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Dual Dragons

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Posts posted by Dual Dragons

  1. but why not on wii u

    and of course they would sell it for one dollar each...

    well, it means Rare Games aint completely dead, which is nice

    Microsoft still owns the Rare company, unfortunately. I wish it was on the Wii U just for the old feeling of Rare being associated with Nintendo.

    I'm still new to how pricing should work. You still got Nintendo charging $5 for GBC games and Sony charging more than a $1 for any PSX game. I'm more surprised that Microsoft is pricing $1 for Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Viva Pinata--disregarding how well either did, of course.

    Heard of Playtonic Games? Some of the original members made that company and are making a new platformer duo game (what my current avatar is based on). I'm hoping that goes well as well!

    can you pick it apart for $1/game or is it just $30 collection for 30 games?

    From how I'm seeing it, it's a whole collection on a disc and probably will be the same deal on digital. But I'll admit that if they just put the single games on the store, that would be really great!

  2. On the XBox One (and hopefully Windows 10 when the linking finishes), Microsoft is releasing the Rare collection called Rare Replay on August 4th, 2015.


    It includes titles exclusive to Rare such as Battletoads, Banjo-Kazooie and its sequels, Jet Force Gemini, Viva Pinata, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, and more. Unfortunately it means the Donkey Kong Country games are out of the question, but you can get Conker's Bad Fur Day in its original N64 version (meaning, less censoring).

    I don't have the XBox One but hopefully it's available to Windows 10 (though I'll need to look into how the linking works) via what a friend told me. I'll have my fingers crossed!

    But for those that have XBox Ones, now you will be able to enjoy a collection of Rare games for a really cheap price!

  3. Congrats, Shadow Dragon. You can possibly be appreciated more now--and with a cheaper price!

    I think 11 USD should be good enough for its second-party Nintedo price.

    Though I was more surprised that the Attack on Titan series name didn't get EU localized.

    And I'm just surprised that anyone would take the original version over the 3DS one, I suppose. And I think the 3DS one is way better, so I like to try convincing people to get it if they're looking to play OoT.

    There are factors like money and what you put more stock in. Sure, the 3D one has better UI, updated graphics and music board and all that, but there are people who won't care for Master Quest or those updates, or they just have more fun with the original (and nostalgia). Also, GameStop... well... they charge ridiculously for pre-owned Nintendo games: http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds/games/the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-3ds/89884. For some reason, new is better priced but it's still 40 USD as opposed to EU eShop VC OoT for about 11 USD.

    3D is pretty much a direct port of N64 for the main game anyways (I followed a N64 guide and still got about all I basically needed) so if someone only cares about the main game and not so much on the updates, it's better to go with N64--if not for your wallet.

  4. I think what constitutes as a "superhero" is powers, setting, and race.

    Gandalf may not be a traditional "superhero" because it is expected of wizards to have his powers or similar powers in a fantasy setting.

    All of the Green Lanterns of diverse races may be considered superheroes because the Green Lantern powers are beyond each respective races' capabilities.

    Despite that he is a Kryptonian (thus it is expected for all of his race to have his powers), Superman is a superhero by the context set that he is on Earth and he is among humans.

    Batman has no "powers" so, by strictest terms, he's not a superhero. Besides the feats he may do that are "superhuman," he doesn't breach beyond what you could imagine for humans and the Gotham setting.

    I would be interested in getting into this contest if I can somehow puts words and ideas onto paper.

    - Does the main villain have to show up in the story? I do have one but if it's just "a day in the lives of superheroes," they may not show up (it's more of a surprise considering what they are). I could try to adjust if they must show up.

    - Do the superpowers have to be always beneficial to the superhero? For two members of my four-man team, I was planning to give them abilities that would sound good on paper but are hindrances in practice--basically because they can't "turn off" their power.

  5. Maybe in the further future. They did a recent 50% sale on Etrian Odyssey Untold and did mini sales on the SMT. Also on PSN, they did sales for Persona Ultimax and the DLC as well as the other Persona games (Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment specifically).

    I guess I would check eShop on occasion and Nintendo's website's offers section.

  6. It's really not worth the headache to conserve warp for later chapters, since it doesn't have much utility in FE7, relative to the other GBA games.

    You don't get Warp until after Battle Before Dawn.

    This map is pretty bad for some people, really. You don't even get Rescue before it.

