would be so kind to--




    Your loss.


    But you chose to oppose us and a good lot of the other clans!


    I believe so, Roy my boy.


    Hey! Shin in a cutscene!


    Yeah, and Hanon seemed to like to change her gender on the whim, according to FE7?

    I know Hanon is a woman but localized FE7 flubbed that up. Oops!


    Thanks, bro


    I have six sources of where to smell this lust for vengeance. Now I just need to pick which is the right one...

    Turn 1


    I've got some turtling to do this few turns.

    The status staff Druids have 11 staff range. I can send a target just within range and see where we can go from there.


    I can't get to the northwest Druid yet if those Nomads move.

    Zeiss will draw in the Javelin Wyvern Rider and I'll decide if Roy or Zeiss gets that kill.

    Hopefully Geese will kill the other Javelin Wyvern Rider and draw in the Wyvern Lord.

    Niime should be in range of the Berserk Druid and should only get hit once by a Nomad or Nomad Trooper.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord misses Geese. Geese crits but can't double or kill.

    Allen throws his Hand Axe at the Shaman for a kill.

    Short Bow Nomad TWANGS off of Allen. Allen misses once. That's A axes!

    Short Bow Nomad hits Niime. Niime hits once.

    Geese crit-kills the Javelin Wyvern Rider. Hand Axe breaks.


    That is a bit of Skill you got going there, Geese.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Zeiss. Zeiss hits.

    Turn 2


    Mm. Status staff Druids didn't budge an inch. When do they start using them?

    I don't want to get closer just yet. I'll wait for the enemy density to lessen.

    Clarine gets herself into a forest and ends a Nomad's life.

    Tate throws a Javelin at the weakened Nomad for a kill.

    Roy softens up the Wyvern Rider more.

    Zeiss's thrown Javelin downs the Wyvern Rider.

    Niime kills the Nomad.

    Lilina heals Niime.

    Milady starts throwing her Javelin. She fails to kill one Nomad Trooper and she gets hit.

    Lalum dances Lilina.

    Lilina gets up close to the Nomad and hits him with Fire.

    Geese fells the Wyvern Lord with his Iron Axe.


    Niime might die after Saul moves.

    Short Bow Nomad hits Lalum.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord deals massive damage to Rutger. Rutger crits once and then hits.

    Clarine's time to shine. She dodges a Short Bow Nomad and kills him.

    There goes another one.



    Shin dodges a Short Bow Nomad Trooper and softens him up.

    Steel Sword Nomad Trooper misses Clarine. Clarine weakens him in two Thunder strikes.

    Short Bow Nomad Trooper lodges a bolt into Rutger.

    Short Bow Nomad Trooper can't get Clarine. Clarine does a double dose of Thunder onto him.

    Two Nomad Troopers gang up on Niime and...



    I'm thinking maybe the staff accuracy of the Druids was 0 with Saul and Niime having high Resistance and being too far away. I'll adjust the strategy accordingly...


    A better level up for Geese.


    There wasn't a boss quote!

    I wonder if that means anything.

    He berserks Roy, by the way.


    And yep. Saul was too far away last time.


    Geese goes for that overkill this time.


    Back here on Turn 2. Let's see how this goes now...

    With Milady, I am making sure that Lilina can get to her with a Restore.

    Short Bow Nomad still gets Lalum.

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord misses Saul. Saul hits him twice for a near-death.

    Short Bow Nomad misses Clarine. Clarine kills him.

    That's another for Clarine and a level.


    Not as good as last time but it's still Magic.

    She downs another Nomad.

    Short Bow Nomad misses Milady. Milady misses killing him.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Geese.

    Short Bow Nomad Trooper hits Shin. Shin weakens him up for Tate.

    Steel Sword Nomad Trooper gets hit twice by Clarine without being able to damage him.

    Same goes for the Short Bow Nomad Trooper.

    Short Bow Nomad Trooper hits Roy.

    Berserk Druid gets Milady. Ha! But I have Restore, fool!

    Silence Druid doesn't bank on that 5 hit chance on Saul.

    Turn 3


    Last enemy phase for the Berserk and Silence Druids.

    Lilina restores Milady.

    Zeiss kills the Nomad and levels up.


    Zeiss no

    Niime hits the Short Bow Nomad Trooper up close for Dark experience.

    Milady kills the Nomad Trooper with her Iron Sword.

    Lalum dances Lilina.

    Lilina heals Lalum.

    Geese hit the Wyvern Rider with his Steel Axe. Wyvern Rider misses as well.

    Lance kills the Wyvern Lord with the Iron Axe and levels up.


    stahp it

    Tate digs her Iron Sword into the weakened Nomad Trooper for a death.

    Allen tries to kill the Nomad Trooper but fails.

    Shin takes Clarine's place to kill the Nomad Trooper. Can't have Clarine getting combat experience now.


    Roy's group may be able to start moving after this turn.


    I thought I calculated your river movement correctly! Argh!

    Tate thankfully dodges.

    Shin, stuck on an Iron Sword, dodges a Short Bow Nomad.

    He dodges another one...

    ...which leaves Allen to take on Nomads for his Hand Axe. Allen dodges a bolt but fails to kill the Nomad.

    Short Bow Nomad misses Milady.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Geese.

    Short Bow Nomad Trooper hits Lance.

    Berserk Druid goes for... Lance. Huh. He misses a 69 hit chance.

    Turn 4


    Let's get going.

    Zeiss kills the weakened Nomad. I'm free!

    Geese unnecessarily crit-kills the Wyvern Rider.

    Rutger misses one of his 91 hit chance with a Steel Sword against the Nomad Trooper. You are sucking right now, Rutger...

    Since I have to waste the Silence Druid's stafff anyways, Saul goes for the kill.

    Lilina heals Roy.

    Milady rescues Roy. Lalum dances her so Milady can move next to her brother and drop Roy off.

    Tate finishes the Nomad Trooper that tried to threaten her life. She levels up.


    Not bad, not bad.

    Allen switches to the Iron Axe and misses a Nomad once. Dang...

    Shin switches Allen to the Hand Axe and kills a Nomad in front of him--well, I was until I accidentally pressed B too many times. Great job, me!


    Ending Turn 4 with these positions.

    All these misses! Short Bow Nomad misses Allen. Allen also misses one of his attacks.

    Shin dodges two Short Bow Nomads in a row.

    Allen dodges a bolt and gets a Short Bow Nomad.

    Short Bow Nomad misses Allen. Another miss for Allen as well.

    Silence Druid misses Saul. No more Silence for you!

    Turn 5


    Taking the time to move people across the water.

    Milady rescues Niime.

    Lilina heals Milady.

    Lalum dances Milady.

    Milady drops Niime.

    Zeiss and Roy rescue-drop Lilina.

    Rutger rescues Saul.

    Allen lays smack on a Nomad with his Iron Axe.

    Shin switches Allen to the Hand Axe and kills a Nomad himself.

    I change my mind. Tate takes out a Nomad.


    Clarine will kill the other Nomad to end this turn.

    Turn 6

    Nobody but Clarine moved.

    Geese rescues Lance.

    Rutger drops Saul.

    Here's a weird rescue-drop. Zeiss and Lilina rescue-drop Niime in range of the Wyvern Rider.

    Lalum dances Milady.

    Milady and Roy rescue-drop Lalum.


    Allen is in range of the Nomad group so I think he'll draw their attention away from Roy's.

    Clarine will move to end the turn.

    Allen manages to kill the Short Bow Nomad without taking damage.

    Another one for Allen.

    A third for him. If he hits the Nomad Trooper, that Hand Axe is gone.

    Rutger draws in the Nomad and dodges the Short Bow bolt.

    Niime can double the Wyvern Rider. His Javelin misses and she kills him.

    Nomad Trooper goes for the Steel Sword and cuts into Allen. Allen does get that one hit in and the Hand Axe breaks.

    Turn 7


    What lies in store for me as the numbers have dwindled?

    Lilina hits Thoril (Nomad Trooper) and he hits Lilina once.

    Niime heals Lilina.

    Tate takes the Nomad Trooper kill while sustaining damage herself.

    Rutger kills the Nomad.


    I'll wait out a turn for Thoril. Saul is in front of Chan (Druid). I also have B Milady/Zeiss now.

    Chan also has no boss quote... I really don't like how this is going. Chan hits and heals himself for nothing (having Nosferatu), while Saul doesn't hit at all.

    Thoril hits Lilina once. Lilina misses.

    Marral (Sleep Druid) doesn't get Tate.

    Turn 8


    I think it's fair to start skipping until someone goes down and Roy claims a base.


    No death quote!







    OH NO






    Lalum dances Milady.

    Niime equips the Nosferatu and heals Lilina.

    Milady kills the Nomad with the highest Attack.


    End of Turn 8... PLEASE LALUM DON'T DIE







    Lalum dodges the Short Bow Nomad.

    Chan and Saul dodge each other.

    Tate avoids getting put to sleep.

    Turn 9


    So this is the dirty gimmick map! Okay! Sure!

    More skipping. I apparently got to find the real base and, if I guess wrong, kill reinforcements.


    Stupid reinforcements can die to a crit!


    Need these stats.


    Don't know what turn this is but map's over. Second closest base to Roy's group does it.


    I don't want to see Sacae ever again.


    It's much better than Maltet, believe you me.


    Same as before when Merlinus wants us to chase them down.

    Roy has Merlinus send off a letter to Yoder about Niime and the dragons and yada, yada, the scene where Merlinus DESTROYS THE BACKSTORY YET AGAIN when Guinivere talks to Roy about her bastard of a father and Zephiel.

    Oh wait... Merlinus doesn't destroy the backstory in this one? It goes straight to Roy having to save the land from Zephiel with the Fire Emblem in hand.

    Ahhhhh, so that's the change. Okay. Well, Sacae's done!

    I honestly like Ilia over Sacae. One less FoW map and not as... annoying?... of a gaiden. Because of how my team is (three fliers), Sacae is harder to train them, whereas Ilia wasn't as biased against a class.

    That would be my fault as well, seeing that I guess the developers had something in mind for Sacae: if you ended up in Sacae, you were likely raising the Nomads and land units more than the flying units. You get Shanna before Sue, and you get Shin before Tate; but, Shin wouldn't be as valuable of investment since he's essentially a bow-locked Cavalier (that is without considering his stats and growths). And you get like six Cavaliers/Paladins before him. My playstyle would probably land me in Ilia more (though I still like Shin and will use him in future runs). I intentially had to ditch Shanna and raise Sue a little, and I was being pretty biased with Shin over Tate.

    Is Sacae 20x's base random much like the chests' contents in 21x are? I have a feeling it is.

  6. Dat's cute.

    Reminds me of when a dog followed my bro and me down to the store (a 30-minute walk from our house to the store, and we were halfway there). We didn't know if he belonged to anyone because he had no collar or even a makeshift leash on him. The store was quite a bit a ways from where his owner was; and, it wasn't a while when we returned to the spot that he went over to his owner.

    Though, instead of making us feel like protectors, I felt more like I was being a kidnapper, haha.

  7. Gel is SCARYSCARY (possibly the most dangerous boss in the game, on par with Henning from Ch.8x). Luckily the Light Brand is poor at 2-range so you can beat him down safely (after he dodges your first 40 or so arrows and spells), but he's an absolute terror to fight at 1-range. In HM, he has better stats than your Rutger...


    As for all the Nomads targeting Miledy, as far as I know, the AI in this game can't detect the Delphi Shield, and therefore does some pretty questionable targeting.

    Ch.20S is a huge pain to play, so best of luck!

    Huuuurgh those stats. Glad he's got a Light Brand to cancel his crits...

    Huh. She did get damaged to about half HP, but I wouldn't think they would still target her if they couldn't damage her. If that's the case, though, that would make sense.

    I felt the pain pretty early.

    Yeah, during my playthrough I got more twangs than a country song.

    All the TWANGS!. It has got to be my favorite No Damage! sound ever. Even more than FE1 No Damage! sound: PI-ING!.

    I REMEMBER THAT BITCH GEL. Fuck him. HM Sacae sucks it's like chapter 21 stretched out through 4 chapters.

    So yeah, that's Bulgar. You wonder wtf these cities were in the prequel only to visit them here. Nicely done.

    Ilia 4 lyfe

    Pretty much! I always wondered what was up with Scouring too when it had pretty little relevance in FE7.

    Since we saw Niime last chapter, there is a high chance I will see Dayan in this one.

    [spoiler=Alternate 9 - *The Initial Siege*]


    This should be the end of the Sacae/Ilia split (or after 20x).

    Now with all the gaidens, there was someone or a few someones I needed to keep alive.

    If I have this right, this one should be Sue, Shin, and Dayan, and I still probably have to make it under a turn limit.


    All the while we get to pummel this guy's face in again...



    So this is my reward for raising Shin and Sue? Two maps of Fog of War and sneaky reinforcement maps? Dual is not pleased with this arrangement.

    Anyways, there's chests in the top-right area but supposedly nothing in the top-left. Getting to the chests requires three keys and the top-left is one.

    My guess is Dayan would be top-left and loot is top-right. I should be splitting.

    There are two ballistae on the map, similar to Ilia Chapter 20. I think they're Long Ballistae since they are lighter colored than the ones I saw at Chapter 17. Maybe they're Killers.

    Deploying thieves to spot any other enemy units.



    I love this map already. One of the Sages has a Berserk. If you don't deploy a Thief in sight of that guy, he would berserk one of your units already without you being able to see him. Wonderful!

    The other enemies, I'm not too worried. I just want to get rid of that Sage as soon as I can.


    Maybe I do need Sue, maybe I don't. What I can do with her is have her act as a convoy and recruit Dayan without having to sacrifice Shin's action.


    Here are the positions. Allen is west Paladin.

    And let's take a crack at Chapter 20!


    He's gotta be around here somewhere...


    Can you be any more pleasant?


    I see Roartz channels the Star Fox in him.


    Did someone say Shin should have five more Speed atop his already fast Speed stat?





    Now that I think about it, we get Niime later than in the Ilia route and possibly Dayan the same time as Yuno.

    So... why would Sacae be better than Ilia?


    Yeah, I can see that. Say hi to the Berserk Sage.

    That's all the new information she imparts. The rest is back to the demon dragon.

    Turn 1


    Dayan has to be somewhere in this darkness. Just where could he be?

    Lance kills the closest Fighter with a couple cuts from the Steel Sword.

    With that support bonus, Allen and his Iron Axe can kill the Warrior with the Swordreaver.

    Astore lights up a torch.


    Here's a new enemy type. I've also discovered Sages with just Bolting. That's cool, I guess.


    Tate pls



    Why you only hit once, Tate? She has S lances now, at least...

    Milady kills off a Swordreaver Fighter with an Iron Sword. She doesn't take damage.

    Rutger with a Steel Blade crit-kills a Warrior.

    Lalum plays Tate.

    Lilina heals Tate.

    Zeiss kills the weakend Fighter and gets C lances.


    Shin moves north, ending the first turn. Do those Bolting Sages move...?

    Halberd Fighter misses his attack and dies to Lilina's pelting of Fires.

    Bolting Sages move! One hits Astore.


    lol k



    So here we have me going to draw the Sages in towards units that should be able to dodge their attacks and/or tank them.

    Surprisingly, Lilina was able to take Lalum. I dropped Lalum off in a chain on a space that should be safe from Boltings--at least one of them.

    I'll be moving everyone else into positions.

    Swordreaver Fighter dies to Allen.

    Halberd Fighter misses Allena and dies promptly.

    Steel Axe Fighter dies to Milady.

    Steel Axe Warrior dies to Milady.

    Bolting Sage goes for... Saul. Huh. For more accuracy, I guess? Saul gets hit.

    Bolting Sage goes for... Lilina. That's odd. There's was perfectly good people like Allen to go after. He hits her.

    Berserk Sage gets Zeiss.

    Turn 2


    Looks like I'll be stuck here for a couple turns. I'll skip ahead...

    At the end of Turn 2...







    You were near me and---

    NO DON'T

    On Turn 3...


    Welp. I didn't need Sue.


    Nuh uh, Dayan. I crafted this heart to its perfection. I ain't handing it over so easily.


    Thank you, Shin.


    Dayan get!


    I'm not sure how I feel about Dayan. He's pretty balanced (by "balanced" I mean "all stats are half of their caps") but they're kind of low for his level. His Strength is especially taking a hit.

    What seems to be the best is his defensive stats--well, in comparison to Shin's. Shin has 12 Defense and 7 Resistance. I can't say if Shin got screwed in those stats--I expect Nomads to do poorly in them--but Dayan is ahead of him regardless.

    Probably won't be using him but I guess he's better than Juno.


    So much ow, tanking two Boltings like that.

    But after this, it's one more enemy phase of them and then we can press on.

    Turn 6


    There's still the Killer Ballistae out there but now we can start moving!

    Astore lights the way.


    This Sage here has a Red Gem. As far as I'm seeing it, I can't get it without using Warp, and I'd rather not use it just for a Red Gem.


    We can also see new enemies and our boss.


    I can steal that Red Gem from him. I don't think much else has changed about Roartz.

    Lance trades one of his Steel Swords for Astore's Door Key.

    Allen trades Lance his Iron Lance for the Door Key and opens the door.


    My current plan: a "power" team will be going west while the others go east.

    With Shin's Longbow, I can take out the Killer Ballista on the east side. That means Roy and weaker units can head towards the throne much quicker than I would going west.

    While I could carry Roy west, I'm not familiar with the enemies over there and Astore has to go east for chest-looting.

    Tate moves to end Turn 6.

    Steel Sword Myrmidon dies to Allen's Iron Sword.


    Allen no!

    Milady crit-kills the Steel Sword Myrmidon after he misses.