    I used to split my forces, torch with thieves and Torch staff, and gung-ho it. Bust through the building on the left in one turn, punch it to the other door with the east team, and kill all in sight. I would draw out Ursula and kill her so she couldn't threaten Zephiel. Didn't rescue-chain at the time but you can try that with your high-movement units if you need to. Just be careful of the secondary boss on the west side.

    My problem was not NIno or Zephiel but Jaffar actually. The RNs were not going in his favor and he healed himself off the pillar. He died quickly.

  7. I liked it in FE4 because of what most people said. On a thematic level, it's the second gen having to clean up the mess that got started in the first gen and only one first gen returns to help (others being dead, unable, or unwilling). It's a relatable concept and it helps that they aren't as badly overpowered.

    Awakening answers the question of "What if the children were also able to work with the parents to make a better future?", which is also a nice concept--but making them too overpowered compared to the parents and using time-travel didn't help. I could think of ideas to make it better but it would probably remove features and weaken the kids.

  8. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is on sale for less than $6 right now. You should get that one as well, as it's the most polished pre-DS Zelda game.

    Argh. I wish I could but I don't have the Wii U unfortunately. I honestly would have if I was able to.

    Also, I'm not into time travel. But seasons? I like seasons. ^^

    You could say changing the seasons is "time-traveling" since seasons make up the years. Just a joke, though.

  9. Oh, this is pretty cool! Especially for those who were looking to get some of these. I myself had been considering Kid Icarus: Uprising. But I'm conflicted because while it does look kinda fun, I hear that the controls are wonky and I was never that good at games with controls like this one has. I looked at a little bit of a Let's Play, see. I see it also has some shooting elements going on, and I'm not really into that.

    From how little I played (it was a friend's copy), it was a bit wonky. Not to the point that the game is unbearable to play but it will take some getting used to.

    I don't know if you're able to do this, but I would suggest "borrowing" it from GameStop if you can. Buy a pre-used copy, play, and return within the seven days whether it's to your liking or not. You'll get your money back and you can see if you like it or not.

    I did make a topic but it was specifically about Oracle of Seasons and Ages and Etrian Odyssey: Untold, which I got all three now. While Etrian Odyssey is not a part of the E3 sale, it is 50% off ($12.99 from sale) and it's running about as long as the E3 sale, if anyone wants to pick that up.

  10. Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages are on a 30% sale and I'm wondering which one is considered better. I was planning to pick up one of the two and Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (50% off on eShop) as well.

    Now, I don't mind getting both if they are considered more or less equally good games--thing is: I'm not a big Legend of Zelda player. I beat Windwaker, own Twilight Princess, and am currently playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. Criteria like "world map's better" or "items are better," I wouldn't know about those in context of Legend of Zelda. As can be seen, I also never played any of the 2D or pre-N64 Zelda games.

    I've heard of some things, such as Ages being puzzle-oriented and Seasons being combat-oriented. Just by that, I would think Ages is better since it's not like you get stats other than HP and attack (not based on weapon/item) in Zelda. But like I said, if getting both is the better option since they are equally good, I don't mind getting all three games.

    **Extra: I'm also new to Etrian Odyssey (I played the demo to IV and have Persona Q). If anyone knows about those games (perhaps if Untold is not as good as IV or whatnot), that would be swell as well.

  11. Yeah, I would have left marriage to the paired ending too, but I thought the rules of this contest stated that romantic supports have to have an S rank?

    Sure, the Awakening S supports did marriage... I was assuming just from the rules it didn't (and I would 100% accept it if I was assuming wrong).

    I'd either go with what Cynthia said or make the S rank entirely optional if it has to include marriage.

  12. No worries. I wrote the S for Cheng x Syrus in mind that they would support with other people--I just tried to downplay any implications of marriage or very strong feelings ("that must mean I have a long to go on figuring you out" and "Well, me," from Syrus and "What you're really asking for... yes, the gates are open to you," for Cheng). Whether that worked or not, I don't know, but it was an attempt to avoid the big jump something like Awakening did.

    Personally, I would have relegated the marriage to the paired ending (like in the past FE games) and maybe had Marcia talk about Crimean knighthood or Crimean life and plans to stay there. I haven't brushed up Marcia's character but I don't recall if she thought of Crimea as a place she would call home or a great place to live in. She's certainly more flexible than Kieran but I don't know if she considers Begnion her one true home. She could have multiple reasons (i.e. her brother, Elincia being a great employer, etc.) to want to stay in Crimea and perhaps Kieran is ecstatic that Marcia is staying (he may or may not know his feelings at this point) that Marcia is staying as a permanent Crimean knight.