    In a laughworthy moment, Steel Sword Swordmaster misses Allen. Allen crit-kills him with a 6 crit chance.

    Killer Axe Warrior hits Milady. Milady hits twice.

    Physic Sage heals Warrior.

    Turn 7


    Milady will play tank against the Killer Ballista, but I first need to rid myself of the Mage and Warrior.

    First, Dayan attacks the Warrior with Short Bow in hand. He crits once and then hits normally. This is actually more or less what I wanted.

    Tate kills the Warrior.

    I forget how much Might the Killer Ballista has. Just to be safe, I have Saul accompany the "power" team and physic Milady.


    Not too shabby.

    Milady doesn't give the Mage a bat of the eye. Now that's B swords! I could have Durandal!Milady soon enough!

    Astore trades another Door Key over to Allen.

    Allen opens the next door.

    Lilina heals Allen's new HP.

    Shin softens up the Warrior with his Longbow.

    Lalum dances Roy.


    Rutger will head west with the "power" group.

    Lancereaver Myrmidon hits Tate. Tate cuts him down.


    Don't follow after Allen.

    Steel Sword Myrmidon dies easily to Allen.


    Son of a...

    If that Attack was one point higher, she would have been dead. She misses once and then hits.

    I'll kill you! I will kill you!

    Thanks to Shin's effort, Allen doesn't need to switch to a Steel Sword to kill the Silver Axe Warrior.

    Killer Ballista Sniper has 11 Attack, 41 hit, and 7 crit chance on Milady. Okay. Even if she does get crit'd, she will survive. She dodges this one.

    Killer Ballista Sniper has 10 damage, no crit chance, and 20 hit chance on Allen. This is with a Lance support bonus. Allen dodges.

    Turn 8


    So if Milady has a 7 crit chance with 9 Luck, I think Shin with 16 Luck should nullify the Killer Ballista Sniper's crit altogether. Perfect.

    Saul hits the Swordmaster for some chip.

    Tate misses the Swordmaster with her thrown Javelin. I just wanted to see if she would get the kill EXP. This raises her lance rank to S, funnily enough.

    I guess I'll give that kill to Milady to keep building the sword EXP.

    Astore takes the Silence staff off Lance's hand in exchange for a Door Key.


    Sue moves to end Turn 8.

    Killer Ballista Sniper misses Milady.

    Killer Ballista Sniper misses Roy.

    Turn 9

    No new enemy positions. There is something new to show.


    This Sniper does have an Orion's Bolt, similar to... THAT incident in Ilia route. So I guess Intelligent Systems was expecting me to warp Astore over there to get extra stuff.

    Honestly wouldn't consider it for now. I could sell the Orion's Bolt and Red Gem but then I risk him dying. I could think of a way to get the Sniper without putting Astore at risk but not the Sage. I'm turning down those items.

    Saul heals Tate just in case.

    Shin is one point shy of killing the Sniper in two rounds. Still, Shin hits twice with the trusty Longbow.


    I may be able to get Zeiss a Myrmidon kill.

    I think there was a Sniper reinforcement that came into view from Milady's north.

    Killer Ballista Sniper misses Roy.

    Killer Ballista Sniper hits Milady. She can still tank a crit if she needs to.

    Turn 10


    The new Sniper has a Longbow. The good news is that it's pretty much locked up there, rendering him unable to hit people that aren't hugging the walls.

    Shin misses the Killer Ballista Sniper once before giving the killing shot.

    Lance unlocks the door.


    I'm going to leave the west side as they are until the Killer Ballista is out of bolts.

    Killing Edge Myrmidon and Roy trade blows.

    Killer Ballista Sniper misses Milady. It's now on its last bolt.

    Turn 11


    Let's see about that Zeiss kill.

    Shin rescues Roy.

    Zeiss kills the Myrmidon. That's C lances again.

    Lance and Allen rescue-drop Roy.

    Lilina heals Roy.

    Lalum plays Astore.



    What kind of reinforcements would there be?

    Wo Dao Swordmaster misses Allen. The power of Lance and Roy supports! Allen hits once and then crit-kills. Aw yeah! His Iron Sword breaks.

    Last Killer Ballista Sniper bolt hits Milady. No crit!

    Turn 12


    Time to start moving.


    Lalum dances Astore.


    Can sell this off.

    Sue and Zeiss rescue-drop Lalum.


    Lilina will moves towards the next room and ends the turn.


    Oh? Thief reinforcement to steal my loot? Not on my watch!

    Allen hits both times at the Javelin Knight. Knight doesn't die. This is okay because I want to feed this kill to someone else.

    Steel Bow Sniper takes the Milady bait. He misses.

    Turn 13


    I don't know where the Thief is going. I guess because Allen blocked the other door?

    Saul kills the Sniper without any injuries.

    Zeiss kills the Knight through the door.

    Lalum dances Allen.

    Allen and Lance resuce-drop Zeiss and Lance moves away just in case the Thief changes his mind on which door to open.



    Will be slaughtering a Sage and a Sniper.

    Aircalibur Sage misses Allen. Allen kills him off.

    Shin and the Sniper have a Longbow fight. Shin doesn't kill the Sniper but he still levels up.


    Defense, huh?

    Turn 14


    Barging into the throne room.

    Shin kills the Sniper.

    Lalum trades Allen the Door Key.

    Allen opens the door.

    Tate kills the Thief with her Iron Sword--but not before getting herself a TWANG!.

    Milady switches Tate to the Javelin.



    Almost to the end.

    Axereaver Knight hits Allen. Allen misses one of his attacks. I was planning to give this kill to Roy anyways.

    Tate dodges a Javelin and hits the Knight twice.

    Elfire Sage misses Allen. Allen leaves the Sage sprawled on the floor after two Hand Axe throws.

    Turn 15


    About time to kill Roartz and claim the throne.


    Lalum takes a couple items off of Astore and dances him.

    Roy pierces the Knight's armor with his Rapier. That's a level for Roy.


    This Roy has gotten more Defense unpromoted than the main one did. It's official.

    Lilina heals Roy.

    Zeiss and the Javelin Knight trade blows until the Knight dies.


    Pretty much all I want for now is Speed, so good job.

    Lance and Allen rescue-drop Lilina in range of Roartz.


    Let's see...


    All was lost with Kel.

    Roartz and Lilina miss. Oh boy.

    Turn 16

    Time to be skipping until Roartz goes down.



    The important stats!




    Cool! More Defense!


    Surprisingly hasn't capped Magic yet and is hitting the teens of levels.


    More staff range, Saul!


    Oh god, Shin. That Speed is immense.


    I got quite a bit of space in this post, so why not. I was doing healing for Lilina and hunted that one Sniper for Shin.

    On claiming the throne...


    But Roy, did we get 20x?




    And there we have it!

    We don't quite head for Bern yet...

  8. Senri Kita's artwork is my favorite of the FE games so a lot of the character designs I find to be appealing and/or acceptable.

    My particular favorites:

    - Jill: nice armor design and I dig the high ponytail as a flier

    - Soren: dark and stands out from the initial Greil Mercenaries in how subdued his colors were; it fits his character and history in hindsight

    - Mist: despite that she promotes into Valkyrie, her Cleric outfit is different from the usual white robe attire of her class

    - (RD) Geoffrey: I do like Geoffrey the man himself in PoR but that green armor with his hair... I'm glad he switched it out

    - Elincia: she got even prettier in RD but either one works for me

    Otherwise, there's not many I dislike. I guess I just like Senri Kita's artstyle overall.

  9. Time we liberated Bern-occupied Bulgar. Do we save Dayan as well?

    [spoiler=Alternate 8 - *Open the Door!*]
    This city has a mixture of different cultures? I would have thought that the Sacaean nomads were exclusive, but huh. That's interesting.
    Roartz is supposed to be here. Cowards will get put to the sword.
    Roy enters Bulgar for its liberation and learning more about the situation.

    I kind of regret going into Sacae with how the composition of my team is.
    There's some breakable walls on the sides of the camp but there's also a door in the middle.
    Entering the enemy base requires a Door Key or Unlock, I think. It could be like Chapter 22 again and that I need to find switches or something.
    And of course, a lot of mounted bow-users.

    The small red-roofed houses are villages.
    There's one Armory and one Vendor on different sides of the map.
    Since there is a such a high density of houses here, can I assume that they are acting as forts? If they are, I guess Tate and Zeiss should stay put and fight outside the enemy camp.
    I also don't like how the river extends far north out of the boundaries of the map. It makes me think there could be Wyvern reinforcements that will be coming from that area.

    The enemy composition of this map:



    A lot of enemy classes. The only one missing their promoted counterpart are the Archers.
    The Sages have status staves (Silence and Sleep). I'll get rid of them somehow.

    As for the boss--

    Wow that sprite
    He's looking a little worse for wear.
    Kel is a Swordmaster on a gate. I hate this already. 77 Avoid.
    He's got the crappy Light Brand but 77 AVOID?! Really?! And that's 23 pure Speed! Not even Rutger or Shin (who have the highest Speed at 25) are going to double that!
    If I want to get this map done in a reasonable manner, I'm going to have to try for some crits and accuracy-raising supports because JEEZ.

    Merlinus is missing from the screenshot.
    I think I'll bring Sue if I see Dayan.

    Lilina can actually wield the Unlock staff at D rank so I have her and Lalum holding a Door Key depending on who can get to the door first. With Lalum, that might be trading the key off to someone and dancing them. I'll try for Lilina to get more EXP and staff EXP.
    There are four Nomads in the area I start from so they will need to go first.
    West Paladin is Lance.

    Let's get to liberating Bulgar from Bern's cluthes!


    Roartz: "Shouldn't it have taken Dual 20+ turns to complete Chapter 18?! AGHHHHHH!!!! This can't beeeee!"

    Your face looks so sunken in, I thought you a skeleton that could crumple to the floor any minute.
    Kel will take the offense outside. We don't get to fight Roartz right away.

    If he did, I game over and have to restart the mission until I do win so... no. You will not succeed even when you do. Ha ha ha!
    Kel's unsure but says he'll try.

    Oh man. Kel knows what's up with Roartz. Roartz doesn't even have words to retort.

    I don't even know why she would waste that effort. Kel is a good throne/castle boss--but he shouldn't be doing that just to protect this coward.
    Kel warns Roartz that he may need to take up arms eventually and Roartz goes to fortify the inside.

    Tell me about it.

    I hate obligations like this.

    Are you serious right now?
    If I do have to bring Sue for Dayan, then I am allowed to reset. CURSE YOU, FE6.

    Roy and Guinivere continue their talk about Zephiel's heritage before battle has to start. They will continue their conversation later.

    Turn 1

    I've got some Nomads to take out.

    Lance weakens the northwest Nomad with his Iron Sword cuts.
    Milady tosses one of her Javelins at the other Nomad, killing him in one blow.
    This is so Zeiss and Milady end up adjacent to each other. Zeiss kills the first Nomad.
    Tate and her Iron Lance kill off the southeast Nomad.
    Allen digs his Iron Axe into the other Nomad two times, felling the foe. This also nets him B axes.
    Shin takes up his Iron Bow and starts crossing the river.
    Lalum dances Shin.
    Astore and Roy rescue-drop Lalum out of enemy range and closer towards the bridge.

    Clarine and Rutger will move closer to the bridge, ending Turn 1.

    Wyverns are on the move!
    Short Bow Nomad sticks a bolt into Geese. Geese twirls his Hand Axe into a crit-kill.
    The other Nomads pick up Shin's scent and go for him. The first one misses him. Shin shows who's the superior Nomad (Trooper) as the Nomad and his horse disappear into the ether.
    The second actually manages to hit Shin with a 39 hit chance. Shin still makes short work of him.

    Niime and Dayan watch the battle from a house.

    We're here to liberate, not to invade!

    Niime, all I want is your cooperation! You're Badass Old Woman!

    And she leaves. Where's she going?

    Don't look at Roy. He's kind of bad in his stats right now.
    Go look at Shin and Milady all you want, though. Even Allen.
    Niime and Dayan leave. The man left behind is so lonely.

    Turn 2

    Oh boy.
    In each of the Wyvern groups, there's a Wyvern Rider with a Killer Lance, one with an Axereaver, and the Wyvern Lord with the Silver Lance. There's two additional Wyvern Riders but they're not as worrisome.

    Shin builds up his sword EXP and gains chip EXP cutting twice into the Nomad Trooper.
    Lilina heals Shin and levels up.

    D-Defense?! HP and Defense?!

    Rutger takes the Nomad Trooper kill for a level.

    If he could accrue one more Speed point before the boss, he could double with the Killing Edge.

    Lalum dances Lilina.
    Lilina heals Rutger's new HP.

    Geese and Saul are hiding under the mini-map. Merlinus moves to end this turn.

    Axereaver Wyvern Rider misses Allen. Allen flips the bird to WTD and slaughters the Wyvern Rider.
    Killer Lance Wyvern Rider misses. Allen laughs as his axe is soaked with more Wyvern blood.
    A similar fate happens to the Steel Lance Wyvern Rider. Allen's just on a roll.
    Axereaver Wyvern Rider takes a lesson from flipping the bird at WTD and hits Milady(!). Milady ends him soon with her Iron Sword. Her sword rank increases to C.
    Killer Lance Wyvern Rider misses Milady at 56 hit chance. She has 100 hit chance and kills him.

    I originally wrote the text saying she wouldn't be able to finish this guy.
    Hot damn, woman!

    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord can't quite hit Allen. Allen hits once and....


    Milady dodges a 52 hit chance with the Silver Lance Wyvern Lord. She cuts into him twice.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider tries to hit Allen. Poor sap.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider hits Milady. So I dodge all the 50's but not the 30's? What a strange world this is.

    Turn 3

    I love raising weapon EXP despite WTD.
    The Wyvern Lord is the biggest threat and I should determine my strategy around if he dies or not.

    Lance goes at the Wyvern Lord a-twirling Gant's Lance. Lance tanks a hit and kills on retalation. Good so far...

    Get some more muscle, would you?

    So I wanted Milady to weaken the Javelin Wyvern Rider for a Zeiss kill.

    Zeiss: SIS WHY щ(゜ロ゜щ)
    Milady: (¬‿¬)
    Zeiss cannot catch a break. Roy took his stats in the main run and his sister is taking the kills here.

    Allen cuts into the Wyvern Rider with the Iron Sword. He also gets a chip level for this.

    When you cap Strength and Speed, you'll be golden, my man.

    Tate finishes off the Wyvern Rider and levels up herself.


    Lalum plays Roy.

    Hopefully the Sages don't move...

    Sages move!
    One tries to silence Lilina and misses.
    One puts Rutger to sleep. Darn.

    Turn 4

    It would have made my life so much easier if Lilina had Bolting or she had C staves right now.
    In fact...

    Merlinus takes out the Silence staff and trades it to Saul for Saul's Sleep.

    No more words out of you, Sleep Sage.
    I'm going to leave the Silence Sage alone though he has Physic.


    But... but it says door!
    Despite it saying this terrain is door, the game is telling me I have to break the walls to get in?
    Why do you play with my emotions like this?

    Crap. That Sage is silenced and I should hurry before it wears off. Thanks!

    Lalum plays Milady because my plan got ruined. (She was originally going to enter the complex and kill the Archer. Enemy phase, she would have killed the Myrmidons.)
    Lilina heals Milady.
    Clarine restores Rutger.
    Shin rescues Roy.

    Astore will go west.

    Aircalibur Mage misses Allen. Allen kills a Mage over the wall.
    Silence Sage fails to hush Saul's flirts.

    Turn 5

    These are 100 HP walls. I'll be skipping to when they crumble or something of import happens.

    Turn 6, both walls are down. After moving a couple units forward, this turn ends.

    Lance takes out an Steel Bow Archer from across the wall.
    Elfire Mage misses Lance. Lance fails to kill the Mage but does hit once.

    Turn 7

    Time to break our way through their defenses. Clarine already moved after Saul got silenced a couple turns back.

    Lance kills the Lancereaver Myrmidon while sustaining minor damage.
    Geese smashes the Aircalibur Mage's skull in with his Steel Axe.
    Milady dodges the Elfire Sage's attack and kills him with Javelin throws. That's a level for her.

    Nice dodgetank procs!

    Since Zeiss would be just out of range to support his sister, he visits the village instead.

    Sounds about right. They think they own the place.
    Rather than be afraid of what the man gives him, Zeiss nabs us a Wyrmslayer. Thanks!

    Lilina heals Lance.
    Lalum dances Astore.
    Roy attacks the Lancereaver Myrmidon for chip EXP. They trade blows.
    After some roasting from the Elfire Mage, Tate kills him.
    Shin guts the Myrmidon with his sword.
    I'm not going to buy anything just yet but I will check out what's at the Vendor.

    I'm thinking of buying a few Fires and one or two bottles of Pure Water once I get my person with the Silver Card over there.

    Allen will probably be breaking his Hand Axe this enemy phase.
    Rutger moves to end Turn 7.

    With this information, I'm going to guess they're coming from the south, much like in the chapter that you recruit Jerrot and co.

    Steel Sword Myrmidon dies to Milady's graceful plunges of the Javelin. She might break her Javelin as well. Whose's going to break first? Contest time! Javelin had about 10 uses and Hand Axe five. Javelin -2
    Steel Sword Swordmaster cuts into Milady's flesh. She kills him off. -2
    Longbow Archer couldn't even damage Allen if he hit.
    Same deal with the next Longbow Archer.
    Steel Bow Archer misses Milady and dies. -2. Never mind! Javelin had six uses, apparently! Those who bet on Javelin, cash out!
    Milady takes damage from a Steel Bow Archer.
    Short Bow Nomad misses Allen and dodges one of Allen's attacks. Nooooo.
    Short Bow Nomad fails to hit Milady for 0 damage.