    I don't know. You could tweak it so Marcia drops a little more hints about liking Kieran (I see her the one most likely to). That's what I think anyways.

  13. Snowy, Lukas. I’ll forgive you—just this once!

    @Cheng x Syrus - Yeah, I realized in hindsight I wrote too much for a support. That's what I get for worrying writing a descriptive convo of non-established characters. I'll work on shortening OC x OC supports next time. Thanks!

    @Ricken x Lukas - Combing through Ricken's supports did get grating after so many instances of "I'M NOT A KID." If I write more with Lukas (who is admittedly one of my more weaker-written characters), I hope to show more of his social awkwardness and moments of excitability. I imagine him as one of those people who can get loud when he doesn't check himself, haha. I didn't notice the stylistic difference at first but reread it. Thanks!

    @Jill x Leonardo - I was following the RD rule of "everyone can support," so I deliberately picked a support that was an unlikely pairing choice. "Cautious" might have been too technical of a word choice, then. I'll keep that in mind.

    Thank you for the critiques!

    For everyone else:


    Torrel x Samba

    Pretty solid, I'd have to say. While I would have had Torrel speak to a beorc to get across the same effect, I completely understood why you chose Samba after reading the support. Samba was a bridge that Torrel could at least understand beorc ways until he might want to approach a beorc himself.

    The A was a little short, which I expected the C should have been.

    Boyd x Leo

    Boyd is the not the most savvy of people, let’s just say.

    The B support could have been longer but overall good.


    Deckson x McDuff

    Deckson reminds me of Virion. Also "Astaroth and the Terminators" does make me think of a band of some kind, haha.

    A good one as well. I could understand the characters' motivations.

    Delswin x Anna

    I could imagine this interaction between Anna and a thief or merchant, haha.

    A funnier support. I liked it.


    Kiel x Kenth

    Dragon laguz aren't established to read minds or emotions. Herons are (though when balance is more stabilized).

    Otherwise, the support works. It could have been fixed by maybe him transforming when they are in a fight or something.

    Bryan x Ike

    (post-)RD Ike’s characterization… I think you have some bits of Ike that are true but are being exaggerated. And some just don’t fit. He’s reserved and the most emotion I can get out of him is when Aimee is chasing him around—and he’s not even angry or irritated there, but like “No, Soren, don’t--!”

    A good concept but the characterization was off.

    Kieran x Marcia

    You have the characterization here more or less down pat—though I couldn’t imagine Kieran “d’aww’ing.

    Marcia could do to have more variation in her language. I’d maybe remove the second instance of “fruitcake.”

    The S rank could have better. I see Kieran as this guy who takes the reigns—even if recklessly. Sometimes people can get nervous that they act differently, but I think the nervousness should act somewhat close to their character. An outburst? Saying how they don’t know how these things work? I imagine Kieran as the character who knows what he wants to say and is very passionate but it comes off strange to the more ordinary person. I could sense some hinting in the previous ranks but I think those were more subtle while this one is right in your face (similar to Awakening’s support system).


    Sigrun x Haar

    I liked this support a lot. I liked how you did show Sigrun being suspicious because of Haar’s past betrayal.

    I don’t know if it’s because you axed the S support, but I keep reading the “friend” bits as stressed, as though they are defining a line which they can’t cross. I wouldn’t be opposed to an S as long as it was convincing; I just don’t know why I’m bothered about the “friend” inclusion. Maybe because I keep reading it as though it’s forced? Especially Sigrun’s line? It might even have to do with the dash.

    That’s about my own criticism with it and it’s minor.


    Lethe x Lyre

    I like the support but the B support doesn’t contribute much else that the C support didn’t do already.

    Tharja x Christine

    While Tharja is not psychopathic or sociopathic in the same vein as Henry, I felt her reaction to Christine’s darkness as very odd. I think back to Tharja x Libra and how she reacted to that. At first, she thought she could tap into Libra’s darkness for more curses and just was surprise/shocked that a man of the robe would have something so dark in him. In A, she has subtle respect for him for managing with it and even tells him he should find some happiness since the pain has been dispelled if even slightly.

    Tharja x Henry, yeah he’s as insane as ever. She responds with, “No, don’t do that. That would be problematic,” to his proposal with regards to the army. She’s more level-headed even if she is off from most sensibilities and manners. I don’t see why she couldn’t be as level-headed towards Christine.

    I found it hard to take Christine seriously with her A outburst and switch back to normalcy. It might have been better if it was toned down slightly and there was a better transition.