    Turn 8

    The enemy density is real.

    Lance kills off the Elfire Mage before he gives any funny looks to my units.
    Milady says, "Excuse me," while she has her sights on the still-silenced Sleep Sage. She denies him the right to live.

    I think I'm actually be good on equipment, sans Irons. I might even be good on Irons.
    I don't buy anything right now.

    Lalum dances Merlinus because she felt like it.

    All these crits!

    The Swordmaster near Tate has a Killing Edge. DO NOT WANT. Shin has to take out his Steel Bow and kill the Swordmaster. He levels up.

    The heart beats stronger and faster than ever!

    Allen downs a Longbow Archer from over the wall.
    Roy visits the village. I want Clarine to catch up.

    Thanks! Shin's Longbow was starting to break.
    He gives us a Longbow to help us drive Bern out.

    Hurry up, Saul and Clarine!

    Wyvern and Nomad reinforcements.
    Hurry, you two! Hurry!

    Short Bow Nomad gives for Allen but misses. Allen cleans up that leftover mess.
    Longbow Archer misses Allen.
    Steel Bow Archer misses Lance. Lance doesn't quite kill the Archer despite hitting twice.
    Short Bow Nomad doesn't hit Milady. If they are targeting Milady because of her low HP, might need to do a dodge counter.
    Milady Nomad TWANG: 1
    Milady Nomad dodge: 1
    Milady Nomad TWANG: 2
    Steel Sword Nomad Trooper hits Lance. Lance manages to hit once at 49 hit chance. He had the Hand Axe equipped.
    Steel Sword Nomad Trooper can't help attack Milady up close because of the Nomads surrounding her. He misses. There's a glint in her eye as she slays him.
    Steel Sword Nomad Trooper misses Lance. Lance hits once.

    Lance brushes up his stats. MY BOY--and the Hand Axe breaks. Ha!

    Turn 9

    About those Wyvern Riders that are coming up to Clarine: they all wield Steel Lances, their hit chance being between 72-75. Clarine has 73 Avoid. She could wreck them so badly unless by some sheer dumb luck they manage to hit 2's.
    Another option is to have Roy destroy them with the Wyrmslayer. He's Level 16 and the chapter he should be promoting will be coming up soon. I could just ram him levels on the chapter he will be promoting but I hate to feel rushed like that.
    The Nomad reinforcements all have Short Bows. Nothing too spectacular to note.

    Lilina chips a Nomad Trooper with Fire.
    Geese and the Nomad Trooper miss. Crap!

    I had plans to kill off the Nomad Trooper with Geese, kill the other one with Lance, and then feed the Archer to Zeiss while protecting him with Milady. Time to improvise slightly.

    Lance prevents the Nomad Trooper from healing by giving death by Iron Sword.
    Shin takes out a Nomad with his Iron Sword.
    Tate has her amazing flying abilities to go over the wall. She rains death on the Longbow Archer.
    Milady swoops around and kills a particular Nomad, blocking one Nomad from hitting anyone on the west side.
    Lalum dances Saul.
    Allen starts breaking down a wall.
    Roy and Allen support for dat Fire/Fire C.

    Ending Turn 9 without moving Rutger. I would have had Roy stay back for the Wyvern Riders but I decided that it's best that I don't do that until I know the reinforcement pattern of this map.

    Steel Bow Archer misses Milady.
    Short Bow Nomad produces a TWANG off of Milady.
    Short Bow Nomad misses Milady.
    Short Bow Nomad Trooper crits Milady for all of 6 damage. GET OUT.

    Turn 10

    Being cautious on racking a kill count for Roy.

    Milady kills the Nomad Trooper.
    I specifically placed her west so Zeiss gains support bonuses. He misses and gets hit from the Archer. Zeiss, no!
    Shin kills a Nomad.
    Lance and Geese rescue-drop Zeiss out of combat.
    Lilina heals Zeiss.
    Saul heals Lilina.
    Clarine heals Roy.
    Tate and Rutger continue to attack the wall.

    Roy's on a house for extra Avoid. Merlinus moves to end the turn.

    Two more Wyvern Rider reinforcements. More Roy feeding?
    Steel Bow Archer misses Milady.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Roy. Roy stabs twice into the enemy for death. Thank you, x3 effectiveness!
    Roy dodges the second Wyvern Rider's attack. Roy kills for a level.

    You're in desperate need of Strength. Good.

    Nomad TWANGS off of Milady.

    Turn 11

    Lalum's still running from Nomads.

    Roy takes out a Wyvern Rider with little difficulties.
    Tate takes down a wall.
    Zeiss FINALLY takes out that Archer he's been having troubles with.
    Lalum dances Lance.
    Shin kills the last Nomad in the complex.
    Lilina heals Milady.
    Geese visits the village.

    There was a Guiding Ring in Ilia route... Is this the Guiding Ring for Sacae?
    This woman had to close shop after the war erupted. She claims no one would buy it so we should take it off her hands; however, if it is what I think it is...
    The ring is an Energy Ring. I still would have paid for it--unless it was for free. Which it is here. So thanks!

    Lance and Saul rescue-drop Lalum.
    I decide that I don't want any shopping at the Armory so Astore (who has the Silver Card) will go to the other side for shopping.

    Merlinus will move with the rest of the group.

    Roy continues to eat Wyvern Riders without damage.

    Turn 12

    I'll be skipping here for village items and boss.
    In the southern village Shin enters...

    Were you the guy that conned the old man in the Ilia route?
    Much like the woman, he can't do business with the war around. He just gives it to us. He says it won't bring us luck. Suuuuure.

    In the last village...

    He wanted to sell whatever he found. Clarine pops out of nowhere. Clarine I guess asks if he stole what he found and he leaves saying he didn't, dropping the Wo Dao.
    That's... actually quite a find. I don't know WHERE he would find that just lying around--but sure. Since Karel also has a Wo Dao, does that mean Sacae route gives three Wo Daos in a playthrough? I don't remember Ilia having one.

    Now you open the gate? They've already breached the walls.
    Door's open.

    Need more of these level ups, Zeiss.

    You are kind of bad in crit-dodging.

    Two more Nomad reinforcements appear to the south. Crap. I better hurry this up.

    More Strength!

    More Speed!

    Sure sure.

    Best level for Clarine.

    Defeated by the hands of a Valkyrie.

    I'll take it!

    Best level up Lilina could have. And now she has C staves.

    At the Vendor, Zeiss buys two Fires and one Pure Water.

    On Turn 21 for a bit of staff EXP for Lilina, Roy gets himself on the gate.

    In Sacae route, we don't have to rescue Niime.
    A soldier tries to stop her from bothering Roy but...

    It's the information about the Manaketes. Roy wants to speak to her in private. It's now the same as it was in Ilia route, but now I have a better understanding about the dragons from the fuuuuuuuture.

    Doors that don't open for my needs are the worst doors.
    I miss Ilia.

  10. Three questions

    1. Which units do tend to die very often in your runs
    2. Which FE game does cause you the most deaths?
    3. Which lord does die the most?

    A lot of my character deaths are actually pretty equal (except FE10 and 11, for obvious reasons), so I'm going to go by which the ones I remember giving me trouble.

    1) Going to go by the ones I've played the most:

    FE7 - Nino, for very obvious reasons. Raven in Hector Hard Mode Cog of Destiny.

    FE9 - Soren, even when he gets up and going. He sometimes gets really unlucky with RNs and I don't spare a Seraph Robe on him.

    FE10 - Micaiah and Laura. One is not mandatory and I would bench her there was another healer. The other is frustratingly mandatory.

    FE11 - Too hard to name because GAIDENS. Without gaidens, that's Jagen for the Prologue choice. (Jagen would not be the choice if I played on the harder difficulties)

    FE13 - remembering from Lunatic+, it would actually be Avatar and Chrom since I concentrated all efforts on them. I think Tharja was the last one that gave me trouble in my Lunatic+ attempt.

    2) Obviously 11 for the Gaidens and Prologue choice. Normally? I think that goes to FE10 Hard mode and FE13 Lunatic+.


  11. Infodump:

    Yes, Lalum is Douglas' (adopted) daughter. You can find this out in-game when she talks to Douglas on C16, and probably through support conversations too.

    Hugh loses 1 to every stat every time you haggle him down. He's alright but not exceptional even when you recruit him, and I personally don't really feel like he's worth the money to even recruit at all (especially since he requires a Guiding Ring, too, and you have precious few of those).

    Perceval is just a great solid Paladin in the game (and a monster in HM). Really difficult to recruit normally if you don't already know how, though, the game really doesn't give many hints.

    Tate is awesome (my favorite unit in GBAFEs, actually). She comes with solid stats, awesome growths, and is more inclined to grow strength than Shanna, thankfully. She's definitely awesome in Hard Mode, but dear lord her recruitment chapter is a pain in the ass.

    Speaking of pains, Sacae is...frustrating to play, compared to Ilia. Good luck have fun!

    Sorry for the spoilers about Idoun, didn't realize

    Ah. I see. Still never would have guessed that. Yeah, I didn't bother having her talk to Douglas because she was put on the other team.

    I got that feeling with Hugh. If he came with a Guiding Ring and not an Elixir, maybe it would have been different. Maybe.

    Perceval must protect his planet.

    Tate as a unit is starting to grow on me. Of course, the Sacae chapters aren't doing her justice and it shows really badly in Chapter 18. When the reinforcements came, she ended up camping up north with Zeiss. At least she fared better compared to him...

    Chapter 18 thought it could be sneaky with me. It almost succeeded. But I agree about Sacae so far. I think my future playthroughs will be Lalum/Ilia.

    No worries. We've done pretty well keeping me in the dark!

    I'm 90% sure you can buy promotion items in the secret shop in the level you recruit him.

    Not much to say other than: hey there, new poster!

    Why even buy him for 5k? Steal the card and kill him is what half of us always do!

    Iron weapon gain weapon rank slower than Steel and Devil ones do. Magic is all the same no matter what tome that you use.

    ...And to get your 2k back that thief Hugh ripped off of you.

    No worries. I just wanted a file where all characters I could get were recruited. In future ones, I'd probably end up not recruiting Cath at the very least; Hugh, I don't hate him, but he is costly no matter how I think it.

    I would go Steel but I thought I heard weapon EXP was the same value across all weapons in FE6. And Steels kind of suck in this one as well...

    Also remember the chest in the same chapter recruiting Hugh that gives you 5K Gold. I got a net value of zero just from that chest!

    IS avoided giving ballistae to Nomad Troopers so that Snipers have ONE advantage over Nomad Troopers. If they gave that to NT's as well then Snipers might as well not exist.

    Sacae gets harder as you proceed through it. It's definitely harder than Ilia. All the way up to the gaiden! Then after that it's THAT chapter. Oh yeah...

    [spoiler=The info you already knew]

    Chapter 20 is the gaiden.

    I dunno about Tate's strength but she's def better than Shanna and her strength especially so. Especially on HM she's really good.

    But it still shoots down my ship! Shin would be best ballista shooter! Heck, bring Dismount back. I'll have Shin be a temporary Sniper just so he can use ballistae.

    Yep. I'm getting that difficulty so far...

    I guess Shanna has her perks; but, yeah, I think my future playthroughs will be Tate. I would use Shanna a little just to get Ilia again.

    We cross the border into Sacae.

    [spoiler=Alternate 7 - *Djute Forts*]


    I'm getting warned again about the Djute clan. For what purpose did the Djute clan join Bern, who was not likely to spare them in the end anyways?



    Holy shit he... looks pretty good for his age.

    I mean, Hector looked old compared to this man.

    Eliwood was in pretty poor shape as well.

    When DID Dayan have Rath?!


    Let me guess: I'm going to have to bring Sue to recruit him?


    Sounds about right.


    This guy looks worse than Eliwood. Hey man, seems you need some sleep.


    I think I can see a problem with this map. See if you can spot it.

    It's not the Vendor and Armory right near by.


    It's not the dense amount of houses I need to visit.


    It's this.

    That is a lot of mounted bow-users

    Alright. Big expansive plains area. Mounted bow-users. Recall how I said that Sacae, home of mounted Nomads, should have maps that support horse-mounted units.

    That's fine--but!

    Tate and Zeiss (who are not going to have the Delphi Shield) will be flying targets with these guys around. There are no mountains or huge bodies of water for them to camp at, except along the top which is not conducive to seizing.

    I know for a fact that Nomad Troopers in FE7 had the ability to cross river terrain. It costed a lot of movement but they were able to. If all goes wrong, they can cross the river and snipe at me even as I turtle on the land I start at.

    Zeiss won't stand a chance with a Nomad Trooper. He could barely survive the Nomads from last chapter if he got hit by them.

    There are no visible forts, which makes me afraid that any reinforcements are either going to come from the east side or from the houses.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they came from the houses. THERE ARE A LOT OF HOUSES.



    Out of these enemies, I wouldn't have expected the Shamans. Are they from Bern or is the Djute clan also known for Shamans? The solitary Druid has Eclipse and Physic.

    There are Vulneraries and Elixirs amongst the troops. I don't feel any need to steal them.

    The boss is easy to guess what class he is.


    Many a pun or clever joke could be made of his name and this situation. I will not indulge myself in it.

    Because his class locks him into one- or two-range, Intelligent Systems had to make this sleepy-looking man scary, so they gave him TWO Brave weapons, both of which--having the same weight--lower his Speed down to 16 and are fairly accurate.

    For reasons that should be very obvious, 12 Speed Geese and 8 Speed Zeiss should not approach this man, like, AT ALL.

    Thankfully because he's a Nomad Trooper, I know exactly his weakness: he can't switch weapons during my phase. He's auto-equipped with the Brave Bow. That could mean an auto-win for me.

    This actually reminds me of the one boss in FE9 in the chapter with all the priests and which you can get the Ashera Staff. He has two Killer Weapons--but they're an axe and a bow. He's very easy to cheese. Sometimes when I feel like it I steal that guy's Killer Axe so he's made even more incompetent.

    Unfortunately cannot employ that strategy to this guy.


    Astore is missing from this list. I'll be doing a bit of selling to clear up space.

    Why is Sue there? I have a feeling she is needed here.

    I don't know. Blame FE6's need to tell me character-recruiting information AFTER starting the chapter.


    Setting up for incoming horses. Allen is the west Paladin.

    Engaging the enemy in three... two...


    Going to be pelted by arrows.


    YOU will the rue the day. I have Milady with Delphi Shield!


    They're in cahoots to take me down because of Etruria?

    I must not be remembering something. Why would being ruled by Bern be better than Etruria? It was established that Bern invaded Sacae.

    Unless this is the equivalent to the logic displayed in the chapter with Sigune. Of which I still don't understand.




    I will figure it out in this map. Don't you worry.


    Then what happened with Bern?!


    The title of this chapter makes sense.

    Now that I think about it, I don't understand why the last one was called "The Bishop's Teachings." Because of Yoder? But Yoder only appeared for like five seconds.






    Still not computing!


    For good reason, might I add!


    But you just said clans should stick together to defeat invaders!



    dual.exe cannot be found

    When we go to Roy's army, it's the conversation about Zephiel killing his dad and all that jazz, I'm skipping.

    Turn 1 enemy positions


    There's a Nomad Trooper south that I can draw out by putting someone in one of the south forests.

    Visiting the shops with Sue...


    Physics are back, baby!

    Buying five of those, two Heals, and a Restore.





    She dodges another Myrmidon before killing him.


    A support Rutger + forest + dodgetank stats

    Wow. WOW. Just trivialize him, Clarine. She hits and then crit-kills.


    No please, Nomad Trooper.

    She hits him twice.

    Turn 2


    See? I need to get rid of Nomad Troopers before they cross the river.

    At the Armory...


    Missing are Steel Bows.

    I'm thinking of getting one Killing Edge, one Killer Lance, a couple Javelins, and two Hand Axes. I haven't been using the Killers much.

    Roy softens up a Nomad.

    Milady rescues Roy.

    Zeiss takes the kill.

    Lalum dances Zeiss.

    Lance drops Roy.

    Zeiss rescues Lalum.

    Saul and Allen take and drop Lalum.

    Clarine kills the Nomad Trooper without difficulties. She levels up.


    Praise! She got Magic!


    There's quite a bit of Nomads and Nomad Troopers. I might turtle not because they're hard but because I want units like Zeiss to level.

    So this might be some early skipping.

    Armorslayer Myrmidon TWANGS off Milady's steel skin. She descends upon him and he dies.

    Lancereaver Myrmidon misses Milady. It takes two hits from Milady's Javelin to fell him.


    I was dumb and didn't realize he was in range of Zeiss.

    But look at Zeiss' rock-hard defenses. As long as that Nomad didn't crit, Zeiss is fine to tank two hits.

    Short Bow Nomad misses Milady. Mialdy hits once.

    Short Bow Nomad Tropoer misses Milady. Milady misses and can't double attack.

    I laugh at the 1 hit chance Short Bow Nomad Trooper trying to get at Clarine. Clarine hits him twice.

    Turn 3


    Yeah. I think not much else but turtling and distributing EXP around will be happening here. So...



    Micaiah, pleeeeease





    Instead of going for Shin, who is equipped with a bow and has less dodging stats, he goes for Clarine with a less accurate weapon



    I think Clarine will be leveling quite a bit. It's not even like I wanted her to.


    Capped Strength!

    Her HP is less than her main counterpart but she's doing a bit better in Speed at this rate.


    The last thing she says is, "Such is the law of Sacae." Yes, I know this...

    I still don't have good feelings about these houses.


    Another one that ends with, "Such is the law of Sacae." ...

    I REALLY don't like the sounds of this.


    The end of Turn 5. I have an inkling of suspicion reinforcements should be coming soon.


    Druid moves.


    Turn 6




    Tate goes to her Iron Lance and softens up the Wyvern Rider without taking damage.

    Zeiss kills the Wyvern Rider.









    "Such is the law of Sacae." Are these people brainwashed? What is even going on here?





    Turn 6 enemy phase! I WILL MURDER YOU ALL.


    Meh level.

    Rutger actually missed the first 95 hit attack. What even...


    Right now, you're helpless to Allen's Iron Sword attacks to your face.

    Allen hits twice.


    If anyone dies on me...

    Ending Turn 7.




    SON OF A--



    Ha. That's cute.



    Shin's heart beats with fury--but both men keep missing each other.


    What's that Resistance going to do for you, Geese?


    Durandal for more accuracy



    Down goes Monke!



    Turn 9...


    Nomad reinforcements. I can handle Nomad reinforcements.

    One shoots at Lilina and she hits back.

    Looks like the Nomads don't like Roy at their base. One misses him.

    Another shoots at Milady for some reason. He misses.

    I actually don't understand. They are going for Milady despite not having any real damage to her. The last one hits her with a TWANG!.

    Turn 10


    Before I claim the base...

    Lance drops Rutger in range of Lilina.

    Clarine heals Lilina.

    Lilina heals Rutger.

    Geese kills the Nomad.

    Allen ends a Nomad with his Iron Axe.

    Shin takes out a Nomad with his Iron Sword. Shin's now on C swords.

    And Milady fells a Nomad with her Iron Sword.


    "Such is the law of Sacae." I almost missed this guy but he seems the more... normal of the houses I can visit.

    In half the turns I do most maps in the main run, Roy seizes the base.


    Hey. Usually the game has an actual background image and not just showing the battlefield map. What's going on here?


    I suppose so, yes. But don't forget that not all of Sacae is our enemy.


    But no, seriously. This is really jarring. Where is my background image?


    Good. I want to hear what they have to say.

    And then it's back to Roy and Guinivere talking about her brother. Like in Ilia, some juicy details were about to explored when...






    So where were they planning to attack?


    Hey. It just so happens Roartz is there. I want to go "visit" him proper, with sword in hand placed cold against his neck.

    After Roy ponders why the old king wanted to murder Zephiel, we leave for Bulgar.

    That was a dirty trick, Sacae Chapter 18. I was right about those houses--er, "houses."

    Our next stop seems to be in Bulgar.

  12. After doing Chapter 16x again (with less panic this time), it's time I got to a route split--this time involving Sacae.

    [spoiler=Alternate 6 - *Dodging Shots in the Dark*]
    We still strive to drive out the revolutionaries, but Roartz and Arcardo flee to Sacae instead of Ilia.
    Ilia was a place where units like Milady and Shanna thrived best. Since Sacae is known for their horse-mounted Nomads, I would hazard a guess that horse-mounted units will do best on these maps.

    So in the route split, we have to screw over one nation until the end of the war? I didn't save Sacae in the Ilia route and it seems I'm not saving Ilia in the Sacae route. That's cruel.
    We form the Etrurian Army, Roy leads the attack in Sacae, we do this for driving out revolutionaries and attack Bern, yada yada.
    After all the prejudice Sacaean nomads faced in the... past? (prejudice doesn't seem that prevalent in FE6)... there is a problem fighting in Sacae.

    Seems the Djute either were forced into Brunja's control or they joined willingly.

    We do have Sue and Shin of the Kutolah clan. I'm sure we'll find some support in Sacae.

    We're in for another Fog of War map.

    Got a couple villages to visit. Around the closest village are the only houses, Armory, and Arena.

    Two ballistae this time. While the darkness will be a hamper at first, they shouldn't be too bad to deal with.

    Deploying Chad, Astore, and Cath to see if there are enemies nearby.

    I catch this Mage to the east of me.

    I'm finding myself using the Trade Armory more, probably because I have more units this playthrough. After getting the Silver Card, it's not a bad place for when I need more base weapons, I guess.
    I mean, that is my thing. Use Iron weapons until I get to the highest rank--unless it's Milady, because it's Milady <3

    I've got plans to get rid of the closest ballista.

    Let's roll out.

    Bishop? Who would be here in nomadic Sacaean plains?

    Brunja appears this time and we confirm we killed Narcien good.
    Roartz and Arcardo ask what's to become of them, much like on the other playthrough with Murdock.
    But while Murdock says that these two were incompentent beyond repair...

    Brunja says otherwise. I can't tell if a lie or the absolute truth.

    And so we know our boss. I don't remember if I fought Arcardo or Roartz first on the main run.
    Roartz is to station at Bulgar. Similar to the Ilia situation, we won't get to see Roartz for a while as Bulgar is deep inside Sacae.

    Arcardo is still a pathetic whiner.

    "Suck it up."

    No crap. Bern imprisoned them.

    His speciality is to be a pathetic whiner like Arcardo.

    Under my tactical genius.

    sick burnz
    Much like with Murdock, before Brunja leaves, a soldier confirms that the two will likely lose and Brunja's all, "They're cowards and they should be grateful for what troops we gave them." So she was lying before. Good.

    Hold your horses, Yoder. We don't quite get you yet.
    Same conversation from the main playthrough. Roy and Yoder thank each other for the other's help and Yoder asks Roy to report back anything Roy learns about the dragons.
    Yoder's caution from last time has changed.

    I was never that great dealing with FoW ambushes so I'm expecting a couple game overs or resets. Roy isn't turning out as well as the main Roy.

    Turn 1 (scrolled east)

    So my first planned order of business is getting rid of the ballista with Milady, Lalum, and Astore.
    First, Astore uses a Torch.

    With that, we discover new enemies. Thief must be here to destroy villages.

    Lalum plays Milady.
    All those enemies are blocking my way towards the ballista. Milady takes out a Mage in direct combat with the Javelin.

    Please survive, Milady.

    Milady gets hit by a Thunder Mage. She misses once and then crit-kills.
    Fire Mage hits Milady. She kills. Yeah, I forgot I was going to barrier her before doing this plan.
    Milady dodges the ballista shot.

    Good combat stats.

    Turn 2

    Gonna have to move Astore for the ballista Archer visibility.
    By moving Astore further east...

    Hi there.

    Milady takes damage from the Elfire Sage and kills.
    Lance cuts into an Iron Lance Cavalier with his Iron Sword twice.
    Lalum plays Milady.
    Saul physics Milady.
    Milady switches to the Iron Sword and kills the ballista Archer.
    Tate, after sustaining damage, takes out the south Elfire Mage with her Iron Lance.
    Zeiss switches Tate to the Javelin and moves south, out of enemy range.
    Clarine crit-kills a Cavalier with Fire.

    Things are going smoothly. Shin is heading towards the village.

    Steel Sword Cavalier goes for Geese. They trade blows.
    Axereaver Wyvern Rider manages to hit Milady. Milady shows him who's boss by killing him with a measly Iron Sword.
    Tate manages to kill an Elfire Mage despite have 46 hit chances for two hits.
    Javelin Cavalier misses Geese.
    Short Bow Nomad hits Geese.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider scrapes Milady.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Milady.
    And a third Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Milady.
    Bolting Sage in the dark hits Milady. I'm going to have to heal her up.

    Turn 3

    Milady's dangerously low on health. We have ourselves a new enemy coming out of the darkness.

    Saul physics Milady. Down to one Physic charge left.

    More staff range

    By moving Astore further east, I find another Thief and the Bolting Sage. This Sage also has Physic. DO NOT WANT.

    Showing off the Armory though I'm not planning on buying anything yet.

    Missing is a Short Bow. I'd probably buy the Silvers. I could buy Irons but there's still the Trade Armory I could exploit if I so need to.
    Later though. Lalum's got the Silver Card.

    Instead, Shin visits the village.

    Wow! An entirely different woman sprite. Sacae-exclusive?
    It's Tina's Staff.

    Tate rids ourselves of the Bolting Sage. No more 22 damage to Milady out of you!
    Zeiss' throw of the Javelin misses the Wyvern Rider and he gets hit. Darn.
    We can start building Milady and Zeiss' support. Milady gets into direct combat with a Wyvern Rider with her Javelin. She dodges and kills.
    Geese gets himself on a mountain and digs his Iron Axe into a Nomad.
    Clarine roasts herself a Nomad in direct combat.
    Rutger crit-kills an Iron Lance Cavalier with his Steel Sword. The power of supports gave him 52 crit so with a Killing Edge...
    Roy takes out a Cavalier with the Rapier.
    Lance cuts down the weakened Cavalier.
    Allen has nearly perfect Iron Axe accuracy against the Iron Lance Cavalier that has 0's across the board. Allen kills him.
    Lilina heals Geese.

    I'm going to make sure Lalum is out of range of any enemies. This ends Turn 3.

    Axereaver Wyvern Rider goes for Milady and stabs her. Milady kills him off.
    Short Bow Nomad misses Rutger.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider misses Astore.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider also misses Astore.
    Short Bow Nomad Trooper hits Roy.

    Turn 4

    I need to hurry to that village.

    Milady equips the Iron Sword and kills a Wyvern Rider.
    Lalum dances Milady.
    Milady equips the Killer Lance, hits once, gets damaged, and then crit-kills the other Wyvern Rider.
    Zeiss distracts the Thief by hitting him with an Iron Lance. Thief manages to hit him for 0 damage--but since that's a Poison Sword, Zeiss will take damage on player phase.
    Tate moves towards the village. Must save the village!

    I should be able to make it next turn, unless there is something blocking the gate or there is a Thief in the shadows.

    Were Nomads/Nomad Troopers never affected by Rapiers?

    Shin visits the southwest house.

    I could probably visit that village from this house with Milady in three turns (not counting any help from Lalum).
    You really can't walk that far?

    Geese sinks his Iron Axe into the Nomad.
    Roy takes out the Nomad because I can. He levels up.

    Not shown: tremendous Resistance

    Lilina heals Roy.
    Allen hits once and then crit-kills the Nomad Trooper at 9 crit chance. Nice!

    May as well have Saul follow Milady's group.

    Ballista Archer misses Rutger.
    Short Bow Nomad would hit Rutger for 0 damage if Rutger doesn't dodge. Rutger dodges.
    Short Bow Nomad Trooper would fare better with Rutger at 3 damage. He misses his shot.
    Zeiss and poison damage.

    Turn 5


    Astore uses another Torch and reveals the Thief units. I can reach the village entrance!
    Lalum danes Astore.
    Saul heals Milady.
    Zeiss kills the weakened Thief and gets massive amounts of experience.
    Tate claims dat village!

    I've heard.

    Yes, old man. Get yourself to safety!
    For warning them, the old man gives us an Eclipse.
    Wahoo... I don't recall there being walls I need to knock down other than that one gaiden, and I would rather want to knock those walls down with weapons for weapon experience.
    I guess I can sell it for Secret Shop Boots. If I was low-turning this chapter, though, it's not really worth it.

    Shin visits the other house.

    Like hooded shady?
    Actually, he's talking about the Thief units--which still counts.

    Yes, because--if I am remembering right--sometimes Thief units lose the ability to destroy villages in the Fire Emblem games.
    Here, I knew that if I didn't see Brigands then it was likely that thieves regained that ability. Thanks for the warning... though by the time I got to your house, they were almost about to destroy that village.

    Allen switches to the accurate Iron Sword and kills the Nomad Trooper. If he didn't, only people who could cross the river would have been able to move--that or I had to get rid of the Nomad.
    Speaking of the Nomad, Geese crit-kills that guy.
    Clarine takes out the Wyvern Rider with two Fire charges.

    Getting closer to the castle. Astore moves out of range of the ballista to end this turn. Moving Astore also reveals a Wyvern Rider down south.

    Ballista Archer misses his shot on Roy.
    Zeiss and poison damage.

    Turn 6

    Seems the enemy thieves have given up all hope after the village was saved.

    Going south with Astore reveals Arcardo and no other enemies. They might come as reinforcements from the forts, though.
    I honestly couldn't tell you if Arcardo's stats have changed... or even if he appeared first out of him or Roartz.
    He shouldn't be too bad to take down.

    Geese crit-kills the Archer, which gets me the close-to-victory theme.
    Lalum dances Saul.
    Time to build some sibling supports. Zeiss attacks from Milady's side and hits the Thief. Thief's Poison Sword can't penetrate Zeiss' defenses.
    Lance attacks the Wyvern Rider with his Iron Sword for sword experience. He gets hit. He attacks back twice.
    Allen finishes off the Wyvern Rider for axe experience with a crit-kill. Perhaps I could get Allen to S axes instead of using Geese...

    From here, I'll be fast-forwarding until something of interest happens (mainly reinforcements). I'll be moving towards the castle and healing with Lilina unless absolutely necessary from Saul and/or Clarine.

    There were reinforcements just on the turn I said I would be skipping! One Cavalier as far as I could see. The others were in darkness.
    I think there was three reinforcement units on Turn 6's enemy phase.

    You need stats other than Strength, Zeiss. Don't be a musclehead.

    More reinforcements on Turn 7. Just what are they? Come out of the shadows!
    Again on Turn 8. I still don't see them on Turn 9.

    Zeiss pls

    Reinforcement on Turn 9.


    Seems the reinforcements stopped on Turn 10.
    Also, the reinforcements in the shadows are Cavaliers, as far as I can tell. I guess I'll train Zeiss before I do shopping and Arena stuff.
    More reinforcements on Turn 12.

    I cry for Speed.

    Also crying for Speed.

    Turn 13 has reinforcements. Hey, at least I can train Zeiss and Lilina's staff rank.

    Zeiss no

    Turn 14 as well.

    They changed it up on me!
    Zeiss is one dodgey guy. He dodged BOTH Nomad attacks.
    You may have gotten bad level ups but you dodged those attacks like a pro, Zeiss!

    Lilina is slow but she provides awesome chip.

    Turn 15 has reinforcements.

    While missing out on Speed, this is what Geese needs right now.

    Dodgetank is very dodgetank

    Stop being a meathead, Zeiss!

    I am able to do C Milady/Zeiss support. Sweet.

    Took a while.

    This is fine.

    It's time for some Arena use. There's quite a bit of units that are close to leveling so there's going to be lots of level screenshots shown.


    Wish you got Speed too.

    Magic's good. Lilina can heal that new HP as well.

    Making a name out of yourself, Shin.

    Finally getting some muscle.

    A pretty odd but useful level up.

    At the Armory, I buy the following:
    - 5 Silver Swords
    - 4 Silver Lances
    - 2 Silver Axes
    - 1 Silver Bow

    On Turn 25, Roy seizes the castle.

    Merlinus goes on to say Arcardo was a pathetic loser with power. I think this is the same as the other route.
    Ah. Yes, yes. It is the same. Roy has the Fire Emblem, Guinivere wanted to end the war with diplomacy. Yes, I remember.

    So that was the first chapter of the Sacae route. Not a hard chapter. I just need to be wary of the Bolting Sage, the top-right village being destroyed (if I wish to save it), and the reinforcement Nomads for my fliers without Delphi Shield.
    Not a bad start for the Sacae route. What other differences will there be?

  13. Shanna X Bench

    Also he's going to do the alternate run before Idoun, so it'll be a while before he kicks her bucket.

    An unfortunate fate for Shanna.

    I do know that Idun is someone you fight, but not if there's any tricks with her. :) That's about it.

    If I can pump out the Sacae chapters (and normal ending? still debating this one since I've been doing all the gaidens in alternate run) in single posts, the LP might be closer to done in no time. It seems the Sacae chapters also repeat some information from the Ilia route so that helps.

    Such power that he couldn't have earlier.


    Good luck with the next segment!

    Roy is the ultimate resistor of status staff magic, haha.

    When we finally get there! :)

    Next chapter you just do it. Like. You just go in and. Do it. That's it.

    Btw fire dragon's combat theme is a remix of Jahn's combat theme. Just throwing that out there.

    The fight against Jahn is like an ideology battle. Dragon nationalist vs mankind nationalists. Or some shit.

    Yeah. I've heard here and there that the final chapters of FE6 are really easy. Hopefully of one-parter length.

    It is? Huh. Interesting.

    Haha, seems so. Even after all that info-dumping in Chapter 24, I'm not that satisfied with the explanation on how the Scouring started--but I think I'll go into more detail later.

    Yeah, chapter 24 is a strange one. Every time you capture a throne, it causes (endless? 1 a turn for a long time) manakete reinforcements to spawn from the previous throne room (or the start of the map in the case of the first throne). Other than those reinforcements being annoying (the first time I did this chapter I had to restart due to my lvl 1 Fa dying to a reinforcement, before I said F it and just had her ride out the chapter rescued by Ellen), the entire chapter is a joke with divine weapons.

    Jahn...is sort of a bitch. He DOES have a great battle theme, though, for whatever that's worth

    So uhh...Idoun...sort of fails as a final boss (really, I consider Zephiel/maybe HM!Brunja as the final boss of the game since Jahn and Idoun are jokes). Looking forward to your post-game wrap-up!

    Pretty much summarizes both what happened and what this chapter is. I could have used this place for Roy's training but they seem to stop giving adequate experience at a certain point--and this chapter added more of my favorite chapter requisite (I really don't like Seize that much).

    Jahn is second worst villain 8)

    I can try to understand what happened with this chapter and Idun, but I still feel it's inconsistent in difficulty. It is a nice change of pace after the hell that was Chapter 21 though, haha.

    So in these two posts are 12x-16x notes and missing content and then Chapter 17 Sacae. I did manage to get Chapter 17 in a single post.