    Christine x Robin

    Slapping is pretty extreme to someone being depressed. If we’re talking actual depression, who knows what slapping will do to the person’s already low confidence. They already feel bad about themselves; taking frustration out on them might even leave them thinking it’s their fault for everything.

    Christine’s not a sound person, for sure. I just don’t necessarily approve the logic behind it.

    I'm still deciding. We did get some solid choices.

  14. At least it isn't Sirius...

    That would have been siriusly ok with me.

    This made everything better. Thank you.

    Mentioned this in another thread but...

    Silas's name was never Cyrus. All we had to go off of was the Japanese letters (which read 'sairasu'), and we just interpreted that to be Cyrus, but that happened to be wrong. There was never an official English spelling of his Japanese name before the localization (well maybe the Japanese have their own ideas of how it would be spelled in English, but I don't think that was ever revealed)

    Yep. I was hoping it wasn't "Silas." Cyrus and Silas would use the same Katakana, right?

    I'm petty--but now I am resolved to make Silas the best Cavalier the world has ever known because of his name. Matthis Cowlick Cavalier shall be the best Cavalier.

  15. ... *sees Cyrus got changed to Silas*



    Goddammit, if/Fates. I wanted you to not use that name. I sincerely hoped you wouldn't.

    Can I just have ONE thing in my life? You just had to take one of my FE-inspired characters' names and use it for your own.


  16. Pretty much I don't like Camilla's design because it's not practical on a character that's expected to tank a lot of hits.

    Camilla's chest is open for any attacks. The heart, sternum, and lungs are right there. The sternum can shatter, which can puncture lungs and/or rupture the aorta. This is actually the worrying thing in regards to "breast-sculpted armor" that you might see on Cordelia--but it gets a pass because some people figure it's armor that covers the breasts.

    If anyone is curious on what is actually the best thoracic armor for women, it's more like Cherche's--a men's armor. What you want is to redirect the attack, not bring it towards the sternum, which is what "breast-sculpted armor" does.

    While we can talk about other characters with ridiculous outfits (I can have a remark for about every character in regards to "practicality), there's also a limit we need to set. What about anyone with their neck exposed? The jugular is right there. Head exposed? Your brain.

    [spoiler=So what about Vaike and etc.?]

    Vaike is artistic liberty but just as dangerous if not more. This might get a pass because of the artistic liberty (we imagine Fighters as tough and reckless; being armorless on top pretty much defines that). It's eye candy for those that like Vaike, but no, in practicality standards, it's bad. But then we'd have to get rid of axes. Axes are not the most practical weapon, you know.

    Cherche can be just as bad if she's attacked from the back. I'm not sure how far deep an arrow or magic bolt would have to go to reach her vital organs. I've never been a fan of the exposed leg bit--why does it need to be there?--so can't say much there. There's gameplay and reality separation here because we NEVER see attacks from the back (see: Disgaea and Jeanne d'Arc, where where you're facing actually matters), so this makes it even harder to imagine in-game.

    I'm not knowledgeable on horse-riding armor but this is what I gathered for infantry armor: The exposed crotch area for Frederick actually can be expected. It's comfort and flexibility. Remember that that area also links the legs together, and you need to be able to shift your legs at least somewhat comfortably. What should have been expected was for the main armor to wrap around his entire legs up until getting to his crotch--then you put chain mail around the crotch area. I think it would be chain mail and then pants but that's my guess.

    I don't even know what the Pokemon Sabrina cuffs are doing on Orochi (are they weights? hand cuffs? someone tell me; I see chains but the ones in Pokemon don't; they're both magic-users in some way so does it heighten magic? I have no idea). Orochi as a Spellcaster is more or less consistent with the rule that the magic-users be less armored than the physical units (they're not expected to get up close), which is why the argument between Orochi vs. Camilla is not as consistent. But if you want me to be frank, if I were to design magic-users, I would at least put leather patches over their vitals at the very least. It's flexible, durable, and more comfortable--and we need to get some variety instead of always getting robes in every game that has a magic-user.

  17. Probably cutscene pronunciation. Isn't his Japanese name pronounced as two syllables? It would make sense in that regard; it's not like there's an easy way out, like Liz/Lissa.

    マークス (Ma--kusu) so three.

    It would have to depend on how they animated lips with regards to his name. Just judging from how I'm pronouncing the name, the lip motions for kusu are similar enough that they might animate it as one syllable. They're probably saying the kusu quick enough as well.

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