    Time for some catch-up involving all the stuff I missed as well as show a few units' promotions.

    [spoiler=Alternate 5 - *This involves a lot of promoted Units*]


    Shin's here to pierce hearts.

    I like Shin. Sure, he doesn't get a 1-2 range weapon, but I like Nomad Troopers over Snipers usually. Igrene is pretty good for a prepromote Sniper, however.

    Unless that's because my Klain sucked a load in his levels.

    The Nomad Trooper sprite was changed in FE7 to not have that helmet. I wonder why that was.

    The only bad thing about Shin is I can't have my Shin x Ballista ship. Intelligent Systems is cruel that way.

    So let's get to Perceval, shall we? I kept my file on the main run for Elphin recruiting.


    Elphin proceeds to surprise his knight.


    No, Perceval. He's alive and well! He hasn't died a single time in this playthrough!


    It has been quite some time since Perceval saw his lord. Much like Milady, Perceval is extremely loyal to Elphin/Myrddin and doesn't give much shit for anyone else.


    This what was believed to have happened. But where did this rumor come from?


    Well I guess he did fall off his horse, in a way.



    Essentially Perceval was my enemy two times because of Douglas, Bern, and Elphin. Unforgivable!


    Daughter? Is Lalum Douglas' daughter? Or is it just some random person we never meet in the game?




    So many months of surviving poison and this is where Elphin ends up: in the resistance force, now recruiting Perceval onto my team.


    They considered context and how much of a good person Elphin is, I guess?

    And because he's had months to watch over how Etrurian nobles are in the Isles, he has been lending his hand to the resistance.


    Thanks to Roy, he's returned to the mainland--but doesn't quite tell his father, the man who's pretty much lost himself because of his son's apparent death, he's alive.

    Elphin has high cruelty potential.




    And now here's Lalum, where I can have him permanently!


    She apparently knows Perceval.


    As she was about to introduce herself, Perceval was going to leave.



    Where could they have met?


    Oh? Why would she be there?

    Or... was it the place she was trapped in when we rescued her? I don't recall now.

    The possibility that she's Douglas' daughter is still on the table too.


    Oh shit, Perceval!


    She gives up easily. Lalum introduces herself and says she's under orders of Prince Myrddin of which Perceval's like, "NO WAY THAT'S LUDICROUS PRINCE MYRDDIN'S DEAD."


    To prove she is not full of shit, she hands over Prince Myrddin's emblem and a letter from him. Perceval probably cries in joy or something.


    And then I get this badass. Yeah!


    It leaves Lalum disappointed because Perceval didn't doubt it after the emblem and letter. She was hoping she needed to fight him to gain his skill.

    I'm like, "Lalum, there's no way you would win. You don't have a single weapon you can wield."

    I haven't forgotten that I got another person to recruit--via the same way I recruited Gonzales.


    Lilina: The Caeda/Sheeda of Fire Emblem: Binding Blade, minus the Roger-teasing.


    Actually a pretty logical question from him, since she looks like she's 14 or 15 and asking him his purpose in life.

    So why does he raid villages?


    He's the Cath in male, Berserker form.

    I kind of hate you by association. Sorry, Garret.





    Unlike Cath, he goes, "Now move out of the way before I do something we both will regret."

    Lilina's all, "No kthnx"


    And earns respect from Garret enough that he joins us. Woot.


    For saving his minions before they could suicide themselves on the enemies, Perceval hears that they will station themselves at this castle.

    They find a Knight's Crest in the castle and hand it over to Perceval.

    They don't know that Perceval is already a Paladin and doesn't need that crap--HOWEVER, Lance could use it and he does next chapter.

    So you guys remember Hugh and how I spent 10K Gold on him and I didn't use him?


    I want a file where I get everyone that I come across on my path so...



    You tell him, Roy! A Mage that doesn't come with a Guiding Ring AND doesn't have amazing growths isn't worth my money.

    I could pay for two Boots for that price (with Silver Card)!


    Yeah. I keep saying no until...


    FINE. I did say I wanted an "all units recruited" run. And he is begging so I do say yes to this offer.


    If memory serves correctly, these stats really aren't that changed from his 10K stats.

    I mean, there is a difference, but it's not much of a difference, as far as I remember.

    10K I would expect capped stats and remarkable growths.

    But overall if his lowest offer is 5K Gold (which is still kind of steep), he has to be good somewhere, and I'm not seeing it currently.

    Perhaps if I was in a draft or I was really curious and felt like waiting for a Mage, maybe I would try Hugh. As it stands now, I'm not impressed.


    The Secret Shop I missed. It's got stuff I want.

    I buy an additional Guiding Ring and two Angelic Robes because I feel like it. I would give one later to Clarine and one to Tate.

    Mentioning Clarine...


    I promoted her. Wow. She is a huge dodgetank. Magic could use some work however.

    As just a dodgetank that could support with Rutger for even more dodgetanking, she's pretty cool.

    And she's pretty cool for starting her magic battle career with a critical.


    And Tate. She ended up with the same Strength as Shanna did on the main run. I don't know if that's average for Tate or what; but, for now, I'm okay with this.

    I feel she's like Fiora: Fiora was solid in the growths department (as far as I remember), but she was not considered great because the chapter she was in was not beneficial and she started too low in level.

    Tate had a similar thing going on--but she's serviceable in Normal mode. I can't say for Hard mode. She could stand to have more Luck for crit-dodging/Avoid.

  14. The World Ends With You was very solid in story and characters. The main storyline shouldn't be tough and there's a bit to do post-game. The only "tough" thing I can think of is you getting used to managing your and your partner's battle screens if you're not letting the AI control your partner.

    I have Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume but haven't touched it. A friend who's played the others said it wasn't as good--but I can't recall for what reasons and I won't go further without having personal knowledge.

    Golden Sun: The Lost Age was fun--but I remember it not giving you direction sometimes on where you're supposed to go. You may need to consult a guide so you don't waste a lot of time wandering aimlessly.

  15. In FE9's case, Earth/Earth isn't as necessary. It makes things easier (Oscar with A Ike/Tanith and B Ike/Tanith gives him a whopping +50 Avoid, which is absolutely ridiculous) and is certainly beneficial but FE9 as a whole is pretty easy... unlike FE10's hard mode. Having +45 Avoid is very much appreciated in that game.

    As to the original question, the Earth affinity is more talked about here on a gameplay aspect. It really is one of the best affinities because of the whopping Avoid boost.

  16. *mumbles about Fae and stupid reinforcement Manakete spawns*

    [spoiler=Chapter 24.2 - *Less dying, please*]
    Right. Yes. Let's use statboosters because why not


    Still capped Strength and he got more Defense. Good.

    Fae used another Energy Ring but I didn't capture that one.

    I would wish for better stats but she's not being used other than for healing.

    If you could cap Speed, that would be amazing.

    *Future Me*
    And yep, basically the same strategy as before. I'll show off this room and do skipping again.

    We're back here on Turn 11, now with less Fae death but more Manaketes.
    Let's be quick. A Manakete is in range of Milady. Allen has been carrying Roy so...

    Allen drops Roy from the small alcove to the south, making sure Roy equips the Binding Blade for insurance.

    Now with less death, please?

    Milady takes in some fire breath--with a 2 crit chance. Oi! Milady takes two Maltet uses to kill the Manakete.
    Roy dodges and kills one.
    Roy doesn't dodge the other and kills on retaliation.

    Turn 12

    Lilina physics Milady.
    Elphin plays Lilina.
    Lilina physics Roy.
    Roy with the Wyrmslayer crit-kills the throne Manakete.

    Not knowing where the next reinforcement will come out of...

    Doesn't that make it the third reinforcement in that room?

    Turn 13

    Roy claims the throne for the fourth time...

    Everyone has. Roy has max Strength with one Energy Ring. Suck on that!
    Explain the Ending Winter's effects, if you would, Jahn.

    Without their precious dragon breath, they were goners.

    I call bullshit of the highest order!
    We are endothermic mammals that constantly need to maintain our internal temperature and that maintenance uses calories---
    Why the fuck am I bringing logic into this?

    poor bb
    being crushed by Eight Legends

    So here's a question:
    The dragons were banished to the other world via the Dragon's Gate. There was another world. And they're still living over there.
    Ergo, they are surviving over there.
    Why, then, do they even care anymore to strike up conflict over here? They have another world yonder and they are willing to die on Elibe for... what exactly?
    If it's survival, that's not it for Elibe anymore. That would be for the other world.
    I'll just wait a bit and see if there is a reason like they are losing food or resources or something on why they need to attack Elibe again.

    Zephiel: a tool.

    Another room pops up. Two more to go.
    Commence the skipping!

    Not much else now.

    On Turn 15, another Manakete reinforcement comes from the throne room two behind us.
    The Manaketes in the current throne room want Allen instead. First one misses and dies in one swoop.
    Second one hits Allen and promptly gets killed.

    On Turn 16, Roy claims the throne...

    I'm so honored.
    I'm hating this guy by the second.
    Jahn asks if we know of Hartmut and what Hartmut did to the dragon, who was in human form at the time. This was after the Eight Legends killed the dragons' leader.

    Makes sense. She wasn't commanded to attack--or she couldn't be commanded to attack. Still, how does that make Zephiel her leader later?

    Sympathy for someone or something that looks human, I guess.

    How did it exist? Where did he get it?

    So has Roy been putting other dragons to sleep... or has it weakened over time that it can't do that anymore?
    Either gameplay/story segregation or MAGIC.

    "Hart"mut's blade spared Idun.

    Fucking robots in disguise.

    Says the guy who basically is letting Roy kill through all the minion dragons like cutting paper and not doing a thing about it but tell stories.
    What a horrible villain!

    Will we replicate this effect?
    Perhaps Roy may... purify Idun or put her back to sleep.

    Oh look it's like the Fire Emblem
    You know the thing the series is named after
    It has importance again or something

    Fiend! He knew what he brought onto the world!

    He haunts me after death.

    Please end all this throne-seizing.

    On Turn 18, that's another seize for Roy.

    Figured as much.

    Will you be any different from a regular Manakete?

    Weren't you outside last chapter?

    How did you know the demon dragon would or could get resurrected?

    You lost.
    You got banished to another world.
    You and your kind in the other world survived.
    You said you fought to survive and nothing else.
    I'm very confused here. Why are you doing this again?

    Are you connected to her?

    Why is she connected to the sanctuary? Is it because she's a demon dragon, because she slept in it too long, or what?
    Jahn, sure. He was trying to heal in it, I suppose, but I beg the question: does it accelerate his healing or could he have been bleeding out all his life until she woke up?
    Granted, I have been playing this game over the course of three months (jeez!) so details that I should have remembered from earlier parts is foggy, but I also feel this chapter is serving as an info dump for the demon dragon arc that was not as hinted at enough during the main game that could end at Chapter 22 if you didn't meet requirements for the true ending.
    I understand why it happened this way, but I think it could have been handled a bit better.

    Well he's doing his illusion magic to you right now, isn't he, Roy?
    I'm not sure what the extent of power does he lose for being in his human form but I go, "fuck it it's video game magic."

    I guess I'll accept this answer. For now.

    I'm done accepting answers.
    I bet you are horrible outside of needing more legendary weapons cutting into your flesh.
    And isn't that just sad? He spent 1000 years healing up... only to get hacked at again not that much time later.
    Such is life for Jahn.

    I feel like I heard this somewhere but I don't know where...
    If it's something from FE7's ending, that ending is very foggy to me right now. All except for Zephiel's creep face.




    I still question
    AT ALL

    Yeah, pretty much.

    I've only heard him really talk in one chapter.
    He's already pissing me off greatly.
    All these info dumps and insults are getting to me.
    He lets us know one more thing, of which is really just his opinion.

    There's Arcadia.
    I think you cradled your broken pride and you stuck in your sanctuary of DELUSIONS for far too long that you never knew about Arcadia.
    Sack. Of. Shit.

    Roy and I speak the same language--though I'm being cruder.

    Hey, Fae. Can you come up here for a second?
    Fae?... She's too far in the back. Fine.

    The final room. THANK. GOD.

    Jahn, I want to punch your face in, and I've talked to you only this chapter. Congrats!
    He's got 80 HP and crazy high defenses. 38 Defense and 24 Resistance total after accounting throne defenses.
    But honestly, the man is likely to fall thanks to: a) no 1-2 range attack, b) x3 effective legendary weapons and, c) only 80 HP.
    The fire dragon from FE7 was more threatening than this guy. That's saying something.

    Turn 21




    I'll never understand Roy's Resistance.

    Manakete reinforcement from the third-to-last throne room on Turn 21 enemy phase.

    Turn 22

    I give Fae a Manakete kill because why not

    I actually didn't realize this until now but
    Lilina is actually the highest leveled promoted unit--and what she was mostly doing all the time after promotion was healing.
    I'm... actually speechless. I mean, it makes sense when I realize all the combat units I had and them having to split all the low combat EXP...
    But Lilina has mostly been healing and she's ending this game at Level 19. I don't even know anymore...

    Roy sits his butt on the last throne...

    Is there a way to save her possibly? She's kind of led a shit life--and not even because she made those choices.


    From the tone of this game's cast, I guess that would come off that way to her.

    Take a wild guess, Roy.

    Were you not paying attention that she was forced against her will?

    She was not listening. Haaaaa.

    As the last person who could have turned you into a demon dragon (except Idun) is now gone.
    Wahoo Jahn's dead.

    So now that that's settled with Fae, what's next to talk about?

    So how do we propose to do this?

    What are we answering again? How do we plan to free the demon dragon from her fate?

    Idun is next. Is there a way to save her from her unfortunate fate?
    Before we can find that out, we return to the alternate run and finish that up. We shall savor the true end in due time...

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Great Lord   16.61    51(+7) 23(+2)  25      23      27      11(+2)  20
    Allen      Paladin      16.93    54     25      21      25      15      14       5
    Lance      Paladin      13.04    50     17      20      25      13      11       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight  13.01    42(+7) 15(+2)  23      28      26       9      12
    Rutger     Swordmaster   9.03    47     18      29      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop       12.41    38     19      23      24       4       6      23
    Lilina     Sage         19.00    38     30      14      22      20       6      23
    Astore     Thief        18.12    32      8      10      18      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       13.48    43     18      19      19      11      12      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker    10.59    54     23      17(+4)  19      15      14       3
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  18.59    58     25      26      22      12      17       7
    Zeiss      Wyvern Lord  10.08    50     25      23      16(+4)  10      17       4
    Niime      Druid        20.00    27(+7) 21      20      16      15       5      19

    Reset: 8
    Lost: 5
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 24          Fae                    Combat - Manakete
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
    Chapter 23          Karel                  Unrecruited
  17. Durandal!Miledy is a thing! WHOOOOOOOO!

    Karel has God growths. That's no typo for good. His bases are decent too. He's kick Rutger's ass at this point. Free wo dao too.

    Good luck sleeping Brenya on a throne. Don't you know from FE7 that thrones cure status effects?

    Next chapter is stupidly easy. Good luck with it.

    Also, that Roy is amazing.

    Durandal!anyone is pretty cool. I like +5 Strength.

    Yeah. I remember something about Karel's growths being massive. Too bad I couldn't get him.

    I honestly forgot about that fact, haha. You can tell I don't use status staves often.

    It is easy until something goes horribly wrong...

    Roy said he was done being scrub-lord after 20+ chapters of being scrub-lord.

    The next chapter is legendary. It's made even more amazing when you play fe7 first. Like, I'm not even kidding. ALL your questions on the scouring will be answered next chapter. Oh, and a hint: you've seen Jhan before... :)

    EDIT: I mean it's legendary in a storyline PoV. And I'm exaggerating.

    I hope I get some questions answered. And I have, eh? I don't recall Jahn at all but we'll see.

    Exaggerating, eh? We'll see, we'll see.

    HM Zephiel is...slightly less fearsome than you'd think

    He only gets +1 to HP. Yup.

    As you surmised, Karel is only recruitable by Bartre and Fir (he comes at L19 with good stats, and hilariously broken growths, every single one over 100%).

    Durandal!Miledy is absolutely brokenly overpowered....almost as much as your Roy like how is he that good I don't even understand

    Brunja is an absolute terror in HM as you'd expect.

    [spoiler="Her HM Stats]OnIbaoj.pngRITujk4.png

    42 Mt 10 Range attacks off 18 AS post-con is utterly insane, she actually doubled and almost ORKO'd my 29res (14x2 damage after WTA) Ellen last time I played this chapter. Her high avoid and capped defenses are nothing to scoff at either

    That AI confuses me. I actually thought Brunja's guards on this chapter were stationary, I've personally never seen them move before. Weird.

    Zephiel's HM bonuses = lame

    Karel did Wolf and Sedgar before Wolf and Sedgar (in terms of growth rates). I almost forgot Karel was here... except I didn't expect him this late in the game and only available in the true ending. That's sneaky, Intelligent Systems!

    Brunja's HM bonuses = oh jeez

    I've been thinking of what I'll do after getting the true end. Maybe some average stat comparisons and overall thoughts on the game. We'll see :)

    I guess I can never be sure of FE6 enemy AI, what with Chapter 21 being a thing. This wasn't the first time FE AI crapped out on me (this incident involving FE9 Jill not auto-recruiting herself, forcing me to restart the chapter).

    That's the last free one in the game!

    But...your better off keeping it for the funds rank as it isn't viable in any way possible.

    Actually, Talismens/Res get useless after Chapter 23. Save them for the funds rank. Since no one uses magic after this chapter.

    Already 4.9 abve his average!

    Awesome! :D

    I usually only could get hers to C rank.



    Wish I could have that Roy. Though it took till my 17th run to have this Shanna.


    Good luck with the next chapter.

    Fae is forced on the map and that it can be hard without characters with good Str/Silver/Devil, Magic/Light Brand, Wyrmslayer/Dragon Buster, Divine Weapons.

    Yeah, probably. Even if ranking is easier in this game, as been told.

    No magic after this chapter? Huh. Good to know.

    Roy is? Now I'm curious on how he averagely does.

    Wahoo for non-ranked meaning spamming ALL the staves :D

    I want that Shanna. Whatever happened to my Shanna of good unpromoted Strength?

    At this rate, I won't even need all those Silvers that I bought--perhaps because this is Normal mode. I wonder how this chapter is in Hard mode.

    So I guess this chapter is not Endgame. I'll be playing catch up with the alternate run. In the meantime...

    NOTE: Who knew I would end up having to reset this chapter despite it being easy? Fae encountered an ambush spawn Manakete and burned to death from a Manakete following her.

    NOTE: However! Second post will be my finishing of this chapter, so there is no waiting for you guys!

    [spoiler=Chapter 24.1 - *Capture the Throne and Info Dumps: The Map*]


    I can just smell the ending.


    We could negotiate peace with the dragons.

    No? I guess not.


    Can I finally get some answers?


    Everything was a lie?!

    Time to look at the map...







    Who thought a gradient this sharp (with strips of color I can clearly see as vastly different shades) was a good idea?!

    Besides that point


    There are these buildings that I can't get into except for the very first one.

    I'm going to take a stab at what I'm supposed to do:

    Roy needs put his ass on every throne he encounters in order to unlock the next building and snake our way to the top.

    I mean

    It's not any different from what he's done every other map

    The enemies...


    The right Manakete is the one on the throne. I guess it's not considered a boss and just more like a higher-leveled Manakete on a throne.

    With all the legendary weapons, Wyrmslayers, magic, and Hammerne at my disposal, I should be fine.


    After restocking and having units carry the big guns (i.e. legendary weapons), we're ready.

    I couldn't get Yoder to S Light and I don't feel like taking him. Saul can chip and be the sole healer if necessary.

    Fae's mandatory. Thankfully I did train her up a bit beforehand.

    Oh, as for statboosters, I've decided not to bother. Everyone's pretty much good and I am more worried about weapons than stats currently.


    I don't know how the Manaketes not on thrones work, but I'm ready for them.

    Let's hunt us some dragons!


    What truth will we find in the Dragon Sanctuary?


    If by "air" you mean the music that is not here, then yes. It feels strange.


    Let's make our own legends, Roy my boy!


    Yes. Someone just had to open the gate and let bloodthirsty dragons in here.

    I mean, can we negotiate about this? Fae turned out fine!


    What does that mean?


    More talky?


    > Fire Emblem is color-coded

    > Wears too much red

    > Demons are traditionally black or dark purple

    = Jahn's obviously not the demon dragon


    "War dragons," you say? Are they artificially-created dragons or...?


    How is Idun different?

    Did you now? So you're a Scouring veteran?


    I wouldn't have assumed such. Powerful, maybe, but not the leader.

    Let's let Jahn clarify this.


    Shock and horror! Whoever the demon dragon is is just another pawn by other dragons?!

    This is interesting.


    Roy, ask in my place. Ask for ALL the backstory and exposition!


    Then don't...?


    ... you are the absolute WORST villain in this game--no, I almost forgot Narcien.

    You are the SECOND WORST villain in this game.


    We're seriously doing this?

    Agh, whatever. Story/gameplay reason for me to knock some dragon heads.


    Nah, Roy. He's just going to run like a bastard at lightning-speed like all villains do when they have a set position.


    Such "arcane" magicks.

    Also, what is the point of him making this small test or game to know the truth? It's pointless for him and just wastes energy.

    Agh whatever. Let's get this over with.

    Turn 1


    Due to how big this map is and how little enemies there may be (as evidenced in the first room), I may need to skip about as I'm just moving units towards goal point(s).

    Of note, this theme kicks some ass.

    *Future Me*

    Alright, this map gameplay-wise is quite boring. 3-4 Manaketes in a room that gets unlocked by Roy sitting his butt on a throne. Info dump each throne-capturing. Repeat a few times.

    I'll show off the first couple of rooms. I basically just repeat the same strategy of having Roy clean house on all the dragons with a switch between Wyrmslayer and Binding Blade. Roy kills the Manakete guarding the room with the Wyrmslayer; Roy defeats the two non-throne Manaketes with the Binding Blade with support bonuses from Lilina; Roy kills the throne Manakete with either Binding Blade or Wyrmslayer.

    Lilina eventually Hammernes the Binding Blade and, poof, end of chapter.

    So yes employing skipping after the first two throne rooms.


    Elphin used his play to get Roy further ahead. I'm still trying to level Roy some.

    Turn 2

    No enemies moved. Mm...


    Do they move when I'm in range?

    Elphin played Fae.

    West Manakete hits Roy. Roy stabs twice with the Wyrmslayer for a kill.

    Turn 3

    Lilina physics Roy.

    Elphin plays Fae.

    Fae kills the east Manakete in two shots after the Manakete sets her feathers on fire.


    Now she has enough!

    Saul physics Fae.

    Roy crit-kills the Manakete on the throne. Saves me one Wyrmslayer use.


    Will take Roy off the throne next turn.

    Turn 4

    Roy claims the throne, where we get another Jahn projection talking to us.


    Not when your dragons can't double attack me and die to two stabs from a Wyrmslayers.

    Don't toy with me. Your dragons were like the easiest things I've beaten recently.


    More like the lucky level ups I got with Roy.


    The biggest one being Roy's inability to promote until after Chapter 21x.


    With each claiming of the throne, I get to hear the truth? Okay. Start explaining.


    Oh, ho! What's this?


    I'm not sure anymore.


    But what's this about the demon dragon? How did they create it?


    Really now!


    What the...!


    And it still ended with your defeat.

    So Idun is working as a mindless puppet. That really sucks.

    I would ask how they destroyed Idun's soul but I'll let it go this time.

    Jahn disappears.


    This room is now open. Interestingly, the Manakete guarding the entrance and the throne Manakete are holding Elixirs.

    Elphin has two Elixirs in case I need any. I'm good.

    Allen rescues Roy so Milady can take him and move west enough that Elphin can reach her. After that, Milady drops Roy in front of the guarding Manakete.


    Roy will be MVP of this map.

    I couldn't catch it in time but there is a reinforcement Manakete from where we started. I guess to say that we need to hurry or not to leave anyone behind.

    Manakete burns Roy. Roy retaliates by killing the dragon.

    Turn 5


    The reinforcement in question. He also has an Elixir.

    Saul physics Roy.

    Elphin plays Lilina.

    Lilina gets in range of Roy for support bonus without being in range of the Manaketes.

    This gives Roy enough Attack to kill the throne Manakete from a distance with the Binding Blade.




    Allen and Igrene Rescue-Drop Elphin.


    Roy should be able to survive this turn even if taking both hits from the Manaketes. Thanks, Binding Blade's +5 Def!

    After taking a flame breath from the Manakete, Roy crit-kills.

    Roy dodges a flame blast by... shifting slightly, still in the flame's path. A whack from the Binding Blade and Manakete goes down.

    Turn 6

    Saul physics Roy.

    Roy claims the throne...


    Sure. An estimated nine month gestation period may seem quick to a dragon...


    I see! So they took the concept of a fast gestation period and employed it to the demon dragon's ability to create war dragons.

    Interesting. Very interesting.


    I mean, how could it not? It's basically Nergal's morphs in dragon form.


    Not even the Divine Dragons agreed with them. But did the Divine Dragons participate in the war by other means or were they the neutral in the whole conflict?



    Idun is technically a female that got kidnapped. That makes it...

    Lilina, Guinivere, Elen, Clarine, Sue, (Lalum), Sophia, Cecilia, Fae, Niime, Juno (plus all the women in her cell, but I won't count that), and Idun.

    That's 12 kidnappings/trappings in this game. Holy. Shit.


    Well, yeah. I would hesitate too. My soul is about to be crushed.


    Man, normal dragons are such dicks in this game.



    And then Roy says that's vile and Jahn flees.


    A new room with four Manaketes. The throne one is slightly stronger than the other throne ones so far, at Level 14. Ooooh, I-I-I'm sooooo scared!

    I'll be properly skipping as mentioned in the *Future Me* section.

    On Turn 7, a new reinforcement Manakete came out of the throne of the first room we entered. Perhaps I should have Fae feast on them?

    Roy bites a flame blast and then crit-kills.

    Roy dodges the second and kills the Manakete.

    On Turn 8, after claiming the third throne...


    Because they're easy with the legendary weapons and a Wyrmslayer!

    Even magic tells them to go away!


    Did this lead to the creation of the legendary weapons?


    So legendary in fact that they can last 1000 years against the harshest weather and conditions--but not 20 uses in battle.

    Finite uses/10


    Uh huh...


    You mean they didn't when you forced a divine dragon to turn into a demon dragon and had her summon soulless war dragons?

    And this collapse was the Ending Winter.


    According to Jahn, this was not the case.


    I guess so.


    Oh shut up, Jahn.

    We wielded them again because, I don't know, DRAGONS threatened to kill all the humans.

    It's not right on either side...


    So bringing about another disaster gets hand-waved. gudstorytelling


    He flees again after this bit.


    The new room.


    Fae levels


    I appreciate the Strength but...



    I would like more uses of that Binding Blade, please.


    Fae levels

    Turn 10

    Lilina moves to give support bonus out of attacking range.

    Roy equips the Wyrmslayer.

    Saul physics Fae.

    Allen drops Elphin.


    Fae moved to just in range of the oncoming Manakete.

    And another reinforcement pops out from the throne room Fae's in...



    Argh! I thought I was in the clear for any more resets.

    Reset: 8

  18. [spoiler=Chapter 23-2 - *Enemy AI whacks out*]
    Turn 2
    Got quite a bit of baddies coming for my units. What to do, what to do...


    She may not cap Speed. 22 should be good for the rest of the game.
    Besides, she got more Luck and Resistance! She does have a problem with crit-dodging and magic, after all.

    Lilina softens up the Manakete.
    Roy finishes off said Manakete with a Wyrmslayer blow just for kicks. Guaranteed level up means...

    Please don't stop, Roy.

    Allen crit-kills a Javelin Wyvern Rider.
    Niime gets in the forest and attacks the Wvyern Rider. I can finally see what Apocalypse is about.

    So many sigils...
    Whoa, whoa. What the heck? They're shaking!
    (I couldn't get a good pic of them while they were shaking)

    Symbols appear, gather in the center, spread out...


    And I guess some... rock?... hit the enemy and he died.
    Well that was a show in of itself.

    Elphin plays Lilina so Lilina can heal Roy.

    To be expected.

    Shanna visits the village...

    Let me guess: I needed to bring Fir or Bartre.
    CURSE YOU, FE6. In the supposed semi-final chapter of this game, too!
    God you know when to take the piss out of someone. =________=
    The village is left wide open for enemy attack. GOOD. Thanks a lot, Karel!

    Ending formation of Turn 2

    Axereaver Wyvern Rider goes for Geese. After missing, he gets hit and then crit-killed.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider digs his spear into Rutger. Rutger hits once and then crit-kills.
    Axereaver Wyvern Rider hits Niime. Well... I might reset if she gets hit again. Apocalypse ends him.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider is sacrificed to Apocalypse.
    Long Ballista misses Niime.
    Long Ballista misses Niime. Will she survive enemy phase?
    And she does! Javelin Wyvern Rider dies to her Apocalypse.

    Make that extra-dead Apocalypse.

    Turn 3

    I hope there aren't surprise reinforcements near Niime.

    Elphin plays Milady.
    Lilina heals Rutger.
    Yoder physics Niime.

    I'm awaiting oncoming enemies.
    It's a bit of a waste of the Binding Blade for Wyvern Riders and possibly a Wyvern Lord (since I just figured out that the Binding Blade doesn't have effective bonus on them, apparently) but I'm going to try to limit use as much as I can.

    Roy bonks a Wyvern Rider twice for death.
    Lance dodges a Long Ballista bolt.
    And another one.
    Steel Bow Sniper takes the opportunity to shoot Milady without a ranged weapon.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider hits Roy. Roy crit-kills him.
    Silver Lance Wyvern Lord also hits Roy. He's down to 10 HP! But that's okay. Roy pays him back with another crit-kill.

    BOO, ROY

    Flux Druid misses Lance in a forest. Lance hits once with his Hand Axe.

    Turn 4

    Making sure to end the Killer Ballista Sniper so I can continue up the east side...

    Milady whips out the Silver Swords and cuts the Sniper to pieces.
    Lilina heals Roy.
    Zeiss kills the Druid with Gant's Lance.
    Now he's in range of Long Ballistae but I say NOPE. Time for Rescue-Drop courtesy of Allen and Lance. They return to their original spots after they are done.
    Saul weakens the Druid by Divine rage.
    Elphin plays Rutger.
    Rutger kills the Axereaver Wyvern Rider with his Silver Sword. Look, guys! Rutger's getting use again!
    Thanks to Saul weakening that Druid, Roy can save his Binding Blade and switch to the Iron Sword. Down goes the Druid.
    Shanna buys two Physics, two Restores, and a Pure Water.

    Playing too cautiously could be the death of me--provided there are reinforcements at any point.

    Long Ballista misses Rutger.
    Rutger dodges another bolt.

    Turn 5

    Nobody moved.
    I could risk Milady getting hit by the Berserk staff... maybe. I don't want to but the Druids near the boss haven't moved an inch. They either must be programmed to be stationary or move when in range...
    I want fliers like Zeiss and my magic units to start moving. Argh! Let's do it!

    Milady kills the southwest Long Ballista Sniper. She has no ranged weaponry if she does end up becoming berserked, but I really HOPE she doesn't. If she does become berserked, I hope my plan on rescuing her out of that condition works...
    Elphin plays Geese.
    At the normal Armory, Shanna gets a new Silver Sword and Silver Lance. She also buys five Javelins and three Hand Axes.

    Please don't move, Druids...

    North Wyvern group is on the move towards Milady.
    Steel Bow Sniper misses Milady.
    Commence peak shenanigans, starring Geese and his Hand Axe! He kills the Wyvern Rider easy.
    Thankfully Geese doesn't kill the Wyvern Lord with a Spear. I wanted Roy to get this kill, of course.

    Turn 6

    Cool. Druids didn't move.
    But crap. Another Wyvern Lord with a Killer Lance that could seriously hurt Milady if he crits.
    According to my Druid staff calculations, I can't attack that Sniper in direct combat without also getting just in range of a Sleep Druid. Looks like Milady's going to have to pull out for now.
    This would be a good opportunity for Milady to draw the Wyvern group away from the Druids and attack next turn.
    At the same time, the Sniper is on his last Ballista shot. Zeiss could start supporting Milady on come Turn 7.

    Roy kills the Wyvern Lord with a Wyrmslayer stab through the heart.

    Otherwise a very good level up from Roy my boy

    With Elphin's help, Lilina reaches Roy for a heal.
    From the specialized Armory, Shanna purchases one Horseslayer, three Killing Edges, and five Killer Lances. I hope this is enough for the rest of the game.

    Lance is the westmost Paladin. Milady is out of range of the Wyvern group except for the one with the Javelin.

    Long Ballista Sniper uses his last shot to miss Rutger. And that Sniper is free EXP for Zeiss. Sniper can't move because of all the untraversable terrain around him. What a scrub!

    Turn 7

    Approaching the Red Gem Manakete.

    Zeiss dodges a Wyvern Rider and slaughters him. That's a level for Zeiss.

    Roy: Zeiss, I must speak to you about an important matter.
    Zeiss: Yes, General Roy?
    Zeiss: щ(゜ロ゜щ) Not my stats!

    Before that Wyvern Lord gets funny ideas about Zeiss, Milady kindly tells him to fuck right off with a swing of the Durandal.

    I did say "kindly," didn't I?
    Oh, Milady. You and your overkills!

    Saul physics Lilina.
    Elphin plays Lilina.

    Things are going along smoothly so far. Ending Turn 7.

    Never thought I'd see the day where a dragon misses so gloriously.
    I deliberately moved Roy out of range of Lilina support bonus for no crit chance and boosted Attack.

    For some reason, an Axereaver Wyvern Rider wants a bite out of Durandal!Milady. I mean, sure, she has eight less HP points from max but there's a perfectly viable Zeiss right there? It just means instant death.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider at least has the sense to attack Milady from a distance. Still doesn't do him good if he misses.
    The northeast Wyvern group is on the move now that I aggravated the Manakete.

    Turn 8

    More Roy feeding

    Roy performs his crit florish and kills the Manakete with an Iron Sword.
    Zeiss takes up the free Sniper kill.
    I unfortunately forgot that Milady doesn't have enough Aid to rescue Zeiss. Damn... Well, she takes out the Wyvern Rider with a crit-kill from the Silver Lance. Looks like Zeiss might be asleep for a few turns.
    And because I'm an idiot, I forgot to have Astore steal the Red Gem before Roy killed the Manakete. Oh well.

    Not much to say. Baiting and progressing.

    Manakete misses Lance in a forest. With two swings of the Maltet, the dragon goes down.
    Steel Lance Wyvern Rider goes for Geese... for some strange reason. Geese dodges, hits once, and then crit-kills.
    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Geese. Still not understanding the AI's reason. Geese wasn't damaged or anything.

    I hate status Druids.
    I hate Milady's inability to rescue him.

    Turn 9

    There is something I can do about the Druids, but I may want to wait until Zeiss wakes up.
    Or not because "Roy's Training Hour" is nigh.

    Geese gets on the peak and kills the Javelin Wyvern Rider with two swings.

    Going to wait out a turn to execute my plan.

    Axereaver Wyvern Rider hits Rutger. Rutger with his Lancereaver slashes twice.


    The Wyvern Lord with a Killer Lance hits Roy but no crit. Phew! He had a 33 chance to hit. Roy slays the Wyvern Lord with Wyrmslayer in hand.


    Sleep Druid puts Geese to sleep.
    Sleep Druid misses Lilina.

    Turn 10

    This turn is inconsequential.
    "Someone" hit "End" accidentally.


    Sleep Druid misses Lilina.
    And another miss.

    Turn 11

    I wanted Merlinus to survive for stat boosters. Thanks a lot, me.
    Well, thankfully, I do have the Speedwings on Zeiss and an Energy Ring on Roy, but it looks like I'm going to have to wait next chapter to use the ones in Merlinus' convoy.
    i r smrt

    Roy plunges his Iron Sword into the offending Wyvern Rider, killing him.
    Lilina heals Roy.
    Elphin plays Lilina.
    Lilina heals Rutger.
    Shanna rescues Zeiss.

    Will be wasting Druid Sleeps this turn via Saul.

    Or Lilina because she was apparently in range. Druid misses.

    Turn 12

    Nobody moved. I guess this can call for fast-forwarding.

    Good night, Berserk Druid.

    I love you, Barrier. Lilina can now Physic!

    She misses Bolting Lilina.

    Was worth a shot.

    I swore the Binding Blade wasn't effective to dragons (Manaketes, Wyverns) because I tried on a Wyvern before. I don't recall seeing effective damage.
    Perhaps it's only effective on Manaketes.
    Roy crit-kills the Manakete. I won't worry about the Gems this playthrough (Roy's in range of the Druid with the Blue Gem).

    Why did the Sniper AI do that?!
    Earlier I tried to bait them out and they didn't move. Now they moved when Roy and Lilina were attacking the main group... and they didn't do anything.
    I'm so lost here!

    Lance, please.



    Druid also moved without attacking?!

    I'm still fighting but here's the northwest Vendor's inventory.
    Not sure what I would need from this store. I'll think on it and put what I bought later below.
    I bought one Thunder, one Elfire, one Divine, one Nosferatu, and one Flux.

    That Resistance...

    I'll be taking that.


    We fight!
    Zeiss misses and gets hit. Want to get that chip level before Roy ends Brunja.

    Yes, Lilina!

    Zeiss, noooooo.

    And by Turn 22, Roy has downed Brunja.

    The Speeeeeeed

    Roy's Power Hour has these stats naturally. That Strength, Speed, and Resistance.
    I have two other Energy Rings in the convoy, so I think I'll give Roy one. Other than Lance and Shanna, there's not much contest for Energy Rings. I'll decide later who I should give the other Energy Rings and statboosters to.
    screenshot for sig purposes? i don't know

    Dem stats

    Dem stats

    And with Elphin's help, Roy ends this map on Turn 24.

    What could be bothering him?

    I don't like the sounds of this...
    Roy still doesn't know what Elphin means.

    My guess was going to be that the dragons would be immune to any damage except from legendary weapons.

    Look at you, Roy! You're the second coming of the Scouring with those stats!

    I'll probably have to Hammerne a couple of them, actually...
    Cursed Binding Blade. Stupid finite uses/10

    Only the most competent can come with me.

    Then Elphin realizes that if Roy was making the decision, he wouldn't be able to come in.
    Scrub Elphin can't use any weapon, let alone the legendary ones.

    This isn't Sacred Stones or Awakening. Just good ol' "from-one-map-to-the-next" Fire Emblem.

    Where's my Endgame?!

    Interestingly, there were no reinforcements. Either I didn't wait long enough or there just were none...
    We're on our way inside the Dragon Sanctuary. Brunja has been defeated. Is this Endgame or not?

    NOTE: If the next chapter is this game's Endgame, I'd like to finish the alternate run before ending the main one. Let's close out on the real end of this game!

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Great Lord   12.26    47     22(+2)  24      23      25      10      19
    Allen      Paladin      16.43    54     25      21      25      15      14       5
    Lance      Paladin      13.04    50     17      20      25      13      11       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight  13.01    42(+7) 15(+2)  23      28      26       9      12
    Rutger     Swordmaster   9.03    47     18      29      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop       12.08    38     19      23      24       4       6      23
    Lilina     Sage         17.48    37     30      13      21      19       6      22
    Astore     Thief        18.12    32      8      10      18      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       13.48    43     18      19      19      11      12      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker    10.59    54     23      17(+4)  19      15      14       3
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  18.49    58     25      26      22      12      17       7
    Zeiss      Wyvern Lord  10.08    50     25      23      16(+4)  10      17       4
    Niime      Druid        20.00    27(+7) 21      20      16      15       5      19

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 5
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
    Chapter 23          Karel                  Unrecruited
  19. It's back! And I guess my comment about Roy earlier have you good luck, because hot damn, that's really good!

    Guess Zephiel's HM bonuses. Just guess.

    If the weapons broke, you wouldn't get the true ending. You wouldn't get it if a certain character died either. Obviously other than Roy.

    You wish your Shanna was my Ayra References to other LP's are the best.

    Roy sucks so much he doesn't even get a new promoted animation.

    Top-tier master race Roy is back!

    I don't even want to guess... Please don't make me. I fear he has capped HP, Strength, and Defense...

    I assumed so if a weapon broke but the other character? Huh. I wonder who that could be...

    I somehow just noticed you got yourself a LP you're working on. I'll be reading

    This bothers me a bit! Agh! I don't know what Intelligent Systems was thinking with Roy!

    All those levels went straight to his muscles >u>

    But I mean, it's only natural~

    Good job dummy, even though it took you forever to update >:C


    Bah x)

    Your Roy is incredible...pity the Binding Blade only has 20 uses.

    Shanna's Str issues are sadly quite well documented. It's weird, her growth isn't even that bad, it's on par with some pretty good units, but (yes i know PEMN) it just feels like every time I use her she just refuses to gain any...

    I'm not sure you stuck around in there long enough, but throne room reinforcements spawn every 4 turns for a while

    Just praying that Roy doesn't end up like Shanna after this map

    Peg Knights' usability flip-flop prior to FE9 for me. Florina is consistently decent-good merely because of Lyn mode and early game bias (better if you invest the Angelic Robe and Energy Ring you can't give to units outside of Lyn mode). Shanna unfortunately doesn't have that leisure in this game...

    I don't recall what turn I ended the chapter on but while I was fighting Zephiel, I plugged up the stairs in the case there were reinforcements that would come out to attack Elphin. I did see one throne reinforcement but didn't mention it.

    Up to Turn 50. :/

    If I knew this and units like Elphin were safe, I probably could have grinded Roy a little. He definitely needs levels. The poor lad.

    *Part 1 ends before Turn 2

    The light carves a path to Idun and Brunja. We must stop them before they bring disaster upon Elibe!

    [spoiler=Chapter 23-1 - *Brunja*s last stand*]


    King Zephiel has fallen thanks to the levels Roy got during the last map. With that also comes a close on the continental war.


    But we're not finished with our adventure.


    It just doesn't feel as climatic as meeting Zephiel.


    Since this is not "Endgame," how many chapters does Roy get to train? I guess I'll have to find out.


    But shock and horror, we have Brunja to fight. After the chapter where she was first slapped with the "follow my orders!" statement, she didn't appear again until last chapter. You would almost forget she existed.

    I almost did.


    I'm bringing the heat!


    "Dead"? I wouldn't say "dead"--unless decided that Bern should be destroyed and not just absorbed by another country.


    We've got a bit of land to cover to get to our goal point.


    Sweet! Shops! I was running low on throwing weapons.

    There is a big deployment size for this chapter (15 units + 1 Roy), so I might bring Merlinus this time.

    Also village. The only one.

    There is a Vendor to the northwest. I'll have to check it out, out of curiosity for why it's all by its lonesome.


    Just so I can't Rescue-ferry Roy to the castle, I've got some ballistae and Wyverns to take care of.

    The two west ballistae are Long Ballistae and the east one I think is a Killer Ballistae.

    This seems like a simple task for Milady (and Zeiss and Shanna once I get rid of the ballistae), however...


    Three of these Druids in proximity to the boss have two Sleep staves and one Berserk staff. The Killer Ballistae is just inside their range.

    I don't know if I can risk barrier-ing Milady and have her take out the center without any complications. They just have too much Magic.

    This is assuming that they move. If they don't, that would make my day--but I'm not going to count on it.


    This area could have a Secret Shop, I feel.

    Enemy roll-call, go!



    We were very close in having a map with all promoted units and not Endgame :(

    Still, these are some formidable enemies.


    Of interest, the Manakete has a Red Gem and the Druid has a Blue Gem. I can just bring Astore and take him through the east path towards the boss.

    The boss also has something to steal.


    This is Brunja, a competent Sage. High Magic, okay-ish Speed (14-16, weighed down by Bolting or Fimbulvetr, respectively), high Defense, and capped Resistance.

    If at all possible, I would like Niime to put Brunja to sleep. She's going to hit hard with Fimbulvetr, snipe me with Bolting, and that Guiding Ring just to taunt me.

    TAUNT ME. Because this is probably the semi-last chapter of the game and Intelligent Systems, being the TROLOLOL company they are, thought that the players would legit keep a magic unit unpromoted and STILL use them up until this chapter.

    And then Intelligent Systems proceeds to kick the player right in their sensitive parts and laugh as they waited until the semi-last chapter and can only use said magic unit in the next chapter.

    Intelligent Systems, why? That's just mean and unnecessary and all around a terrible practice.


    I'll be restocking and reorganizing inventories and selling off things. Yoder and Merlinus are among the mix.

    I have a feeling that this is the last chapter of the game with shops. I mean, I hope so. I would hope the next chapter is Idun.

    That is a preface to say that I'll be doing a bit of selling so I can buy some equipment and items. Selling off all extra promotion items, unnecessary equipment, extraneous healing items, and the like.


    I get back some money (30k+). Here's the formation. West-most Paladin, Wyvern Lord, and Bishop are Allen, Milady, and Yoder.

    There's less enemies on the west side. My aim is for Roy to get a ton of levels this map and keep Merlinus alive. I plan to give stat boosters this map as I see appropriate.

    It's not usually something I want to do (wait until the last chapters to use stat boosters) but just happened without knowledge of growths, promotion times, and chapters. Like I said previously, I'm assuming this is the semi-last one and by having Roy eat lots of levels this map, I'll see if he needs a statbooster for a stat or two he failed to cap naturally.

    Also because I want to see how good my natural Roy is so I can use that a sig image I mean what?

    Roy's army heads for Brunja!


    Bring your talismans and amulets, we've got some purging to do.


    I don't know how to feel about this music. Sinister/upbeat?

    I'm going to guess the red-headed man is a dragon.


    Yep. Dragon.


    You could step aside--but I don't know how Sue would react.


    It could be a repeat of Chapter 21. I'd be really mad.

    Really. Mad.


    "Were" the strongest force in Elibe.

    I'll give you unwavering will.


    He has some semblance of logic.


    And he leaves them because humans are just too "irrational."


    This is both amazing and shameful. I give them credit for staying with Brunja, but nearly all of them stayed? They're almost on Daein levels of loyalty to their country.

    Except Jill, Haar, Sothe, Zihark, and Tauroneo


    Too loyal to quit the army life.


    Honorable woman. At least she doesn't give bitch slaps of "FOLLOW MY ORDERS, WENCH."

    God Zephiel was such a tool.


    Ulp, no. Spoke too soon.

    Brunja may use the words like Zephiel but Zephiel is still the bigger tool


    Did the messenger survive this time?!



    But damn. They won't surrender. I guess I have to execute massive slaughtering to save Elibe.


    Well that's unfortunate--for them.


    Wouldn't you keep fighting despite inevitable loss, Roy?


    O' foolish pride!


    I guess we must stop our chitchat.

    Come, Roy's Army. We must advance ourselves!




    You can hear their cries from the back lines!

    Don't be stupid. Going into the front lines is suicidal at best!


    Gah, woman! If you end up dead on the battlefield, will that be payment for the betrayal?!

    Turn 1 enemy placement


    Despite that little scene with her, she does not pop up as a unit. So it was pretty much pointless outside of knowing how she was feeling.


    I'll check out the stores first. I won't be buying anything just yet.


    More Restores, Physics, and Pure Waters might be good. I sold off some Elixirs because I was hoarding so many.


    The inventory of the southwest Armory. I'm more determined that this is the semi-final chapter. Variety of weapons, from Irons to Silvers. That Vendor also was carrying Elixirs for the first time. Solid evidence, I would say.

    I think my convoy should be full of ranged weaponry and Silvers. Bringing Merlinus also helps me make sure I have room for other items.


    The inventory of the northeast Armory. The only thing missing from the screenshots is Longbow.

    This is the specialized Armory, complete with Killers and effective weaponry. Strangely it carries buyable Light Brands.

    I think I'm pretty good on effective weaponry except for maybe an additional Horseslayer. I'll probably be buying another Killing Edge (Roy) and all the Killer Lances for my multitude of lance-users.

    The Wyvern Lord in the center has a Killer Lance and enough Attack to kill Milady if he crits. I unfortunately shouldn't attempt to attack the ballistae this turn while he's there.

    Rutger drops the Durandal into the convoy.

    Milady takes up that Durandal. Wyvern Lord will be in for a nasty surprise next turn.

    I forgot to give Zeiss a Silver Lance so I have him take out a Silver Lance as well.

    Elphin plays Merlinus.


    Forgot Shanna had the Member and Silver Cards so no buying this turn.

    Elphin will wait to the south of Saul.

    At the village...


    Please don't tell me I needed Fir.

    Hi, Karel.


    I see you calmed down after you may or may not have killed Guy.

    And that your sister is dead.


    ! He actually gives a crap about other people!


    The damning evidence he might have killed Guy. Guy was known as the "Sword Saint" in FE7's epilogue.

    Well, assuming that there could only be one person with the title of "Sword Saint" at a time.

    And, you know, Guy/Karel support.

    A lot of assumptions to be made.


    I would not have said this towards Karel in FE7.


    So humble! I don't miss FE7 Karel at all!


    So you DON'T know about Karla. That's unfortunate.


    Did you not visit her when she was ill?

    Wow, Karel. Wow. I don't know when you calmed down but you would have some explaining to do with Fir and Bartre if they were here.

    Everybody's on the move. A Steel Lance Wyvern Rider with 0 hit against Allen in a forest tries his best. Allen had equipped the Killer Axe so...


    I may be seeing this quite a bit.

    But why a Killer Axe?


    This would be the reason. I think if Allen didn't have the axe equipped he would have a SLIGHT chance to get hit by the Horseslayer for some massive damage.

    Allen hits once and then crit-kills. Splendid!

    Long Ballista misses Lance.

    Long Ballista misses Allen.

    Javelin Wyvern Rider misses Allen.

    Flux Druid misses Saul. Saul hits once and then--DAMN YOU SAUL. THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR ROY. NO CRIT-KILLS FOR YOU.

  20. [spoiler='Chapter 22-2 - *Roy vs. Bern*s King Zephiel*]
    Turn 8

    Nothing much else happens. I think I'll be fast-forwarding until we get to those switches and/or something of interest happens.

    How does one even...

    Roy does his own version of bonking someone.
    I didn't time the screenshot well.

    Lance has worse Strength than Roy
    I don't
    I mean

    Something of interest has cropped up on Turn 10's enemy phase: Bishop reinforcements
    And they have Physics. Wonderful.
    Oh, and Sleep and Divine staves. Charming.

    Still fast-forwarding...

    You can't have 15 Strength growth or something.
    It's been 11 levels without a Strength proc, jeez.


    What are you all talking about?
    Roy is the shit, man.
    Put Roy up on top tier, stat.

    I have Roy wait in front of the door but nothing happens. Confirmation that I can't seem to do anything until switches pressed.
    The terrain is also called a wall. Interesting.


    Speed and Resistance is okay.

    More Sleep!


    We got some B support shenanigans to watch.

    See: no enemies about.
    Milady, what are you talking about?

    Uh... who? Elphin? Geese?

    Must be talking about Elphin. Geese has Armads and there's no way Zeiss could handle that.
    I guess catching a dodgey Elphin is lucky.

    Rude. Elphin only helps us get more turns.


    Oh shit. Milady is pulling that card.

    She trusts you--but she doesn't trust the enemies.

    As of right now, you have the same Strength as Milady. You just need to brush up on your Speed and you'll be golden.

    Oh snap, son. She's totally belittling him.

    Like how old is Zeiss supposed to be? Milady is... uhhhh... I can't even tell how old she is.
    I can't say he looks like he's 14. Maybe 18 or 20?

    Accursed Bishop reinforcements.


    Hi guys

    I guess that goes to show how incompetent you are, doesn't it, Zephiel?

    Eh. I'm not feeling this analogy.

    No one that was actually on my team.
    It happened to you though, Zephiel. Milady and Zeiss, to name a few.

    But you're human, so...
    Man Zephiel acts all high and mighty when he's about as much of a shitter as everyone else.

    You tell him, Roy!

    Zephiel asks Roy if Roy knows how the Scouring ended and Roy's like, "Sure thing. Hartmut defeated the demon dragon."

    Please enlighten me.

    The Scouring wasn't the greatest thing, but I mean
    You're doing pretty much exactly what you hate
    You hypocrite

    But we originally lived in peace with dragons, not under dragon rule.
    Stupid Zephiel.

    My gooooood
    Shut up

    You answered it and in the longest way possible.

    A very good question.


    But... they get compelled to fight. Maybe not by emotions but by instinct.
    They are pretty likely to kill their own family and brood if they are true weapons.
    I don't understand.

    Uh... no.
    Where did you get that idea from when you said "weapons"?
    This is the dumbest thing I heard out of his mouth.

    Roy is smart.

    Look, Zephiel. Remember when your dad wanted to kill you? You stopped him.
    Perhaps a very perverted idea of what Roy said, but you did "stop" him when he was "jealous" and "greedy."
    I mean, honestly.

    Well, that's that--

    Hi reinforcements.

    A new enemy appears.

    And here we have Zephiel.
    Holy crap those defensive stats.
    But man that Speed is bad.
    Random Hero's Crest. Should I steal? I guess I could for completion's sake.
    Level 9 Geese could get the 100 EXP kill from Zephiel, but that's very unlikely. I can try Level 8 Zeiss.
    I'm going to be treading cautiously because attacking the Heroes this turn means I'm in range of the Druids and Manaketes. I'm just going to put myself in attacking range of the Heroes.

    I've got a Fire x Fire B support to show.
    Allen is going to throw his body at the mass of enemies.

    You mean all this time I was doing it wrong?
    You mean I was supposed to send Allen and Milady to the back and put Wolt and Wendy to the front?
    I honestly have not a clue what he's going on about. Explain to me, Allen.

    This has got to be the stupidest plan...
    You might as well have told me to feed Wolt and Wendy to the dogs.

    What even in the fuck is he going on about
    I haven't been keeping track of kill counts from my units but if Allen is not in the top three or five of highest kill counts, I would be honestly surprised.

    Oh my god


    Not unnecessary ones that I know could have been prevented by sending my best units out front!
    Allen, stop, please!

    "[this quote]" - all the FE players, including myself, that reset every chapter when a player/recruitable unit falls

    Very unlikely in reality; very probable in FE. It helps when we don't even get 100 units to watch over in any game.

    Please, Roy. Beat some sense into Allen.
    If I heard this plan in real life, I would get the biggest headache. Oi.

    All we're doing for now. Ending Turn 16...

    Manaketes are on the move, as well as the reinforcements that spawned from where my groups started.
    Silver Sword Hero and Iron Sword Zeiss tradde blows.
    Lancereaver Hero misses Allen and dies to Allen's Silver Sword.
    Bishop puts Lance to sleep.

    Turn 17

    Astore's going to need to catch up and soon for that Hero's Crest.

    Niime attacks the Sleep Bishop and gets hit back.
    Saul restores Lance.
    Roy shows a Manakete who's boss. He crit-kills the dragon at direct combat.
    Yoder does some Light practice on the Manakete.
    Igrene kills a Druid--but not before taking massive Fenrir damage.
    Elphin plays Roy.
    Roy switches to the Iron Sword, takes some damage from the Bishop, and kills him. He levels up.

    And that's three Strength procs and two Speed procs this map like good lord
    This Roy is heading towards "personal experience: top tier" levels of good

    Geese hacks into the Manakete with the Armads and levels up.

    More Speed!

    Rutger and his Silver Sword kill the Hero. He takes some damage and had a 1 crit chance to finish Rutger...
    Lilina heals Igrene.
    Zeiss kills the Sniper with his Iron Lance.
    Allen kills the Druid by Iron Axe chops.
    Shanna rescues Chad and starts to head towards the center.

    Astore will move towards the throne.

    Sleep Bishop uses last Sleep on Lance.

    Turn 18

    More skipping, I guess.

    Too bad for him. He can't crit or kill Lilina in one shot.
    He does hit her and... I don't get EXP for Lilina hitting him twice? Huh?

    Allen kills a Sniper from across the wall.
    Allen also kills a Druid in the same fashion.


    *flips table*


    He might cap Speed...?


    I shall prevent this!
    And no EXP! What the hell, you greedy bastard!

    Zephiel's dead and thank goodness too. I ended up in a predicament where Shanna and/or Chad would have likely died thanks to surrounding enemies.
    With Elphin's playing, Roy can take the throne...

    We have indeed, old man. We have indeed.

    But wait, there's more?
    Must be Idun.

    Valid point: registered.

    Flashes of light! What could this mean?!

    Does it react to our weapons of valor?

    Well it's a good thing I didn't let a single one of the legendary wepaons break.
    Who knows what I would have done if I had let one of them break.

    I see.

    I would have assumed so too.

    And of course the guy that promotes the latest gets the best weapon.

    A god's.

    Then let's hop to it!

    Go, go, go!

    Down goes Bern's King Zephiel. With the help of Zephiel's sword and the rest of the weapons, we set off towards Idun and Brunja.
    Roy's got quite a bit to write for his progress report...

               Class          Lv     HP     S/M     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res
    Roy        Great Lord    5.99    41     20      21      20      20       9      16
    Allen      Paladin      16.08    54     25      21      25      15      14       5
    Lance      Paladin      12.52    49     17      20      25      13      11       6
    Merlinus   Transporter   1.03    15      0       3       3      10       3       0
    Shanna     Falcoknight  13.01    42(+7) 15(+2)  23      28      26       9      12
    Rutger     Swordmaster   8.79    46     18      28      25       7      10       6
    Saul       Bishop       11.34    37     18      22      23       4       6      22
    Lilina     Sage         15.87    35     30      13      20      17       6      21
    Astore     Thief        18.02    32      8      10      18      11       8       4
    Igrene     Sniper       13.48    43     18      19      19      11      12      10
    Elphin     Bard         20.00    26      1       4      20      24       6       8
    Geese      Berserker    10.19    54     23      17(+4)  19      15      14       3
    Milady     Wyvern Lord  17.81    57     25      26      22      11      17       6
    Zeiss      Wyvern Lord   8.64    48     25      22      16(+2)  10      17       4
    Niime      Druid        20.00    27(+7) 21      20      16      15       5      19

    Reset: 7
    Lost: 4
    [spoiler=Death-Reset-Lost Table]

    [*deaths* meaning a game over character goes down; 0 so far!]
    Chapter 4           Wade                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 4           Lugh                   Ambush spawn - Rutger
    Chapter 10          Lilina                 Combat - Hand Axe Fighter
    Chapter 14          Sophia                 Combat - Steel Lance Wyvern Rider
    Chapter 14          Saul                   Combat - Steel Sword Mercenary
    Chapter 15          Shanna                 Combat - Silver Bow Sniper
    Chapter 16          Hugh                   Combat - Purge Bishop
    Chapter 6           Cath                   Combat - Chad
    Chapter 9           Shin                   Combat - Lilina
    Chapter 15          Perceval               Unrecruited
    Chapter 15          Garret                 Combat - Allen
  21. How has it been almost a month since I last posted? Get it together, me!
    Also, accidentally backed out of the page with all my responses. ;-;

    Those wall traps do a 10 mt attack. Imagine a crossbow with 10 mt and isn't effective vs fliers. Jesus that Shanna is squishy, she took 1 damage from that!

    That said, you gotta show off the Apocalypse animation. It's...I won't spoil it!:) The spell itself is pretty good though. Why? ...You'll see.

    The fact that Roy promotes this late solidifies him as the worst lord in the series, worse than fricking Leaf and Micaiah. The Binding blade barely make his combat up to par. Looking at his stats, that Roy is...pretty good actually. 17 Str and 18 Spd isn't anything to laugh at.

    Shanna so squishy

    I knew I forgot something coming into Chapter 22. I'll show Apocalypse off soon.

    I don't know much about Leif and FE5, but ergh Micaiah. I'd say the FE7 lords were almost as bad in their promotion times--except at least they don't have "all seize" environment thrust on them.

    Roy with the sealed sword (2 range) can get easily some levels in this chapter so don't worry about his delayed promotion.

    It is a good place for leveling but...
    You'll just have to see. Like jeez what is wrong with my Roy

    Woot Roy's finally promoted! The Binding Blade is awesome, with 1-2 range, +5 Def/Res bonuses, and effective against manaketes (also it can be used to restore health, but why would you waste a charge on that? IS not even having the courtesy of making the titular weapon infinite-use ;_;). If he would only promote earlier, he'd actually be a pretty decent unit, but that Ch.22 promotion time makes him pretty terrible as far as lords go.

    The traps in this chapter are utterly terrible...random fire tiles on the floor do 10 damage each, and the wall spear trap things are actually the worst thing ever (10-Def damage means that most lategame units won't even feel them at all).

    The 6 chests randomly have 3 manaketes and 3 elixirs, and I believe that the positions of the manaketes is randomized.

    Apocalypse is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Niime will have fun with it!

    Note: 30 Res isn't actually 'immunity' to status staves per se, it just makes it nearly impossible for him to get hit by them

    Still not Ragnell-durable/10

    I would have slightly panicked like I did in 16x if I didn't have more Physics this time.

    Then it's maybe not worth it to me to open the chests here. I'm just the type to have staves around so my combat units can have full weapon inventories (even if this is terrible in certain chapters...)

    I want Niime to have fun times!

    I see. Close enough, then!

    This is that chapter that you can raise staff ranks. While your getting to the boss, you can use the spear traps in the walls to allow your unit to take a HP point of Dmg then healing him/her. But the said characters defense can't be above 12...I believe!
    That's the trap that I'm talking about. Repeat and heal and there you go.

    The chapter only contains Elixir and monster traps. Going Final Fantasy here. The chapter is actually easier if you don't open up the treasures.

    That's why his tier is Neverused because he promotes too late and gets near useless mid-game!

    I'll keep this in mind. Coming out of Chapter 22, though, Lilina is less than a quarter away from hitting B rank.

    Yeah, that sounds like what I'll do (not open chests in 22).

    As much as I would like to say "Roy isn't 'neverused' tier," I can't. It's just rather unfortunate how Intelligent Systems treated Roy without giving him the benefits of even FE1 Marth. An all-20 stats cap environment and better movement definitely would have helped Roy loads...

    My only request is that roy vs. b0ss

    Request granted

    *This part ends before Turn 8

    Can I get Roy to Level 20 before endgame? How many promoted units can the game throw at me to make that possibility a reality?

    [spoiler=Chapter 22-1 - *Roy takes some Ster*Roy*ds*]
    Roy's first chapter as a Great Lord!
    And after many detours, we're in Bern's capital.

    His personal guard?
    But yes, let's settle this once and for all!

    Another two-party split. Roy will be in the southeast group.
    There are three chests on the east and west side each. It seems I have a pretty big deployment size this time.

    There are some stairs. Two sets (one shown) are in boxed-in areas.
    I'm not sure what the Hero's standing on. It's not a chest. Carpet?

    These torches are weird.
    Here's a Druid to make my life possible hell. He has a Berserk staff.
    That's a Bishop with Silence.

    Boss' room? It's locked up. Guess I got to take a Door Key.

    Time for enemy data.


    Will I see a non-endgame map with all promoted enemies?
    That would be kind of cool.

    Dem Roy stats
    Everything but Defense and Luck is above half
    Every day I consider putting this into my signature just to be like, "My first Roy was so cool"

    After restocking, I picked these people. Geese and Yoder included.

    Milady shall be striking ahead in Roy's group. Yoder and Astore are in this group.
    Lance is the north Paladin in the other group, and Saul and Chad are accompanying them.
    A little plan involving Lilina and Elphin to get rid of one of my early problems.

    Shall we begin?

    Time for me to figure out what exactly this is supposed to mean.

    Inside the building that I can't see inside, this is happening.
    Yes, he is dead. He was a bit tough to take down, what with Gale following me at the same time.

    Zephiel gives no fucks to the person who saved his life.

    Well, you did lock the door...
    As for Brunja, nothing has changed. I guess confirmation that I can't recruit her.

    What's this?

    I don't like the sounds of this.

    We don't get to meet Idun yet. That's no good.

    Got to keep that ultimate weapon safe, I suppose.

    Do I get to kill Zephiel first?
    Is Idun like the last boss, akin to the random fire dragon in FE7?
    I don't know if to feel disappointed or awed by the parallels.

    If Zephiel goes down, what compels Idun doing from doing what she's doing?
    Most intriguing.

    Brunja, you're just going to get the "follow my orders" slap again.

    To a tee.

    Wow, Zephiel. Rude.

    And thus Brunja is successfully silenced.

    Still don't know what compels Idun to follow Zephiel's orders.

    So this is the dream. Okay.

    Uh... okay.
    I wasn't expecting you to let me through?
    Is there something they have up their sleeves?

    I assume those switches are for the throne room. Right. Okay.
    Then having Yoder carry the Door Key was entirely useless.
    Well then.

    Right, right. I just figured this out.

    Indeed... But I do have mounted and/or thieves to sit on those switches.

    So Roy's got to be in front of the building? This is a little convoluted.

    It is a little far-fetched, but it's a good thing I brought the Door Key just in case.

    I didn't particularly see the Hero units as threatening but I could check them again.


    Onwards! To victory!

    Turn 1 enemy positions

    I want to kill that Berserk Druid ASAP.

    And this is how I want to do it.
    With help from Elphin...


    Not that good but I don't think she needs much else except glorious Speed.

    Oh right. The Heroes on the switches.

    They're being guarded by Generals, have decent Skill and Speed, and have a Brave Sword and Brave Axe. I don't think it's too much that I can't handle.

    I'm too far away from other enemies so it's just a moving-in Player Phase.
    Lance and Allen rescue-drop Chad, though.

    All I can do this turn.

    Milady and her Silver Lance can't kill a Steel Sword Mercenary in one go. I'm very disappointed.

    Turn 2

    Only the Sniper and Mercenary moved.

    Igrene softens up the Sniper with two Iron Bow bolts.
    It's time to test out Roy's Great Lord animation--if he even has a different one because Great Lord sure looks very different from Lord.
    Welp, that is a negatory for an Iron Sword. Roy kills a Sniper. Perhaps if I do the Binding Blade it will be different?
    Elphin plays Yoder.

    In position of oncoming enemies.

    Yoder continues to build his Light rank by avoiding and killing the Knight.
    Steel Sword Mercenary dies on Lance's Iron Lance.
    Lancereaver Mercenary hits Zeiss. Zeiss and his Iron Sword deal mighty damage back but is unable to double.
    Fenrir Druid misses Yoder. Yoder hits twice.

    Turn 3

    More enemies moving in. Makes my job easier.

    Lance proceeds to disappoint me and not kill the Sniper.
    Allen doesn't disappoint me as he kills the Berserker with his Iron Sword.
    Shanna ends the Sniper with her two Iron Lance uses.
    Saul gets rids of the Mercenary from a distance.
    Rutger stabs the Mercenary with his Iron Sword.
    Geese crit-kills the Druid for no odd reason.
    Elphin plays Zeiss.
    Lilina heals Zeiss.
    Zeiss takes a blow from the Steel Axe Berserker and kills him in two Iron Sword stabs.
    Roy rescues Igrene and will perform a rescue-drop with Milady--but first:

    Wanted to show the whole groups.
    Milady takes Igrene from Roy's north, drops Igrene north, and then moves one space west of Igrene to end Turn 3.

    Igrene dodges the Hand Axe Berserker's attack and whittles his HP.
    Longbow Sniper misses Allen.

    Turn 4

    A little expansive place but not crammed with enemies...

    I like this.

    Elphin plays Lilina.
    Roy goes for the Berserker indirectly with the Binding Blade. I guess I can show this off.

    He takes it out of its sheath and--

    Fire-headed, Fire affinity, fire sword


    Not bad, not bad.
    It's still no Ragnell.
    Finite uses/10


    Lilina heals Zeiss.
    Allen gets rid of the Longbow Sniper.

    He's capped the two more important stats (Strength and Speed). He's prety much good for the rest of the game.

    Lance will move to Niime's north.

    General moves. He hits Zeiss with his Javelin.
    Fenrir Druid misses Saul. Saul hits him twice and gains chip EXP level.

    Boo, Saul.

    Turn 5

    I deliberately put Zeiss and Yoder out of range of the Hero just in case of he moves.
    Most likely doesn't but you never know. It reminds me of that one chapter in Lyn's mode with Rath and the switches. One of the enemies on the switch moved off the switch.

    Yoder weakens the General with no damage sustained.
    Lilina heals Zeiss. If she tries hard enough, she might be able to get to B staves. Won't that be something?
    Zeiss kills the General with his Javelin throw. He levels up!

    Maybe I should dump all the Speedwings on you or Roy.

    Who to give Dragonshields to...?

    Elphin plays Astore.

    Three free Wyrmslayers in a game? Odd. I'll take it, though.

    Lance throws his Javelin at the Druid and fells him.

    I want Roy to start catching up in levels, so I will have Milady stay out of enemy range this enemy phase.

    Hand Axe Berserker misses Shanna.
    Allen takes a hit from the Hand Axe Berserker before killing the enemy.

    Turn 6

    The west side has some time before getting to that other switch. It's times like these that I wish I had the Warp staff.

    Elphin plays Geese.
    Yoder attacks the Hero twice.
    Zeiss finishes off the Hero and levels up.

    Speed procs would be most appreciated.

    Shanna weakens the Hand Axe Berserker.
    Lance kills the Berserker off... or not. He misses twice with 86s. Oy vey.
    Saul kills off the Berserker so Chad won't explode or something.
    Allen equips the Iron Axe and ends the helpless Bishop's life.

    Don't mind me using another turn for Roy to get there.

    Turn 7

    Nobody moves.

    Shanna dodges and hits the Berserker twice.
    Lance ticks me off more as he wastes one Javelin use before crit-killing the Berserker. That breaks the Javelin.
    Lilina heals Zeiss.
    Elphin plays Yoder.

    Only spot that matters at this point.
    Roy has an Iron Sword on. We've got time on our side...

    Silver Axe Berserker misses Roy. Roy strikes back twice.

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